【保险学术前沿】期刊The Geneva Papers on Risk & Insurance2024年49卷第3期目录

财富   2024-09-08 10:01   天津  



“Geneva Papers on Risk & Insurance- Issues and Practice” 创刊于1976年,是日内瓦协会主办的一本国际学术期刊,聚焦保险经济学的前沿热点问题,旨在为保险学术界和业界专业人士之间的交流提供桥梁,提升保险业的专业知识。该刊为季刊,每年4期,每期发表文章10篇左右,2023年影响因子为2.0。











经济政策不确定性(economic policy uncertainty, EPU)通过间接方式增加了公司对董事与高管责任保险的购买,这在管理层代理成本较高、公司透明度较低以及行业竞争较激烈的公司中更加显著。

※ 本期目录

Microinsurance in Ghana: investigating the impact of Outreville's four-factor framework and firm and product characteristics on adoption

●Actuarial premium calculation for beekeeping insurance in Turkiye

●The effect of microinsurance on the financial resilience of low-income households in Ghana: evidence from a propensity score matching analysis

●Technology investments and firm performance under the wave of InsurTech

●Why banks insure structured commodity trade finance risk: evidence from a worldwide survey

●Assessing U.S. insurance firms' climate change impact and response

●Economic policy uncertainty and directors and officers liability insurance: a perspective on capital market pressures

●Greenfield foreign direct investments and insurance market diversification: a cross-country analysis

Microinsurance in Ghana: investigating the impact of Outreville's four-factor framework and firm and product characteristics on adoption

加纳的小额保险:研究 Outreville 的四要素框架以及公司和产品特征对采用小额保险的影响


Emmanuel Owusu Oppong(对外经济贸易大学), Yu Baorong(对外经济贸易大学), Bruvine Orchidée Mazonga Mfoutou(对外经济贸易大学)

摘要:Microinsurance is a risk management tool for low-income households.However, its adoption is low in Ghana. This study examines the determinants of microinsurance adoption in Ghana, analysing primary data from 1453 households across six key markets and three regions. We also gathered secondary data from 14 microinsurance firms and 47 microinsurance products between 2017 and 2021. We estimate the critical factors influencing microinsurance uptake using robust probit, fixed-effects and panel-corrected standard error models. Our findings indicate that income levels, trust in financial institutions and participation in community risk management groups and the national health insurance scheme are the key determinants affecting microinsurance adoption. Firm- and product-specific factors such as affordability, outstanding claims, risk premiums and benefits paid to microinsurance participants also influence adoption. This study also highlights the crucial role of structural, social and economic factors in predicting demand for microinsurance, utilising Outreville's four-factor insurance demand framework.

小额保险是低收入家庭的风险管理工具,然而在加纳其采用率很低。本研究探讨了加纳采用小额保险的决定因素,分析了来自六个主要市场和三个地区 1453 个家庭的原始数据。我们还收集了 2017 年至 2021 年间 14 家小额保险公司和 47 种小额保险产品的二手数据。我们使用稳健 probit、固定效应和面板校正标准误模型估计了影响小额保险使用的关键因素。我们的研究结果表明,收入水平、对金融机构的信任以及对社区风险管理小组和国家医疗保险计划的参与是影响小额保险采用率的关键决定因素。公司和产品的具体因素,如可负担性、未决赔款、风险保费和向小额保险参与者支付的保险金,也会影响小额保险的采用。本研究还利用 Outreville 的四因素保险需求框架,强调了结构、社会和经济因素在预测小额保险需求方面的关键作用。



Actuarial premium calculation for beekeeping insurance in Turkiye



Canan Hamurkaroğlu(卡拉比克大学),  Sümeyra Sezer Kaplan(卡拉比克大学)

摘要:Turkiye is a country with significant production potential in the world beekeeping sector, being among the top four countries worldwide. In this study, aggregate claims based on data on the hive insurance policies of the companies operating in the beekeeping sector in Turkiye, covering the years 2014–2021, was modelled using a collective risk model and premium calculations for aggregate claims were determined according to different calculation principles. Cluster analysis was conducted to calculate the premiums, and similarities between provinces were revealed based on claims ratios. The results of the study revealed that the highest premiums are found in Eastern Anatolia while the lowest premiums are found in Central Anatolia. In the case of Muğla, Ordu and Hakkâri provinces, which differed in the cluster analysis, the highest premiums were found for Hakkâri province.




