
文摘   2024-09-26 09:04   广东  

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第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
At a summer camp, while you may have a long list of things to do during the day, you also need some evening activities.
Night Hikes
Night hikes are a fun evening activity for summer campers, especially older ones. Take a guided night hike, allowing yourself to experience nature in a different setting. Make sure that you wear appropriate clothes and always follow appointed paths. Plan the hike to ensure that you can return safely before it gets too late in the evening.
Movie Nights
Set up a screen and projector outdoors, and have a movie night under the stars. Prepare blankets, popcorn, and a comfortable spot for yourself to spread out and get comfortable. You should also consider other forms of seating, including chairs and picnic tables. It’s also a good idea to check the forecast. If there is rain, have alternative indoor summer camp activities.
Campfire Stories
Gather around a campfire for storytelling. The goal is to entertain and help campers bond. Select stories that suit the age and interests of your audience. You can also share experiences and horror stories. However, speaking aloud around the campfire is sometimes a struggle. Prepare some familiar stories in advance.
Campfire Rhythms
Instead of stories, you may prefer campfire rhythms. Bring out the guitars, drums, and other instruments for a beautiful evening. You can perform traditional camp songs or learn something new for the evening. The easiest option is to select a variety of songs that cater to all ages and musical tastes.
21. What should campers consider before taking night hikes?
A. Dress and security.
B. Bonding and entertainment.
C. Audience’s age and interests.
D. Story selection and preparation.
22. What can be learned about movie nights?
A. They require attention to the weather.
B. They are more popular than campfire stories.
C. They take place in an indoor screening room.
D. They offer various forms of free food services.
23. Which of the following suits campers enjoying music most?
A. Night hikes.            B. Movie nights.
C. Campfire stories.            D. Campfire rhythms.
Jennifer Hodges is a third grade teacher. She says her students don’t just sit at desks every day. They do a lot of practical learning, such as raising coho salmon(银鲑) and then releasing them into a lake. It’s through a program called Salmon in the Classroom, established by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.   
Coho salmon lay eggs in the fall, when many schools start. The eggs remain in the classroom about six months before they are released into lakes. After that, they live for two to four years before they lay eggs and then die shortly afterwards. Though many of her students often see salmon in their backyard, few are familiar with them. Hodges says, “With this project, they have a whole different perspective because they know what it takes to actually go through the stages of a salmon.”
Learning about climate change is more crucial now than ever. In 2022, the Arctic had its sixth- warmest year on record. But these lessons are made concrete to them in raising salmon, which require cold water to survive.
During the months when the salmon are in the classroom, students like to sit by the tank to observe, and calculate when the salmon will turn from eggs to fry(鱼苗) based on the temperature of the tank. To them, it’s not practicing math problems; it’s predicting the future.
Since Hodges and her students live in such a rural area, there aren’t many field trips. But each year in May, she takes her students on the Salmon Field Trip, where they get to release the salmon they’ve raised in class, which is apedagogicalevent. This trip is designed to teach students about the living of salmon and the importance of environmental conservation.
“The best part is getting to say goodbye. We release the salmon after watching them hatch from eggs and grow into fry while taking care of them,” says a boy, Fisher. “I can’t be too excited at that moment.”
24. What is the main purpose of Salmon in the Classroom?
A. To get salmon’s eggs for food.
B. To keep salmon in the backyard.
C. To teach the salmon life cycle in depth.
D. To increase the salmon population in lakes.
25. What does raising salmon in the classroom teach students?
A. The frequency of feeding salmon in tanks.
B. The urgency of understanding climate change.
C. The difficulty of predicting climate conditions.
D. The necessity of mild weather for salmon survival.
26. What does the underlined word “pedagogical” in paragraph 5 mean?
A. Technical.      B. Educational.      C. Commercial.      D. Recreational.
27. What does Fisher think of releasing the fish?
A. It’s bitter.            B. It’s boring.
C. It’s simple.            D. It’s fantastic.
Co- led by the Simon Fraser University (SFU) and the National Archaeological and Anthropological Memory Management (NAAM),a team of international partners has been working on a cultural landscape project to understand the long- term biodiversity change of Curaçao, and its relationship to human activities. Findings from the team show that the human occupation of Curaçao, an island in the southern Caribbean, dates as far back as 5735-5600 BC— up to 850 years earlier than previously thought.
Christina Giovas, who co- lead the study, says, “This new information helps push the initial exploration in this region back to a time when other islands to the north of Curaçao are also being settled. This suggests that the movement of people from the continental mainland into those more northern islands might have entangled(使卷入) with some of the movement of the people into Curaçao.” While more work is needed to determine if this is the case, Giovas notes that this indicates that the exploration of the islands off the western Venezuelan coast began earlier than previously known and provides a baseline for studying human- environment interactions in the area.
