【保险学术前沿】Journal of Development Economics 2021-2024年保险精选文章目录与摘要

财富   2024-09-28 12:15   中国  



《Journal of Development Economics》(《发展经济学杂志》)以其严格的审稿标准和高质量的学术文章,在经济学领域内享有很高的声誉,是一本专注于经济发展各个领域的学术期刊,它涵盖了从紧迫的政策问题到不发达的结构性问题的所有方面,特别强调发表定量或分析性的研究工作。该刊每年出版六期,每期20篇左右,2023年的影响因子是5.1。


● 公共医疗保险:




● 指数保险:基差风险通常被认为是指数保险普及率低的主要原因之一。即使下行基差风险增加,风险厌恶的农民也会选择触发赔付水平来保护自己免受灾难性后果的影响。

● 失业保险储蓄账户:在发展中国家引入失业保险储蓄账户(UISA)制度可以减少失业率,提高正规部门就业比例,使产出增加,提高个人消费水平。

● 保险需求:利他主义网络的存在增加了低损失主体的保险需求,而减少高损失主体的保险需求,其总体影响取决于需求同质化、零下限和保额上限之间的相互作用。

※ 本期目录

● Formal insurance and altruism networks

●The dual role of insurance in input use: Mitigating risk versus curtailing incentives

●Liquid milk: Savings, insurance and side-selling in cooperatives

●Early childhood exposure to health insurance and adolescent outcomes: Evidence from rural China

●Index insurance and basis risk: A reconsideration

●Can information influence the social insurance participation decision of China's rural migrants?

●Public health insurance and pharmaceutical innovation: Evidence from China

●Designing unemployment insurance for developing countries

Formal insurance and altruism networks



Tizié Bene(艾克斯-马赛大学,法国国家科学研究中心CNRS), Yann Bramoullé(艾克斯-马赛大学,法国国家科学研究中心CNRS), Frédéric Deroïan(艾克斯-马赛大学,法国国家科学研究中心CNRS)

摘要:We study how altruism networks affect the demand for formal insurance. Agents with CARA utilities are connected through a network of altruistic relationships. Incomes are subject to a common shock and to a large individual shock, generating heterogeneous damages. Agents can buy formal insurance to cover the common shock, up to a coverage cap. We find that ex-post altruistic transfers induce interdependence in ex-ante formal insurance decisions. We characterize the Nash equilibria of the insurance game and show that agents act as if they are trying to maximize the expected utility of a representative agent with average damages. Altruism thus tends to increase demand of low-damage agents and to decrease demand of high-damage agents. Its aggregate impact depends on the interplay between demand homogenization, the zero lower bound and the coverage cap. We find that aggregate demand is higher with altruism than without altruism at low prices and lower at high prices. Nash equilibria are constrained Pareto efficient.




The dual role of insurance in input use: Mitigating risk versus curtailing incentives



Davide Pietrobon(隆德大学)

摘要:Insurance can encourage the use of risk-increasing inputs, but it can also decrease people’s incentives to exert effort when the latter is difficult to monitor. This effort reduction can be associated with a decrease in the use of effort-complementary inputs. I study a model of risk-sharing that allows for both effects of insurance on input use and use the latest ICRISAT panel to structurally estimate it. Median fertilizer use is almost three times higher under no sharing than under full insurance for reasonable levels of risk aversion. A subsidy that halves fertilizer prices increases farmers’ welfare by 37% in consumption-equivalent terms.

保险可以鼓励人们使用增加风险的投入品,但在其难以监测的情况下,保险也会降低人们付出努力的积极性。这种努力的减少可能跟与努力互补的投入品使用减少有关。我研究了一个风险分担模型,该模型考虑到了保险对投入品使用的两种影响,并使用最新的 ICRISAT 面板对其进行了结构性估算。在合理的风险规避水平下,不分担风险的化肥使用量中位数比完全保险的化肥使用量中位数高出近三倍。按消费当量计算,化肥价格减半的补贴使农民的福利增加了37%。



Liquid milk: Savings, insurance and side-selling in cooperatives



Xin Geng(SAS研究所), Wendy Janssens(阿姆斯特丹自由大学), Berber Kramer(国际粮食政策研究所)

摘要:Limited access to reliable financial instruments makes it difficult for rural households to manage daily cash flows. Selling goods through cooperatives can improve savings, but cooperative income is not easily accessible when facing an emergency. Cash-constrained households may therefore side-sell in local markets that pay on the spot, while insurance could reduce the need to side-sell. We test these hypotheses using panel data for farmers from two Kenyan dairy cooperatives. Both cooperatives pay only once a month, with local market vendors paying a lower price but upon delivery. We find that farmers sell less milk to the cooperatives when facing uninsured health emergencies or when cash on hand is low. Health insurance reduces side-selling. These findings highlight that selling, saving and risk-coping decisions are intertwined, with side-selling providing a strategy to manage temporary cash constraints. This suggests that linking agricultural and insurance contracts can enhance cooperatives’ financial sustainability.




