名题精选 | 炎德英才大联考湖南师大附中 2025 届高三月考试卷(二)英语试题和答案

文摘   2024-10-22 07:52   广东  

共10页。时量 120分钟。满分150 分。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15.      B. £ 9.18.      C. £ 9.15

答案是 C。

1. Whose birthday did the woman come for?

A. Jessie's.          B. Simon's.           C. Emma's.

2.What is the weather like now?

A. Cloudy.         B. Sunny.              C. Rainy.

3. How many Jane's friends were at her wedding?

A. About 20.        B. About 40.            C. About 60.

4. Which sport does the man like most?

A. Tennis.           B. Ping-pong.          C. Volleyball.

5. Why does the man refuse the invitation?

A. He is tired.     B. He has to work late.         C. He has to walk his dog.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6段材料,回答第 6、7题。

6.What probably is the woman's position?

A.CEO.        B. Sales Manager.         C. Product Development Manager.

7. What does the woman think of her job?

A. Challenging and difficult.     B. Interesting but frustrating        C. Challenging but enjoyable.

听第7段材料,回答第 8、9题。

8.What tickets will the man buy?

A. Two round tickets. B. Two one-way tickets.       C. A one-way ticket and a round ticket.

9.When does the woman suggest getting to the airport?

A. At 1:30 p.m. B. At 2:40 p.m.                 C. At 3:30 p.m.


10.Where did the speakers probably go just now?

A. A store. B. A museum.           C. A university.

11. Why does the man refuse to go to the first restaurant?

A. It's very noisy. B. It's too far.               C. It's so expensive.

12. How much will the speakers pay finally?

A. £10.            B. £16.                  C. £18.

听第9段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13.What is the woman going to do on Saturday?

A. Have a picnic. B. Go to the seaside             C. Visit some old people

14. When will the woman study for the math test?

A. On Monday evening. B. On Saturday morning         C. On Sunday afternoon.

15.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Classmates. B. Co-workers.                 C. Teacher and student.

16. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Volunteer work. B. The coming exam.        C. Plans for the weekend.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17.What was the speaker asked to do when she just arrived?

A. Clean up the oil. B. Spread the sand.         C. Stay away from the beach.

18. Which tool did the speaker use during the cleaning up?

A. A float. B.A broom.             C.A truck

19. What did the speaker do after the oil was removed?

A. She helped the birds. B. She went straight home.         C. She took a walk on the beach.

20. What is the speaker's feeling at last?

A. Pride. B. Disappointment.                    C. Anxiety.

第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The Virgin Islands National Park is a tropical(热带的) paradise on the island of St. John, which covers more than half of the small island. It is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the north and the Caribbean Sea to the south, where the climate is warm all year.

The island's white sand beaches and clear blue seas are considered to be among the most beautiful in the Caribbean, gaining reputation and popularity among visitors across the world.

How the national park was formed

Laurence Rockefeller an American millionaire, businessman and was conservationist, He visited St. John in the 1950s. He quickly fell in love with the island’s clean, pure beauty. He first purchased a small resort there, Caneel Bay. He also purchased more than 2,000 hectares of the island and donated it to the government. That donation created the U.S. Virgin Islands National Park. It was officially opened as a national park on December 1,1956.

How to get to the park

The only way to reach the park is by boat. Some people arrive on their own sailboats. Others come in on large cruise ships, Visitors also arrive on water taxis from the island of St. Thomas.

What to do at the park

From the tropical hills to the blue waters, there are many things to do at the Virgin Islands National Park. Visitors enjoy fishing, camping, sailing, scuba diving, snorkeling(浮潜), and bird watching. Of all of the park's beaches, Trunk Bay Beach is said to be the most striking. Below the clear blue water is a 200-meter snorkeling path. Hawksnest Beach is also a popular place for snorkeling. Near the shore are three small reefs of Elkhorn Coral. The Elkhorn Coral gets its name from its shape. The reef looks similar to the huge horns(角) of an animal called elk. It is a very rare kind of reef. Scientists say itis in danger of becoming extinct.

The Virgin Islands National Park is often called America's paradise. It protects StJohn's pristine nature, and preserves the record of human history in the Caribbean.

Don't hesitate! Come here and put yourself in the paradise!