The team traveled to Curaçao in the summer of2022 for their first field season, bringing with them a group of SFU archaeology undergraduate students as part of a five- week international field school. Students helped survey, map and unearth project sites throughout the island, and then presented their findings to the local community. Throughout these activities, they worked closely with local volunteers and the project’s partner, the NAAM Foundation, an NGO that manages the island’s archaeological heritage through cooperation with the government and stakeholders(参与方).
“For archaeology, practical learning is really the best way to understand the field. To have students involved in these initiatives is, I think, where you get these general shifts in the culture of the discipline,” says Giovas. The project also works to increase local capacity for archaeology on the island, create opportunities for knowledge mobilization, and bring awareness to the depth of history of the area.
28. What do the findings from the project on Curaçao indicate?
A. International partners’ views are misunderstood.   
B. The islands’ settlement history extends further back.
C. The previous timeline of human occupation is confirmed.
D. Human activities have reduced biodiversity on the island.
29. What does Giovas say about the new information?
A. Its source.            B. Its exchange.
C. Its significance.            D. Its complexity.
30. Why did the team include the SFU students in their field season on Curaçao?
A. To protect the island’s heritage.
B. To promote tourism on the island.
C. To fulfill a requirement of their academic program.
D. To provide them with relevant hands- on experience.
31. What can be the best title for the text?
A. Presenting Practical Activities
B. Leading a Cultural Landscape Project
C. Revealing Ancient Human History on Curacao
D. Volunteering to Explore International Archaeology
Recently, three engineers at the University of Glasgow have designed and built an innovative AI-based drone(无人机) system that can assist in search efforts for hikers lost in the wilderness. They have published a paper describing their efforts on the preprint server.
Hiking in the Scottish Highlands has become a popular activity over the past several decades. The landscape offers a wide variety of remote locations that allow hikers to get back to nature. But such hiking can be disastrous— hikers can get lost or injured. Many find themselves in need of assistance every year. Because of that, emergency teams use both traditional and modern techniques to find those who are lost or have become disabled for some reasons.
In recent years, searchers have begun to use drones— their higher point allows for covering more land more quickly than searching on foot. It helps spot and locate things precisely that searchers aren’t able to see from the ground. In this new effort, the team wondered if adding AI to drone technology could improve the search for lost hikers.
To find out it, they created an AI model using data sets showing the paths taken by people who were lost and then found by search parties around the world. They also added relevant data, such as participants’ age, their reasons for hiking, and details about whether they were walking alone, or using some other form of transportation like horseback riding. They noted geographical information regarding both the path taken by those who were lost and where they were found, such as rivers, streams, roads or open ground. They then added data specific to Scotland’s geography. They ran the model millions of times, each representing a simulated search, until it narrowed down the most probable paths a lost hiker would take. The drone would then be instructed to search those paths first.
In testing their system against traditional approaches-- such as“the lawn mower” sweeping technique used to find actual hikers— the new approach found lost hikers more often. The researchers say they need more data to make their system more accurate and eventually result in a tool that could be used to save lives.
32. What do we know about the AI-based drone system?
A. It is a boost to search techniques.
B. It has replaced traditional search methods.
C. It has been employed in searches for decades.
D. It is excluded from searches in the Scottish Highlands.
33. What mainly makes AI drones effective in finding lost hikers?
A. Fast photo taking.            B. Accurate positioning.
C. Quick landing ability.            D. Precise image analysis.
34. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A. How the AI drones were invented.
B. How relevant data affected hikers’ paths.
C. How hikers got geographical information.
D. How the AI model improved drone search strategies.
35. How do the researchers propose to improve the new searching approach?
A. By perfecting the related data.
B. By equipping hikers with AI tools.
C. By abandoning the current system.
D. By increasing search practice frequency.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)   
In an era of endless choices, decision- making can be difficult. Let’s explore how to navigate this complexity effectively.
●Cut back your decisions. When you’re feeling overwhelmed with possibilities, it’s often easier to do nothing. That’s not a long- term solution, so try to focus on the really important issues and avoid sweating the small stuff.  36  Decide what you’ re going to wear the night before, eat the same breakfast every day, and know when you’ re going to do certain chores. That cuts down the number of options you have to weigh at any given time.
●Make it manageable.  37  First, write down the pro s and cons of different options. Consider how you feel about them, rather than simply the number of points for and against. Discard all but the three or four most realistic courses of action. Next, gather information that will help with the decision, and then seek advice from just a few people. It’s often helpful if they’re independent, rather than friends or family.
