
科技   2024-09-18 18:33   越南  



















































China's realistic version of stray photovoltaics is rushing left and right in the global new energy war


With the high-end and technological transformation of the manufacturing industry and the rise of China's new energy industry chain, photovoltaic products, lithium batteries and new energy vehicles have become the "new three" of China's exports. According to the statistics of the General Administration of Customs, in 2023, the total export of the "new three" will be 1.06 trillion yuan, breaking through the trillion mark for the first time, an increase of 29.9%, and the proportion of exports will be 4.8%, representing China's high-tech, high value-added, and green transformation products have become a new export engine.

United States imposing tariffs on photovoltaic products to protect the local industrial chain, Chinese enterprises rushed into the hinterland of United States to build factories

A recent press release from the Office of the United States Trade Representative said that some tariffs will go into effect on Sept. 27. In addition to the 100% tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, the United States will also impose 50% tariffs on Chinese solar cells and 25% tariffs on Chinese steel, aluminum, electric vehicle batteries and critical minerals.

At the same time, the United States increased import tariffs on Chinese semiconductors by 50%, and this new rate will take effect in January 2025. Semiconductors have been added to the category of polysilicon and silicon wafers used in solar panels.

Historically, after the launch of the "301" investigation by United States China, China's photovoltaic product export United States was subject to multiple restrictions such as anti-dumping duties, countervailing duties, 201 tariffs and 301 tariffs, resulting in a very low number and amount of export United States of China's locally produced photovoltaic products. United States' trade restrictions on China's photovoltaics, from the initial downstream cells and modules, to the 301 tariff restrictions on China's inverters and auxiliary materials, the stripping of Chinese silicon materials in the Xinjiang-related bill, and the stripping of Chinese silicon wafers and auxiliary materials by the anti-circumvention investigation of four Southeast Asian countries, comprehensively suppressing China's photovoltaic products exported to the United States.

According to Wood Mackenzie, 80% of United States modules in 2023 will come from Southeast Asia. However, the anti-circumvention exemption in Southeast Asia is expected to end in June this year, and the United States of Chinese companies exporting production capacity in Southeast Asia may be affected. In addition, on April 24, a number of domestic PV companies in United States submitted applications to the United States Department of Commerce and the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) to initiate anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations against cells originating in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Viet Nam. Normally, the ITC will make a preliminary ruling within 45 days after the application is obtained, and if the damage is found, Southeast Asian PV companies may face new risks.

Since the beginning of this year, the United States has canceled tariff reductions and exemptions for imported photovoltaic modules from Southeast Asia, and launched a double-dumping investigation on photovoltaic cells and modules originating in four Southeast Asian countries, resulting in the shutdown of photovoltaic manufacturing capacity of some enterprises in Southeast Asia.

According to the data disclosed by the United States International Trade Administration, the so-called dumping duty rates of Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Viet Nam are currently 125.37%, 81.22%, 70.36% and 271.28% respectively.

In terms of supporting local industries, the United States has passed bills such as the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to provide large-scale subsidies to its domestic PV industry suspected of violating multilateral rules. At the same time, the United States Department of Energy's Office of Solar Technology establishes an annual funding program to provide direct funding for photovoltaic R&D and demonstration projects. In addition, numerous subsidies have been introduced at the state and local levels in the United States to support the development of the photovoltaic industry. According to the United States Photovoltaic Association (SEIA), the number of new plants announced and expanded production in 2023 reached 51, with a total capacity of up to 155GW and a total investment of more than $100 billion.

In the United States market, in the first quarter of 2024, a total of 21GW of module capacity has been put into operation in the United States, including Canadian Solar's 5GW module factory in late 2023 and JinkoSolar's 400MW module factory in Florida. Chinese companies account for about 25.7% of United States' module production capacity, while the rest are mostly United States, Canada and Korea companies.

Although the Biden administration has restricted China's PV module imports in the past two years by raising tariffs and heavily subsidizing local PV manufacturing, these measures do not seem to have stopped Chinese companies. Instead, they have spurred Chinese PV companies to turn to new strategies for setting up factories in the United States.

