
文摘   2024-10-16 11:03   广东  


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。


Where to Eat in Bangkok


Bangkok is a highly desirable destination for food lovers. It has a seemingly bottomless well of dining options. Here are some suggestions on where to start your Bangkok eating adventure.




Offering Thai fine dining. Nahm provides the best of Bangkok culinary (烹饪的) experiences. It’s the only Thai restaurant that ranks among the top 10 of the word’s 50 best restaurants list. Head Chef David Thompson, who received a Michelin star for his Loodon-based Thai restaurant of the same name, opened this branch in the Metropolitan Hotel in 2010.

提供泰式美食。纳姆(Nahm)提供最好的曼谷美食体验。这是唯一一家跻身世界50家最佳餐厅排行榜前10名的泰国餐厅。主厨大卫·汤普森(David Thompson)2010年在大都会酒店(Metropolitan Hotel)开设了这家分店,他在位于卢敦的同名泰国餐厅获得了米其林星级。

Issaya Siamese Club


Issaya Siamese Club is internationally known Thai chef Ian Kittichai’s first flagship Bangkok restaurant. The menu in this beautiful colonial house includes traditional Thai cuisine combined with modern cooking methods.

伊萨亚暹罗俱乐部(Issaya Siamese Club)是国际知名的泰国厨师伊恩·基蒂查伊(Ian Kittichai)在曼谷开设的第一家旗舰餐厅。在这座美丽的殖民地风格的房子里,菜单包括结合了现代烹饪方法的传统泰式菜肴。

cuisine   n.烹饪(罚);菜肴



Bo.lan has been making waves in Bangkok’s culinary sence since it opened in 2009. Serving hard-to-find Thai dishes in an elegant atmosphere, the restaurant is true to Thai cuisine’s roots, yet still manages to add a special twist. This place is good for a candle-lit dinner or a work meeting with colleagues who appreciate fine food. For those extremely hungry, there’s a large set menu.


culinary  adj.烹饪的;食物的



Earning first place on the latest “Asia’s 50 best restaurants” list, progressive Indian restaurant Gaggan is one of the most exciting venues(场所) to arrive in Bangkok in recent years. The best table in this two-story colonial Thai home offers a window right into the kitchen, where you can see chef Gaggan and his staff in action. Culinary theater at its best.


progressive   adj.先进的;逐步的;新潮的;现代的

21. What do Nahm and Issaya Siamese Club have in common?


A. They adopt modern cooking methods.    采用现代烹饪方法。

B. They have branches in London.    在伦敦有分公司。

C. They have top-class chefs.    有顶级厨师。

D. They are based in hotels.   开在旅馆里。


22. Which restaurant offers a large set menu?    哪个餐馆提供大套餐?

A. Gaggan.

B. Bo. lan.

C. Issaya Siamese Club.

D. Nahm.


23. What is special about Gaggan?    加格根(Gaggan)有什么特别之处?

A. It hires staff from India.   它从印度雇佣员工。

B. It puts on a play every day.   它每天上演一出戏。

C. It serves hard-to-find local dishes.   它供应很难找的当地菜肴。

D. It shows the cooking process to guests.   它向客人展示烹饪过程。



Terri Bolton is a dab hand when it comes to DIY (do-it-yourself). Skilled at putting up shelves and piecing together furniture, she never pays someone else to do a job she can do herself.

谈到DIY(自己动手),特里·博尔顿(Terri Bolton)是个行家。她擅长搭建架子和组装家具,从不花钱请人做她自己能做的工作。

She credits these skills to her late grandfather and builder Derek Lloyd. From the age of six, Terri, now 26, accompanied Derek to work during her school holidays. A day’s work was rewarded with £5 in pocket money. She says: “I’m sure I wasn’t much of a help to start with, painting the rooms and putting down the flooring throughout the house. It took weeks and is was backbreaking work, but I know he was proud of my skills.”

