
文摘   2024-10-13 10:03   广东  

第一部分听力(共两节, 满分 30 分)

第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。现在你有5秒钟的时间阅读第一小题的有关内容。

1. What will the weather be like next week?

A. Rainy. B. Foggy. C. Sunny.

2. Why does the woman refuse the man's invitation?

A. She doesn't like football games.  B. She needs to take care of Sally.  C. She may have to work overtime.

3. What did the speakers do last month?

A. They paid a visit to a park.  B. They took a trip to the seaside.  C. They invited Bob over for breakfast.

4. How does the man like Catherine?

A. She is unconfident. B. She is experienced. C. She is fortunate.

5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Relatives. B. Fellow students. C. Teacher and student.

第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6段材料, 回答第6、7题。

6. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Get her some food.  B. Hand in her homework.  C. Go to Mrs. Peterson's office.

7. What suggestion docs the man give to the woman?

A. Stay focused for the training.  B. Reduce the amount of training.  C. Think about something pleasant.


8. Why does the woman make the phone call?

A. To change a reservation.  B. To arrange an appointment.   C. To make a complaint.

9. When will the woman check out?

A. On January 18th. B. On January 19th. C. On January 21st.

10. What will the woman do next?

A. Change the flight herself.  B. Inform the travel agent.  C. Book rooms in another hotel.


11. Why did the man buy many oranges?

A. He wanted to stay healthy.  B. The woman liked them.   C. They were on big sale.

12. Where will the speakers probably go tomorrow?

A. To Lily's home. B. To the shop. C. To the subway.

13. What will the speakers do next?

A. Buy some snacks. B. Pick up Lily. C. Watch a show.


14. Where are the speakers probably?

A. In an office. B. In a lift. C. In a car.

15. How soon will the man be interviewed?

A. In 30 minutes. B. In 15 minutes. C. In 10 minutes.

16. Why does the woman want to get the job?

A. She likes the working time.  B. She likes working in downtown. C. She likes going to work by subway.


17. What is the speaker doing?

A. Introducing the entertainers.  B. Making an opening speech.  C. Getting to know the audience.

18. What is Sarah Johnson known for?

A. Her clever mind.

B. Her energetic personality.

C. Her important observations.

19. What is said about Mike Thompson?

A. He has a unique stage.  B. He has his own style of humor.  C. He is a nice physical comedian.

20. What docs the speaker remind the listeners of?

A. When to enjoy the show.  B. Where to book tickets.   C. How to get a special calendar.

第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。


Camping—Yellowstone National Park

Wanna hit a wonderful campground? There are four choices in Yellowstone National Park.

Madison Campground

This site, a central location, is just 14 miles east of the West Yellowstone entrance and 16 miles north of Old Faithful near the crossroad of the Gibbon, Madison and Fire hole Rivers. Offer a sanitary(卫生的) station and pay showers. Various group tours are at your service.

Canyon Campground

You'll find this campground close to the breathtaking Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone near the center of the park. Offer stores, restaurants, a coin laundry and a sanitary station. Showers are beyond reach.

Grant Village Campground

This woodsy campground is located at the southwestern of Yellowstone Lake, 22miles north of the South Entrance. Within a half mile, you'll find restaurants, pay showers, and a sanitary station. Group tours available yet with limits on numbers.

Bridge Bay Campground

Bridge Bay is situated near Yellowstone lake, 30 miles from the East Entrance to Yellowstone. It's also conveniently close to Bridge Bay lunch and coffee shop. A sanitary station is available. Access to the coin laundry is denied, and showers are under maintenance. Limited group tours available.

Tips & Rules

Camping or overnight vehicle parking in any place other than a designated campground is not permitted and essential camping facilities are offered with pre-booking.

Following the fires of 1988, thousands of dead trees, known as snags, were left standing in Yellowstone. These snags may fall with very little warning, so please be cautious and alert for falling snags in campsites. Click Yellowstone Log and you can find more camping information.

21. Which campground is most suitable for group visitors?

A. Madison Campground. B. Canyon Campground.

C. Bridge Bay Campground. D. Grant Village Campground.

22. What do Canyon and Bridge Bay have in common?

A. Eye-catching scenery. B. Inconvenient shower service.

C. Handy laundry service. D. Favorable distance to the centre.

23. What can visitors do according to Tips & Rules?

A. Borrow necessary camping tools anytime.

B. Wander carelessly in the campgrounds.

C. Get more information from the park staff.

D. Park in areas as directed in the campgrounds.


Verena Mohaupt and a handful of colleagues were trapped on floating sea ice while the bear gazed at them, smelling the air-a dangerous sign. As a colleague fired into the sky as a warning shot, Mohaupt radioed their research ship a few kilometers away, whose helicopter luckily arrived quickly and Mohaupt didn't have to use the gun that was hanging over her shoulder.