21. What is most likely attractive to tourists when they visit the Virgin Islands National Park?

A. Its tropical climate. B. Its location.    C. Its beautiful scenery.    D. Its activity.

22.What can we learn about the Virgin Islands National Park?

A. An animal called elk is at risk of becoming dying out.

B. Visitors can choose any means of transportation to get to the park.

C. Laurence's donation greatly contributed to the foundation of the park.

D. There is a 200-meter snorkeling path beneath the water of the Hawksnest Beach.

23. Where is the text probably taken from?

A. A speech script. B. A travel brochure.    C. An academic essay.        D. A geographic journal.


Boeing's Starliner spacecraft landed in a New Mexico desert late on Friday, months after its original departure date and without the two astronauts it carried when it launched in early June.

The Nasa astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore should have flown the Starliner back to Earth in June, a week after launching in it. But thruster(推进器)failures and helium(氦气)leaks marred their ride. Instead, they will remain at the International Space Station (ISS) for the rest of the year and will return in February aboard the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft.

Nasa ultimately decided it was too risky to return Williams and Wilmore on the Starliner. So the capsule contains their empty seats and blue spacesuits along with some old station equipment.

After Nasa's space shuttles were retired more than a decade ago, Nasa hired Boeing and SpaceX for orbital(轨道的) taxi service. Boeing ran into so many problems on its first test flight with no one onboard in 2019 that it had to repeat it. The 2022 do-over uncovered even more flaws and the repair bill topped $ 1. 5bn.

The Starliner finally blasted into space on 5 June from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station after unsuccessful launches on 6 May and 1 June. On the first launch attempt, a problem was found with a valve(闵门) on the second stage, or upper portion, of the rocket. On the second, a computer tripped an automatic hold just three minutes and 50 seconds from liftoff. That was later attributed to a single ground power supply fault within one of the launch control computers.

Even after it successfully launched, helium leaks continued to trouble the spacecraft. As the Starliner approached the ISS, two leaks were detected but Nasa determined the spacecraft remained stable. What started as an eight-day mission dragged on for three months after the leaks and faulty thrusters raised safety concerns.

However, Nasa and Boeing officials insisted that the astronauts were not trapped and that the technical difficulties did not threaten the mission, “We'll come home when we're ready,” Steve Stich, Nasa's commercial crew program manager, said in the press conference in July.

24. What does the underlined word “marred” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Underwent. B. Stimulated.     C. Facilitated.            D. Blocked.

25. What do we know about Boeing's spacecraft launches?

A. They were filled with delays and setbacks. B. Starliner's initial launch went smoothly.

C. The 2019 manned spaceflight was a failure. D. Reasons of the problems were still unidentified.

26. Why didn't the two astronauts come back to Earth on time?

A. Because the project went over the original budget. B. Because they were both in serious health conditions

C. Because it was dangerous to take the Starliner then. D. Because Nasa officials failed to reach an agreement

27.What can be implied according to the last two paragraphs?

A. The two astronauts would come back soon. B. Officials considered the situation within control.

C. Nasa officials were pessimistic and pressed. D. The mission would be completed in 3 months.


Actor Alicia Silverstone worried fans on social media recently. While on a trip to England, she posted a TikTok video of herself tasting a kind of poisonous berries she found along a sidewalk. Silverstonc, who appeared in the 1995 movie Clueless, said she thought the fruit was a tomato. But when she bit into it and found that it had an unusual taste, she realized that it was not the common food.

Plant expert. Jessica Damiano, recently wrote about poisonous plants that look like common foods for the Associated Press, She said the fruit that looked like a tomato appears to have been a Jerusalem cherry.

Often sold as a houseplant, all parts of the Jerusalem cherry are poisonous. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says the plant is not only harmful to humans but also to dogs, cats and horses. Eating large amounts can be deadly. Silverstone was lucky because she did not swallow the berries. She was also lucky because the berries were reddish orange. which meant they were ripe. While all parts of the Jerusalem cherry are poisonous, the plant's unripe berries can be especially dangerous. They can cause problems with the central nervous and gastrointestinal(肠胃的) systems.

The Jerusalem cherry is not the only toxic plant that looks like a safe one.