Cell production capacity in the United States is still blank. With the support of relevant United States policies, a total of 12 companies announced that they will build factories in the United States, and the production capacity is expected to reach 38.8GW by 2027. Among these 12 companies, in addition to enterprises from United States, Canada, India, Korea and other countries, Canadian Solar, a Chinese-funded company, is also among them, and its production capacity planning ranks second in the U.S. market.

Canadian Solar's announcement shows that the company's 5GW cell project in the United States is expected to be completed and put into operation by the end of 2025, accounting for about 13% of the United States cell production capacity plan, that is, nearly one-seventh. First of all, Convalt Energy, a local United States company that acquired SunPower's Oregon plant, has moved production equipment to its New York State headquarters. By the first quarter of 2025, the company expects to build a 10GW production base of silicon ingots, wafers, cells and modules, which is twice the capacity of Canadian Solar, which ranks second.

In addition to cells, six other PV companies (including foreign-owned subsidiaries with a controlling stake) are investing in capacity projects in the United States, including industry giants Trina Solar, LONGi Green Energy and JinkoSolar。LONGi Green Energy has signed a contract with Invenergy, a clean energy developer in United States, to build a 5GW PV module plant in Ohio, United States, and plans to operate eight production lines by the end of this year. JinkoSolar has added an additional $50 million to expand production at its PV module plant in Florida.

The enthusiasm of Chinese PV companies for the United States market is mainly due to the high gross profit margin of the market, and the gross profit margin of some products in the United States market is as high as more than 50% in the case of basically cost-price competition in the domestic market, such as 182mm and 210mm monocrystalline PERC modules and monocrystalline in the United States marketTopCon modules remain at US$0.25/W (RMB1.80/W) and US$0.30/W (RMB2.17/W), while the average price of modules in China has long since fallen below RMB1/W.  The gross profit margin is much higher than that of the global market, attracting Chinese photovoltaic companies to continuously export photovoltaic products to the United States market through various channels and operation methods.

According to the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Motor Products, in 2023, the import value of photovoltaic modules from Southeast Asian countries in United States will be 12.51 billion US dollars, accounting for 82.7% of the total import.

The current situation of China's photovoltaic exports

In fact, from the perspective of overall product exports, the proportion of Chinese enterprises in the United States market is not high, according to customs data, United States is not a direct export destination for Chinese photovoltaics.

However, in terms of specific representative countries, the highest proportion of trade turnover in the Netherlands is mainly due to its strong entrepot trade potential. As a transfer station for photovoltaic products to be sold to Europe, it largely reflects the changes in the prosperity of the European photovoltaic market. After major export regions such as Europe, America, India and Brazil have successively issued trade sanctions against photovoltaic products, emerging markets represented by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are becoming new drivers of China's photovoltaic exports.

Problems such as overcapacity in China's domestic upstream and a "price war" in the entire industry chain have forced Chinese PV companies to take exports as an important measure for their survival.

From 2020 to 2023, the average annual growth rate of new installed capacity will exceed 70%, and the cumulative installed capacity will increase by 14 times; Overseas, China's photovoltaic product exports continue to lead the world, and production capacity has also set off a trend overseas, with the global market share of photovoltaic modules exceeding 75%, and silicon wafers and cells exceeding 80%. Chinese photovoltaic companies have also begun to further develop from "Made in China, Sold Globally" to "Made Globally, Sold Globally".

China's PV layout overseas

In terms of PV product exports in 2023, Chinese PV manufacturers exported 70.3GW of silicon wafers, 39.3GW of cells, and 211.7GW of modules, while about 227GW of new overseas capacity was added. According to the International Energy Agency, China's global market share of photovoltaic products has exceeded 80%.

With the rapid expansion of the global PV market, supply chain resilience and concerns about dependence on China are also heating up in Europe and the United States. In order to build a local photovoltaic manufacturing industry, countries have introduced policy support, and Chinese photovoltaic companies are also actively deploying overseas, from "product going out" to "production capacity going out", seeking new growth points.