  38  Establish yourself a firm but realistic date by which you need to have picked your preferred option. This will also prevent you from going down rabbit holes.
●Trust yourself. Making a decision is scary.  39  To give yourself confidence, list the decisions you’ ve made in the past that have worked out well and consider whether choices you consider bad were really that disastrous.
●Seek help. If making choices is having a significant effect on your mental health, consider cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), a type of psychological treatment.  40  
A. Set deadlines.
B. Follow a series of steps.
C. Prepare optional choices.
D. Be organised in your daily life.
E. But you are the one who knows yourself best.
F. If you have problems, try to solve them yourself first.
G. It can reduce negative thinking and promote healthy problem- solving.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
When Mike visited Bali, he first took note of street vendors(摊贩). It was evident that they were  41  food. When Mike asked if he could still have food without money on hand, they showed him  42  , especially one woman named Lily.
In addition to some rice, Lily gave him a plate of meat without  43  . However, what indeed  44  him most was that she insisted he come back there daily so he could be  45  . The next day, touched by how good Lily was to him, Mike  46  her $500 to improve her life temporarily.
Actually, Lily was a(n)  47  street vendor. She and her husband worked from dawn to dusk. Even so, the prospect of owning a home remained  48  . That was why Mike decided to  49  a non- profit website to help families like this.
Mike learned that Lily’s family’s  50  was to open up their own food shop and buy their own home once they had enough money. To facilitate their journey towards realizing the dreams, Mike  51  the scene of the street vendors  52  small businesses, and then posted the videos and created a GoFundMe page to raise money.
Thanks to financial donations from the  53  strangers from all over the world. Lily’s family has moved into a new residence, and other vendors’ lives are improving! Mike shares on GoFundMe, “Thanks for all the support. We are definitely going to change their lives.”  54  , a small gesture of goodwill can make a  55  to those in need.
41. A. cooking      B. selling      C. gifting      D. donating
42. A. direction      B. honour      C. courage      D. kindness
43. A. charge      B. taste      C. pity      D. patience
44. A. inspired      B. moved      C. confused      D. bothered
45. A. fed      B. left      C. inspected      D. stopped
46. A. owed      B. lent      C. offered      D. showed
47. A. struggling      B. mean      C. reliable      D. attractive
48. A. in order      B. in touch      C. out of place      D. out of reach
49. A. remark      B. establish      C. advertise      D. search
50. A. test      B. solution      C. goal      D. project
51. A. imagined      B. transformed      C. wrote      D. shot   
52. A. announcing      B. running      C. closing      D. registering
53. A. lonely      B. humble      C. enthusiastic      D. creative
54. A. Awkwardly      B. Professionally      C. Irregularly      D. Undoubtedly
55. A. mistake      B. profit      C. difference      D. donation
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Two bronze(青铜) sculptures of the great Chinese philosophers Confucius and Lao Tzu were shown in May at Batlle Park in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay. The artwork,  56  theme is the search for wisdom, is made up of two figures,  57  (stand)7. 8 meters tall. It is a work  58  (create) by Wu Weishan, a well- known Chinese sculptor.
The  59  (impress) sculptures show Confucius asking Lao Tzu a central idea. In 2018, a leader of Uruguay made a special trip  60  Wu’s workshop when she visited China. Immediately attracted by the sculptures, she told Wu that she wanted them to find a home in Uruguay in  61  hope of making future generations listen to the historic dialogue between these two great  62  (man). Six years later, the sculptures crossed the ocean and were placed among the trees in Batlle Park. When they finally touched the ground, Wu was  63  (extreme) excited.
The installation of these sculptures symbolizes the cultural bridge between China and Uruguay, fostering mutual understanding and respect. Over the last 2,000 years, the teachings of Confucius  64  (spread) by many people to East Asia, Europe, the Americas, and more, leaving  65  (they) mark all over the world.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分 15 分)
假定你是李华,上周五你校在操场上举办了开学典礼。请你给外国朋友 Tom写一封邮件,分享此次活动,内容包括:
1. 活动内容;
2. 你的感想。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Tom,






Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
Mary was a high school girl with a strong sense of style. Her fashionable clothes and trendy hairstyles often set her apart from her classmates. Despite occasional misunderstandings, she remained true to herself.
One day, Mary arrived at school with a new hairstyle again. Her classmates surrounded her, asking why she had changed her hair to an ordinary haircut. Mary said that she decided to give up following fashion and devoted herself to studying. Their teacher, Mr Green, happened to hear this and smiled.