The poisonous Carolina horse nettle fruit also looks like a tomato. It is also known as devil's potato to add to the confusion, The Virginia creeper fruit also looks like blueberries, and it can be deadly if eaten. Wild parsnip has flowers like a carrot and leaves like parsley(欧芹).Simply touching it can cause a skin problem. Creeping buttercup looks like flat-leaf parsley. It can cause severe stomach pain, vomiting(吐)and heart problems. And Canadian moonseed can be confused with wild grape. However, its taste is so bitter that you would likely spit it out before swallowing it. This is a good thing because eating it can lead to death.

If you think you have swallowed a toxic plant by mistake, contact a poison control center in your area or your doctor immediately. There is additional information on the website poison. org.

Damiano advises using common sense with plants you find in the wild. [f you are not completely sure that something is food, do not eat it.28. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

A. To present the author's argument. B. To introduce the topic of the article.

C. To raise the public's attention of wild plants. D. To popularize the knowledge of medical science.

29. Why was Silverstone thought to be fortunate?

A. The berries she had a bite were ripe. B. She found the fruit she ate was a tomato

C. She had a good knowledge of wild plants. D. The amount of the berries she consumed was large.

30. According to the description, what plants can be most harmful to people?

A. Carolina horse nettle and wild parsnip.       B. Virginia creeper and creeping buttercup

C. Wild parsnip and Canadian moonseed. D. Canadian moonseed and Virginia creeper

31. What may be the suitable measure if someone mistakenly swallows a poisonous plant?

A. Spitting it out as quickly as possible.             B. Making an appointment with their doctor.

C. Getting in touch with the local authority instantly. D. Searching for the relevant information on the Internet.


Superhuman artificial intelligence has played a role in our life. When it comes to playing games like chess, or solving difficult scientific challenges like predicting protein structures, computers arc well ahead of humans. But we have one superpower they aren't close to mastering: mind reading.

We are blessed with a mysterious ability to reason the goals, desires and beliefs of others, a crucial skill that means we can anticipate other people's actions and the consequences of our own. If Als are to become truly useful in everyday life-to cooperate effectively with us or to understand that a child might run into the road after a bouncing ball-we have to give them this gift that evolution has given us to read other people's minds.

In psychology, the ability to infer another's mental state is referred to as theory of mind. In humans, this capacity develops at a very young age. How to reproduce the capability in machines is far from clear, though. One of the main challenges is context. For instance, if someone asks whether you are going for a run and you reply “it's raining”, they can quickly conclude the answer is no. But this requires huge amounts of background knowledge about running, weather and human preferences.

Besides, whether humans or Al, the theory of mind is supposed to emerge naturally from one's own learning process. Building prior knowledge into Al makes it reliant on our imperfect understanding of theory of mind. In addition, Al may be capable of developing approaches we could never imagine. There can be many forms of theory of mind that we don't know about simply because we live in a human body that has certain types of senses and a certain ability to think.

But we might still want Al to have a more human-like form of theory of mind Humans can clearly explain their goals to each other using common language and ideas. While letting Al form the theory of mind in their learning process is likely to lead to developing more powerful Al, plainly building in shared ways to represent knowledge may be crucial for humans to trust and communicate with AI.

It is important to remember, though, that the pursuit of machines with theory of mind is about more than just building more useful robots. It is also a stepping stone on the path towards a deeper goal for Al and robotics research: building truly self-aware machines. Whether we will ever get there remains to be seen. But along the way thinking about other people and other agents, we are on the path to learning to think about ourselves.

32. According to the passage, which of the following contexts can Al understand well?

A. When asked where an object is, a naughty kid points in the wrong direction.

B. When a teacher asks for a boy's homework, he answers “my dog ate it”.

C. When you are treated with a hotpot for dinner, you reply “a sore throat”.

D. When a mom tells her kid milk is good for health, the kid drinks it up.

33. Which statement will the author agree with most about theory of mind?

A. Humans’ theory of mind is far from perfect.            B. Humans limit Al's theory of mind to an extent.

C.A's theory of mind development has been totally decoded.  D. Shared forms of theory of mind result in more powerful AI.

