【保险学术前沿】JEEA 2022-2024年保险精选文章目录与摘要

财富   2025-02-09 10:02   天津  



《Journal Of The European Economic Association》(《欧洲经济协会会刊》)是一本专注于经济学领域的学术期刊,创刊于2003年,由Wiley-Blackwell出版,自2023年起由牛津大学出版社出版。该刊发文范围涵盖经济学的所有领域,包括宏观经济学、微观经济学、计量经济学和金融等,旨在及时、准确、全面地报道国内外经济学工作者在该领域的科学研究等工作中取得的经验、科研成果、技术革新、学术动态等。该刊每年出版6期,每期10篇左右,2023年影响因子为3.9。













※ 本期目录

What’s Wrong with Annuity Markets?

●Can Wealth Buy Health? A Model of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Investments in Health

●The Life-Cycle Effects of Pension Reforms: A Structural Approach

●Health Risk, Insurance, and Optimal Progressive Income Taxation

●Presidential Address 2023: The Beauty of Uncertainty: The Rise of Insurance Contracts and Markets in Medieval Europe

●Transfer Payment Systems and Financial Distress: Insights from Health Insurance Premium Subsidies

●Precise or Imprecise Probabilities? Evidence from Survey Response Related to Late-Onset Dementia

●The Effect of Pension Subsidies on the Retirement Timing of Older Women

What’s Wrong with Annuity Markets?



Stéphane Verani(美国联邦储备委员会), Pei Cheng Yu(新南威尔士大学)

摘要:We show that the supply of U.S. life annuities is constrained by interest rate risk. We identify this effect using annuity prices offered by life insurers from 1989 to 2019 and exogenous variations in contract-level regulatory capital requirements. The cost of interest rate risk management-conditional on the effect of adverse selection—accounts for about half of annuity markups, or 8 percentage points. The contribution of interest rate risk to annuity markups sharply increased after the Global Financial Crisis, suggesting new retirees’ opportunities to transfer their longevity risk are unlikely to improve in a persistently low interest rate environment.



Can Wealth Buy Health? A Model of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Investments in Health



Panos Margaris(康考迪亚大学), Johanna Wallenius(斯德哥尔摩经济学院)

摘要:In this paper, we develop a life cycle model that features pecuniary and non-pecuniary investments in health in order to rationalize the socioeconomic gradients in health and life expectancy in the United States. Agents accumulate health capital, which affects labor productivity, utility, the distribution of medical spending shocks, and life expectancy. We find that unequal health insurance coverage plays a negligible role in generating the observed gaps in health and longevity. Universal health insurance increases preventive medical spending but not time spent in health promoting activities, as individuals are no longer worried about avoiding high curative medical expenditure shocks due to increased health insurance coverage. Our findings suggest that differences in lifetime income, preferences, and health shocks are the main determinants of inequality in life expectancy.



The Life-Cycle Effects of Pension Reforms: A Structural Approach



Claudio Daminato(隆德大学), Mario Padula(威尼斯大学)

摘要:To assess the life-cycle welfare effects of pension reforms, we provide a dynamic stochastic model of saving, portfolio choice, and retirement featuring a rich characterisation of the pension system. Relying on the exogenous variation from a sequence of Italian pension reforms, we identify and estimate the model, which is then used to draw implications of alternative pension policies. The validated model predicts substantial social security wealth effects on retirement, with the offset between public pension wealth and private savings softened when households can adjust their retirement decisions. We further find important distributional effects of pension reforms, with households’ welfare decreasing more the later in the working life they face the reform. Our findings have implications for the design of pension policies and the support they might generate.



