
科技   2024-09-12 18:11   美国  


近日越南DKT Vina计划在越南扩产2倍产能,投资1.437万亿越南盾(约合4.13亿人民币),在越南北部永福省建设其第四家柔性印刷电路板FPC制造工厂。



近日越南DKT Vina计划在越南扩产2倍产能,投资1.437万亿越南盾(约合4.13亿人民币),在越南北部永福省建设其第四家柔性印刷电路板FPC制造工厂。

据了解新工厂位于永福省Khai Quang工业园,与现有的第一、第二、第三工厂相邻。根据DK Tech向越南自然资源与环境部提交的环境影响评估报告,第四工厂占地面积为13,857㎡,而第一、第二、第三工厂的占地面积均为7,000㎡左右,新工厂的规模是之前工厂的2倍。
预计建成后的新工厂将成为DKT Vina在越南最大的工厂,预计明年3月动工,2026年4月投产。建成后,4个工厂的年产能预计将达到1.68亿片FPC和226.9万个车载无线充电器。
DKT Vina是三星(越南及其海外工厂)的重要FPC供应商,三星的订单一度占到了其总营收90%的份额。2011年DKT Vina跟随三星手机在越南永福省Khai Quang工业园建厂,专注于FPC线路板的制造和加工,到目前为止拥有1,700多名员工。
据李星了解,DKT主要为三星手机AMOLED显示屏供应FPC产品,虽然2023年以后,三星调整了采购政策,降低单一供应商的采购比例以减少依赖性,DKT来自三星的订单有所减少,但是三星的柔性AMOLED显示屏FPC供应商韩国BH Co., Ltd.在越南的工厂BH VINA大量采购DKT的产品供应给自己的客户。同时从今年2月份起,DKT Vina还通过租用BH VINA的厂房进行生产,并进一步开发电动汽车相关产品。
近期东亚的供应链企业也表示,苹果决定从明年开始,不再在发布的iPhone手机中配备LCD显示屏,全部转为AMOLED显示屏。包括明年发布的第四代iPhone SE,也将采用类似iPhone 14的外观设计、屏幕升级为AMOLED小刘海屏、Face ID解锁而不是Touch ID,采用USB-C 端口、操作按钮、苹果自研的5G调制解调器、A18处理器等等。
而对于苹果AMOLED供应链来讲则是个好消息,除了三星显示、LGD、京东方这些提供面板的企业为,为这些面板提供FPC的企业如韩国BH Co., Ltd.、DKT Vina等。
苹果从今年开始在iPad上也配备AMOLED显示屏,并且加大了LTPO AMOLED显示屏在iPhone手机上的应用,这让行业供应高阶FPC的苹果供应商产能开始吃紧,为了保证交付,这些企业开始扩产,或外发部分订单给同行代工。
目前苹果的iPad上也配备AMOLED显示屏,和iPhone手机上的LTPO AMOLED显示屏,基本上都是三星显示和LGD在越南的工厂进行模组封装,因此这两种产品的大部分FPC企业,也基本上为越南市场服务,受益于苹果这部分订单的增加,这些FPC企业的订单也迎来了新的增长。   
在这种大趋势下,在越南建FPC产能的DKT Vina,无疑就是其中的主要受益者。

Apple's products fully switched to AMOLED, and the FPC factory in Viet Nam expanded its production capacity by 2 times
Editor: Lucien
Recently, Viet Nam DKT Vina plans to double its production capacity in Viet Nam, investing 1.437 trillion Viet Nam (about 413 million yuan) to build its fourth flexible printed circuit board FPC manufacturing plant in Vinh Phuc province in northern Viet Nam.

It is understood that the new factory is located in Khai Quang Industrial Park, Vinh Phuc Province, adjacent to the existing first, second and third factories. According to DK Tech's environmental impact assessment report submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Viet Nam, the fourth plant covers an area of 13,857 square meters, while the first, second and third factories all cover an area of about 7,000 square meters, and the new plant is twice the size of the previous plant.   
The new plant is expected to be DKT Vina's largest plant in Viet Nam and is expected to start construction in March next year and start operations in April 2026. After completion, the annual production capacity of the four factories is expected to reach 168 million FPCs and 2.269 million in-vehicle wireless chargers.
DKT Vina is an important FPC supplier to Samsung (Viet Nam and its overseas factories), and Samsung's orders once accounted for 90% of its total revenue. In 2011, DKT Vina followed Samsung Mobile to build a factory in Khai Quang Industrial Park, Vinh Phuc Province, Viet Nam, focusing on the manufacturing and processing of FPC circuit boards, and has more than 1,700 employees so far.
Sales in 2023 increased by 30% year-on-year to US$210 million, of which about 30% of production is directly exported to China, Korea and India, and the rest is mainly supplied to foreign customers in Viet Nam, mainly Samsung.   
According to Li Xing, DKT mainly supplies FPC products for Samsung mobile phone AMOLED displays, although after 2023, Samsung has adjusted its procurement policy to reduce the procurement ratio of a single supplier to reduce dependence, DKT's orders from Samsung have decreased, but Samsung's flexible AMOLED display FPC supplier Korea BH Co., Ltd.'s factory BH VINA in Viet Nam purchases DKT products in large quantities to supply their customers. At the same time, DKT Vina has been renting a factory building in BH VINA to further develop products related to electric vehicles since February this year.
Recently, supply chain companies in East Asia also said that Apple has decided to no longer equip LCD displays in the iPhones released from next year, and all will switch to AMOLED displays. Including the fourth-generation iPhone SE to be released next year, it will also adopt an iPhone 14-like exterior design, the screen is upgraded to an AMOLED small notch screen, Face ID unlock instead of Touch ID, and uses a USB-C port, operation buttons, Apple's self-developed 5G modem, A18 processor, and so on.
The change of Apple's product strategy has also had an impact on the supply chain, for example, Sharp and JDI, which provide displays for Apple's mobile phones, will lose most of Apple's orders for LCD displays, and Apple will only purchase some additional orders and LCD displays for after-sales maintenance in the future.   
For Apple's AMOLED supply chain, it is good news, in addition to Samsung Display, LGD, BOE and other companies that provide panels, companies that provide FPC for these panels such as Korea BH Co., Ltd., DKT Vina, etc.
Apple has also equipped the iPad with AMOLED display since this year, and increased the application of LTPO AMOLED display on iPhones, which has made the industry's high-end FPC suppliers began to tighten production capacity, in order to ensure delivery, these companies began to expand production, or send out part of the orders to peer OEMs.
At present, Apple's iPad is also equipped with AMOLED display, and the LTPO AMOLED display on the iPhone, basically Samsung Display and LGD in Viet Nam factory module packaging, so most of the FPC companies of these two products, also basically serve the Viet Nam market, benefiting from the increase in Apple's orders, these FPC companies have also ushered in new growth.
Under this big situation, DKT Vina, which has built FPC production capacity in Viet Nam, is undoubtedly the main beneficiary.
