“百节年为首”,春节在中国人心中的地位无法比拟。那么,春节古时叫元旦、最早的爆竹是竹子、大年三十并非年年有……这些有关春节的“小众知识”,你知道多少?Dating back centuries, Spring Festival is the most important holiday in Chinese culture. As the 2025 Spring Festival approaches, how much do you know about these lesser-known facts related to Chinese New Year?
图源:小红书@艾嘛嘿儿 供图
都是月亮惹的祸! 大年三十可能也是二十九 前段时间,“2025年至2029年,连续5年都没有年三十”的消息登上各平台热搜。腊月二十九“直达”大年初一,大年三十去哪了?News has gone viral on various platforms that "there will be no 30th day of the 12th lunar month, known as danian sanshi in the Chinese calendar, from 2025 to 2029." 中国科学院紫金山天文台科普与后勤中心副主任王科超表示,“出现这样的情况,与我国农历历算规则有关。”
The Chinese calendar is based on the phases of the moon, with an average cycle of 29.53 days. The system divides the calendar into "big months" lasting 30 days and "little months" lasting 29 days. If the last month of the year happens to be a "little month," then the 30th day is skipped.
2024年9月17日在天津拍摄的“超级月亮”。新华社记者 孙凡越 摄
图源:小红书@辣妹小巴burberry 供图
专家表示,民间习惯称岁末的最后一个晚上为除夕,所以不管是腊月二十九还是腊月三十,作为传统节日的除夕一直都在。Experts note that the last night of the Chinese calendar is called chuxi (Chinese New Year's Eve). Therefore, whether it falls on the 29th or 30th day of the last month, the tradition of celebrating chuxi remains unchanged.
The earliest form of yasuiqian, the coins given as gifts to children in the hope of healthy growth and to ward off "demons", appeared during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220). These coins were not intended for spending.
By the Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1271-1368) dynasties, elders would give copper coins to children during Spring Festival. It was not until the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) that the term yasuiqian was officially adopted. In modern times, paper money has gradually replaced metal coins, evolving into the lucky money tradition we know today.
“爆竹”原来真是竹 “爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。”最早的爆竹,就是把竹子放入火中。因为它会“噼哩啪啦”响,故称爆竹。The earliest firecrackers were simply bamboo stalks placed in fire. When burned, they made a "crackling" sound, which is why they are called "firecrackers."
岁岁年年,燃放爆竹逐渐成了驱邪避崇、迎新纳福的习俗。 正月初一叫什么?古人:元旦 “正月朔日,谓之元旦,俗呼为新年。一岁节序,此为之首。”——宋代吴自牧《梦粱录》古代并无“春节”一词,正月初一也不叫春节,而叫元旦,这一用法一直持续到民国。In ancient times, there was no term for "Spring Festival." Instead, the first day of the Chinese calendar was called yuandan (the beginning of the year).