People are like snowballs rolling down a hill, you need a high enough starting point,a long enough slope, and snow that's wet enough.
——Warren Buffett
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我想对学弟学妹们说:学习的真谛在于学以致用,要亲身体验和实践所学,而非学过即忘。要将所学知识内化于心,以便在需要时能够毫无保留地运用,这才是真正的学问。正如莎士比亚所说,命运掌握在我们自己手中。学习亦是如此,现在就是未来的起点,to be is to do.”
我们期待叶同学在大学中继续闪耀,也援引他的原话祝福每位华茂学子学有所成:“现在就是未来的起点,to be is to do.”
The success of “Long Slopes with Thick Snow" is inseparable from the correct choice of the track. Life is like this, and so is learning. Shawn, a 12th-grade student at Huamao NAP Project, in just three months of senior year, has already earned two offers of admission from the University of Sydney, thanks to his outstanding academic achievements and comprehensive personal qualities. This achievement not only showcases Shawn's personal talents but also reflects the educational outcomes of the Huamao NAP Project.
Recently, we had a remote conversation with Shawn, expressing our congratulations and hoping he could look back on his journey and tell us how he reached his own long track.
"In my heart, Huamao NAP is not just a place to learn knowledge but also the cradle of my growth. I remember, in class, we often had various presentations and group assignments.These activities not only honed my communication skills but also taught me how to efficiently gather and filter information from the internet. I still remember staying up late with my group members to organize materials for a report on a historical event. In the end, our efforts were recognized by the teacher and praised by our classmates. At that moment, I felt the power of teamwork and the joy that knowledge brings.
The learning experience at NAP was a precious time for me. It not only helped me master the skills to adapt to studying abroad but, more importantly, it gave me a clearer plan for my future. "Knowing who I am." I am gradually understanding my interests and the goals I want to pursue in the future. My new goal after receiving bachelor offer is to continue my studies in Singapore four years later, pursuing a master degree. I dream of studying at a university in Singapore, learning together with outstanding students from all over the world, and exploring the boundaries of knowledge.
I would like to give my advice to NAPers: The true essence of learning lies in applying what you learn, to experience and practice what you have learned, rather than forgetting it once you've learned it. Internalize the knowledge you've learned so that you can use it without reservation when needed; that is true scholarship. As Shakespeare said, our destiny is in our own hands. Learning is the same; the present is the starting point of the future, to be is to do."
Shawn's achievements prove that in the right educational environment, students can discover and realize their potential, moving towards their ideal future. Huamao NAP Class will continue to strive to provide high-quality education to help students open the doors to the world's top universities.
We anticipate Shawn's continued brilliance at university and echo his sentiments to hope for the success of all Huamao students in their academic pursuits: "The present marks the beginning of the future, to be is to do."
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