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朱秋劲,教授,博士生导师,2007年获得江南大学食品营养与安全专业博士学位。现任贵州大学酿酒与食品工程学院副院长,Food Science of Animal Products编委、《肉类研究》科学副主编,《乳业科学与技术》等学术期刊编委,《食品科学》、Food Chemistry、Foods等期刊审稿专家。贵州省第三批百层次人才项目获得者,贵州省第八批省管专家,贵州省生态特色肉制品科技创新人才团队领衔人。目前的研究方向有畜产品加工与贮藏工程、食品营养与安全、微生物学。组建了一支以畜产食品加工、营养、安全相互交融的技术研发团队。主持国家自然科学基金项目4 项,承担省科技项目共10余项;参与国家级、省部级纵向项目近20 项;主持和参与各种横向合作项目20余项。发表学术论文200余篇,其中英文SCI 论文30余篇,主持和参与编制地方标准4 项,团体标准1项;主编和副主编著作各1 部,参编教材4 部,参编著作1 部;主持获贵州省科技进步三等奖2 项,省级优秀论文三等奖2 项,黔东南州科技合作奖1 项,贵州省农业丰收二等奖1 项;获得国家发明授权专利和转让的发明专利共10 件,澳大利亚革新专利1 件。
Elucidation of potential relationship between endogenous proteases and key flavor substances in dry-cured pork coppa
Mingming Lia,b, Qiujin Zhub,*, Chao Qua,c, Xiaohui Gongb, Yunhan Zhanga, Xin Zhanga,c,*, Shouwei Wanga,c
a China Meat Research Center, Beijing 100068, China
b Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory of Agricultural and Animal Products Storage and Processing, School of Liquor & Food Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
c Beijing Academy of Food Sciences, Beijing 100068, China
*Corresponding author.
Dry-cured meat products are considerably popular around the world due to unique flavor. Proteolysis is one of the enzymatic reactions from which flavor substances are derived, which is affected by endogenous proteases. The purpose aimed to reveal the potential relationship between endogenous proteases and key flavor substances in dry-cured pork coppa in this paper. The dynamic changes of endogenous proteases activity, free amino acids, and volatiles during dry-cured pork coppa processing were characterized. The results showed that 5 kinds of free amino acids, Glu, Lys, Val, Ala, and Leu, were identified as significant contributors to taste. Meanwhile, key volatiles, such as hexanal, nonanal, octanal, benzaldehyde, 3-methyl butanoic acid, 2-methyl propanoic acid, and ethyl octanoate, greatly contributed to the flavor characteristics of dry-cured pork coppa. Further partial correlation analysis was performed to better elucidate the relationship among parameters. The results revealed that close relationship between endogenous proteases and key substances. RAP not only significantly affected the accumulation of key active-amino acids, but also affected the accumulation of ethyl octanoate, 2,3-pentanedione, and 2,3-octanedione by regulating the accumulation of octanoic acid and Leu. In addition, cathepsin B and D, DPP Ⅱ, DPP Ⅳ and RAP notably affected accumulation of hexanal.
LI M M, ZHU Q J, QU C, et al. Elucidation of potential relationship between endogenous proteases and key flavor substances in dry-cured pork coppa[J]. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2024, 13(4): 2152-2160. DOI:10.26599/FSHW.2022.9250179.