34. What is the author's attitude toward truly self-aware machines?

A. Ambiguous. B. Conservative          C. Skeptical.          D. Approving.

35.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. As Theory of Mind Will Define Our Future             B. AI with Its Own Theory of Mind Is Expected

C. AI’s Theory of Mind-a Blessing or Suffering to Humans   D. Theory of Mind Bridges the Gap Between Humans and AI

第二节 (共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)


Ensuring that your home is as energy-efficient as it can possibly be is essential. Take the steps listed below, and you'll be living in an energy-efficient home in no time.

36     To stop it in its tracks, you must invest in having your house insulated(隔热的). Taking such action may demand some cost in advance, but it will be sure to save you over £ 100 a year when it comes to your energy bills.

The old boilers(锅炉) are not as energy-efficient as the very latest models in this field.   37   By investing in a top of the line boiler, you'll no doubt tap into a number of savings. What's more, making this kind of investment will also be sure to lower your home's carbon emissions.

Only when you know how much energy you use can you take action to be less wasteful and more resourceful in this instance.    38    To assist you in taking on this extremely important challenge, you might want to consider fitting an energy monitor in your home.   39    But if you're lucky, your electricity provider will give you one for free. This monitor will provide you and your family with constant updates on the amount of energy you are using on a day-to-day basis,

With just a few years to go until climate change alters earth forever, now is the time for you to play your part in protecting the planet that you live in.    40    

A. Generally, this type of device will cost between £25 and £40.

B. It means you should try to keep track of energy consumption.

C. The investment demanded in this case is of great significance.

D, By putting the above advice into practice, you'll be green soon

E. Taking such action will help you adjust to climate change better

F. Most of your home's wasted energy will escape through your roof.

G. It might be high time to update yours if you haven't done so for years.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节、满分30分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、CD四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。

Not long into my carcer in journalism, I realized I was in need of some slow.  4l  adventure. The kind of fun that required little planning, zero stress and a lot of time. The kind of time you often didn't get in a   42  .

And that's when I  43  a secret. Washington, D.C, the city where I live, is full of hidden fossils. In my overstimulated life. I began to  44  fossils. Many of the local sites are within 80 miles south of the capital along the Potomac River, so fossil hunting  45  removes me from the city. It is a visual game, requiring  46  and focus. Spotting recognizable shapes in the wild is like thinking over a broken  47  in the sediment(沉积物).Isita tooth, a bone or a shell? I'm looking for the 48 endpieces. Thankfully, my  49   phone service in these places holds back the rest of the world while I'm finding another one. And I know the fossils aren't demanding my  50  attention because they have nothing but time.

Once, I took a bottle-cap-sized trilobite(三叶虫)fossil into the newsroom and placed it within my sight. It was something I wanted to  5l  throughout the day. Turning over that piece of rock is a way to  52  me outside for a moment and to a time before humans arrived and  53  cities on top of those lands.

Thinking about geological time makes me feel brief and remarkable, like the little trilobite. My worried mind  54  .I realize a lot of stressful details don't matter. My  55  shifts. Maybe I don't need to take that phone call right this minute.

4l. A. dangerous B. low-risk             C. historical          D. romantic

42. A. house B. car                 C. newsroom          D. school

43. A. revealed B. hid                 C. guarded             D. discovered

44. A. seek B. search              C. purchase             D. modify

45. A. gradually B. physically           C. eventually            D. typically

46. A. patience B. strength             C. training             D. courage

47. A. dream B. image             C. resource              D. puzzle

48. A. obvious B. expensive           C. rare                 D. impressive

49. A. precious B. public             C. poor                 D. clear

50. A. scholarly B. conventional       C. extra                  D. immediate

5l. A. avoid B. notice            C. introduce              D. display

52. A. touch B. hold              C. seize                 D. transport

53. A. built B. explored          C. conquered             D. found

54. A. takes off B. settles down       C. goes blank             D. runs out

55. A. standpoint B. question          C. standard              D. task

第二节 (共10 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15 分)


Longmen Hydrological Station, which has a history of 90 years since its establishment in 1934, is the only hydrological station 56    (locate) on the cliffs of the Yellow River. Providing hydrological information and data for various tasks, such as flood control, drought relief, disaster 57    (reduce),reservoir operation, water sources allocation management and water conservancy project construction,  58   is a key national level hydrological station. The hanging crane box on the cable path across the Yellow River is the only way  59   (access) the station.

