Just think of a river in cold winter. When icebergs start appearing certain parts of the water are now frozen. Then more cold comes, the temperature falls below zero and the whole river is frozen. Now there is no movement, no flow. Consciousness is a river, a stream--with more thoughts, the stream is frozen. If there are so many thoughts, so many‘thought-hindrances’, there is no possibility of any flow. Then the river is completely frozen. You are already dead.
But if the river is completely flowing, if you melt down the icebergs, if you melt down all that has frozen, all the thoughts... That is what meditation is all about: it is an effort to defreeze all thoughts. They can be converted again into consciousness. Then the river flows, then the river has a flow to it, and alive, vibrant, dancing, it moves toward the sea. Why do people like to be frozen? Because a frozen river cannot move to the sea. Sea means death. The river will disappear, disappear for ever, it will become one with the infinite, it will not be any longer an individual. It will not have its own name: the Ganges will not be Ganges then, the Volga will not be Volga. They disappear into the uncharted.
If the mind is afraid, it becomes a whirlwind of thoughts. If you are too much of a thinking man, continuously thinking from morning to evening, from evening to morning, in the day, thoughts and thoughts and thoughts, in the night, dreams and dreams and dreams--your river is frozen. That too is part of fear: your river is so frozen that you cannot move, so the ocean remains far away. If you move, you will fall into the ocean.
Meditation is an effort to defreeze you. Thoughts by and by melt like snow, become flowing again, and mind becomes a stream. Now nothing hinders it, it moves unhindered towards the sea.
If consciousness becomes meditative then you accept death, then death is nothing apart, it is you. Then you accept death as repose; then you accept death as a final relaxation; then you accept death as a retirement. You retire. The whole day you have worked hard, in the evening you come home, and then you go to sleep, you retire. Life is like the day, death is like the night.
But fear, anxiety, a time neurosis--it is becoming chronic. It is almost as if it has become second nature to be continuously alert that time is passing and to be afraid. The fear is basically that“I have not yet been able to live and time is moving. It cannot be recovered; I cannot undo it; once gone it is gone forever. And every day life is shrinking, becoming smaller and smaller and smaller.”
The fear is not of death, the fear is of time, and if you look deeply into it then you find that the fear is of an unlived life--you have not been able to live. If you live, then there is no fear. If life comes to a fulfillment there is no fear. If you have enjoyed, attained the peaks that life can give--if your life has been an orgasmic experience, a deep poetry vibrating within you, a song, a festival, a ceremony, and you lived each moment of it to its totality--then there is no fear of time. Then the fear disappears.
You are ready even if death comes today, you are ready: you have known life. In fact you will welcome death because now a new opportunity opens. A new door, a new mystery is revealed.“I have lived life. Now death is knocking at the door, I will jump to open the door. Come in!--because life I have known, I would like to know you also.”
That’s what happened to Socrates when he was dying. His disciples started crying and weeping--and it was natural. Socrates opened his eyes and said,“Stop! What are you doing? Why are you crying and weeping? I have lived my life and I have lived it totally. Now death is coming and I’m very very enthusiastic about it. I am waiting with such great love and longing and with hope. A new door opens, life reveals a new mystery.”
Somebody asked,“Are you not afraid?”
Socrates said,“I don’t see the point of why one should be afraid of death... because in the first place I don’t know what is going to be. Secondly, there are only two possibilities: either I will survive--then there is no problem of having any fear --or I will not survive. Then too there is no problem of having any fear. If I don’t survive there is no problem--when I am not, there cannot be any problem-- and if I survive as I am here, if my consciousness survives, there is no problem because I am still there. Problems were there in life also; I solved them. So if I am there and there are problems I will solve them.”
It is always a joy to solve a problem; it gives a challenge. You take the challenge, you move into it, and when you solve it a great release of happiness happens.
The fear of death is fear of time. And the fear of time is, deeply down, fear of unlived moments, of an unlived life.
So what to do?