Once Lucy had a conflict with Mary because she criticized Mary’s strange hairstyle. However, this time, she praised Mary’s ordinary hairstyle and suggested they wear the same style as a sign of solidarity (团结) and friendship. But thinking of their last disagreement, Mary refused.
Later, Mary’s mother learned of her daughter’s trouble with Lucy. Recognizing the potential for a positive outcome, Mary’s mother reached out to Lucy’s mother with a heartfelt apology and a kind gesture. Mary’s mother offered to treat both girls to a day of relaxation and self- care, allowing them to choose the same hairstyle that made them feel confident and happy.
The experience brought the two families closer, and Mary’s mother taught her daughter the importance of empathy(同理心) and kindness. Together, they selected a book to give it to Lucy as a peace offering and a symbol of their shared sweetness in life.   
On Sunday, Mary and her mother visited Lucy’s house, where they exchanged gifts. Mary’s sincerity touched Lucy, and they finally forgave each other. During the conversation, the two girls discovered that they shared a common passion for painting. As they painted together, they found themselves sharing stories and laughter.
“Mary, your use of colors is amazing!” Lucy screamed, admiring Mary’s work.
“Thanks, Lucy,” Mary replied, smiling. “I love the details of your work. We make a great team!”
Finally, they agreed to meet up after school to work on an art project, aiming to bring together students who had an interest in art and exchange ideas together.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Mary and Lucy’s art project soon became a school- wide initiative.






One day, Mary entered the classroom to find Lucy wearing the same hairstyle as hers.








21—23 AAD
21. A 【解析】细节理解题。根据 Night Hikes 的介绍中的关键信息 wear appropriate clothes 和 return safely可知,露营者在进行该活动前需要考虑穿着和安全。
22. A 【解析】细节理解题。根据 Movie Nights的介绍中的最后两句可知,该活动需要关注天气,如果下雨,则需要有替代活动。
23. D 【解析】推理判断题。根据 Campfire Rhythms 的介绍可知,该活动涉及各种乐器和歌曲表演,最适合喜爱音乐的露营者参与。
24—27 CBBD
B篇:Jennifer Hodges让学生养育和放生银鲑,使他们在实践中了解气候变化和环境保护。
24. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段和第二段最后一句可知,Salmon in the Classroom 项目的主要目的是让学生深入了解银鲑的生命周期。
25. B【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段可知,养育银鲑的过程让学生意识到理解气候变化的紧迫性。
26. B【解析】词义推测题。根据下文可知,这次旅行的目的是让学生了解鲑鱼的生活和环境保护的重要性。由此可推出 ,画线词的词义与 Educational意思一致。
27. D【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中 Fisher说的话可知,他认为放生银鲑那刻是最美好且令人激动的。
28—31 BCDC
28. B【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,研究结果表明,Curaçao 岛的人类居住历史比之前认为的要早850年。
29. C【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段可知,新信息有助于将该地区的初始探索时间推回到更早的时期,并且表明了人类与环境的互动研究的新基线。因此,Giovas谈到了新信息的重要性。   
30. D 【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中 Giovas说的话可知,这个团队让SFU的学生加入他们的实地考察中,是为了给他们提供考古实践经验。
31. C【解析】主旨大意题。本文主要内容:研究团队发现,在Curaçao岛,人类居住的历史比之前认为的要早。
32—35 ABDA
D 篇:University of Glasgow 的工程师们利用人工智能协助无人机精确定位找到迷失的远足者。
32. A【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段可知,AI无人机系统提高了搜索效率,是对现有搜索技术的补充和提升。
33. B【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段可知,无人机系统的有效性主要来自它精确的定位能力。文中的 spot和 locate是提示词。
34. D【解析】主旨大意题。通读第四段可知,该段主要讲AI模型如何通过使用数据集和模拟搜索来提高无人机的搜索策略。
35. A【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,研究人员提议通过完善相关数据来改进新的搜索方法,使系统更精确,最终成为一个可以用来拯救生命的工具。
36—40 DBAEG
36. D【解析】上下文谈到在日常生活中通过做决定来减少选择的数量,从而简化决策过程。因此,D项“在日常生活中要有条理”承上启下,符合语境。
37. B【解析】下文列出了决策步骤。因此,B项“遵循一系列步骤”引出下文,符合语境。
38. A【解析】该段强调的是,为自己设定一个确定的最后期限来做出选择。因此,A项“设定最后期限”为该段的最佳主旨句。