The effect of microinsurance on the financial resilience of low-income households in Ghana: evidence from a propensity score matching analysis



Emmanuel Owusu Oppong(对外经济贸易大学), Yu Baorong(对外经济贸易大学), Bruvine Orchidée Mazonga Mfoutou(对外经济贸易大学)

摘要:Microinsurance has emerged as a potential way to fortify the financial resilience of low-income households by providing a safety net against economic uncertainty and promoting financial inclusion for the poor. In light of the current economic downturn in Ghana, several institutions have advocated for the implementation of microinsurance programmes to support the financial stability of low-income households in the informal sector. This study assesses the impact of microinsurance on the financial resilience of the poor in Ghana, proxied by income and precautionary savings. The study analyses data on 1453 households from three regions using propensity score matching, Tobit and Probit instrumental variable techniques. The study finds that microinsurance adoption improves the financial resilience of the poor and reduces dependence on precautionary savings, a self-insurance strategy which significantly increases the financial burden on households, thereby exacerbating the impact of shocks.

小额保险为低收入家庭提供了一个应对经济不确定性的安全网,促进了对贫困人口的金融普惠,从而成为加强低收入家庭财务韧性的一种潜在方式。鉴于加纳当前的经济衰退,一些机构主张实施小额保险计划,以支持非正规部门低收入家庭的财务稳定。本研究以收入和预防性储蓄为指标,评估了小额保险对加纳贫困人口财务韧性的影响。研究使用倾向得分匹配、Tobit 和 Probit 工具变量技术分析了三个地区 1453 个家庭的数据。研究发现,小额保险提高了贫困人口的财务韧性,并减少了对预防性储蓄的依赖,这种自我保险策略大大增加了家庭的财务负担,从而加剧了冲击的影响。



Technology investments and firm performance under the wave of InsurTech



Vincent Y. L. Chang(逢甲大学)

摘要:This study explores how the technology investments of a sample of U.S. property-liability insurers affected their performance during the InsurTech wave. The critical question is whether insurers' InsurTech-oriented investments strengthen their competitive advantages, resulting in improved firm performance. This study reveals that insurers' InsurTech-oriented investments have a significant detrimental influence on their short-term performance. Intriguingly, empirical findings indicate that insurers' InsurTech-oriented investments have a strong positive relationship with long-term performance, suggesting that the notion of time lag and cumulative impacts is justified. The study provides new insight into the effect insurers' InsurTech-oriented investments have on their performance.




Why banks insure structured commodity trade finance risk: evidence from a worldwide survey



Alexander Braun(圣加仑大学), Marius Fischer(圣加仑大学), Csilla Schreiber-Orosz(圣加仑大学)

摘要:We identify major drivers of the demand for credit insurance, using a worldwide survey among banking executives in the structured commodity trade finance business. Our results show that a bank’s propensity to purchase insurance increases in its experience and expertise with the product, the impact of insurance coverage on its balance sheet, the risk of the underlying transaction, as well as the intensity of broker relationships. Other factors, such as the size of the commodity trade finance portfolio, the competitiveness of the insurance price, and the risks arising from commodity price volatility, seem to be of lesser relevance.