Keeping a lookout for bears was a regular duty for Mohaupt, the logistics coordinator(后勤协调员)for a year-long mission known as MOSAiC----the largest Arctic research exploration in history. The project, consisting of roughly 300 people, including scientists and coordinators, has collected massive measurements that will help better forecast how warming will transform the globe in the coming decades. For months, the exploration operated in constant darkness while polar bears wandered nearby, storms rocked the ship and the ice shifted and cracked.

Tasked with the security of the mission, Mohaupt designed an extensive training course for the participants in which they learnt how to avoid the danger, like storm-rocking and ice-cracking. They jumped into a Norwegian channel in their survival suits and climbed out of the freezing waters using only their ice picks. They learnt how to escape from a crashed helicopter. And they discussed the psychological effects of being far from home. Mohaupt brought knitting equipment, a yoga mat and an accordion for her own mental health----although having been prepared for the isolation.

Mohaupt didn't expect a career in polar regions. However, all the scientists approved that without her, the project could not have achieved so much. “She was there to make sure that we were protected,” said one of them. “Mohaupt is certainly the champion in the field.”

24.How does the author introduce the topic in the first paragraph?

A. By making a list. of facts. B. By presenting arguments.

C. By describing a scene. D. By making a comparison.

25. What do we know about MOSAiC?

A. It is the largest ever research exploration.

B. It is made up of about 300 scientists.

C. Its working conditions are quite tough.

D. Its duty is to keep a lookout for bears.

26. Which of the following best describes Mohaupt?

A. Ambitious and courageous. B. Passionate and humorous.

C. Honest and generous. D. Professional and responsible.

27. What is the attitude of the scientist towards Mohaupt?

A. Tolerant. B. Appreciative. C. Sympathetic. D. Envious.


You constantly find yourself apologizing to a friend when you've done nothing wrong. You feel you must obey someone's demands, fearing that he/she will reveal a secret or weakness. Or perhaps a relative is trying to make you feel obliged to do something by saying, “That's what friends or family do for each other.” They arouse feelings of guilt in you for not meeting their needs.

If you have had experiences with any of these cases. then you are the victim of emotional blackmail(勒索). This style of handle controls you through your emotions. Fear, obligation and guilt----FOG----arc used by an emotional blackmailer to get what they want from people.

Anyone----a friend, colleague, parent, partner or other family members----could be that person. Their demands are intended to control their victim's behavior in unhealthy methods.

Dr. Susan Forward identifies six stages in emotional blackmail. Implied or obvious demands come first. “l don't think you should do things with that person. They're not good for you.” After this kind of statement is stage two: Resistance. The victim often avoids the blackmailer or suggests alternatives instead of saying no. Stage three is persistent pressure by the blackmailer: “If we were really friends, you'd do it.” Stage four involves threats: “If you don't do this...then I will...” The victim doesn't want the blackmailer to make good on their threats, so obedience(顺从), which is stage five, often leaves the victim feeling guilty or resentful. In stage six the blackmailer backs off until the next demand.

What can you do? First, recognize if you are being pressured. threatened or controlled. Stay calm, so you can consider other possibilities. Identify your triggers; don't be pressured into an immediate response. Offer a compromise. Tell the blackmailer how you feel, and give them a chance to acknowledge their behavior and change. If they won't, walk away from the relationship. Under no circumstances should you let your fears be used against you.

28. What is called emotional blackmail?

A. Having experiences of fear, obligation and guilt.

B. Reaching goals through emotional controls over others.

B. Reaching goals through emotional controls over others.

C. Enriching one's emotions like fear, obligation and guilt.

D. Getting whatever one wants without any emotional changes.

29. Which of the following can be the second stage of blackmail?

A. The victim felt scared to be threatened and asked others for help.

B. The victim announced, “l would not do as you ordered anymore!”

C. The victim said, “How about treating you to a big meal instead?”

D. The victim decided to have a face-to-face talk with the blackmailer.

30. What does the underlined word “resentful” in the last paragraph but one mean?

A. Angry. B. Frightened. C. Indifferent. D. Amazed.

31. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. The risks of emotionally blackmailing others.

