在2024年加拿大化学测评(初级)JCCO中,6名来自华茂IBDP(国际高中文凭课程)11年级的学子们荣耀加冕,再次展现了他们非凡的学术实力与对化学的热爱,取得了优异的成绩:共斩获2全球铜奖,2全国超级金奖,3全国银奖和1区域优秀奖!其中,Jaewook Song和桂铭阳同学不畏挑战,凭借扎实的化学基础知识、灵活的应用能力和不懈的努力成功拿下全球铜奖和全国超级金奖,并顺利晋级加拿大化学奥林匹克国家队集训营!全国银奖的三位获得者为Harmoni Harsha Lai Lang,黄心怡和杨佳琪同学,而Tlamelo Shuping同学则荣获了区域优秀奖!祝贺获奖的同学们!这些成绩的取得离不开他们平时的努力与付出,同时也离不开指导老师申菲菲的辛勤辅导和学校提供的良好学习环境。
In the 2024 Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (JCCO), six students from IBDP Y11 of Huamao achieved remarkable success, once again demonstrating their exceptional academic prowess and passion for chemistry. They brought home an impressive haul of awards: 2 Global Bronze Awards, 2 National Top Gold Awards, 3 National Silver Awards, and 1 Regional Honorable Award! Among them, Jaewook Song and Eric Gui fearlessly took on the challenges and, with their solid foundation in chemistry, flexible application skills, and unwavering efforts, successfully claimed Global Bronze Award and National Top Gold Award, and were admitted to the Canadian Chemistry Olympiad Camp! The three recipients of the National Silver Awards are Harmoni Harsha Lai Lang, Matilda Huang, and Ina Yang, while Tlamelo Shuping received the Regional Honorable Award! Congratulations to all the award-winning students! These achievements are a testament to their consistent hard work and dedication, as well as the tireless guidance of their tutor, Amelia Shen, and the excellent learning environment provided by the school.
加拿大化学测评(初级)JCCO是由加拿大化学学会(Chemical Institute of Canada,简称CIC) 主办,是加拿大学术性最权威的初级化学测评之一。JCCO是加拿大化学奥林匹克初阶测评,旨在培养化学优生对于化学奥林匹克的认知和兴趣,激发同学们化学学习兴趣与锻炼化学学科思维,让更多初中化学爱好者可以体验化学的魅力和加拿大顶级的化学学术活动。
The Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (JCCO), hosted by the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC), is one of the most authoritative academic chemistry assessments for beginners in Canada. As the preliminary assessment of the Canadian Chemistry Olympiad, JCCO aims to cultivate top chemistry students' understanding and interest in the Chemistry Olympiad, stimulate their interest in chemistry learning and exercise their chemical thinking, allowing more junior high school chemistry enthusiasts to experience the charm of chemistry and top-level chemistry academic activities in Canada.
Acceptance Speech from
Winners of Global Bronze Award
& National Top Gold Award
Jaewook Song (Steven)
Earning a Global Bronze Award and National Top Gold Award in JCCO is an incredible achievement, and the feeling is truly indescribable. It is a mix of pride, excitement, and gratitude. Knowing that all the hard work, hours of studying, and solving challenging problems paid off fills you with a sense of accomplishment. The recognition on both a national and global level reinforces your confidence and inspires you to keep pushing your boundaries. It’s not just about the awards but also about knowing you have excelled among so many talented students, and that fuels your passion for chemistry even further. Moments like this remind you that dedication and perseverance really do lead to success.
桂铭阳(Eric Gui)
I am deeply honored to have won the awards in the JCCO Competition! This recognition not only affirms my hard work but also acknowledges all those who have accompanied me on my journey of growth. During the preparation process, I deeply experienced the charm of chemistry and felt the boundless power of knowledge. I want to especially thank my teacher Ms. Amelia; it is your guidance and support that have enabled me to continually surpass myself. I also want to thank my family for their encouragement and companionship. This award marks a new beginning, and I will continue to work hard and delve deeper into exploration.
It is hoped that the awards will inspire more students to pursue their dreams and dare to explore unknown fields. In the future, Huamao students will continue to challenge themselves and strive for excellence. We believe that through unremitting efforts and continuous learning, they will achieve even more brilliant accomplishments on their academic paths.
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