
文摘   生活   2023-04-21 18:08   芬兰  





I cry a lot these days, especially when I am alone. I cry over little things. There are random emotional triggers that make me spontaneously weep, then I lose my control and start to self-sabotage. I walked through every past situation where I feel ignored, rejected and unloved untill I was drown in my emotions and couldn’t get out of it.

I am easily overwhelmed. Some days I just get up, cook, eat, go to bed and that already feels like too much to me. I am not able to concentrate, to complete tasks and sometimes I can’t even get out of the bed. I can stay at home without talking to anybody for days, and when I finally push myself to go outside, I feel so utterly miserable and overloaded with panic. It’s tough to feel positive and motivated. Every time I try to be positive towards my life, the very next moment I fail. And again, I run all the way back to bury myself under my bedcovers. 

I don’t know how to talk to people about my feelings. I really don’t know. (Am I just faking it for attention?) I keep all my feelings bottled up, squashed down in the deepest part of my brain and pretend everything is fine. And to be honest, I am fine when I switch out of depression. I’ve had good hours and good days but it’s still there and I can still feel it, it’s always there, like maggots crawling underneath my skin, chewing away at my insides, a constant reminder of my own failure to think, to act, to even exist like a normal, functioning human being. 

I feel guilty of not enjoying my life. I feel guilty of not being happy. Even the things that used to make me happy seem tarnished and trite. I can barely remember enjoying them at all. Sometimes I feel completely alone and far away from the world around me even though I am able to bumble my way throughs days at school and home, I am not actually really connecting or getting anything done well.

I still want to be happy, or just normal. When a bit of happiness comes my way, it can feel like it is teetering on the edge of the dark pit I am sitting in. I am wishing and hoping it would stay for a little while longer but it inevitably gets consumed by the pit. It’s a cruel twist of depression, it takes away the very thing that could help me crawl toward the light, the ability to feel happiness, and it also takes away the motivation to do something that would create a bit of happiness. It is indescribably awful to experience such powerlessness.

I know this too shall pass, but I just want to know when…