39. E【解析】下文指出要信任自己的决策能力。因此,E项“但你是最了解自己的人”与下文关系紧密,与上文是转折关系,符合语境。
40. G【解析】G项“它可以减少消极思维,促进健康的解决问题的方式”对上文中的CBT的治疗效果做出了解释。
41—45 BDABA 46—50CADBC 51—55 DBCDC
完形填空:本文讲述了 Mike在巴厘岛遇到善良的摊贩,并帮助他们实现梦想的故事。
41. B【解析】考查动词。很明显,他们在卖食物。
42. D【解析】考查名词。当 Mike 询问如果没有钱是否还能用餐时,他们以善意回应了他。
43. A【解析】考查名词。除了一些米饭,Lily还免费给了 Mike一盘肉。
44. B【解析】考查动词。最让 Mike感动的是,Lily坚持让他每天来吃东西。
45. A【解析】考查动词。参考上一题解析。
46. C【解析】考查动词。Mike给了 Lily 500美元来暂时改善她的生活。
47. A【解析】考查形容词。事实上,Lily是一个为生计奔波的街头小贩。
48. D【解析】考查介词短语。即便如此,拥有住房仍然是遥不可及的事。
49. B【解析】考查动词。这就是为什么 Mike决定建立一个非营利性网站来帮助这样的家庭。
50. C【解析】考查名词。Mike得知 Lily一家的目标是开一家自己的食品店和买自己的房子。
51. D【解析】考查动词。Mike把街头小贩经营小生意的场景拍了下来。
52. B【解析】考查动词。参考上一题解析。
53. C【解析】考查形容词。由于来自世界各地热情的陌生人的经济捐助,Lily一家人搬进了新的住所,其他摊贩的生活也得到了改善!   
54. D【解析】考查副词。毫无疑问,一个小小的善举会对需要帮助的人产生影响。
55. C【解析】考查名词。参考上一题解析。
56. whose 57. standing 58. created 59. impressive 60. to 61. the
62. men 63. extremely 64. have been spread 65. their
56. whose 【解析】考查定语从句。此处的 whose用作关系代词,引导定语从句,修饰先行词 The artwork。在定语从句中,whose充当定语,修饰 theme。
57. standing 【解析】考查非谓语动词。standing在此处是现在分词,用作状语。现在分词作状语时,表示主动和进行。
58. created 【解析】考查非谓语动词。created 在此处是过去分词,用作定语。过去分词作定语时,表示被动和完成。
59. impressive 【解析】考查形容词。impressive 作为形容词,在此处用来修饰后面的名词 sculptures。
60. to 【解析】考查介词。trip常常与 to搭配,表示前往某处的旅行
61. the 【解析】考查冠词。in the hope of sth 是固定搭配,意思是“抱着……的希望”。
62. men【解析】考查名词单复数。此处名词复数 men,指代上文提到的两位伟大的人物,即孔子和老子。
63. extremely 【解析】考查副词。此处应用副词 extremely 修饰形容词 excited。
64. have been spread 【解析】考查时态。根据 Over the last 2,000 years 和介词 by可知,此处应用现在完成时的被动语态。
65. their 【解析】考查代词。此处应用形容词性物主代词 their修饰名词 mark。
说明:1. 有拼写或大小写错误的作答不给分。
2. 除所列答案外,若试评过程中发现其他可接受答案,经评卷专家组讨论确认后也可给分。
Dear Tom,
I want to share with you an exciting event that took place on the school playground last Friday— our opening ceremony for the new semester.
It started with a speech from our principal, who welcomed all the teachers and students and outlined his expectations. And then the students presented performances, including a choir and martial arts. The event concluded with a motivational talk from a former student who had achieved success in her career.
Personally, I found the ceremony inspiring. It not only reminded me of the importance of setting goals and staying focused but also pushed me to fight for my dreams. I’m looking forward to all the hopes and opportunities that this new semester will bring.
Li Hua
Mary and Lucy’s art project soon became a school- wide initiative. They organized an art exhibition to showcase their work, and invited students to contribute pieces that expressed their unique identities and personal stories. The event was a huge success, fostering a sense of community, collaboration, and creativity among the students. Meanwhile, Mary and Lucy’s friendship grew stronger, and they became role models for their classmates. They demonstrated the beauty of embracing one’s true self and the joy that came from supporting and inspiring others.
One day, Mary entered the classroom to find Lucy wearing the same hairstyle as hers. They smiled at each other. The classmates exclaimed, “How beautiful you look!” They erupted in cheers, celebrating the two girls’ unity and newfound friendship. Witnessing this heartwarming scene, Mr Green said, “Although your hairstyle is simple, its meaning is not. It represents your friendship.” He encouraged the whole class to embrace diversity and mutual respect. Everybody present caught the meaning of the teacher’s words. Then the entire classroom turned into a more inclusive and welcoming place.   




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