Chinese singer and actor Huang Zitao has found himself embroiled in a controversy after his fans accused him of lacking integrity over the giveaway of cars.中国歌手及演员黄子韬因送车活动陷入争议,粉丝指责其缺乏诚信。In early January, Huang, 31, boasted that if the number of his social media followers exceeded 15 million, he would give domestic-made cars as gifts to tens of lucky people drawn from his fan base, the Red Star News reported.据红星新闻报道,1月初,31岁的黄子韬表示,如果其社交媒体粉丝数量超过1500万,将从粉丝群体中抽取数十位幸运儿赠送国产汽车作为礼物。Huang implemented the plan by holding a live-streaming session on January 10 when the number of his fans surged to 45 million.1月10日,当黄子韬的粉丝数量激增至4500万时,他通过直播兑现了这一承诺。Twenty people were chosen to receive the presents from Huang, but it turned out they were only granted the five-year usage right of the Baojun-brand electric car, instead of the full ownership of a car they had anticipated.二十人获选接受黄子韬赠送的礼物,但结果他们仅获得宝骏品牌电动汽车的五年使用权,而非他们所期待的汽车所有权。The car, made by a Shanghai manufacturer, costs around 120,000 yuan (US$16,000).这款由上海制造商生产的汽车售价约为12万元(1.6万美元)。Many other fans were also disappointed with Huang, and accused him of having no integrity. Four million people subsequently unfollowed him. 许多其他粉丝也对黄子韬感到失望,指责其缺乏诚信。随后有四百万人取消了对他的关注。 On January 14, Huang defended himself by saying all he did was obey the law and relevant rules on social media platforms.1月14日,黄子韬为自己辩护,称自己只是遵守了社交媒体平台上的法律和相关规定。 "My team and I have to consider many details, especially the legal stipulations," he said. “我的团队和我必须考虑许多细节,尤其是法律规定,”他说。 He added that his live-streaming event was regarded by authority as a sales activity with prizes that should not be worth more than 50,000 yuan (US$7,000), and was in accordance with the law.他补充说,他的直播活动被当局视为附带奖品的销售活动,奖品价值不应超过5万元(7000美元),且符合法律规定。"Since I have already promised you that I will give you free cars, I must keep my word. Therefore, we spend a lot of effort in finding a suitable brand of car," said Huang.“既然我已经答应你们会送你们免费汽车,我就必须守信。因此,我们花费了很多精力来寻找一个合适的汽车品牌,”黄子韬说。"We hope you can use this car for a long period and, meanwhile, the cost of using it is subject to the 50,000 yuan requirement," he added.“我们希望你们能长期使用这辆车,同时,使用成本也要符合5万元的要求,”他补充道。He concluded by saying: "I live an open and straightforward way. I do not owe anyone. I have a clear conscience."他总结道:“我活得坦荡,我不欠任何人,我问心无愧。”Half of the donated cars were bought by Huang himself, and the other half were sponsored by the car company, the report said.据报道,捐赠的汽车中有一半是黄子韬自己购买的,另一半由汽车公司赞助。At the live-streaming session, Huang also donated rice and down jackets to some of his fans who were also chosen in the draw. 在直播中,黄子韬还向一些同样在抽奖中被选中的粉丝赠送了大米和羽绒服。 The session attracted as many as 10 million watching it simultaneously at peak moments. Many people, including Huang himself, complained about a slow internet connection.直播期间,观看人数一度高达1000万。包括黄子韬本人在内的许多人都抱怨网络连接缓慢。Huang, who comes from a wealthy family in eastern Shandong province, has received show business training in South Korea.黄子韬来自山东东部一个富裕的家庭,曾在韩国接受演艺培训。As well as pop music, he is proficient in martial arts and has 66 million fans on another major social media platform.除了流行音乐,他还擅长武术,在另一家主要社交媒体平台上拥有6600万粉丝。His announcement that he was to marry singer Xu Yiyang in December last year made headlines nationwide.去年12月,他宣布将与歌手徐艺洋结婚,这一消息在全国引起轰动。“一天一点”会员口语群2025年第2期招生继续,详情请点击:招生简章|"一天一点"会员口语群2025年第2期招生继续!