As opposed  60   the traditional measurements such as testing the flows with 2wooden boat, the current measurements are quite high-tech, The newly-used water level identification system can not only obtain the fluctuating water level information timely, but also generate it into data  6l      (automatic).

With an average age of 28, the staff  62    (work)at the station today are younger than those in previous years. In September 2019, ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin were made  63  major national strategy.

Throughout the whole Yellow Riyerbasin,145 hydrological stations  64     (distribute) along the watercourse. More than 2,000 hydrologists are giving full play to the role of “eyes and ears”  65   guarding the Yellow River with responsibility and hard work.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (满分15 分)

假定你是李华,你的英国笔友 Mike所在的学校将开设汉语选修课。他来信咨询如何布置一间教室来营造良好的汉语学习氛围。请给他回信,提出建议并说明理由。


1.写作词数应为 80 左右;



Dear Mike,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua.

第二节 (满分 25 分)


Oh no. Coach Cafferty just said my name. For that event. The two-hundred-metre breaststroke(蛙泳)for the coming meet! Not the backstroke(仰泳) I had wished and practiced for so long!

Beads of sweat popped out over my upper lip. Morgan pressed her elbow into myside. trying to offer me moral support. But it didn't help. My stomach sank to my knees like a brick in water. Morgan tried to convince me it would be fine. “Maybe Coach has more confidence in you than you think.” “Or maybe Coach Cafferty just want to give the rest a laugh when I sink to the bottom of the pool,” [ thought desperately. I walked towards Coach Cafferty and told her about my inability and my desire to quit this event. She frowned and asked if it was what I really wanted.

I hesitated. Placing her hand on my shoulder, she started smiling and encouraged me to push myself outside of my comfort zone.

The first practice was a disaster. I lost rhythm on my strokes(划水动作).I messed up my turns. l even had to stop and catch my breath a few times. I felt everyone was laughing at me and my stomach twisted. How could I make it within just two weeks? But once I dragged myself out of the water, exhausted and frustrated, Coach Cafferty thumbed up to me. saying I did really well and just needed more confidence in myself and more time to practice.

On the way back home, Morgan comforted me,“Dear, just ignore others. Race against yourself. Count your own strokes. Prove to yourself that you can do it.” With these words said to me almost every day, before or after each practice, something gradually changed: both how I swam the breaststroke and how I felt about the event as well as myself.

The meet finally came. I arrived at the pool hall, still a little bit worried. As each event clicked closer to mine, my knees shook. I bit my lip and looked out over the other swimmers. Morgan leaned forward. “Just swim your race. Remember, you can !”


1.续写词数应为 150左右;


Then the two-hundred-milestone breaststroke was announced.

There was only 50 metres to go.


炎德·英才大联考湖南师大附中 2025 届高三月考试卷(二)英语试题参考答案

1—5 CBABB    6—10 CCCAA   11—15 BCBCA   16—20 CCBAA   

21—23 CCB  24—27 DACB   28—31 BADC   32—35 DBDB   36—40 FGBAD

41—45 BCDAB   46—50 ADCCD   51—55 BDABA

56.located 57.reduction 58.it 59.toaccess  60.to  61:automatically  62.working  63.a  64.are distributed  65.and


Dear Mike,

Greetings from China! Hearing that the Chinese language will be an optional course in your school, I'm writing delightedly to give some practical advice on the decoration of your classroom.

As far as I'm concerned, to put up some unique traditional Chinese elements like paper-cuts and calligraphy work would be a good idea. Not only can they make the classroom more attractive and appealing, but they also carry rich Chinese cultural and historical information. Furthermore, you can put a bookshelf at the back of the classroom, where students can get easy access to the Chinese classics covering Chinese language and splendid culture as well.

I hope these suggestions will be of some help and you will create an amazing, Chinese learning atmosphere. Looking forward to your earliest reply! Best wishes!

Yours sincerely, Li Hua


Then the two-hundred-milestone breaststroke was announced. Heart thudding, I took my position. Barely had a whistle blown before I plunged into the water like an arrow, Initially, I couldn't focus on myself, with glances shot at other competitors from time to time. The racers on my both sides were so swift that they went ahead of me. Seized by tension, I laboured to accelerate but the distance between us got widened, anyhow. “Brush aside others. Just swim your race,” Morgan's words lingered in my head. I pushed my arms out and pulled in towards my chest, as well as kicked the legs out and pulled back. Gradually, I could feel nothing but my own rhythm. Before I knew it, I had swum 150 metres.

