A Morning of Learning and Friendship: Welcome! YuCai 欢迎育才三小学子来访

企业   教育   2024-11-21 18:30   广东  

Last week, we had the pleasure of welcoming about 60 students from Yucai No. 3 Primary School to our PLE and Main campus for a morning of learning and collaboration! Scattered across different classrooms, our guests eagerly joined in on various academic activities, as well as experiencing our school culture firsthand.

上周,我们有幸邀请了育才第三小学的约60 名学生来我校的幼儿园和主校区参加了一上午的学习与合作活动!小客人们分散在不同的教室里,踊跃参加各种学术活动,并亲身体验了我们的校园文化。

The students in Ms. Tere’s class had a wonderful time with their new friends Max, Amy, and Kiki during the visit. Throughout the literacy block, they collaborated on phonics, comprehension, and fluency activities, building both their skills and their bonds. Breaks with snacks and recess added a relaxed opportunity for everyone to socialize and get to know one another. The day was made even more memorable as they joined their ambassador to observe our Chinese classes, offering a special look into our vibrant language programs.

访问期间,Tere 老师班上的学生与他们的新朋友 MaxAmy Kiki 度过了一段美好时光。在英文课上,他们合作开展了自然拼读、流利阅读和阅读理解活动,既提高了技能,又增进了感情。点心和课间休息为大家提供了一个轻松的社交和相互了解的机会。这一天,育才三小的孩子们还一起观摩了我们的中文课,对我们充满活力的语言课程有了特别的了解,这让这一天变得更加难忘。

The students also joined Mr. David’s math and literacy classes, where they worked closely with their class leaders. Alice partnered with Lebie, and Dong teamed up with Aaron to play a math card game aimed at boosting mental math and subtraction skills. Afterward, they tackled double-digit math problems together. During literacy, Alice and Dong shared insights about their English classes at Yucai, giving our students a glimpse into their school experience. Although it was a brief visit, it was an enriching and enjoyable exchange for everyone involved.

学生们还参加了David老师的数学课和英文文学课,与班上的同学们密切合作。Alice Lebie 合作,Dong Aaron 合作,玩了一个旨在提高心算和减法技能的数学卡片游戏。之后,他们一起解决了两位数的数学问题。在课堂上,Alice Dong 分享了他们在育才上英语课的感悟,让我们的学生了解了他们的学习经历。虽然只是短暂的访问,但对每个人来说都是一次充实而愉快的交流。

In Ms. Cindy’s class, the Yucai students participated in Literacy, sorting adjectives into categories and even trying their hand at cursive writing. During Mathematics, they joined a review session on division and worked on multiplication exercises alongside our students, interacting and making new friends.


Mr. Ricardo’s students and their Yucai visitors enjoyed a morning of math fluency tests, followed by a team-based activity in division and a lesson in map scales for Culture Studies. They estimated distances between cities and used maps to calculate the real distances, finishing with a lively, tech-based review game.


Mr. Dylan’s class warmly welcomed three students from Yucai who joined in mid-lesson and quickly engaged in checking math answers. Afterwards, they visited a Chinese language class, then returned to participate in Literacy center activities, including expository writing, historical book discussions, and vocabulary building. Our students loved showing off their projects and making new friends.

Dylan 老师的班级热情接待了三位来自育才学校的学生,他们在课程中途加入,并很快参与了核对数学答案的学习活动。之后,他们参观了一堂中文课,然后回到班里参加英语课,包括说明文写作、历史书讨论和词汇积累。我们的学生非常兴奋地向育才孩子们展示了他们自己的项目,并且交到了新朋友。

Throughout the morning, the students from Yucai showed enthusiasm, politeness, and a genuine interest in learning, especially during recess when students from both schools enjoyed playtime together and school tours led by our own students.

We are so proud of our students for their hospitality and excited for the return visit when they can experience a day at Yucai!



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QSI - Quality International School of Shenzhen, established in 2001 ( the 1st QSI school was founded in 1971)