Health Risk, Insurance, and Optimal Progressive Income Taxation



Juergen Jung(美国陶森大学经济系),Chung Tran(澳大利亚国立大学经济研究学院)

摘要:We study the optimal progressivity of personal income taxes in a general equilibrium overlapping generations model where individuals are exposed to idiosyncratic shocks to labor productivity and health status over the lifecycle. Our results—based on a calibration to the US economy—indicate that both, the presence of health risk and the available insurance institutions, have a strong effect on the optimal level of tax progressivity. Given the fragmented and non-universal health insurance system in the US, a welfare maximizing income tax system is substantially more progressive than the current US income tax. The higher progressivity provides additional redistribution and social insurance, especially for unhealthy low income individuals who have limited access to health insurance. When exposure to health risk is removed or reduced by introducing more comprehensive health insurance systems, we observe large decreases in the optimal level of income tax progressivity, and the optimal tax system resembles findings from the previous literature. These findings highlight the importance of accounting for the unique characteristics of health risk and the design of the health insurance system when characterizing optimal income taxes.



Presidential Address 2023: The Beauty of Uncertainty: The Rise of Insurance Contracts and Markets in Medieval Europe



Maristella Botticini(意大利博科尼大学经济系和 IGIER(博科尼大学经济与金融研究中心);欧洲经济政策研究中心(CEPR)), Pietro Buri(美国普林斯顿大学经济系), Massimo Marinacci(意大利博科尼大学决策科学系,AXA-博科尼风险研究讲席教授)

摘要:Maritime insurance developed in medieval Europe is the ancestor of all forms of insurance that appeared subsequently. We address the question of why modern insurance was first invented in medieval Europe, and neither earlier nor elsewhere. Drawing from insights from the literature on uncertainty aversion, we show that medieval merchants had to bear more frequently natural risks (they traveled longer distances) and new human risks with unknown probabilities (they faced unpredictable attacks by corsairs due to increased political fragmentation and commercial competition in Europe). The increased demand for protection in medieval seaborne trade met the supply of protection by a small group of wealthy merchants with a broad information network who could pool risks and profit from selling protection through a novel business device: the insurance contract. A new market—the market for insurance—was then born. Next, analyzing more than 7,000 insurance contracts redacted by notaries and about 100 court proceedings housed in the archives of Barcelona, Florence, Genoa, Palermo, Prato, and Venice, we study the main features of medieval trade, the type of risks faced by merchants, and the characteristics of insurance contracts and markets from 1340 to 1500.The empirical analysis delivers two main findings. First, risks related to human activities (e.g., attacks by corsairs) seem to have had a relatively greater impact on insurance premia compared to natural risks (proxied by seasonal risks). Second, distance mattered but the route seems to have had a greater impact on insurance premia. Specific routes (e.g., in the Tyrrhenian and the western Mediterranean) were more plagued by human risks, which were harder to avoid for the majority of merchants who did not have a broad information network compared to the few wealthy merchants, who became the key players in selling insurance in the early stages of the development of insurance markets.



Transfer Payment Systems and Financial Distress: Insights from Health Insurance Premium Subsidies



Christian P R Schmid(CSS实证卫生经济学研究所和伯尔尼大学),Nicolas Schreiner(CSS实证卫生经济学研究所和巴塞尔大学),Alois Stutzer(巴塞尔大学)

摘要:How should payment systems of means-tested benefits be designed to improve the financial situation of needy recipients most effectively? We study this question in the context of mandatory health insurance in Switzerland, where recipients initially receive either a cash transfer or subsidized insurance premiums (a form of in-kind transfer). A federal reform in 2014 forced cantons (i.e. states) to universally switch to in-kind provision. We exploit this setting based on a difference-in-differences design, analyzing eight years of rich individual-level accounting data and applying a machine learning approach to identify cash recipients prior to the reform. We find that switching from cash to in-kind transfers persistently reduces the likelihood of late premium payments by about 20% and of government debt collection for long-term missed payments by approximately 12%. There is no evidence for a negative spillover effect on the timely payment of the non-subsidized co-pay bills for health services after the regime change.

