
文摘   2024-10-18 17:06   浙江  

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At the end of September, Grade 11 students from Huamao NAP project immersed themselves in a variety of historical displays, engaging profoundly with the ancient past.

They observed, contemplated, and even emulated ancient lifestyles, establishing a tangible connection to their ancestors. The exhibition emphasized the wisdom and resilience of early humans, from the Yuanmou Man to the dawn of civilization, enabling students to experience a sense of continuity and shared history.

Interactive exhibits and digital imagery transformed textbook knowledge into vivid, emotional experiences. This immersive history class not only broadened students' horizons but also ignited a passion for understanding human origins and the significance of our civilization's accomplishments.

It was a journey that touched the boundaries of knowledge and served as a profound exploration of human history and the enigmas of our beginnings.

The lesson, "History Class in the Museum," profoundly illustrated the exceptional importance of museums as classrooms of history. Students not only absorbed textbook knowledge within the exhibitions but also deepened their understanding of history through interactive experiences.

They learned how to engage in self-directed learning and teamwork within a museum setting, and the cultivation of these skills will positively influence their future studies and lives.

The Huamao NAP project has proven through its teaching practices that learning can occur in any environment that inspires thought and reflection. We look forward to future activities that will provide students with a broader learning space and allow them to explore freely in the vast ocean of knowledge.





▲ passion!!!🥳🤟多图直击华茂教育第二十五届运动会🤳

▲ 报名 | 10月26日、27日华茂教育全学段开放日

▲ 同梦·同行——我与创始人面对面