According to statistics, by the end of the first quarter of 2024, the module production capacity in North America, Europe, and Southeast Asia has reached 159.4GW, and it is expected to reach 273GW by 2027. Among them, Chinese companies have about 55.4GW of module production capacity overseas, accounting for about 34.7%, while the rest are mostly local companies in United States, Europe, Southeast Asia and other regions. This means that in the future, Chinese companies will also face fierce competition from companies from other countries in the global market.

From the perspective of photovoltaic industry chain capacity, Southeast Asia is undoubtedly the largest photovoltaic production area outside China, of which Southeast Asia is an important supplier of United States photovoltaics.

As of the first quarter of 2024, Southeast Asia's total PV module production capacity has reached 93.2GW, with 69.6GW of cells, 34.2GW of wafers and 82,000 tonnes of polysilicon. Among them, Chinese PV companies occupy a significant position in Southeast Asia's production capacity, with a total module production capacity of about 50GW, accounting for 53.6%. In addition, the cell production capacity is about 45GW and the wafer production capacity is about 27GW. A number of Chinese PV companies, such as JinkoSolar, Trina Solar, LONGi Green Energy, JA Solar, Canadian Solar, and Zhongsheng Optoelectronics, have established integrated production capacity of wafers, cells, and modules in Southeast Asia.

In particular, after the direct export of Chinese photovoltaic products from Chinese mainland to the United States was blocked, Chinese photovoltaic companies quickly turned Southeast Asia into a "transit station", and some forward-looking enterprises invested and built factories in Southeast Asia as early as around 2016. When United States' trade protectionism continues to increase China's photovoltaic products, Southeast Asia has also been shaped into an important part of China's global photovoltaic supply chain in a short period of time.

Therefore, Southeast Asia, which is close to China, has a similar cultural environment, low investment costs, and high supply chain convenience, has become the main source of imports for United States photovoltaic products in 2023. From the perspective of the current production capacity layout, the production capacity of overseas enterprises in Southeast Asia is mainly concentrated in modules and cells, while the production capacity of silicon wafers is still dominated by Chinese enterprises.

From the perspective of geographical layout of production capacity, Viet Nam occupies a dominant position in the photovoltaic industry in Southeast Asia, with its module production capacity reaching 54.8GW, cell production capacity of 36.45GW, and silicon wafer production capacity of 18.5GW, forming a relatively complete industrial chain layout. Other countries have smaller capacity than Viet Nam, with 15.6GW of module capacity in Malaysia, 8.5GW in Indonesia, 7.25GW in Thailand and 6.4GW in Cambodia. In terms of cell production capacity, Malaysia has performed more prominently, with a production capacity of 16.5GW. Thailand and Indonesia have cell production capacity of 7.65GW and 6GW respectively, while Cambodia has 3GW.

However, Southeast Asia has become a typical example of the overseas vertically integrated production capacity of Chinese photovoltaic enterprises in addition to China, such as JinkoSolar, Trina Solar, LONGi Green Energy and other leading Chinese photovoltaic enterprises have completed the layout of "silicon wafer + cell + module" integrated production bases in Southeast Asia.

Due to the photovoltaic planning of the entire ASEAN, the goal of 35% renewable installed energy in ASEAN member countries in 2025, the installed photovoltaic capacity is expected to only add about 11GW to 12GW, so most of ASEAN's photovoltaic production capacity only plays the role of "transit station", and the production capacity of Chinese photovoltaic enterprises in some Southeast Asian countries is really facing a "choice" in May this year. After the International Trade Commission (USITC) of the United States Department of Commerce passed the anti-dumping and countervailing investigation of photovoltaic products from the four Southeast Asian countries, the plan to export to the United States market through the four Southeast Asian countries was basically blocked.

At present, the production capacity layout of China's photovoltaic enterprises in ASEAN has been unable to escape two fates, one is to shut down, and the production capacity parties are currently negotiating with ASEAN countries for further evaluation; The second is to assess market competition and consider whether to keep Southeast Asian production capacity as a 'backup' to deal with the risks of geopolitical conflicts and changing market competition environments when transferring production capacity to other global markets.