B. The steps of avoiding being emotionally blackmailed.

C. The suggestions on punishing an emotional blackmailer.

D. The ways to prevent oneself emotionally blackmailing others.


Scientists have long linked the Permian-Triassic mass extinction some 252 million years ago to vast volcanic eruptions in what is now Siberia. The resulting CO emissions rapidly accelerated climate warming, resulting in the collapse of ecosystems. But climate warming alone cannot explain because when the tropics become too hot, species migrate to the cooler, higher latitudcs(纬度). So, what wiped out almost all life on land, including plants and usually resilient insects, has remained a source of mystery.

One new study, published in the journal Science and co-led by the University of Bristol and China University of Geosciences ( Wuhan), has shed new light. Tremendous ocean warming El Nino events were the key, with global conditions swinging wildly over decades.

The scale of Permian-Triassic warming was revealed by studying oxygen isotopes(同位素) in the fossilized(石化的)tooth material of tiny extinct swimming organisms called conodonts(牙形虫). By studying the temperature record of conodonts from around the world, the researchers were able to show remarkable temperature instability, especially in the low and mid latitudes.

Dr. Farnsworth, who used pioneering climate modeling to evaluate the findings, said, “The changes responsible for the climate patterns were profound because there were much more intense and prolonged El Nino events than witnessed today. Species were simply not equipped to adapt or evolve quickly enough.”

The results of the climate modeling also help explain the abundant charcoal(木炭) found in rock layers of that age. “Wildfires became very common in a drought-prone climate. Earth got stuck in a crisis state where the land was burning and the oceans lifeless. There was nowhere to hide,” he added.

In recent years El Nino events have caused major changes. 2023-2024 was one of the hottest years on record globally due to a strong El Nino in the Pacific, which was further worsened by increased human-induced COR driving catastrophic drought and fires around the world. Fortunately, events like this so far have only lasted one to two years at a time.

32. What does the article mainly talk about?

A. The exact cause of the Permian-Triassic mass extinction.

B. The impacts of volcanic eruptions on species on the earth.

C. The connection between El Nino events and CO2 emissions.

D. The survival skills of some ancient plants and resilient insects.

33. How did researchers know about the instable global temperature in the Permian-Triassic period?

A. By making reference to previous climate models.

B. By comparing temperatures in low and mid latitudes.

C. By studying different sea creatures around the world.

D. By conducting scientific researches on relevant fossils.

34. What happened some 252 million years ago according to the researchers?

①Threatened species made instant evolutions.

②Massive amounts of charcoal were formed.

③Disastrous wildfires happened frequently.

④The earth almost turned into a burning planet.

A. ①② B. ③④ C. ①②③ D. ②③④

35. What is implied in the last paragraph?

A. History always repeats itself.

B. The cloud has a silver lining.

C. Every day is a leaf in history.

D. Nature is indeed what we see.



Humans have a need to share their beliefs and values with other people.   36   This has a solid logic: Sharing emotions and opinions can lead to imitation(模仿), which can in turn create unity and enhance relationships.

Besides creating a bond, another reason you might want someone to model themselves on your feelings is to get them to alter their views.   37   The choice will depend on the other person's situation. If he/she already agrees with you, then your negativity car raise the intensity of his/her views.

  38   Sometimes, people you are talking to don't already think the way you do. They will simply judge your statement to be hyperbolic(浮夸的) and biased. And you won't get them to imitate you at all. To an even greater degree, if they disagree with you, what you say will harden their values against yours.   39   when people are offended over the opinions they hold, they are much more likely to dig into their position against that of the speaker.

Imagine a person came to your house with a beautiful bunch of flowers. But when you opened the door, he/she hit you with the flowers.   40   

So, if you want to be more persuasive, consider the specific situations and share them more positively----in other words, turn your beliefs and values into a gift, rather than a weapon.

A. One size, however, won't fit for all.

B. This is the so-called back fire effect.

C. All you would want is to get the person out of the way.

D. When you feel strongly about something, it's hard not to talk about it.

E. This is essentially the result of using your flowers negatively as weapons.

F. To achieve the goal, you can outline your views either positively or negatively.

G. Positive emotions may be better at leading to imitation than negative emotions.

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分30分)

第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

During a trip to San Diego, l came across two seals, Gracie and Billy, at the Bahia Resort Hotel. l later learned both of them could   41   see anything with severe visual disabilities. However. they   42   to live joyfully in their pool. I   43   them daily, fascinated by their enthusiasm and joy.

