治愈系入门级英文书分享|Wonder 《奇迹》

文摘   2024-08-28 12:01   北京  

Recently I didn’t really write anything in English. I figured it’s time to sit down and pick up my pen to practice a bit before it gets rusty. And most of all, I really have a lot to say after reading this book, and I don’t want to mix Chinese and English together this time, which I know is way much easier to get more views and attention, but I’m not going to do that. And hopefully I can find a sustainable way to keep practicing my English writing. 

Okay back to the point, I’m really thrilled to introduce Wonder to you all! I love this book and I almost cried my eyes out!  To be honest, this would have been one of the best books I read this year because it gave me a good feeling and as soon as I saw it I knew I would like it. When I saw the book cover, I bought it even turning a few pages. I have no idea what magic it cast on me. I guess it’s because I have a good chemistry with this little boy with a single blue eye on the book cover.  His “deformity” clicked me.

The protagonist of this book August is born with a deformed face and it didn’t change much with countless surgeries. People always look away when they saw him notice them. It’s never easy to be normal with a mushed-up face like August, so he has to be homeschooled by her mom to avoid being stared and being seen as abnormal. However, one day his parents decided to send him off to middle school, because they know August have to face reality at the end of the day instead of staying at home all his life. The story then starts with the boy August who has a mishappen head and face starting his middle school. 

What I love about this book is that it not only goes deep into a kid’s narrative to share what it’s like to be born and raised up with an abnormal face, it also touches upon different people who are around him so we can get a glimpse of the mentality of his sister Via, his friends Jack and Summer and even his sister’s friend Miranda and boyfriend Justin. It gives me a full picture of how people look out for each other and empathize with each other! They see the difference and vulnerability of each other, and they didn’t turn away! They work on it and validate each other. It’s neither August nor his deformed face that makes a wonder, but the community, the people around August, their unconditional love and kindness that makes a wonder world! 

Usually, I don’t buy any idea that teaches me how to be kind or good as a person, but this book is different. I just feel the sense of love and goodness without anyone imposing the conceptual idea into my mind. It leaves me infused with inspiration and appreciation for the good things. However, it doesn’t mean that every character in this book is purely good and flawless. On the contrary, every person was sketched in shades of gray, instead of black or white. Life is not just tough for August alone, it is tough for everyone, but they still choose to face their inner dark side and choose to be kind than is necessary.

For example, August’s sister Via. While she genuinely loves August and wants him to be healthy and happy, she is also jealous of all the attention his brother has received from her parents because of his facial deformity, whereas she has to figure out everything by herself growing up. Even though via feels overshadowed and neglected in her family, but she’s still got someone who looks out for her, which is her grans. My heart is melting when grans tells via: 

“August has many angels looking out for him already, Via. And I want you to know that you have me looking out for you. Okay, menina querdia? I want you to know that you are number one for me. You are my… everything. You understand me, Via? Tu es meu tudo.”

We all have complex mix of feelings. We are born with imperfection and we have to deal with our own “deformity” in our entire life. But don’t worry, where there is flaw and weakness, where there is love and kindness from the universe. You just need to believe the universe takes care of its most fragile creations in ways we can’t see. The universe makes it all even out in the end. I don’t know why I sound like a missionary and evangelize god and love. But truth be told, I can evangelize this book everywhere. We need book like this for people of all ages.

Last year I read the book Educated 英文原版书分享|《你当像鸟飞往你的山》and I’ve been thinking about what kind of education we need to deepen our empathy and broaden our minds while understanding and accepting ourselves. I think Wonder gives me an answer with the graduation speech given by the Principal Mr. Tushman: 

“The best way to measure how much you’ve grown isn’t by inches or the number of laps you can now run around the track, or even your grade point average ——though those things are important. 

It’s what you’ve done with your time, how you’ve chosen to spend your days, and whom you have touched. That is the greatest measure of success. ”

When I reflected on my education experience, I have to say that for what I can remember, a lot of times we were just told to chase the grade and the goal instead of really thinking about our real strength and really caring for each other. Now I’ve moved back to Beijing to continue to study Law. I’ve been thinking what I can do to avoid going back to the old path. Like if I were given the choice being right or being kind. What do I choose? With time goes, I’ve came to realize that the two aren’t really in conflict. If you want me to interpret it, I will say choose to be right is to choose to be kinder than is necessary, kinder than needed.  

