
财富   2025-01-12 10:00   天津  



《Journal of Insurance Regulation》由美国保险监管协会(NAIC)出版发行,是一个专注于保险监管和相关政策领域的学术期刊。每年发表学术论文12篇左右。该期刊主要发表关于保险监管、法规、政策和相关实践的原创研究论文、评论文章和案例研究。它旨在为保险监管领域的研究人员、政策制定者和行业从业者提供一个交流和分享最新研究成果的平台。

《Journal of Risk and Uncertainty》为双月刊,每年6期,每期发表文章4篇左右。2022-2023年影响影子为4.7,JCR分区为Q1,是风险与保险领域的顶级权威学术期刊。该期刊以研究不确定性下的风险承担行为和决策分析的理论或实证文章为特色,涵盖的主题包括:决策理论和不确定性经济学、不确定性下的选择心理模型、风险和公共政策、不确定性下的行为实证分析,以及对现实世界风险承担行为的实证研究。








※ 本期目录

Sectoral Asset Concentrations and Insurance Solvency Regulation

Automobile Diminished Value Claims

Effects of the McHugh Decision on California’s Life Insurance Market

Subjective beliefs, health, and health behaviors

A systematic review of unique methods for measuring discount rates

Inequality and risk preference

A puzzle of roulette gambling

Sectoral Asset Concentrations and Insurance Solvency Regulation



Fabian Regele(法兰克福大学);

Helmut Gründl(法兰克福大学)

摘要:Historical evidence, like the global financial crisis from 2007–2009, highlights that sectoral asset concentrations can play an important role in the solvency of insurers. Yet, current regulatory frameworks, such as the U.S. risk-based capital (RBC) framework, neglect sectoral asset concentrations in the determination of capital requirements, potentially underestimating the asset portfolio’s systematic loss exposure and reducing incentives for corresponding risk mitigation. By creating a detailed data sample of U.S. insurers’ asset holdings from 2009 to 2018 by means of their statutory filings, we find that insurers concentrate their assets particularly toward the financial, public, and real estate sector and that sectoral asset concentrations toward the public sector are associated with improved solvency, while concentrations toward the real estate sector weaken solvency. Our findings can serve as a starting point to revise current regulatory practices, particularly in terms of creating proactive incentives for insurers to mitigate the accumulation of systematic risk exposures associated with sectoral asset concentrations.



Automobile Diminished Value Claims



Brenda P.Wells-Dietel(美国东卡罗来纳大学), Asligul Erkan-Barlow(美国东卡罗来纳大学),

William Walkowiak(碰撞安全顾问公司)

摘要:This paper discusses the diminished value concept in automobile insurance and examines the variances in state laws regarding first- and third-party diminished value claims. The factors that impact diminished value are identified, including certain intangible factors that cannot be measured or quantified. The existing methods employed for calculating diminished value are presented. In conclusion, insurance providers, regulators, courts, and lawmakers are invited to further consider the topic of interest and make adjustments to improve the predictability of diminished value claims.



Effects of the McHugh Decision on California’s Life Insurance Market



Lars Powell(阿拉巴马大学),Sebastain Awondo(阿拉巴马大学),Boyi Zhuang(阿拉巴马大学)

摘要:The McHugh decision, a landmark ruling in California’s insurance law, determined that the notice requirements preceding policy lapse were applicable to all policies in effect at the time, not just those written after the law was enacted. As a result, many policy cancellations for nonpayment of premiums can be deemed incomplete, making life insurers potentially liable for death benefits on these lapsed policies. This decision has reshaped the dynamics of the state’s life insurance market. This paper examines the implications of McHugh on California’s life insurance industry by estimating potential costs and liabilities for life insurers. Our findings reveal significant financial costs, with an estimated liability of up to $22.4 billion for life insurers in California. These insights provide valuable guidance for insurers in risk management, product design, and financial planning, and also inform policymakers on regulatory enhancements and market oversight strategies.

麦克休案的判决是加利福尼亚州保险法的一项里程碑式的裁决,它确定了保单失效前的通知要求应适用于当时有效的所有保单,而不仅仅是那些在法律颁布后签发的保单。因此,许多因未支付保费而取消的保单可被视为不完整,使得人寿保险公司可能要对这些失效保单上的死亡给付负责。这一决定重塑了该州人寿保险市场的动态。本文通过估算寿险公司的潜在成本和责任,探讨了麦克休案对加州寿险业的影响。我们的研究结果揭示了巨大的财务成本,估计加利福尼亚州的人寿保险公司将承担高达 224亿美元的责任。这些见解为保险公司的风险管理、产品设计和财务规划提供了宝贵的指导,也为政策制定者提供了加强监管和市场监督策略的信息。


Subjective beliefs, health, and health behaviors



Frank A.Sloan(杜克大学)