Assessing U.S. insurance firms' climate change impact and response



Aparna Gupta (伦斯勒理工学院), Abena Owusu (蒙特克莱尔州立大学),Jue Wang (马萨诸塞大学)

摘要:Climate change poses a serious risk for insurance firms, threatening their sustainability from numerous channels of impact. Assessing this impact, however, is not straightforward. We assess and distinguish between insurance firms by impact and response to climate change and relate the firms’ financial characteristics to climate risk exposure. A text mining approach using climate change sub-dictionaries on risk exposure, impact, and response, and a nested feature extraction method is developed to define and classify insurance firms’ adaptation levels to climate change. These features reveal that casualty insurance firms are most susceptible to acute climate risk, while life insurance firms are more prone to chronic climate risk. Insurance firms with the highest exposure to climate change present a high level of adaptation to pecuniary impact of the risk. Nevertheless, many firms with exposure remain inadequately prepared for climate change and firms with high exposure show relatively higher financial weakness.




Economic policy uncertainty and directors and officers liability insurance: a perspective on capital market pressures



Huobao Xie(武汉大学);Can Lin (武汉大学)

摘要:This study investigates the effects of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on corporate purchases of directors and officers liability insurance from the perspective of capital market pressures. Using data on A-share Chinese listed firms from 2010 to 2021, our theoretical analysis and empirical tests reveal that higher levels of EPU increase purchases. The theoretical analysis and mediating tests reveal that capital market pressures play a mediating role in the relationship between EPU and purchases. This study also finds that the indirect ways in which EPU increases purchases consider the need for firms to mitigate litigation risks and take advantage of insurance governance. The heterogeneous analysis and tests reveal that EPU increases purchases more significantly in firms that have higher managerial agency costs, have lower corporate transparency, and are in industries with higher competition. The findings are significant for improving the risk management system in China’s capital markets.

本研究从资本市场压力的角度,探讨了经济政策不确定性(economic policy uncertainty, EPU)对公司购买董事与高管责任保险的影响。使用2010年至2021年中国A股上市公司的数据,我们的理论分析和实证测试表明,较高的EPU水平增加了该保险的购买。理论分析和中介测试显示,资本市场压力在EPU与保险购买之间的关系中起到了中介作用。本研究还发现,考虑公司在减轻诉讼风险和利用保险治理方面的需求,EPU通过间接方式增加了保险购买。异质性分析和测试表明,在管理层代理成本较高、公司透明度较低以及行业竞争较激烈的公司中,EPU显著增加了保险购买。研究结果对于改善中国资本市场的风险管理体系具有重要意义。



Greenfield foreign direct investments and insurance market diversification: a cross-country analysis



Bojan Srbinoski(圣克莱门特·奥赫里德斯基大学), Klime Poposki(圣克莱门特·奥赫里德斯基大学), W. Jean Kwon(圣约翰大学),Ksenija Dencic-Mihajlov(尼斯大学)

摘要:Foreign direct investments (FDIs) influence insurance markets directly, through foreign insurers’ participation in domestic markets, and indirectly, through cross-sectoral spillover effects. This article focuses on the indirect effects and examines the relationship between greenfield FDIs and diversification in European insurance markets. Using panel data of 28 countries for the period 2004–2019, we find that greenfield FDIs induce greater diversification of insurance markets. Our results suggest a non-linear relationship and potential mediating effects of financial development on the FDI–insurance relationship. Robustness tests using different measures of market diversification, model specifications and averaging of the data show consistent results.

外商直接投资(Foreign direct investment, FDI)通过外资保险公司参与国内市场直接影响保险市场,也通过跨行业溢出效应间接影响保险市场。本文重点关注间接效应,探讨绿地FDI与欧洲保险市场多样化之间的关系。基于2004年至2019年28个国家的面板数据,我们发现绿地FDI促进了保险市场的多样化。我们的结果表明了FDI与保险市场之间存在非线性关系,以及金融发展对FDI-保险关系的潜在中介效应。通过使用不同的市场多样化衡量指标、模型设定和数据平均化进行的稳健性测试,结果保持一致。




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