
科技   2024-09-11 18:39   广东  







总部位于卢森堡的欧盟最高法院当天在判决声明中表示:“法院对此事做出了最终判决,并确认了欧盟委员会2016年的决定:爱尔兰向苹果提供了非法援助,爱尔兰需要收回这些援助。” 法院强调,其裁决是“此事的最终判决”。这意味着,苹果公司不能再次上诉。











欧盟竞争立法主要包括四部分:反托拉斯(反垄断,Antitrust)、合并控制(Merger Control)、国家补贴(State Aid) 、公共事业和服务(Public Undertakings and Services)。欧盟竞争立法的法律体系主要基于《欧洲联盟运作条约》 (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) 中的101至109条。该条约可直接适用于各欧盟成员国。

除苹果外, Alphabet(GOOG.US)旗下的谷歌也在七年前欧盟反垄断监管机构处以24.2亿欧元(约27亿美元,190亿人民币)罚款的诉讼中败诉,这是该公司因各种反竞争行为而被处以的三大巨额罚款之一。

2017年,欧盟委员会对谷歌处以罚款,主因其Google Shopping利用自己的比价购物服务获得相对于规模较小的欧洲竞争对手的不公平优势。欧盟法院法官指出,欧盟法律并不制裁支配地位的存在,而是制裁其滥用行为。

除了这24.2亿欧元的罚款外,谷歌在欧盟面临的反垄断裁决并不止Google Shopping这一起,欧盟竞争监管机构还指出,将对谷歌母公司Alphabet非法滥用Andriod移动操作系统、以及Adsense广告业务两个案件,分别提出41.25亿欧元(约合人民币324亿人民币)和14.9亿欧元(约合人民币117亿)的罚款。这也意味着谷歌在欧盟的三起反垄断案件的罚款总计超过80亿欧元(约合628亿人民币)。

Apple has been in a war with the EU for 10 years, losing 102 billion, the next Google!

Editor: Lucien

Apple's 10-year legal battle with the European Union over tax issues has come to an end, and Apple must pay up to 13 billion euros (about 102 billion yuan) in back taxes. It also means that the latest ruling could further boost the EU's crackdown on the special preferences given to large companies by various countries.

On September 10, local time, the Supreme Court of the European Union ruled that the United States giant Apple lost the Ireland tax case, and Apple must pay up to 13 billion euros (about 102 billion yuan) in tax arrears. and overturned the previous decision of the lower ordinary court because the judge wrongly believed that the regulator of the European Commission had made a mistake in the assessment. The Court of Justice of the European Union is divided into three parts, namely the (EU) General Court, the Specialized Tribunals, and the European Court of Justice (Supreme Court).

The Luxembourg-based Supreme Court of the European Union said in a statement on the same day: "The court has made a final judgment on this matter and confirmed the European Commission's 2016 decision: Ireland has provided illegal aid to Apple and Ireland needs to withdraw it." The court stressed that its ruling was "final judgment on the matter." This means that Apple cannot appeal again.

This is Apple's second big defeat in the EU market this year, and in March this year, the EU imposed an antitrust fine of 1.8 billion euros (about 14.2 billion yuan) on Apple for abusing its dominant position in the music streaming app distribution market.

Ireland is home to Apple's headquarters in the European Union. Ten years ago, the European Commission launched an investigation into Apple's tax payments in Ireland. In 2016, the European Commission ordered the Ireland government to recover up to 13 billion euros in tax arrears from Apple, citing "illegal" tax incentives from Ireland over the past 20 years. According to the European Union, Ireland artificially reduced Apple's tax burden to 0.005% in 2014 through two tax incentives.

In 2019, Apple and the Ireland government appealed to the European Commission. Apple has said that the record EU tax order defies reality and common sense; Ireland has long used low tax rates to attract big tech companies to set up headquarters in the country. In 2020, the European Union's General Court sided with Apple and reversed the European Commission's 2016 decision, saying the EU had failed to prove that the Ireland government had granted Apple illegal tax incentives.

However, Europe's anti-competition authorities have not given up on pursuing Apple, and in May 2023, the EU competition regulator appealed to the EU's highest court, requesting to overturn the EU General Court's ruling.

Among them, EU antitrust commissioner Margaret · Vestageg promoted Apple's tax case as a key case to crack down on transactions between multinational companies and EU countries, and this campaign against "aggressive tax planning" aims to investigate how countries such as Ireland and Luxembourg offer preferential tax treatment to attract European headquarters of multinational companies.

Vestager said that in the EU market, ensuring that all companies, regardless of size, pay their fair share of taxes remains a top priority for the agency.

The EU Competition Regulator is the European Union's body responsible for overseeing and enforcing antitrust laws, with the aim of maintaining the fairness and efficiency of market competition. By investigating and punishing violations of competition laws, it ensures that companies do not eliminate or restrict competition through unfair means, thereby protecting consumer interests and promoting economic development. EU competition regulators play an important role in dealing with tax issues for multinational corporations, reviewing mergers and acquisitions, and combating illicit subsidies.

Ireland has long been known as a safe haven because of its extremely low corporate tax rate, full range of corporate incentives, and special purpose vehicles that help multinational companies reduce their debt amounts. Previously, United States politicians had long accused Ireland of being a tax haven, an allegation that eventually led the European Commission to launch an investigation into Apple's tax situation in Ireland.

After the final judgment in the Apple tax case, the Ireland government later said in a statement that the issues involved in the Apple tax case were a thing of the past, and that they insisted that they treated all companies and taxpayers fairly and did not give Apple special tax benefits. "Ireland's position has always been that Ireland will not provide tax benefits to any company or taxpayer."

In response to the European Supreme Court's ruling, Apple spokesman Julian · Troisdorf said on Tuesday that "this case has never been a question of how much we pay, but rather a question of which government we have to pay taxes to." We pay all taxes due no matter where we operate, and there is never a special agreement. The European Commission tried to change the rules retroactively and ignore the fact that international tax law requires that our income has been taxed in the United States. ”

EU competition legislation mainly includes four parts: Antitrust, Merger Control, State Aid, and Public Undertakings and Services. The legal system of EU competition legislation is mainly based on Articles 101 to 109 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The treaty is directly applicable to all EU member states.

In addition to Apple, Alphabet (GOOG.US) owned Google also lost a lawsuit seven years ago in which the European Union's antitrust regulator imposed a fine of 2.42 billion euros (about 2.7 billion US dollars, 19 billion yuan), which is one of the three major huge fines the company has been imposed for various anti-competitive behaviors.

In 2017, the European Commission fined Google for using its comparison shopping service to gain an unfair advantage over smaller European competitors. The judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union noted that EU law does not sanction the existence of a dominant position, but rather its abuse.

In addition to the 2.42 billion euro fine, Google is facing an anti-monopoly ruling in the EU not only Google Shopping, the EU competition regulator also pointed out that it will file 4.125 billion euros (about 32.4 billion yuan) against Google's parent company Alphabet for illegal abuse of the Andriod mobile operating system and Adsense advertising businessand a fine of 1.49 billion euros (about 11.7 billion yuan). This also means that Google's three antitrust cases in the EU have been fined a total of more than 8 billion euros (about 62.8 billion yuan).