There was only 50 metres to go. However, my energy was giving out. My arms were on fire, my lungs were bursting and my legs were pillars of lead. “Prove to yourself that you can do it," Morgan's words occupied my mind. I gritted my teeth and pushed myself forward until the wall came into sight. I slapped it with what little power I had left, I came in last, As I dragged myself out of the water, there exploded thunderous claps and cheers, Morgan dashed over, throwing her arms around me. Coach Cafferty cast a satisfied grin at me. Suddenly, I was burning with a sense of fulfilment. The two-hundred-milestone breaststroke's finish line was my new life's starting line always race against myself.




23.B。推理判断题。从文章第一段和最后一段“Don't hesitate! Come here and put yourself in the paradise!”以及整个篇章结构可推断出答案。

24.D。根据上下文可知,因推进器故障和氦气泄漏,字航员不能按原计划返回,只能暂时待在国际空间站。技术故障阻碍了旅程,因此选 blocked。



27.B, 根据 “that the technical difficulties did not threaten the mission"及“We'll come home when we're ready”可知.官员认为目前情况可控。



30.D。细节理解题。从倒数第三段可知,若吃了 Canadian moonseed和 Virginia creeper 这两种植物的果实会导致死


31.C。细节理解题。从倒数第二段可知,“若发现自己误食了有毒植物,立即联系你所在区域的中毒控制中心或你的医生。”故选 C。

32.D。根据第二段可知,人类有一种神秘的能力来推理他人的目标,欲望和信仰,这是一项至关重要的技能,意味着我们可以预测他人的行为和自己的后果。这种思维 AI还不具有。A、B、C都需要运用到心智理论去解释人们的目标和欲望,而D不需要。

33.B。根据第四段可知,AI接收的信息都是人类输入的,AI已有的数据依赖于人类的思维,但是人类的心智理论本就是不完美的。此外,人类本身的局限性导致自身的心智理论的受限。因此选择 B项“人类在一定程度上限制了人工智能的心智理论”

34.D。根据最后两段可知,作者支持开发具有心智理论的 A,期待建造真正有自我意识的机器。

35.B。文章通过介绍心智理论这一心理学概念,论述了 AI虽然在推理方面远胜于人类,但还不具备完善的自我心智理论。作者期待具有心智理论的机器,认为建造真正有自我意识的机器是迈向人工智能和机器人研究更深层目标的垫脚石。因此选 B。A选项中的“Define Our Future(定义人类未来)”太绝对;C选项中的“a Blessing or Suffering”错,文章没有讨论对人类是好是坏;D选项中的“Bridges the Gap Between"错,作者是希望 AI具有人类一样的心智理论,不等于该理论消除两者间的隔阂。

36.F。由下文“To stop it in its tracks, you must invest in having your house insulated(隔热的).(为了在它的路径上阻止它,你必须投资让房子隔热。)”可知,这里指需要阻止房内热量外流。F项“Most of your home's wasted energy will escape through your roof.”符合语境,下文it指代选项中的 wasted energy。故选 F。

37. G。由上文“The old boilers (锅炉) are not as energy-efficient as the very latest models in this field.(在这个领域.旧锅炉的能效不如最新型号的,)”可知,旧锅炉更耗能,G项“It might be high time to update yours if you haven't done so for years.(如果你已经多年没有更新自己的锅炉,现在可能是时候了。)”符合语境。故选 G。

38. B, 由上文“Only when you know how much energy you use can you take action to be less wasteful and more resourceful in this instance.”可知,这里讲要了解自己用了多少能源。B项“It means you should try to keep track of energy consumption.”符合语境,其中 keep track of energy consumption 与上文 know how much energy you use对应。有承上作用。故选B。

39. A, 由下文“But if you're lucky, your electricity provider will give you one for free. This monitor will provide you and your family with constant updates on the amount of energy you are using on a day-to-day basis.”推知,空处指出监控的价格不是特别便宜,但如果运气好的话,电力供应商会免费提供。A项“Generally,this type of device will cost between f25 and f40.”符合语境,其中f25andf40与下文for free对应,都在讲花费在这设备上钱的问题,所以本句有启下作用。故选A。