她将这些技能归功于她已故的祖父和建筑师德里克·劳埃德(Derek Lloyd)。现年26岁的特理(Terri)从6岁开始,就在学校放假期间陪着德里克去工作。一天的工作得到了5英镑的零用钱。她说:“我确定我一开始没帮上什么忙,粉刷房间,铺地板。这花了几个星期,是非常辛苦的工作,但我知道他为我的技能感到骄傲。

credit … to …    把……归功于……

Terri, who now rents a house with friends in Wandsworth, South West London, says DIY also saves her from losing any deposit when a tenancy (租期) comes to an end. She adds: “I’ve moved house many times and I always like to personalise my room and put up pictures, so, it’s been useful to know how to cover up holes and repaint a room to avoid any charges when I’ve moved out.” 


With millions of people likely to take on DIY projects over that coming weeks, new research shows that more than half of people are planning to make the most of the long, warm summer days to get jobs done. The average spend per project will be around £823. Two thirds of people aim to improve their comfort while at home. Two fifth wish to increase the value of their house. Though DIY has traditionally been seen as male hobby, the research shows it is women now leading the charge.


24. Which is closest in meaning to “a dab hand” in paragraph 1? 


A. An artist.  艺术家。

B. A winner.   赢家。

C. A specialist.   专家。

D. A pioneer.  先锋。

【答案】 C  

25. Why did Terri’s grandfather give her £5 a day?


A. For a birthday gift.   作为生日礼物。

B. As a treat for her work.    作为对她工作的奖励。

C. To support her DIY projects.   来支持她的DIY项目。

D. To encourage her to take up a hobby.   鼓励她培养一种爱好。

【答案】  B  

26. How did Terri avoid losing the deposit on the house she rented?


A. By making it look like before.   让它看起来像以前一样。

B. By furnishing it herself.   她自己布置的。

C. By splitting the rent with a roommate.   通过和室友分摊房租。

D. By cancelling the rental agreement.   取消租赁协议。

【答案】 A  

27. What trend in DIY does the research show?


A. It is becoming more costly.   它变得更加昂贵。

B. It is getting more time-consuming.   越来越费时间了。

C. It is turning into a seasonal industry.   它正在变成一个季节性行业。

D. It is gaining popularity among females.   它在女性中越来越受欢迎。

【答案】  D 


I was about 13 when an uncle gave me a copy of Jostein Gaarder’s Sophie’s World. It was full of ideas that were new to me, so I spent the summer with my head in and out of that book. It spoke to me and brought me into a world of philosophy (哲学).


That love for philosophy lasted until I got to college. Nothing kills the love for philosophy faster than people who think they understand Foucault, Baudrillard, or Confucius better than you — and then try to explain them.


Eric Weiner’s The Socrates Express: In Search of Life Lessons from Dead Philosophers reawakened my love for philosophy. It is not an explanation, but an invitation to think and experience philosophy.


Weiner starts each chapter with a scene on a train ride between cities and then frames each philosopher’s work in the context (背景) of one thing they can help us do better. The end result is a read in which we learn to wonder like Socrates, see like Thoreau, listen like Schopenhauer, and have no regrets like Nietzsche. This, more than a book about undestanding philosophy, is a book abour learning to use philosophy to improve a life.


He makes philosophical thought an appealing exercise that improves the quality of our experiences, and he does so with plenty of humor. Weiner enters into conversation with some of the most important philosophers in history, and he becomes part of that crowd in the process by decoding (解读) their messages and adding his own interpretation.


The Socrates Express is a fun, sharp book that draws readers in with its apparent simplicity and gradually pulls them in deeper thoughts on desire, loneliness, and aging. The invitation is clear: Weiner wants you to pick up a coffee or tea and sit down with this book. I encourage you to take his offer. It’s worth your time, even if time is something we don’t have a lot of.