“Come on, Gracie,” her attendant called one day during feeding time. Gracie,   44   the attendant's presence, tried to   45   smoothly forward but in vain. She kept   46   under the water, successfully swimming away at the last second. Billy also joined in the fun, creating a delightful scene of water joy.

As l spent hours   47   Gracie and Billy, I couldn't help but feel a deep   48   with them. Their ability to   49   and find joy in their circumstances left a permanent impression on me.

Two years later, l faced my own battle with my   50   . Terrified of losing my vision, I recalled the seals’ ability to thrive though visually-challenged. “   51   what you can do,” I reminded myself, inspired by Gracie and Billy's   52   for life.

l embraced simple   53   like preparing and enjoying meals and rediscovered my love for exercise. As my body   54   , I realized that Gracie and Billy's lives became a beam of guiding light during my   55   moments, teaching me to find joy in the present.

41. A. clearly B. merely C. barely D. closely

42. A. managed B. failed C. promised D. refused

43. A. guided B. visited C. comforted D. disciplined

44. A. indicating B. expecting C. catching D. sensing

45. A. hang B. call C. point D. ease

46. A. floating B. playing C. diving D. chewing

47. A. approaching B. observing C. examining D. training

48. A. connection B. appointment C. contrast D. challenge

49. A. adapt B. perform C. boast D. respond

50. A. taste B. courage C. hearing D. eyesight

51. A. Concentrate on B. Break up C. Lay down D. Put off

52. A. caution B. annoyance C. passion D. anxiety

53. A. beliefs B. conflicts C. reactions D. pleasures

54. A. declined B. improved C. ached D. bowed

55. A. best B. darkest c. coolest D. lightest



The historic city of Suzhou, about   56   hour's drive from Shanghai, is criss-crossed(纵横交错的)with canals. Old buildings line the banks. A century ago some of these would have been chaguans, or traditional teahouses,   57   locals gathered to discuss the news or conduct business. Today a visitor is more likely   58   (spot) shops serving a different kind of beverage. Some even look like old chaguans.

Between 2010 and 2022 coffee   59   (consume) per person in China, according to the International Coffee Organization,   60   (rise) fourfold. But the average Chinese person still drinks a small part of the amount of coffee guzzled(狂饮) by the typicalAmerican:0.1kg per year   61   (compare) with 4.7kg.

The early history of coffee in China is fuzzy. A record from Qing dynasty described coffee as a “black liquor, which the foreigners drank after meals,   62   (claim) it can help with digestion”. But after China introduced market reforms   63   opened up to the world in the 1980s, foreign firms such as Nestlé brought instant coffee to the country, catering   64   local tastes. At that time, the biggest coffee drinking groups were white-collar workers, considering coffee's high price.

Today, though, a wider range of the population is drinking coffee thanks to the rise of domestic coffee chains like Luckin selling   65   (afford) brews(饮品).



假定你是校学生会的负责人李华,请给体育外教Sherlock 写一封邮件邀请他做一次演讲,主题为鼓励学生日常多锻炼。内容包括:




1. 写作词数应为80左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear Sherlock,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Emily Harper sat at her desk, staring blankly at the math problems in front of her. Numbers and variables danced confusingly across the page, laughing at her every effort. At school, Emily was known for her artistic talents, but math had always been her weakness. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't make sense of it.

Her struggles only worsened in the 10th grade. The more pressure to keep up with her classmates grew, and the poor grades shook her confidence. Her parents decided to step in. “We need to find you some help,” her mother gently suggested one evening.

Then came Mr. Jenkins. a retired local teacher known for his unique teaching style. Emily was initially resistant; the idea of spending extra hours on a subject she hated seemed like a punishment. But she unwillingly agreed, knowing something had to change.

Their first session was tense. Mr. Jenkins sensing her frustration. didn't dive straight into problems. Instead, he asked about her interests. When Emily spoke passionately about her painting, he smiled. “Math is like art, Emily. It has patterns and beauty if you know where to look.” Doubtful but inspired, Emily listened as he began to explain concepts through visual examples. He used colors and shapes, turning abstract numbers into something almost tangible(有形的). For the first time, math seemed less like a foreign language and more like a puzzle waiting to be solved.