Live more, and live more intensely. Live dangerously. It is your life. Don’t sacrifice it for any sort of foolishness that has been taught to you. It is your life: Live it! Don’t sacrifice it for words, theories, countries or politics. Don’t sacrifice it for anybody. Live it! Don’t think that it is courageous to die.
The only courage is to live life totally; there is no other courage.
Dying is very simple and easy. You can go and jump off a cliff, you can hang yourself --it is such an easy thing. You can become a martyr to a country, to a god, to a religion, to a church... All butchers! All murderers!
Don’t sacrifice yourself. You are here for yourself and for nobody else.
Then live. And live in total freedom so intensely that every moment is transformed into eternity. If you live a moment intensely it is transformed into eternity. If you live a moment intensely you move into the vertical, you drop out of the horizontal.
There are two ways of being related with time: one is just to swim on the surface of the ocean; the other is to dive deep, to go to the depths.
If you are just swimming on the ocean of time you will always be afraid because the surface is not the reality. The surface is not really the ocean, it is just the boundary, it is just the periphery. Go to the depth, move towards the depth. When you live a moment deeply you are no longer part of time.
If you have been in love, deeply in love, time disappears. When you are with your beloved or your lover or your friend suddenly there is no time. You are moving in depth. If you have loved music, if you have a musical heart, you know time stops. If you have a sense of beauty, aesthetic sensibility and sensitiveness--look at a rose and time disappears. Look at the moon and where is time? The clock immediately stops. The hands go on moving but time stops. If you have loved anything deeply you know that you transcend time. The secret has been revealed to you many times. Life itself reveals it to you.
Life would like you to enjoy.Life would like you to celebrate. Life would like you to participate so deeply that there is no repentance for the past, that you don’t remember the past because every moment you go more and more deep. Every moment life becomes more and more beautiful, more orgasmic, a peak experience. By and by, when you become attuned to the peak, that becomes your abode.
That’s how an enlightened man lives, he lives totally and moment to moment. Somebody asked a Zen master,“Since enlightenment what have you been doing?”He said,“I carry water from the well, I cut wood in the forest, when I feel hungry I eat, and when I feel sleepy I sleep--that’s all.”
But remember well, when a man who has come to a deep understanding of his own being cuts wood, he simply cuts wood; there is nobody else there. In fact the cutter is not there; only the cutting of the wood, the chopping. The chopper is not there because the chopper is the past. When he eats he simply eats.
Another great Zen master has said,“When sitting, sit; when walking, walk. Above all, don’t wobble.”
Time is a problem because you have not been living rightly. It is symbolic, it is symptomatic. If you live rightly the problem of time disappears; the fear of time disappears. So, what to do?
Each moment, whatsoever you are doing, do it totally. Simple things: taking a bath, take it totally. Forget the whole world! Sitting, sit; walking, walk. Above all don’t wobble. Sit under the shower and let the whole existence fall on you. Be merged with those beautiful drops of water falling on you. Small things: cleaning the house, preparing food, washing clothes or going for a morning walk, do them totally. Then there is no need for any meditation.
Meditation is nothing but a way to learn how to do a thing totally.
Once you have learnt, made your whole life a meditation, forget all about meditations: let the life be the only law, let the life be the only meditation. Then time disappears, and remember when time disappears, death disappears. Then you are not afraid of death. In fact you wait for it.
Just think of the phenomenon: when you wait for death how can death exist?
This waiting is not suicidal, this waiting is not pathological. You lived your life. If you have lived your life death becomes the very peak of it all. Death is the climax of life, the pinnacle, the crescendo.
You lived all the small waves of eating, drinking, sleeping, walking and making love --small waves and great waves you lived. Then comes the greatest wave: you die. You have to live that too in its totality. Then one is ready to die. That very readiness is the death of death itself.
That’s how people have come to know that nothing dies. Death is impotent if you are ready to live it; death is very powerful if you are afraid.
Unlived life gives power to death. A totally lived life takes all power from death. Death is not.