28. Who opened the door to philosophy for the author?


A. Foucault.   福柯。

B. Eric Weiner.  埃里克·韦纳。

C. Jostein Gaarder.   乔斯坦·贾德。

D. A college teacher.   大学老师。

【答案】  C 

29. Why does the author list great philosophers in paragraph 4?


A. To compare Weiner with them.   比较韦纳和他们。

B. To give examples of great works.   举一些伟大作品的例子。

C. To praise their writing skills.   赞扬他们的写作技巧。

D. To help readers understand Weiner’s book.   帮助读者理解韦纳的书。

【答案】  D 

30. What does the author like about The Socrates Express?


A. Its views on history are well-presented.   它的历史观表现得很好。

B. Its ideas can be applied to daily life.   它的思想可以应用到日常生活中。

C. It includes comments from readers.   它包含了读者的评论。

D. It leaves an open ending.   它留下了一个开放的结局。

【答案】  B 

31. What does the author think of Weiner’s book?


A. Objective and plain.   客观朴素。

B. Daring and ambitious.   大胆又有野心。

C. Serious and hard to follow.   严肃且难以理解。

D. Humorous and straightforward.   幽默直爽。

【答案】  D 


Grizzly bears, which may grow to about 2.5 m long and weigh over 400 kg, occupy a conflicted corner of the American psyche — we revere (敬畏) them even as they give us frightening dreams. Ask the tourists from around the world that flood into Yellowstone National Park what they most hope to see, and their answer is often the same: a grizzly bear.


conflicted   adj.矛盾的

“Grizzly bears are re-occupying large areas of their former range,” says bear biologist Chris Servheen. As grizzly bears expand their range into places where they haven’t been seen in a century or more, they’re increasingly being sighted by humans.


The western half of the U.S. was full of grizzlies when Europeans came, with a rough number of 50,000 or more living alongside Native Americans. By the early 1970s, after centuries of cruel and continuous hunting by settlers, 600 to 800 grizzlies remained on a mere 2 percent of their former range in the Northern Rockies. In 1975, grizzlies were listed under the Endangered Species Act.


Today, there are about 2,000 or more grizzly bears in the U.S. Their recovery has been so successful that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has twice attempted to delist grizzlies, which would loosen legal protections and allow them to be hunted. Both efforts were overturned due to lawsuits from conservation groups. For now, grizzlies remain listed.


lawsuit   n.诉讼;起诉

Obviously, if precautions (预防) aren’t taken, grizzlies can become troublesome, sometimes killing farm animals or walking through yards in search of food. If people remove food and attractants from their yards and campsites, grizzlies will typically pass by without trouble. Putting electric fencing around chicken houses and other farm animal quarters is also highly effective at getting grizzlies away. “Our hope is to have a clean, attractant-free place where bears can pass through without learning bad habits,” says James Jonkel, longtime biologist who manages bears in and around Missoula.


32. How do Americans look at grizzlies?   美国人如何看待灰熊?

A. They cause mixed feelings in people.   它们引起人们复杂的感情。

B. They should be kept in national parks.   它们应该被保存在国家公园里。

C. They are of high scientific value.   它们具有很高的科学价值。

D. They are a symbol of American culture.   它们是美国文化的象征。

【答案】 A   

33. What has helped the increase of the grizzly population?


A. The European settlers’ behavior.   欧洲移民的行为。

B. The expansion of bears’ range.   熊活动范围的扩大。

C. The protection by law since 1975.   自1975年以来受法律保护。

D. The support of Native Americans.   印第安人的支持。


34. What has stopped the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service from delisting grizzlies?


A. The opposition of conservation groups.   环保团体的反对。

B. The successful comeback of grizzlies.   灰熊的成功复出。

C. The voice of the biologists.   生物学家的声音。

D. The local farmers’ advocates.   当地农民的拥护者。

【答案】  A 

35. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?


A. Food should be provided for grizzlies.   应该给灰熊提供食物。

B. People can live in harmony with grizzlies.   人们可以和灰熊和谐相处。

C. A special path should be built for grizzlies.   应该为灰熊建一条特别的路。

D. Technology can be introduced to protect grizzlies.  可以引进技术来保护灰熊。

【答案】  B 



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