However, progress was slow. Weeks passed with minimal improvement, and Emily's patience wore thin. A particularly difficult quiz left her in tears, convinced she was sure to fail. Mr. Jenkins said, “Remember, Emily, every artist starts with a blank canvas. Masterpieces aren't created overnight.”

Encouraged by his firm belief, Emily pushed on. She began to see the connections between the steps, how each solution followed a logical path. Small victories in practice problems gave her some hope. Mr. Jenkins was always there, celebrating her successes no matter how minor.




Gradually, Emily's confidence grew with Mr. Jenkins' help.                                                                               

Emily's heart raced when the results day arrived.                                                                         




1-5 CCABC 6-10 ACACB 11-15 ABCBA 16-20 BACBA


21-23 ABD 24-27 CCDB 28-31 BCAB 32-35 ADDB


36-40 DFABC


41-45 CABDD 46-50 CBAAD 51-55 ACDBB


56. an 57. where 58. to spot 59. consumption 60. rose

61. compared 62. claiming 63. and 64. to/for 65. affordable


Dear Sherlock,

As the chairman of Student Union, I am, with heartfelt sincerity, writing to invite you to deliver a speech concerning daily exercise.

The speech is scheduled at 5:00 p. m. this Friday in the stadium. The reason why we choose this theme is, initially, students’ insufficient awareness of exercise in daily life. Burdened with loads of schoolwork, seldom do students spare time for doing exercise. Additionally, taking into account the national appealing to cultivate all-round students, practicing exercise enables us to be qualified graduates.

Your accepting the invitation would be highly appreciated, and you, a sport enthusiast, can undoubtedly juice the speech up and make it reach a wider audience.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Gradually, Emily's confidence grew with Mr. Jenkins’ help. Each class Mr. Jenkins taught her turned into an adventure of discovery, where numbers and shapes combined to create a symphony of logic and imagination magically. She started to admire the elegance and harmony in variables and concepts, just as she would appreciate the balance in her paintings. Tolerant and firm, she began to tackle her homework with a newfound enthusiasm, keen to unveil the mysteries hidden in it. Not only was she now counting down the minutes until their next session, but her homework errors had witnessed an incredibly significant drop. Shortly, she completed the mid-term exams, with the results to be revealed sooner.

Emily's heart raced when the results day arrived. Her stomach was a mix of butterflies and

anticipation, a feeling she had never experienced for a math test before. Her fingers were icy as she tightly grasped for her report card, heart pounding in throat. However, the moment she scanned the score, what caught her eye was a bold “A” in red ink. It was more than just a letter; it was a symbol of her transformation, a reward to the hours of hard work and the belief Mr. Jenkins had placed in her. Finally, Emily felt a total relief with a sweet peace flooding into her. Maths was just her cup of tea and no limits were impossible to break through with a strong will and proper guidance.





21.A。细节题。根据第一个小标题下的“Various group tours are at your service.(各类团体游的类型都有提供。)"可知,Madison对于团体游览最合适。

22.B。细节题。根据第二个小标题下的“Showers are beyond reach”以及第四个小标题下的“Showers are under maintenance.”可知,两处的洗浴服务都不可使用。

23.D。推断题。根据“Tips &Rules”小标题下的“ ..other than a designated campground is not permitted”可知,露营场地的停车有指定地点。


【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了Mohaupt 作为一个北极科研团队中的后勤人员却发挥着巨大的作用。


25.C。根据第二段中的“Keeping a lookout for bears was a regular duty for Mohaupt, …MOSAiC----the largest Aretic research exploration in history.”以及“The project, consisting of roughly 300 people, including scientists and coordinators, has collected...”"等描述确定A,B、D为错误答案。由“For months, the exploration operated inconstant darkness while polar bears wandered nearby,  storms rocked the ship and the ice shifted and cracked."得知该组织的工作条件很艰苦。

26.D。从倒数第二段中的“Tasked with the security of the mission, Mohaupt designed an extensive training course for the participants in which they learnt how to avoid the danger, like storm-rocking and ice-cracking.”以及最后一段中的""She was there to make sure that we were protected, ‘said one of them. ‘Mohaupt is certainly the champion in the field.’”的描述得出Mohaupt是很专业而且很负责任的人。




28.B。根据第二段“If you have had experiences with any of these cases, then you are the victim of emotional blackmail(勒索). This style of handle controls you through your emotions. Fear,  obligation and guilt—FOG—are used by an emotional blackmailer to get what they want from people."可知, emotional blackmail 是指第一段描述的那些情形。这种行为是通过如害怕.责任感和内疚之类的情感来控制他人,以从他人身上得到自己想要的东西。