Early childhood exposure to health insurance and adolescent outcomes: Evidence from rural China



Wei  Huang (北京大学), Hong Liu (中国人民大学)

摘要:This paper examines the impact of exposure to public health insurance in early life on outcomes in adolescence in rural China. Exploiting the variation in the county-by-county rollout of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme (NCMS) between 2003 and 2008, we find that exposure to the NCMS during ages 0–5 significantly improves health, cognitive, and educational outcomes during adolescence. In contrast, exposure after age five has no significant effects. Our further investigation provides evidence for several underlying mechanisms, such as improved prenatal care and birth outcomes, better preventive medical protection against childhood diseases, and lower risk in medical expenditure.




Index insurance and basis risk: A reconsideration



Erik Lichtenberg(马里兰大学帕克分校), Eva Iglesias(马德里理工大学)

摘要:Index insurance has been seen as an important tool for managing the risks faced by farmers in developing countries but uptake has been disappointingly low. Basis risk is often cited as one of the main reasons for the lack of uptake. We investigate the role of basis risk in greater depth by considering contracts that allow farmers to choose the level of the index that triggers an indemnity in addition to coverage. We show that risk averse farmers will select trigger levels to protect against catastrophic outcomes, even if downside basis risk increases. A numerical simulation model bears out our theoretical results.




Can information influence the social insurance participation decision of China's rural migrants?



John Giles (发展经济学研究小组,世界银行与劳动经济研究所(IZA)),Xin Meng (澳大利亚国立大学),Sen Xue (暨南大学),Guochang Zhao (西南财经大学)


This paper uses a randomized information intervention to shed light on whether poor understanding of social insurance, both the process of enrolling and costs and benefits, drives the relatively low rates of participation in urban health insurance and pension programs among China's rural-urban migrants. Among workers without a contract, the information intervention has a strong positive effect on participation in health insurance and, among younger age groups, in pension programs. Migrants are responsive to price: in cities where the premia are low relative to earnings, information induces health insurance participation, while declines are observed in cities with high relative premia.




Public health insurance and pharmaceutical innovation: Evidence from China



Xuan Zhang(新加坡管理大学), Huihua Nie(中国人民大学)

摘要:Developing countries are characterized by low levels of pharmaceutical innovation. A likely reason is their small market size, which is not because of the population size but because of low levels of income and lack of health insurance coverage. This study exploits a natural experiment from the implementation of a public health insurance program for rural residents in China (New Cooperative Medical Scheme [NCMS]) to examine whether the pharmaceutical industry increases innovation regarding diseases covered by the NCMS that are prevalent in rural areas. We examine the 1993–2009 patent data to gauge pharmaceutical innovation in China. Diseases with a 10% higher rural patient share saw a 12.4% increase in relevant domestic pharmaceutical patent applications and a modest increase in patent quality after the NCMS implementation. By providing public health insurance to low-income individuals in developing countries, governments can create incentives for pharmaceutical firms to develop new medical technologies.

发展中国家的特点是医药创新水平低。一个可能的原因是他们的市场规模小,这不是因为人口规模,而是因为收入水平低和缺乏医疗保险。本研究利用了中国农村居民公共健康保险计划(新合作医疗计划 [NCMS])实施的自然实验,以检验制药行业是否提高了关于农村地区普遍存在的 NCMS 所涵盖疾病的创新。我们研究了 1993-2009 年的专利数据,以衡量中国的医药创新。农村患者比例高出 10% 的疾病,实施 NCMS 后相关国内药品专利申请增长 12.4%,专利质量略有提高。通过向发展中国家的低收入个人提供公共医疗保险,政府可以激励制药公司开发新的医疗技术。



Designing unemployment insurance for developing countries



Fernando Cirelli (纽约大学),Emilio Espino(托尔夸托迪特利亚大学),Juan M. Sánchez(圣路易斯联邦储备银行)

摘要:The high incidence of informality in the labor markets of middle-income economies challenges the provision of unemployment protection. We show that, despite informational frictions, the introduction of an unemployment insurance savings account (UISA) system may provide substantial benefits. This system improves welfare by providing insurance to the unemployed and creating incentives to work in the formal sector. The optimal scheme generates a reduction in unemployment (from 4 to 3 percent), an increase in formality (from 68 to 72 percent) and a rise in total output (by 4 percent). Overall, individuals obtain welfare gains equivalent to a 2.4 percent increase in consumption in every period.





《期刊The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review2024年49卷第1-2期目录及摘要》

期刊Journal of Risk and Insurance2024年91卷第3期目录及摘要》

《期刊The Geneva Papers on Risk & Insurance2024年49卷第3期目录》

《期刊JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS 2018-2024年保险文章精选目录与摘要》

《Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 2014-24文章精选》