40. D, 由上文"With just a few years to go until climate change alters earth forever, now is the time for you to play your part in protecting the planet that you live in.”可知,作者号召读者保护地球,D项“By putting the above device into practice, you'll be green soon.”符合语境,其中 the above advice 指上面的建议,对上文有总结作用。故选 D。

41.B。根据下文中的 little planning、zero stress,以及全文的描述可知,探寻化石之旅重要的是让作者的内心得到平静,而low-risk 是最符合语境的。

42.C。根据上文的 journalism 以及第三段第一句的 newsroom 可知。


44.A。根据下文的 fossil hunting、looking for 可知,作者开始了“寻找”化石之旅。


46.A。根据下文的 like thinking over..可知,在寻找化石的过程需要反复思考,需要“耐心”和专注。47.D。本句是个比喻句,把在野外发现可识别的化石形状比喻成像是……,只有puzzle“拼图”符合语境,意为“拼图”,…像是对着在泥沙中的残缺拼图冥思苦想一样。


49.C。根据下文的 holds back the rest of the world 可知,手机的信号“不好”。

50.D。根据下文的 they have nothing but time可知,化石有的是时间等待作者来找到它们,所以它们不需要作者“立即的”关注。

51.B。根据上文的 and placed it within my sight可知,这块化石是作者整天想“关注”的事物。



54.B。根据下文“l realize a lot of stressful details don't matter,”可知,作者意识到很多令人倍感压力的细节并不重TNGD


55. A。根据“I realize a lot of stressful details don't matter."及“Maybe I don't need to take that phone call right thisminute.”可知,此刻作者的“观点”发生了变化。









64.are distributed。考查谓语动词,被动语态





Dear Mike,

Greetings from China! Hearing that the Chinese language will be an optional course in your school, I'm writing delightedly to give some practical advice on the decoration of your classroom.

As far as I'm concerned, to put up some unique traditional Chinese elements like paper-cuts and calligraphy work would be a good idea. Not only can they make the classroom more attractive and appealing, but they also carry rich Chinese cultural and historical information. Furthermore, you can put a bookshelf at the back of the classroom, where students can get easy access to the Chinese classics covering Chinese language and splendid culture as well.

I hope these suggestions will be of some help and you will create an amazing, Chinese learning atmosphere. Looking forward to your earliest reply! Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



Then the two-hundred-milestone breaststroke was announced. Heart thudding, I took my position. Barely had a whistle blown before I plunged into the water like an arrow, Initially, I couldn't focus on myself, with glances shot at other competitors from time to time. The racers on my both sides were so swift that they went ahead of me. Seized by tension, I laboured to accelerate but the distance between us got widened, anyhow. “Brush aside others. Just swim your race,” Morgan's words lingered in my head. I pushed my arms out and pulled in towards my chest, as well as kicked the legs out and pulled back. Gradually, I could feel nothing but my own rhythm. Before I knew it, I had swum 150 metres.

There was only 50 metres to go. However, my energy was giving out. My arms were on fire, my lungs were bursting and my legs were pillars of lead. “Prove to yourself that you can do it," Morgan's words occupied my mind. I gritted my teeth and pushed myself forward until the wall came into sight. I slapped it with what little power I had left, I came in last, As I dragged myself out of the water, there exploded thunderous claps and cheers, Morgan dashed over, throwing her arms around me. Coach Cafferty cast a satisfied grin at me. Suddenly, I was burning with a sense of fulfilment. The two-hundred-milestone breaststroke's finish line was my new life's starting line always race against myself.



M: Hey, Jessie, I didn't know you would come. What a surprise!

W: Hi, Simon! I got to know your sister Emma long ago. I'd like to say “Happy Birthday” to her in person.

Text 2

M: We couldn't ask for a better day, could we, Jenny?

W: I know, Steve. There isn't a cloud in the sky. I love this time of year.

M: Me too. The flowers are beautiful but calling for rain though.

Text 3

W: There were about sixty people at Jane's wedding. I can't believe she's got so many friends!

M: Not all of them are her friends. About two thirds of them were her colleagues and the rest were her friends.

