药明康德受邀出席第43届摩根大通医疗健康年会并在主会场发表演讲 | Bilingual
2025-01-13 11:48
为全球生物医药行业提供全方位、一体化新药研发和生产服务的能力和技术平台公司——无锡药明康德新药开发股份有限公司(股票代码:603259.SH/2359.HK)受邀出席第43届摩根大通年度医疗健康大会,并将在JPM主会场进行演讲。WuXi AppTec (stock code: 603259.SH / 2359.HK), a global company that provides a broad portfolio of R&D and manufacturing services that enable companies in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industry, has been invited to attend the 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference and make a company presentation on main track.演讲时间 | Presentation Session:北京时间:2025年1月15日(周三)11:30 PM – 1月16日 (周四) 0:10 AMPacific Time: January 15, 2025 (Wednesday) 07:30 AM - 08:10 AM网络直播(可在会议结束后30天内回放)| Audio Webcast (replay active for up to 30 days):https://jpmorgan.metameetings.net/events/healthcare25/sessions/58384-wuxi-apptec/webcast?gpu_only=true&kiosk=true https://www.wuxiapptec.cn/investors The presentation will be available on the Company's website after the conference:https://www.wuxiapptec.com/investors 药明康德(股票代码:603259.SH/2359.HK)为全球医药及生命科学行业提供一体化、端到端的新药研发和生产服务,在亚洲、欧洲、北美等地均设有运营基地。药明康德通过独特的“CRDMO”和“CTDMO”业务模式,不断降低研发门槛,助力客户提升研发效率,为患者带来更多突破性的治疗方案,服务范围涵盖化学药研发和生产、生物学研究、临床前测试和临床试验研发、精准医疗研发、测试和生产等领域。2024年,药明康德连续第四年被MSCI评为ESG(环境、社会及管治)AA级。目前,公司的赋能平台正承载着来自全球30多个国家的6,000多家合作伙伴的研发创新项目,致力于将更多新药、好药带给全球病患,早日实现“让天下没有难做的药,难治的病”的愿景。As a global company with operations across Asia, Europe, and North America, WuXi AppTec provides a broad portfolio of R&D and manufacturing services that enable the global pharmaceutical and life sciences industry to advance discoveries and deliver groundbreaking treatments to patients. Through its unique business models, WuXi AppTec’s integrated, end-to-end services include chemistry drug CRDMO (Contract Research, Development and Manufacturing Organization), biology discovery, preclinical testing and clinical research services, advanced therapies CTDMO (Contract Testing, Development and Manufacturing Organization), helping customers improve the productivity of advancing healthcare products through cost-effective and efficient solutions. WuXi AppTec received an AA ESG rating from MSCI for the fourth consecutive year in 2024 and its open-access platform is enabling more than 6,000 customers from over 30 countries to improve the health of those in need – and to realize the vision that "every drug can be made and every disease can be treated."