29.C。根据第四段中的“After this kind of statement is stage two: Resistance. The victim often avoids the blackmailer or suggests alternatives instead of saying no."可知, 第二阶段是反抗。受害者在此阶段一般会避免与情感勒索者碰面或者他们会提出其他的方案而不是直接拒绝。

30.A。根据画线词前“The victim doesn’t want the blackmailer to make good on their threats

so obedience(顺从), which is stage five, often leaves the victim feeling guilty or.."可知, 受害者不希望勒索者兑现他们的威胁, 所以服从, 而服从会让人感觉guilty(内疚的)或者愤愤不平的。这道题的关键是理清句子结构。

31.B。根据主题句“What can you do?”以及本段内容*First, recognize if you are being pressured, threatened or controlled. Stay calm, so you can consider other possibilities. Identify your triggers; don’t be pressured into an immediate response. Offer a compromise. Tell the blackmailer how you feel, and give them a chance to acknowledge their behavior and change. If they won’t, walk away from the relationship. Under no circumstances should you let your fears be used against you.”可知,这是作者提出的避免被情感勒索的具体步骤。



32.A。根据第一段最后一句“So, what wiped out almost all life on land, including plants and usually resilient insects, has remained a source of mystery." 可知, 使地球上几乎所有生物灭绝的真相一直是个谜。再根据第二段“One new study, published in the journal Science and co-led by the University of Bristol and China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), has shed new light. Tremendous ocean warming El Niio events were the key, with global conditions swinging wildly over decades."可知,全篇文章探讨了新发现的“巨大的使海洋升温的厄尔尼诺现象是导致了地球上几乎所有生物灭绝的真相,当时全球气候不稳定了几十年。”

33.D。根据第三段“The scale of Permian-Triassic warming was revealed by studying oxygen isotopes(同位素)in the fossilized(石化的) tooth material of tiny extinct swimming organisms called conodonts(牙形虫).By studying the temperature record of conodonts from around the world, the researchers were able to show remarkable temperature instability, especially in the low and mid latitudes."可知,科学家是通过研究一种微小的已灭绝的浮游微生物牙形虫的化石中的氧同位素来记录当时的温度,再通过广泛的采样得知这种温度不稳定覆盖了所有地方,尤其是低、中纬度地区。

34.D。根据第四段中的“Species were simply not equipped to adapt or evolve quickly enough.


物种没法适应或快速进化。根据第五段中的“The results of the climate modeling also help explain the abundant charcoal(木炭) found in rock layers of that age."可知第②句正确,在那个时期的岩石层里发现了大量的煤炭。根据“Wildfires became very common in a drought-prone climate."可知第③句正确,当时的气候干燥,野火发生频繁。根据“Earth got stuck in a crisis state where the land was burning and the oceans lifeless. There was nowhere to hide.”可知第④句正确,地球变成了一个炙热的星球。

35.B。根据最后一段中的“ In recent years El Nino events have caused major changes. 2023

2024 was one of the hottest years on record globally due to a strong El Niio in the Pacific, which was further worsened by increased human-induced CO driving catastrophic drought and fires around the world."可知,当前厄尔尼诺现象也造成了巨大的变化,2023—2024年成了有记录以来全球最热的一年。这归因于太平洋的强厄尔尼诺现象也进一步受到了全球大量的人类产生的二氧化碳驱动的灾难性干旱和火灾的影响。再根据*Fortunately, events like this so far have only lasted one to two years at a time."可知,幸运的是,像这样的现象目前一次只持续一两年。从而引申出来,现在没有Permian-Triassic时期的海洋温变现象那么严重,所以我们暂时不用那么悲观。”The cloud has a silver lining” 意思为在当前的糟糕的气候变化下,希望仍然存在。



36.D。根据前文"Humans have a need to share their beliefs and values with other people.”"可知,人类都爱与他人分享自己的信仰和价值观念。且后文"This has a solid logic: Sharing emotions and opinions can lead to imitation(模仿), which can in turn create unity and enhance relationships.”在解释其中的原因,因此设空处与前文关系更加紧密,都是讲的是一种分享现象。