Text 4

W: Did you see Zheng Qinwen's tennis match last night?

M: Well, I saw a volleyball match.

W: So you like volleyball, don't you?

M: I quite like it. I watch international matches and I follow my local team, but I prefer table tennis. You know, Sun Yingsha is my favorite player.

Text 5

W: Hey, Nigel, you sure lead a dog's life, Let's go out and grab a couple of beers tonight!

M: I'd like to, but I'm sorry I can't. Maybe we can fix another time.

W: Why? Today is Friday anyway!

M: I have to work late at the laboratory to finish this project tonight, you know.

Text 6

M:So what exactly do you do in the company?

W:(6)I'm responsible for new product development. I report directly to the CEO.

M:What does that involve?

W: I supervise a team of designers. We all have to think of new ideas, test them and develop the ones that we think will succeed.

M:(7)1t sounds challenging.

W:(7)It is, but I really enjoy it.

Text 7

M: I'd like to make a reservation for two from Changsha to San Francisco tomorrow.

W: Just a second and let me check it.. There are a few tickets left.

M: By the way, I dislike a morning flight.

W: OK! 565 dollars one way and 820 dollars round trip, and (9)the departure time is 3:30 p.m.

M: OK, thanks,(8)A one-way ticket and a round one.

W: Which would you prefer, the front seats or the back seats?

M: I'd prefer the front ones. And what time should I get to the airport?

W: (9)Please get here at least two hours before your flight takes off. Your check-in time is about fifty minutes ahead

of the departure time, though.

Text 8

W: ls there a restaurant nearby? (10) You know, l am feeling hungry after shopping, and we have planned to go to

the university museum later.

M: Let's check over the phone. Nowadays there are a large number of restaurants everywhere.

W: How about this one named New Chef's Kitchen?

M: No, honey. (11)This one is too far though it looks elegant. What about this one opened recently near the shopping mall? It's a quiet place from pictures. There is enough room and we can sit comfortably and enjoy the atmosphere.

W: But the food looks expensive and we are short of cash.

M: But we can order something a bit cheaper, Plus, we can use my credit card.

W: (12)'Two coffees, two plates of tasteful potato chips. That's enough. Let me count. 3 pounds per coffee and 5pounds per plate of potato chips.

M:(12)And an extra 2 pounds as a tip. All right. Let's go there.

Text 9

M: (16)Lisa, do you have any plans for the coming weekend? For me, I really want to play the hottest game-Black Myth: Wu Kong.

W: Wow, it is really a big hit now. (13) And well, I heard it's going to be a really nice day on Saturday, so I'm planning to go to the beach with my friends. The beach is three hours away. (13)So, we are going to go by car and have a barbecue there. I'm very excited. In the evening, we're going to set off some fireworks, which I have been looking forward to for a long time. It's going to be a beautiful night.

M: Then, are you going to stay overnight at the beach?

W: No, we're going to come back, but we'll be home quite late.

M: Well, (14)what are you going to do on Sunday?

W: I think I'll be sleeping all morning. (14)(15) In the afternoon, I'm going to study because we will have a math exam on Monday. Do you remember that?

M: Of course, but beside the game I will volunteer at the senior center. I'll take them out to the garden and sing songs for them, This is what our teacher asked us to do.

W: Great. I will do that next weekend.

M: Cool.(15)Well, good luck on our exam and have fun at the beach.

W: Thank you.

Text 10

W: OK. Next I will talk about one of my voluntary experiences. My best friend Katy lives near a beautiful white sand beach. Her parents take us there every summer. The water is clean and refreshing. Last year, there was an oil spill at Katy's beach. When we arrived at the beach that day, the white sand had turned black. It was an ugly sight. (17) At first, the rescue workers would not let us on the beach. We had to watch from a distance. We watched as they put a huge float in the water. This device kept the oil from spreading. Once they stopped the spreading, we were allowed on the beach to help. (18) Each of us was given a broom. We swept the oil into a pile. The workers took it away in big trucks. We all worked very hard that day to restore the beach. (19) Once the oil was removed, the birds that had been caught in the oil had to be helped. The workers showed us how tore move the oil from their wings. Then the birds could fly away to safety. (20) We were very proud of ourselves that day. We helped save our beautiful beach and the birds that visited it.




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