After the United States policy blockade of Chinese photovoltaic products in May this year, China's relevant departments and enterprises are interested in participating in the new energy transformation and construction of the Middle East, and based on the judgment of the new energy development trend, the Middle East market, which is promoting the implementation of relevant policies, also has a very strong interest in China's photovoltaic technology and production capacity. Some major economies in the Middle East market have also quickly traveled to Chinese mainland to inspect the PV products and technologies of various target companies in preparation for the introduction of these technologies and production capacities.

Market observers believe that only driven by the "Saudi Vision 2030", photovoltaic projects in the Middle East market are expected to usher in a broad market space. According to InfoLinkConsulting statistics, the Saudi market is expected to grow from 22GW to 23GW in 2023 and is expected to climb to 39GW by 2024. Chinese PV companies with advantages in cost, technology, supply and other aspects have naturally become important partners of Saudi Arabia.

That is, under the policy attraction of the new energy market in the Middle East, GCL Technology, Arctech, Trina Solar and other companies have expressed their willingness to cooperate with some countries in the Middle East to build factories, especially in July this year, including Jinko Solar, Sungrow, TCL Zhonghuan, Junda and other Chinese-funded head photovoltaic companies, have successively announced the news of winning large orders or joint investment in Saudi Arabia.

The Chinese version of the wandering PV

China's photovoltaic industry has only developed greatly after joining the WTO. At that time, the impact of the Asian financial turmoil swept the world, resulting in the photovoltaic industry with high energy consumption, large investment and long realization time in Europe, the United States and East Asia capital circles were forced to abandon investment, and the global photovoltaic industry entered a state of stagnation.

During this period, due to China's accession to the WTO, with low energy costs, labor costs, land use costs, etc., coupled with the expectation of WTO tariff preferences, it has attracted some talents and capital from Europe, the United States and East Asia to enter China's development, almost the complete industrial chain technology of photovoltaic has been introduced and absorbed, and a good technology and talent foundation has been laid for the development of China's photovoltaic industry.

After the global financial crisis in 2008, China's economic stimulus policy has played a huge role in promoting the development of the new energy photovoltaic industry, in the Apple and other international giants of the application of new materials, as well as China's production capacity has purchased green electricity under the guidance and promotion, China's photovoltaic industry has also benefited from the production capacity of sapphire, diamond and other superhard materials and technology spillover, quickly solved the cost problem, the entire photovoltaic industry has seen unprecedented prosperity, from technology to mass production process continues to carry out rapid iteration, increasingly mature.

The production capacity focus of China's photovoltaic industry has also moved from the traditional Yangtze River Delta to the mainland and northwest China, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and other places with lower land and energy costs, becoming the main production capacity base of China's photovoltaic industry. At the same time, the outbreak of China's photovoltaic production capacity has also become the world's largest production capacity base, and under the continuous expansion of production capacity, industry analysis believes that China's photovoltaic production capacity will exceed the actual global demand capacity by more than 150% by the end of 2023, and the overcapacity is very serious.

The absolute overcapacity of China's photovoltaic products also means that China's photovoltaic products can only survive through capacity and price competition in the global market. During this period, as foreign markets began to carry out anti-subsidy and anti-dumping investigations on China's low-cost and low-cost photovoltaic products, Chinese photovoltaic enterprises also experienced the whole process of building overseas warehouses, overseas assembly, and then overseas production.

However, when providing consulting for Chinese-funded enterprises to go overseas, Glorious Sun Big Data found that the capacity migration of China's photovoltaic enterprises should avoid the previous homogeneous production capacity, repeated construction of the industrial chain, and the chaotic state of fighting for each enterprise.

At the same time, as an important part of the new energy industry, it is also an area that the rulers of major economies focus on, and how to integrate capacity manufacturing and capacity income into the local society to achieve a win-win situation in the process of capacity migration, how to respect local policies, regulations, and folk customs, and become a real help for the development of the local economy, and obtain the general support of the local people, which is also the focus of attention of Chinese-funded photovoltaic enterprises.

In addition to Southeast Asia in the early stage, the Middle East market, Pakistan and other "south-south" markets that rely on raising energy taxes to protect finances have become the next battlefield of China's photovoltaic production capacity.

This also means that a new Chinese wandering photovoltaic drama is about to be staged.