37.F。根据前文“Besides creating a bond, another reason you might want someone to model themselves on your feelings is to get them to alter their views.”可知,本段讲的是让人模仿你的感受的另一个目的是让他们改变自己的观点。选项中的"the goal"正是指的这个目的。且后文"The choice will depend on the other person ‘s situations. lf he/ she already agrees with you, then your negativity can raise the intensity of his/her views.”中的"the choice”即指的是选项中的“you can outline your views cither positively or negatively”。

38.A。根据全段“38_Sometimes, people you are talking to don’t already think the way you do. They will simply judge your statement to be hyperbolic(浮夸的) and biased. And you won’t get them to imitate you at all. To an even greater degree, if they disagree with you,  what you say will harden their values against yours._39  When people are offended over the opinions they hold, they are much more likely to dig into their position against that of the other speaker."可知,这里是指的另一种情形,即如果对方与你并没有共识基础,则你的消极负能量的对话就会出现不一样的状况。”One size fits all” 意思是一概而论。

39.B。根据“To an even greater degree, if they disagree with you, what you say will harden their values against yours. 39 When people are offended over the opinions they hold, they are much more likely do dig into their position against that of the speaker.”可知,设空前后文意思相近,设空后的句子对前文具体情形上升到了理论方面的介绍。

40.C。根据前文“Imagine a person came to your house with a beautiful bunch of flowers. But when you opened the door, he/ she hit you with the flowers.”可知,作者在对上文逆火效应进行了一个假想场面的解释。因此设空处应该填的是把花当武器打人后的坏的结果,即你只想赶走他。


【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了作者在圣地亚哥的Bahia Resort Hotel度假期间偶遇了两只海豹Gracie和Billy ,经过细心观察它们,了解到了它们的身体状况以及它们的乐观精神。结合自己与眼疾作斗争的经历,作者很好地阐释了我们应该抱有积极乐观,活在当下和克服逆境等生活态度,去寻找生命中的喜悦和感激,以启迪人生。

41.C。根据后文“with severe visual disabilities”可知,海豹有视力问题,几乎不能看到东西。

42.A。根据前文"I later learned both of them could_ 4l _ see anything with severe visual disabilities.”和"However" 可知,这里是指海豹设法做到了在池子里开心地生活。



45.D。句意为“察觉到饲养员的存在,Gracie想要顺利游过去,但它没有成功。"ease smoothly forward意思为“顺利向前移动”。


47.B。文中描述了作者花费大量时间观察Gracie和 Billy的情景,可得出作者是“仔细观察”这两只海豹。

48.A。花了长时间观察海豹和与它们相处之后,作者与Gracic 和 Billy之间形成了某种强烈的情感“联系”。

49.A。此处语境说明了Gracie和 Billy的“适应”和找到爱的能力给作者留下了深刻的印象。

50.D。根据后文“Terrified of losing my vision…."可知,作者害怕失去视力,暗示了作者的担忧与视力有关。

51.A。作者因Gracie和 Billy 的生活态度而受启发,提醒自己“专注于”自己当下能做的事情

52.C。考虑到Gracie 和 Billy的适应能力和作者从中得到的正面启示, passion”描述了海豹对生活的积极态度。

53.D。根据前文“Terrified of losing my vision, l recalled the seals’ ability to thrive though visually-challenged. ‘51_what you can do,’l reminded myself, inspired by Gracie and Billy’s _52_ for life."可知,作者在向这两只海豹学习,享受生活的点滴与欢乐。


55.B。根据前文可知作者也与眼疾抗争,本句句意为“随着我身体的好转,我意识到Gracie 和 Billy的生活就是我最黑暗的时刻的一束指引我前行的光,教我在当下寻找快乐。”



56. an。考查冠词。an hour’s drive指“一小时的车程”,注意“hour”发音为元音音素开头,故填不定冠词an。

57. where。考查定语从句的连接词。where指代前文chaguans 。

58. to spot。考查不定式。be likely to do是固定用法。

59. consumption。考查词形变化。coffee consumption指“咖啡消费量”。

60. rose。考查谓语动词时态。rise—rose—risen。

61. compared。考查非谓语动词。此处拿中国的咖啡饮用量和美国相比较, compare sth with sth.为固定用法,此处为被动关系,故填compared。

62. claiming。考查非谓语动词。此处claiming 作伴随状语。

63. and。考查并列连词。此处连接两个谓语introduced和 opened up。

64. to/for。考查介词的固定搭配。cater to/for表“迎合”。

65. affordable。考查词形变化。affordable意为“负担得起的”。


Text 1

W: Honey, you’d better leave the laundry. The clothes will take ages to dry on such rainy days.