摘要:This article reviews economic studies based on data from high income countries published from 2007 to early 2024 to address three questions:(1)How accurate are subjective beliefs, mainly measured by subjective probabilities, compared to their objective counterparts? Objective evidence comes from another source (e.g., life table, empirical study, expert opinion), or subsequent realizations of beliefs elicited at baseline.(2)How are subjective beliefs determined?(3)Do subjective beliefs affect health behaviors? Several domains are included: survival, and health behaviors—smoking, alcohol consumption and impaired driving, preventive care, diet, and COVID-19 precautions. Results on a single domain, (e.g., survival), do not generalize to, e.g., COVID-19 results. Subjective probabilities embody private information (e.g., self-assessed health, parent longevity). However, individuals seem insufficiently informed about population-level probabilities. There is no systematic overestimation or underestimation of objective probabilities. Several determinants of beliefs are identified (demographic characteristics, education, cognition, current self-assessed health, health histories), but evidence on underlying mechanisms is lacking, how determinants, (e.g., education), affect beliefs. Subjective beliefs, even with substantial noise, often affect health behaviors. Given prior evidence that beliefs are influenced by health shocks, this article reviews research on effects of health shocks on health behaviors. A major health shock to an individual—a new diagnosis (e.g., diabetes) or a serious adverse health event (e.g., heart attack), by changing subjective probabilities leads to some healthier behaviors, however, sometimes only temporarily. Behaviors may also be influenced by utility loss following a health shock, e.g., learning about pecuniary and non-pecuniary costs of hospitalization.



A systematic review of unique methods for measuring discount rates



Stefan A.Lipman(鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学), Arthur E.Attema(鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学)

摘要:Discount rates play a pivotal role in various fields, capturing the trade-off between present and future, influencing predictions of unhealthy behaviors. Despite substantial variations in discount rates across studies, methods, and individuals, our goal was to systematically overview diverse methods for measuring discount rates. We conducted a comprehensive literature review across multiple databases, targeting English studies introducing and utilizing discounting measurement methods in human subjects. Two authors screened titles and abstracts, with full text review split between them. Extracted data encompassed bibliographic details, theoretical aspects (e.g., discount function), and operational features (e.g., elicitation procedure). After deduplication, 4976, 218, and 83 records underwent title and abstract screening, full text screening, and inclusion, respectively. A total of 86 unique methods were identified. Predominantly, methods were devised for money (75%) and health (22%) discounting. Network analysis on citations indicated limited cross-disciplinary overlap. Only about one fourth, one third, and one third of methods possessed theoretically desirable traits: i) allowance for negative discount rates, ii) application of multiple discount functions, and iii) correction for non-linear utility of outcomes. Diverse discounting measurement methods exist, showcasing varied theoretical and operational characteristics. These differences may stem from the isolation of development in fields like psychology, experimental economics, and health economics. Our systematic review aids readers in choosing methods aligned with their priorities when measuring discount rates.



Inequality and risk preference



Harry Pickard(纽卡斯尔大学),Thomas Dohmen(波恩大学), Bert Van Landeghem(谢菲尔德大学)

摘要:This paper studies the relationship between income inequality and risk taking. Increased income inequality is likely to enlarge the scope for upward comparisons and, in the presence of reference-dependent preferences, to increase willingness to take risks. Using a globally representative data set on risk preference in 76 countries, we empirically document that the distribution of income in a country has a positive and significant link with the preference for risk. This relationship is remarkably precise and holds across countries and individuals, as well as alternate measures of inequality. We find evidence of a steeper gradient between willingness to take risks and inequality for cognitively more able individuals who likely have a better assessment of inequality and for those who are dissatisfied with their income. We present results in favour of our mechanism, which suggests that falling behind one’s reference group increases the appetite for risk taking.



A puzzle of roulette gambling



Pavlo Blavatskyy(蒙彼利埃高等商学院)

摘要:Standard casino games such as roulette offer (almost) symmetric 50%-50% bets in a menu with numerous positively skewed gambles (with equal expected value). It is challenging to rationalize the popularity of casino gambling with traditional risk preferences. Yet, it is even more challenging to explain a more specific point that gamblers often choose (almost) symmetric 50%-50% gambles when casino offers positively skewed gambles. In this paper, we demonstrate that many well-known theories of decision making under risk cannot explain the finding that people place (almost) symmetric 50%-50% bets in roulette gambling. An expected utility maximizer either does not gamble on roulette at all (when utility function is concave or linear) or prefers to gamble on the longest possible shot and avoids (almost) symmetric 50%-50% bets (when utility function is sufficiently convex). Similarly, in Yaari’s dual model, a decision maker either does not gamble on roulette (when probability weighting function is convex or linear) or gambles on the longest possible shot avoiding (almost) symmetric 50%-50% bets (when probability weighting function is sufficiently concave in the neighborhood of zero probability). In Viscusi’s prospective reference theory, it can be optimal to gamble on several roulette numbers (rather than on one number) but not on one half of roulette numbers. A gambler who maximizes prospect theory never places a single bet on one half of roulette numbers due to the assumption of loss aversion.






【保险学术前沿】Journal of Public Economics2024年保险精选文章目录与摘要

【保险学术前沿】期刊Journal of Risk and Insurance 2024年91卷第4期目录及摘要

【保险学术前沿】Journal of Health Economics 2024年保险精选文章目录与摘要




