Premier Scholar Lecture|Long Denggao: Self-Governance in China

文摘   2024-07-06 20:51   美国  

Premier Scholars Lecture Series

Long Denggao:

The Institutional Traditions of Grassroots Self-Governance in China

in the 16th-19th Centuries

 The Institutional Traditions of Grassroots Self-Governance in China in the 16th-19th Centuries

Denggao LONG, Professor, Tsinghua University
             Advisory Council member, International Association for Law and Interdisciplinary Studies


Yueyuan CHEN, Lecturer, Beijing Normal University


Dandan Chen, Professor, SUNY Farmingdale

                   Founder, International Association for Law and Interdisciplinary Studies

                   Founder, Global Studies Forum

Hosted by

Co-hosted by

Date and Time:

Beijing Time       July 10, 2024, 8-10:00pm

Eastern Time      July 10, 2024, 8-10:00am

Webinar link:

Voov meeting: 165-934-511

Pin: 240711


Live Stream Platforms & Channels:

Global Studies Forum Bilibili Official Channel: 全球研究论坛:;

Live Stream Room ID27818660

“Global Studies Forum” Youtube Channel:

★ Program★


Denggao Long

Denggao LONG, Professor of Economics, School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University. He holds various leadership roles at the Center for Chinese Entrepreneur Studies and the Center for Economic History. He has also received multiple awards and holds several memberships, including the Laureate of the Sun Yefang Economic Science Award and the Expert Advisory Committee of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council.


Yuanyuan Chen

Yueyuan CHEN, lecturer of Business school, Beijing Normal University, with a Ph.D. in Economics from Tsinghua University and a Bachelor’s in Statistics from Nankai University. She focuses on property rights, land system and local governance in economic history and has published numerous papers in leading journals.


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