海外公管荐书 |《中国行政改革何以持续:路径依赖与路径创新》

学术   2024-08-20 09:20   辽宁  

Sustaining Administrative Reform in China Through Path Dependence and Creation-The Case of Shunde













作者通过追踪广东省顺德区自2009年开始,长达约十年的行政体制改革过程,深入分析了不同层级政府在改革不同阶段中所扮演的多样化角色,探讨了拥有不同利益导向和资源的利益相关者如何通过各种策略组合来影响改革进程。本书显示,顺德改革的持续推进反映了路径依赖(Path Dependence)与路径创新(Path Creation)的辩证统一。过去的改革经验为进一步的改革奠定了有利的背景,而外部力量与本地改革倡导者之间的有效互动则为创新的发生创造了良好的环境。路径依赖与路径创新的有机结合,成为推动顺德改革持续前行的重要动力。本书不仅为理解中国行政改革的复杂性提供了新视角,也为区域性改革的持续推进提供了宝贵的经验与启示。



第1章 引言

第2章 中国行政改革的研究及过程导向的理论框架
第3章 背景故事:国家行政改革与顺德的时代变迁
第4章 改革启航:2009年的政府机构重组
第5章 第二阶段:2010-2011年的行政审批改革
第6章 改革深化:2012年后的行政审批改革之路
第7章 延续与局限:国家行政改革的新篇章
第8章 结论




1.Most studies have also adopted a static approach to study what should be understood as a long-term chain of processes. The static approach takes reform as a snapshot-occurrence. Actors in the reform were categorized into the “reformers” and “non/anti-reformers” groups according to some observed characteristics of behaviors and attitudes, and the “anti-reformers” are assumed to be locked-in the old path while the reformers have agency to seek change. While such categorization helps to identify “the resistance”, it also exaggerates the differences between the “reformers” and “non/anti-reformers”, and oversimplified their preferences. It ignores that as independent actors, the alleged “reformers” and “anti-reformers” should both possess the capacity towards change: including fostering, supporting, acquiescing, opposing, resisting, etc., whilst the actual choice and inclinations of the diverse actors may shift over time.
2.In contrast to the typical view, which stresses on breaking away from the old path being the core of reform, this study shows that creating new things is based on learning from the past successful experiences. It suggests that the reform launchers should not only focus on thinking about how to escape from the ‘trap’ of the existing path but make use of the existing resources and accumulated experiences fully to promote future development. Reform does not narrowly mean the negation of the past, but often the creative utilization of parts of the past for current and future purposes.
3.Another important implication this case provides us is that there is no strict boundary between the reformers and non-reformers. An actor can both be the reformer and non-reformer. The change of his/her position depends on the context or conditions. Given that everyone can be ‘reformers’, the higher-level governments and lower-level governments should be partners rather than “principals” and “agents” in the reform. The top leaders can help the local reform actors overcome institutional limitations and grant them greater autonomy to implement reforms, rather than perceiving all non-reformers as passive implementers.

校对:门   垚
