
文摘   2025-01-09 12:25   日本  





































I don’t have a goal.

When I was in the university I used to go for a walk in the morning, evening, anytime… Morning and evening absolutely, but if there was another time available, I would also go for a walk then, because the place and the trees and the road were so beautiful, and so covered with big trees from both sides that even in the hottest summer there was shadow on the road.

One of my professors who loved me very much used to watch me: that some days I would go on this road, some days on that road. There was a pentagon in front of the gate of the university, five roads going in five directions, and he lived just near there; his were the last quarters near the gate. He asked me,“Sometimes you go on this road, sometimes on that road. Where do you go?”

I said,“I don’t go anywhere. I just go for walking.”If you are going somewhere then certainly you will go on the same road; but I was not going anywhere, so it was just whimsical. I just came to the pentagon and I just used to stand there for a little while. That was making him more puzzled: how do I figure it out, what do I figure out standing there?

I used to figure out where the wind was blowing. Whichever way the wind was blowing I would also go; that was my way.“So sometimes,”he would say,“You have been going on the same road for a week continually; sometimes you go only one day, and the next day you change. What do you do there? And how do you decide?”

And I told him,“It is very simple. I stand there and I feel which road is alive--where the wind is blowing. I go with the wind. And it is beautiful going with the wind. I jog, I run, whatsoever I want to do. And the wind is there, cool, available. So I just figure it out.”

Life is not going somewhere.

It is just going for a morning walk.

Choose wherever your whole being is flowing, where the wind is blowing. Move on that path as far as it leads, and never expect to find anything.

Hence I have never been surprised, because I have never been expecting anything--so there is no question of surprise: everything is surprise. And there is no question of disappointment: everything is appointment.

If it happens, good; if it does not happen, even better.

Once you understand that moment-to-moment living is what religion is all about, then you will understand why I say drop this idea of God, heaven and hell, and all that crap.

Just drop it completely because this load of so many concepts is preventing you from living moment to moment. Live life in an organic unity. No act should be partial, you should be involved fully in it.

A Zen story:

A very curious king, wanting to know about what these people go on doing in the monasteries, asked,“Who is the most famous master?”Finding out that the most famous master of those days was Nan-in, he went to his monastery. When he entered the monastery he found a woodcutter. He asked him,“The monastery is big, where can I find Master Nan-in?”

The man thought with closed eyes for a few moments, and he said,“Right now you cannot find him.”

The king said,“Why can’t I find him right now? Do you understand that I am the emperor?”

He said,“That is irrelevant. Whoever you are, that is your business, but I assure you, you cannot find him right now.”

“Is he out?”asked the king.

“No, he is in,”replied the woodcutter.

The king said,“But is he involved in some work, in some ceremony, or in isolation? What is the matter?”

The man said,“He is right now cutting wood in front of you. And when I am cutting wood, I am just a woodcutter. Right now where is Master Nan-in? I am just a woodcutter. You will have to wait.”

The emperor thought,“This man is mad, simply mad. Master Nan-in cutting wood?”He went ahead, and left the woodcutter behind. Nan-in again continued to cut wood. The winter was coming close, and wood had to be stored. The emperor could wait, but winter wouldn’t wait.

The emperor waited one hour, two hours--and then from the back door came Master Nan-in, in his master’s robe. The king looked at him. He looked like the woodcutter, but the king bowed down. The master sat there, and he asked,“Why have you taken so much trouble to come here?”The king said,“There are many things, but those questions I will ask later on. First I want to know: are you the same man who was cutting wood?”

He said,“Now I am Master Nan-in. I am not the same man; the total configuration has changed. Now here I am sitting as Master Nan-in. You ask as a disciple, with humbleness, receptivity. Yes, a man very, very similar to me was cutting wood there, but that was a woodcutter. His name is also Nan-In.”

The king got so puzzled that he left without asking the questions he had come to ask. When he went back to his court, his advisers asked what happened. He said,“What happened it is better to forget about. This Master Nan-In seems to be absolutely insane! He was cutting wood; he said, ‘I am a woodcutter and Master Nan-In is not available right now.’Then the same man came in a master’s robe and I asked him, and he said,‘A similar man was cutting the wood, but he was the woodcutter; I am the master.’”

One of the men in the court said,“You have missed the point of what he was trying to say to you--that when cutting wood he is totally involved in it. Nothing is left which can claim to be Master Nan-In; nothing is left out, he is just a woodcutter.”

And in Zen language, which is difficult to translate, he was saying not exactly that“I am a woodcutter,”he was saying,“Right now it is wood cutting not a woodcutter--because there is not even space for the cutter.”It is simply wood being chopped, and he is so totally in it, it is only wood cutting: wood cutting is happening. And when he comes as a master, of course, it is a different configuration. The same parts are now in a different accord. So with each action you are a different person, if you get totally involved in it.

Buddha used to say,“It is just as the flame of the candle looks the same, but is never the same even for two consecutive moments. The flame is continuously becoming smoke, new flame is coming up. The old flame is going out, the new flame is coming up. The candle that you had burned in the evening is not the same candle that you will blow out in the morning. This is not the same flame that you had started; that has gone far away, nobody knows where. It is just a similarity of the flame that gives you the illusion that it is the same flame.”

The same is true about your being. It is a flame. It is a fire.

Each moment your being is changing, and if you get involved totally in anything then you will see the change happening in you--each moment a new being, and a new world, and a new experience. Everything suddenly becomes so full of newness that you never see the same thing again.

Then naturally, life becomes a continuous mystery, a continuous surprise. On each step a new world opens up, of tremendous meaning, of incredible ecstasy.

When death comes, death too is not seen as something separate from life. It is part of life, not an end of life. It is just like other happenings: love had happened, birth had happened. You were a child, and then childhood disappeared; you became a young man, and then the young man disappeared; you became an old man, and then the old man disappeared--how many things have been happening! Why don’t you allow death also to happen just like other incidents?

And actually the person who has lived moment to moment lives death too, and finds that all the moments of life can be put on one side and the one moment of death can be put on the other side, and still it weighs more. In every way it weighs more because it is the whole life condensed; and something more added to it, which was never available to you. A new door opening, with the whole life condensed: a new dimension opening.






