
文摘   2024-10-05 17:30   越南  


好了好了,我还是先分享《臣服实验》The Surrender Experiment 这本书吧:




我以前读Eckhart Tolle和杨定一的书已经了解到了surrender的大致意思,但那时候完全是处于知识层面的理解,没有完全领悟到底什么叫“臣服”。现在读Michael Singer的书,虽然我并不能一下子做到放下和释怀,但慢慢地也能够从自己的生活里体会到臣服的神奇之处了。

首先是因为我自己有了更多的经历理解起来有了更多的层次,其次是我很喜欢Michael Singer的讲解方式。这个老头很可爱,讲起东西来也神采飞扬的。看他在Master Class上讲臣服实验的视频,一共有九节课,虽然每节课都有不同的主题,但九个多小时的课我听完了才发现他讲课是没有一个“知识点”和“主题”的概念的,你会在他的引导下自然而然地感受知识点随着时间流入你的认知当中。

他的文字也是这样,你看这本书的大纲,它不像普通的书,第一章介绍什么是臣服,第二张介绍如何实现臣服blabla 。他不是这样,Michael Singer是完完全全地按照自己的体悟过程完整地再现自己的内心体验和人生经历。虽然他不会给你下个明确的定义告诉你什么是臣服实验,但你能从字里行间感受到臣服的实践意义。


let go of personal preference 

We regularly say things like “Why did it have to rain today? It always rains when I don’t want it to. It had all week to rain; it’s just not fair.” Without realizing it, we do this with everything in our lives —it’s as though we actually believe that the world around us is supposed to manifest in accordance to our own likes and dislikes. When things go our way, we are happy and relaxed; when it doesn’t, we are disturbed and stressed. 

However, the thing is, life rarely unfolds exactly as we want it to. The universe has been taking care of itself for 13.8 billion years and how come that things should be the way we want them instead of being the natural result of all the forces of creation?

At the heart of the surrender experiment is a simple question: Am I better off making up an alternate reality in my mind based on my personal wants and then fighting with reality to make it be my way, or am I better off letting go of what I want and serving the same forces of reality that managed to create the entire perfection of the universe around me? 

It’s not uncommon to understand surrender as “giving up” or “dropping out of life”, but in its essence, it would be about leaping into life to live in a place where we are no longer controlled by our personal fears and desires. Next time, when it rains outside, how about we replace all that complaining voice with: “WOW, look how beautiful; it’s raining!”

Let go of the control

The author Michael A. Singer has devoted more than forty years of his life to letting go of everything and seeing where the flow of life’s events would naturally take him. He realized that as one thing naturally followed the other, the flow of life’s events led him on a journey that would have been beyond his comprehension.

I always like to ask people who are older than me that if the life they are having now is exactly the same as they had imagined 10 or 20 years ago. The answer is always a firm NO. It’s beyond anything they had ever imagined or controlled, and the beauty of life lies where they let go of the control and trust the flow of life. 

When we are not in charge of our life, somehow, we will feel more open and more connected to the movement of the nature. Because our personal self is controlled by our own fears and desires and we want to be in charge of what is going on to dismiss the anxious mind. But when we let go of the control, we will know what life is capable of doing instead of what I want it to be doing. 

Let go of should and shouldn’t

When we hold ourselves and want to be in charge of everything, we tend to control what should and shouldn’t be happening. “Oh I should have done this.” “He shouldn’t have done that.” “It shouldn’t have gone this way!” If we can’t get the world the way we want it, we internally verbalize it, judge it, complain about it, and then decide what to do about it. 

Again, this world is unfolding and really has very little to do with our inner judgement system. In the name of attempting to hold the world together, we’re really just trying to hold ourselves together. There is always next problem. There is always something that doesn’t go our way. If we keep thinking about ourselves and holding on to the problems, we’ll never be freed from them. 

True personal growth is about transcending the part of you that is not okay and needs protection and perfection. I think letting of the hold of the mind is not to passively accept what is happening and do nothing about it. Instead, there is nothing we can’t do when we let go of the should and shouldn’t. We give away too much rights of our inner kingdom to the outside world and let it decide what we can or cannot do. Now we have to take it back and commit ourselves to the inner work of freedom. This is our life—reclaim it. 

读完这本书,我的确感到了一种心境的打开,但我也有不少没有搞明白的地方:就好像我知道一切要顺其自然,可是怎么做呢?怎么样才能放下自己的成见和喜好,放下对生活的控制,放下应该和不应该去全然地接纳呢?带着这些疑惑,我想开启Michael Singer 第二本书 The Untethered Soul 《清醒地活》的阅读,我不期待之后读完这本书就能解答我的疑惑,我始终觉得提出问题、寻找答案的过程对自己来说就是最好的答案。《臣服实验》这本书的重点或许不在于“臣服”,而是在于“实验”二字。实验就是我也不知道结果会怎样,但正是“我所不知道的”赋予了臣服的意义。




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