Feldenkrais Method|"No, Mobi is looking for Mobi"Thich Nhat Hanh

文摘   生活   2023-04-27 14:33   北京  


Quotes by Feldenkrais

In the Intro Awareness Through Movement session, we began by reading through 10 quotes and becoming aware of how each of us organizes our posture, breath, the whole self while reading. Then, each participant shared one quote that spoke to them.

"Easily, simply, comfortably. It is exactly the opposite of what they say on the television: Higher, faster, stronger.
Here we say: Slower, More comfortably, More pleasantly."

One participant shared his experience with the temptation of lifting heavier weights even though he "knows" his muscle groups are not yet efficiently organized. 

"Be sure your intention is clearly present in your movement. The movement organizes itself when your intention is clear."

Two participants picked this one. One shared that in long-distance running, she has experienced what the quote is indicating. When she had clear intention, her movement became self-organized, and as if she is not running, but she is part of the running experience.

The other participant recalled moments at work when she would begin to get tired but the desire
toget work done before the deadline would take control. As a result, she would end up feeling exhausted.

"What I'm after isn't flexible bodies but flexible brains. What I'm after is to restore each person to their human dignity."

Our fourth participant found this philosophical quote to be interesting. He referred to his experience in Yoga, and meditation -- "to conquer the mind". 

We then dived into a lesson from Moshe Feldenkrais's book Awareness Through Movement. 

What touched me most was how quiet the room was, and how comfortable we all were to just sit with that quietness for minutes after the lesson. 

We often share using words; to offer space, to listen, to remain quiet, to be with oneself is another form.

Before we left, one participant shared the trajactory of sensations she received. She felt comfortable in the beginning, but as time passed her sources of pain emerged. Once she become aware of the the pain points, connected with them, and let them be, the discomfort began to disappear.

Another participant shared her observation that her body has a mind of its own. In walking, and sensing the space, her body wanted to touch the wall, to drop low down to the floor. Her body has a mind, the wisdom of its own.

This reminded of me a story in The Miracle of Mindfulness told by the translator:

There was the time I was cooking furiously and could not find a spoon I'd set down amid a scattered pile of pans and ingredients. As i searched here and there, Thay entered the kitchen and smiled. He asked, "What is Mobi looking for?" Of course, I answered, "The spoon! I'm looking for a spoon!" Thay answered, again with a smile, "No, Mobi is looking for Mobi."

各处分身游走 直到自己成为路
Live an Embodied Life

超个人心理学|具身现象学|身心学 | soulwork|生·活

透由「情绪、心身关系探询」希望和「ni」一同在处处游走分身之后,自己成为路 live an embodied life