在第一年中,期刊发表了41篇高质量文章,涉及胃肠病学与肝病学各亚方向,既有对学术研究前沿的呈现,也有对重要医学进展的回顾。上一期回顾了高下载量和高被引文章,本期是高Altmetric(社会传播指标)和Editor's choice(编辑推荐)的文章精选,欢迎阅读! 文章精选(1)
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New horizons of human genetics in digestive diseases
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「相关论文信息」 Lanlan Chen, Guoyue Lv - New horizons of human genetics in digestive diseases: eGastroenterology 2023;1:e100029.
Alcohol-associated bowel disease: new insights into pathogenesis
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「相关论文信息」Maccioni L, Fu Y, Horsmans Y, et al. Alcohol-associated bowel disease: new insights into pathogenesis. eGastroenterology 2023;1:e100013. doi: 10.1136/egastro-2023-100013
PMID: 38362310
英国剑桥大学Stephen Burgess教授和丹麦哥本哈根大学Héléne Toinét Cronjé博士
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「相关论文信息」Burgess S, Cronjé HT. Incorporating biological and clinical insights into variant choice for Mendelian randomisation: examples and principles. eGastroenterology 2024;2:e100042. doi: 10.1136/egastro-2023-100042
Application of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma
新加坡国立大学Benjamin Koh教授和Cheng Han NG教授及团队
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「相关论文信息」Benjamin Koh, Pojsakorn Danpanichkul, Meng Wang, Darren Jun Hao Tan, Cheng Han Ng - Application of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma: eGastroenterology 2023;1:e100002.
澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Georgina L Hold教授及团队
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「相关论文信息」Robert D Little, Thisun Jayawardana, Sabrina Koentgen, Fan Zhang, Susan J Connor, Alex Boussioutas, Mark G Ward, Peter R Gibson, Miles P Sparrow, Georgina L Hold - Pathogenesis and precision medicine for predicting response in inflammatory bowel disease: advances and future directions: eGastroenterology 2024;2:e100006.
PMID: 38770349
美国堪萨斯大学医学中心Wen-Xing Ding教授及团队
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「相关论文信息」 Wen-Xing Ding, Xiaowen Ma, Sydney Kim, Shaogui Wang, Hong-Min Ni - Recent insights about autophagy in pancreatitis: eGastroenterology 2024;2:e100057.
ABCC2 p.R393W variant contributes to Dubin-Johnson syndrome by targeting MRP2 to proteasome degradation
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「相关论文信息」Rong-Yue Sun, Yi-Ming Chen, Mian-Mian Zhu, Ji-an Sun, Hong-Wei Wang, Chen-Yu Wu, Ting Zhu, Yu-Jing Gong, Chao-Sheng Lu, Luisa Ronzoni, Luca Valenti, Ming-Hua Zheng, Dan Wang - ABCC2 p.R393W variant contributes to Dubin-Johnson syndrome by targeting MRP2 to proteasome degradation: eGastroenterology 2024;2:e100039.
德国柏林夏里特医学院Frank Tacke教授和Adrien Guillot博士
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「相关论文信息」Guillot A, Tacke F. Spatial dimension of macrophage heterogeneity in liver diseases. eGastroenterology 2023;1:e000003. doi: 10.1136/egastro-2023-000003.
PMID: 37662449
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「相关论文信息」Maccioni L, Fu Y, Horsmans Y, et al. Alcohol-associated bowel disease: new insights into pathogenesis. eGastroenterology 2023;1:e100013. doi: 10.1136/egastro-2023-100013
瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院Christina Villard教授及团队
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「相关论文信息」Christina Villard, Carl Jorns, Annika Bergquist - Treatment of cholangiocarcinoma in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis: a comprehensive review: eGastroenterology 2024;2:e100045.