华茂IB已经成为全世界最完整的一贯制IB世界学校。目前拥有四个完整全项目,在全世界6000所IB学校中只有70所,全中国仅有3所。学校获得WASC世界最严苛国际学校认证、Round Square 全球顶尖学校联盟成员学校、爱丁堡公爵奖认证学校、NESSIC中国联盟成员学校。
Huamao IB has established itself as one of the most comprehensive authorized IB world schools, currently offering four complete IB programs. Among the 6,000 IB schools globally, only 70 meet this standard, with just 3 in China. The school holds WASC accreditation, which is regarded as one of the most stringent international school certifications. Furthermore, Huamao IB is a member of the Round Square network, an authorized Duke of Edinburgh’s Award school, and part of the NESSIC China Alliance.
Under the careful organization of the IB program, a Parent Workshop was recently held to build a bridge for communication between home and school, aiming to explore and promote the academic growth and efficient management of daily campus life for IB students. Through a series of presentations, tool sharing, and activity showcases, parents gained in-depth insights into their children's learning status and personal development pathways.
The speakers for this event were Yorlin and Richard, coordinators from the IB Middle Years Program. They introduced and presented the key progress reports of student development in the PYP (Primary Years Programme), MYP (Middle Years Programme), and DP (Diploma Programme) in both Chinese and English, including:
·Progress bands
·End of semester reports
·Parent Teacher Conferences (PTC)
·Student-led conferences (SLC)
·Using Managebac to track academic progress
Academic 学术
First, the academic progress bands for students at various stages not only help students and parents better understand their academic performance each semester, but they also assist teachers and coordinators in developing intervention measures to improve student achievement. These reports highlight that they are not just simple summaries of grades, but rather a comprehensive reflection of students' progress in different subject areas, including their performance in understanding complex concepts, critical thinking, and creativity. With this report, teachers and parents can clearly see the growth trajectory of students throughout the semester, providing valuable guidance for future teaching or learning.
Sample of PYP Academic Progress Band
Sample of MYP Academic Progress Band
Sample of DP Academic Progress Band
At the end of each semester, parents receive their child's semester report, which visually presents data on their knowledge mastery and learning trends.
End of semester report
End of Semester Report
End of Semester Report
成长档案(Portfolio)则包含了学习方法技能(ATL), 学科学习及反思的记录,它如同一部生动的成长史,记录了每位学生的独特学习旅程与成就亮点。叶琳和Richard表示,个人成长档案是记录学生在IB项目中全面发展的重要工具。它不仅包含了学生的学术成绩单,还包括他们的社会活动参与情况、领导力展示、社区服务经历以及个人兴趣和特长的发展等。这些丰富的内容共同构成了一个完整的学生画像,有助于培养学生的自我认知和规划未来的能力。
The portfolio contains records of Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills, subject learning, and reflections, serving as a vivid growth history that chronicles each student's unique learning journey and highlights their achievements.
PTC & SLC家长会和学生主导会议
Notably, the organization of Parent-teacher Conferences(PTC) and Student-led conferences (SLC) not only provide parents with opportunities to communicate directly with teachers, enhancing home-school interaction but also offers students a chance to practice self-reflection and expression, making their growth more proactive.
Additionally, the demonstration of the Managebac teaching system allowed parents to experience how modern educational technology supports personalized learning and progress tracking, providing a scientific basis for their children's academic planning.
In the section on cultivating good learning behaviours, the importance of daily accumulation was emphasized. The recording of learning behaviours was proposed as a self-monitoring mechanism, encouraging students to regularly review their learning performance and identify strengths and areas for improvement. The innovative application of the "Behaviour Report Card" concretizes the cultivation of abstract habits, guiding students to gradually establish a regular learning rhythm and effective time management skills through a series of cleverly designed task cards. These strategies not only enhance students' learning efficiency but also enable parents to provide more targeted support at home.
Tracking Behaviour
Behaviour Report Cards
Co-curricular activities and the cultivation of interests were also key topics in this lecture. Both Yorlin and Richard emphasized that extracurricular activities are an important part of students' personal growth, helping them discover and develop their interests and talents. They encouraged students to participate in various academic competitions, where challenges in areas like mathematics and science can spark potential, while sports competitions enhance teamwork and physical fitness. The diverse range of college activities, from artistic creation to community service, broadens students' horizons and fosters the development of leadership skills and social responsibility. These extracurricular activities not only enrich students' campus life but also lay a solid foundation for their overall development.
✅ Competitions 各类学术竞赛
✅ Sporting achievements 体育竞赛
✅ House achievements 学院制活动
在活动的问答环节中,一位家长表达了对孩子刚加入IB体系后,无法随时跟进学习情况的担忧。Maggie校长对此进行了耐心解答,她表示学校高度重视学生的学习过程,并强调这也需要家长的支持与合作。孩子的成长是养育的过程,小学阶段需要关注的是通过探究式学习培养学生学术和综合素养发展。“100个孩子,100个世界” IB的世界里没有一蹴而就的速成,适应新环境的学习和生活节奏、逐步成长为独立学习者的习惯培养是IBPYP小学的核心要素。
During the Q&A session of the event, a parent expressed concerns about her child’s ability to keep up with his studies after joining the IB program. Principal Maggie patiently addressed this worry, emphasizing that the school places a high value on the learning process and that parental support and cooperation are essential. She noted that a child’s growth is part of the nurturing process. During the primary school phase, the focus should be on developing academic and comprehensive skills through inquiry-based learning. She articulated the idea that "100 children, 100 worlds," highlighting that in the IB context, there is no quick fix; adapting to the new learning environment and gradually developing the habits of independent learners are core components of the IB PYP (Primary Years Programme).
She also stressed that, within the IB framework, there should not be an excessive emphasis on academic scores, but rather a greater focus on the child's well-rounded development. She encouraged parents to observe their children's behavior, discover their interests, and maintain close communication with the school to foster their growth together. She believes that each student is an independent individual, and their sense of self-worth and security comes from recognizing and developing their personal talents and interests, rather than simply relying on academic rankings.
Additionally, she mentioned that to help children better plan for their future, the school advocates for early career exploration, allowing children to gradually clarify their interests and goals through exploration. The collaboration between home and school is key to achieving this objective, and parents are encouraged to actively participate in their children’s learning and life experiences, providing support for their growth. With the combined efforts of the home and school, every child can thrive in the IB educational environment and shine in their unique way.
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