2025-01-10 09:40
Environmental Labeling Certification, Export Duration, and Firm Export Resilience
《财经研究》2024年50卷第11期 页码:111-125 online:2024年11月3日
中:张兵兵1,2 , 王宁1 , 曹历娟1
英:Zhang Bingbing1,2, Wang Ning1, Cao Lijuan1
作者单位:1. 南京农业大学 经济管理学院,江苏 南京 210000; 2. 南京农业大学 资源环境与发展研究院,江苏 南京 210000
Summary: Environmental labeling certification, as a voluntary environmental regulation tool, represents an important initiative by the government to establish a multi-stakeholder environmental governance system. This paper explores the mechanisms through which environmental labeling certification affects the duration of firm export activities. Using the matched data from the Chinese Industrial Enterprises Database (2000–2014), Chinese Customs, and eco-label certified firms released by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, this paper treats environmental labeling certification as a quasi-natural experiment and applies a DID model to identify its net effect on export duration. The results show that environmental labeling certification significantly extends export duration. The findings are robust across placebo tests, alternative sample specifications, and adjustments for potential policy interference. The impact of environmental labeling certification on export duration varies significantly depending on corporate financial constraints, industry pollution intensity, and regional levels of digital economy development. Mechanism testing reveals that while environmental labeling certification can increase compliance costs and reduce export duration, it also mitigates information asymmetry and stimulates technological innovation, leading to longer export duration. Further expansion analysis suggests that export resilience improvement positively moderates the impact of environmental labeling certification on export duration. Therefore, expanding the coverage of environmental labeling certification and improving its institutional design are effective means to enhance export duration, stabilize trade relations, and promote high-quality economic development.
Key words: environmental labelling certification; export duration; export resilience; information asymmetry
基金项目:江苏省社会科学基金重大项目“新质生产力与产业深度转型升级研究”(24ZD005);农村现代化视阈下的中国农村经济管理学理论创新研究(2024JZDZ061);江苏省高校哲学社会科学实验室− 南京农业大学“大食物安全治理与政策智能实验室”