M: OK. Maybe I’ll do it another day then. The weather forecast said it will be clear next week.

Text 2

M: I’ll go to the city stadium to watch a football game this Friday evening. Would you like to go with me, Jane?

W: I’d love to, but Sally and I have a very tight schedule of our work.

Text 3

M: Jim, what about going to Banff National Park like last month?

W: Mum, let ‘s do something different this time. Bob invited us to go to the seaside with his family after breakfast this morning. Why not go with them?

Text 4

M: Julia, congratulations! You found a new client online at such short notice.

W: Thanks. l just got lucky. But I am not confident enough to talk with a client face to face.

M: Don’t worry. Catherine knows the ropes. She is competent to deal with different people.

Text 5

W: My mom helped me with my homework and I got all the questions right.

M: Well, your mom was wrong. Answer the questions again on your own. I set this exercise for my students, not their parents.

Text 6

W: H, Brian. Could you do me a favor and buy me lunch at the canteen? I just found my English homework in the desk drawer. I have to take it to Mrs. Peterson’s office immediately.

M: No problem. What would you like to have?

W: Any set meal is okay.

M: Got it. You look really tired.

W: The sports meeting is drawing near. I want to add a new title to my list of achievements. I need to stay focused.

M: Take it easy. Imagine something pleasant and be positive.

W: Ha-ha. My coach told me to cut back on training.

Text 7

M: Hello, Grand Hotel. How can I help you?

W: Hello. l booked a single room in the name of Susan Green for two nights. But now I have to put off my check-in time until four days later.

M: Let me have a check first. OK, Ms. Green, you intended to check in on January 14th, right?

W: Yes, and now I have to change the time, because I failed to get a plane ticket for the 14th. And I’ll fly there on the 18th.

M: Um, sorry, Ms. Green. No room for the 18th. But there’s a double room available on the 19th. Is that OK with you?

W: No problem, still two nights. I’ll call the travel agent to change my flight date.

Text 8

W: Wow, there are a lot of oranges! Do we really need that many?

M: I read an article today. It said one glass of orange juice in the morning would be effective in fighting a cold.

W: Yeah, didn’t you know that before?

M: I did. But this winter I’m extremely concerned about my health.

W: Okay. I’m not sure we have an electric juicer though.

M: Don ‘t worry, I’ve ordered one online. It was on sale. By the way, l also noticed good knives on sale in the nearby store. Should we get a new set of kitchen knives?

W: Oh, yes.

M: Great, I’ll get them tomorrow on my way back from Lily’s school.

W: Could you also pick me up? I want to choose them myself.

M: OK. I’ll finish work at 5;00 p.m. So be ready by 5 :30.

W: Okay. Oh, the TV show starts in a minute. I’ve prepared some snacks for us. Let’s go.

Text 9

W: Morning.

M: Good morning. Which floor shall [ press?

W: Fourth please.

M: Ah, same as me.

W: You’re not here for the interview, are you?

M: l am, indeed.

W: Ha-ha, so maybe we shouldn’t be talking to each other, then.

M: I don’t think it’s likely to make much difference. When is your appointment?

W: Let me see... in exactly 10 minutes.

M: Oh, you’re before me. Mine will begin in half an hour.

W: Looks like you got here too early.

M: Well, l didn’t want to leave anything to chance. I could have been stuck in traffic or something like that. By the way, what made you apply for the job?

W: I like the idea of working in the city center. There are some good shops around here.

M: Yes, but parking the car might be expensive.

W: well, I’ll be coming on the subway if I get the job, so that won’t matter.

M: What’s that sound?

W: Oh, it’s my phone. Excuse me, I’ll have to take this call.

Text 10

Get ready for an evening full of laughter and screams. We have lined up an incredible list of talented comedians for you. Let’s take a look at three of our featured performers. First up, we have Sarah Johnson, famed for her important observations about everyday life. Prepare yourselves for a large amount of clever humor that will have you rolling in your seats. Next, we have energetic Mark Anderson, a master of physical comedy who will bring life to the stage. Get ready for an experience that will have you laughing out loud. Finally, we have Mike Thompson, who is famous for his unique style of humor. Laughter is the best medicine, and this event promises to be a fantastic opportunity to relax and enjoy a night of pure joy. Make sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, June 25th at 8:00 p.m. It’s going to be an evening of smiles you won’t want to miss. I’m sure you will never be disappointed with your ticket purchase.








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