
文摘   2024-09-13 09:00   美国  


Alright, folks, let's dive into the wild world of language learning, but let’s keep it real and sprinkle in a bit of humor, shall we? So, there was this student from Hunan Yali High School who got me thinking about something pretty neat in language learning: "signifiers" and "signifieds." Sounds fancy, right? But stay with me—it's actually pretty cool once you get the hang of it.

Ferdinand de Saussure, a big shot in the world of linguistics, came up with this idea. He split words into two parts: the "signifier" (basically, the word itself) and the "signified" (what pops into your head when you hear that word). Imagine someone talking about "pizza." The word "pizza" is the signifier, and that delicious, cheesy goodness you're picturing? That's the signified. Saussure's point is that we shouldn't just get stuck on the word. Or, as a famous quote put it, “When a wise man points at the moon, the imbecile examines the finger.” So don't just stare at the finger pointing to the moon, you'll miss all the lunar beauty.

This concept is a game-changer for language learners, especially for those who feel like they're just memorizing a shopping list of words and grammar rules. It's not just about swapping an English word for its Chinese counterpart or vice versa; it's about getting to the juicy stuff—the real-life context and the stories behind the words.

Stephen Krashen, another language guru, tossed in his two cents with the "Input Hypothesis." He basically said that to really get a language, you need to stuff your brain with loads of quality content. This is absolutely true, but not nearly enough. Having input alone is like trying to learn to cook by just reading the ingredients list without ever actually tasting the food. Not going to happen, right?

So don’t stop there, let's not forget our buddy Lev Vygotsky, who talked about the "Zone of Proximal Development." This fancy term is just a way of saying that learning with a little help from your friends (or teachers) can push you to achieve more than flying solo. It's like when you're trying to lift weights at the gym, and having a spotter helps you pump out that one last rep you thought was impossible.

So, what's the takeaway from our linguistic joyride? First off, ditch the idea that language learning is just memorizing words and grammar rules. It's more like exploring a new city than doing your math homework. You've got to dive into the culture, the books, the movies—get lost in the streets of the language, so to speak.

And let's keep it light-hearted. Remember, every Shakespeare play was once new, and even he had to learn his ABCs. So, as you embark on this linguistic adventure, remember to look beyond the signifiers and dive into the rich, cheesy, delightful world of the signified. Who knows? You might just find the language learning journey is more about enjoying the scenery than reaching the destination. Cheers to that!

Zero to Hero英文原版书单 | 25门导师进阶方案(最新!)


1. 年龄工作或所在学校和年级

2. 学习目标(eg: 高考、美高、美本、工作进修)

3. 目前的英语能力水平描述,提供测词结果 (精确到百位) http://testyourvocab.com/  英语能力的量化评估:如何测词,理解自己的词汇水位?



  • 2010年外研社演讲大赛全国季军;

  • 2009年中央电视台希望之星风采大赛四川省冠军;

  • 屡次在国际英国议会制辩论赛获奖;

  • 人事部口、笔译二级(CATTI);

  • 托福118,口语写作阅读满分。

  • 演讲、辩论教练;托福雅思词汇,GRE教学专家;留学规划申请专家。

  • 众多学生获得各类演讲大赛全国大奖,不少考入世界著名高中大学,如全美排名第一的高中Phillips Academy Andover(菲利普斯·安多弗)。指导学生申请成绩斐然,如帮助成功申请到斯坦福大学东亚系博士项目,芝加哥大学本科。
