【Advances in Applied Energy】废水处理厂循环经济-能源-环境系统的操作

学术   科学   2024-10-03 18:31   美国  


Operation of a circular economy, energy, environmental system at a wastewater treatment plant




通过整合了电-水-气公用工程的循环经济、能源和环境系统,可以加强经济脱碳和改善环境。制氢可以通过减少生产过剩时期的弃电来促进间歇性可再生电力。与独立设施相比,将电解槽放置在具有污泥消化器的废水处理厂具有显着优势。作者提出了用于废水处理厂的共址电解和生物甲烷化技术。电解可以产生纯氧或增强氧曝气的氧气,从而减少40%的排放和处理设施的电力需求。氢气可用于新型生物甲烷化系统,升级沼气中的二氧化碳(CO2),使生物甲烷产量增加54%。一台操作在80%容量的10 MW电解槽将能够满足426,400人口等效的废水处理厂的氧气需求,每年产生8,500吨(tDS/a)干固体污泥。消化污泥可产生1,409,000 m3 CH4/a和776,000 m3 CO2/a。将CO2升级为甲烷将消耗电解槽产生的氢气的 22.2%,并捕获1.534 kt CO2e/a。氢气和甲烷是先进可行的运输燃料,可用于重型运输脱碳。在该循环经济、能源和环境系统中,每年将为94辆压缩生物甲烷气体(CBG)重型货车(HGV)和296辆压缩氢气燃料电池(CHG) HGV提供足够的燃料。更换同等数量的柴油重型货车将抵消大约16.1 kt CO2e/a。




Decarbonising economies and improving environment can be enhanced through circular economy, energy, and environmental systems integrating electricity, water, and gas utilities. Hydrogen production can facilitate intermittent renewable electricity through reduced curtailment of electricity in periods of over production. Positioning an electrolyser at a wastewater treatment plant with existing sludge digesters offers significant advantages over stand-alone facilities. This paper proposes co-locating electrolysis and biological methanation technologies at a wastewater treatment plant. Electrolysis can produce oxygen for use in pure or enhanced oxygen aeration, offering a 40% reduction in emissions and power demand at the treatment facility. The hydrogen may be used in a novel biological methanation system, upgrading carbon dioxide (CO2) in biogas from sludge digestion, yielding a 54% increase in biomethane production. A 10 MW electrolyser operating at 80% capacity would be capable of supplying the oxygen demand for a 426,400 population equivalent wastewater treatment plant, producing 8,500 tonnes dry solids per annum (tDS/a) of sludge. Digesting the sludge could generate 1,409,000 m3 CH4/a and 776,000 m3 CO2/a. Upgrading the CO2 to methane would consume 22.2% of the electrolyser generated hydrogen and capture 1.534 kt CO2e/a. Hydrogen and methane are viable advanced transport fuels that can be utilised in decarbonising heavy transport. In the proposed circular economy, energy, and environment system, sufficient fuel would be generated annually for 94 compressed biomethane gas (CBG) heavy goods vehicles (HGV) and 296 compressed hydrogen gas fuel cell (CHG) HGVs. Replacement of the equivalent number of diesel HGVs would offset approximately 16.1 kt CO2e/a.



Wastewater treatment

Biological methanation

Circular economy


Heavy-goods vehicles


Fig. 2. Graphical representation of Ireland's all-island wind dispatch-down in 2020.

Fig. 3. Breakdown of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) power demand.

Fig. 5. Comparison of on/off-shore wind speed frequencies.

Fig. 8. Electrolyser size vs H2 and O2 generated, and the number of wind turbines (8 MW, 10% curtailment) required to supply oxygen to a wastewater treatment plant in an offshore wind (East) scenario.

Fig. 10. WWTP PE relationship to sludge generated, and resultant m3 CH4 and CO2 produced from the digestion of sludge.

关于Applied Energy

本期小编:尧兢; 审核人:武龙星  

《Applied Energy》是世界能源领域著名学术期刊,在全球出版巨头爱思唯尔 (Elsevier) 旗下,1975年创刊,影响因子11.446,CiteScore 20.4,高被引论文ESI全球工程期刊排名第4,谷歌学术全球学术期刊第50,本刊旨在为清洁能源转换技术、能源过程和系统优化、能源效率、智慧能源、环境污染物及温室气体减排、能源与其他学科交叉融合、以及能源可持续发展等领域提供交流分享和合作的平台。开源(Open Access)姊妹新刊《Advances in Applied Energy》现已正式上线。在《Applied Energy》的成功经验基础上,致力于发表应用能源领域顶尖科研成果,并为广大科研人员提供一个快速权威的学术交流和发表平台,欢迎关注!