如何设计资产测查补助(means-tested benefits)的支付系统,才能最有效地改善贫困受助人的经济状况?我们以瑞士的强制医疗保险为背景对这一问题进行了研究,在强制医疗保险中,受助人最初要么获得现金转移,要么获得保险费补贴(实物转移的一种形式)。2014年的联邦改革迫使各州(即州政府)普遍转为提供实物。我们利用这一背景,基于双重差分(difference-in-differences)设计,分析了八年丰富的个体级别的会计数据,并应用机器学习方法来识别改革前的现金领取者。我们发现,从现金转移到实物转移的这一改变,持续地使逾期缴纳保费的可能性降低约20%,使政府对长期未缴保费进行追债的可能性降低约12%。没有证据表明,制度改革后对及时支付医疗服务的非补贴自付账单产生了负面溢出效应。


Precise or Imprecise Probabilities? Evidence from Survey Response Related to Late-Onset Dementia



Pamela Giustinelli(博科尼大学), Charles F Manski(西北大学), Francesca Molinari(康奈尔大学)

摘要:We elicit numerical expectations for late-onset dementia and long-term-care (LTC) outcomes in the US Health and Retirement Study. We provide the first empirical evidence on dementia-risk perceptions among dementia-free older Americans and establish important patterns regarding imprecision of subjective probabilities. Our elicitation distinguishes between precise and imprecise probabilities, while accounting for rounding of reports. Imprecise-probability respondents quantify imprecision using probability intervals. Nearly half of respondents hold imprecise dementia and LTC probabilities, while almost a third of precise-probability respondents round their reports. These proportions decrease substantially when LTC expectations are conditioned on hypothetical knowledge of the dementia state. Among rounding and imprecise-probability respondents, our elicitation yields two measures: an initial rounded or approximated response and a post-probe response, which we interpret as the respondent's true point or interval probability. We study the mapping between the two measures and find that respondents initially tend to over-report small probabilities and under-report large probabilities. Using a specific framework for study of LTC insurance choice with uncertain dementia state, we illustrate the dangers of ignoring imprecise or rounded probabilities for modeling and prediction of insurance demand.

我们在美国健康与退休研究(Health and Retirement Study,HRS)中调查了晚发性痴呆症和长期护理(Long-Term Care,LTC)结果的数值预期。我们首次提供了关于美国无痴呆症的老年人对痴呆风险认知的实证证据,并建立了有关主观概率不精确性的重要模式。我们的调查区分了精确概率和不精确概率,同时考虑了报告的四舍五入问题。不精确概率的受访者使用概率区间来量化不精确性。近一半的受访者对痴呆症和长期护理的概率持有不精确的预期,而近三分之一的精确概率受访者对其报告进行了四舍五入。当长期护理预期基于假设性的痴呆状态知识进行调整时,这些比例显著下降。在四舍五入和不精确概率的受访者中,我们的调查产生了两个指标:初始的四舍五入或近似响应,以及后续询问后的响应,我们将其解释为受访者的真实点概率或区间概率。我们研究了这两个指标之间的映射关系,并发现受访者最初倾向于高估小概率事件,而低估大概率事件。通过一个特定的研究框架,用于研究在痴呆状态不确定情况下的长期护理保险选择,我们展示了在建模和预测保险需求时忽略不精确或四舍五入概率的危险。


The Effect of Pension Subsidies on the Retirement Timing of Older Women



Han Ye(曼海姆大学)

摘要:I estimate the effect of additional pension benefits on women’s retirement decisions by examining a German pension subsidy program. The subsidies have a kinked relationship with the recipients’ past pension contributions, creating a sharply different slope of benefits for similar women on either side of the kink point. I find that a 100 euro increase in the monthly benefit induces female recipients to claim their pensions six months earlier. Recipients also adjust their labor supply by using unemployment insurance as a stepping stone to retirement and by reducing the time spent in marginal employment. A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that the ratio of behavioral to mechanical costs for this subsidy program is 0.25, which is smaller than that of many other income support programs.




【保险学术前沿】AER、Econometrica、RES 2024年保险精选文章目录与摘要




【保险学术前沿】Journal of Public Economics2024年保险精选文章目录与摘要












