At noon on Monday, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States in the Rotunda of the US Capitol, beginning his second term as he returns to the White House after four years. He signed an executive order on the same day to delay the TikTok ban by 75 days "to permit my Administration an opportunity to determine the appropriate course of action with respect to TikTok."
1月20日,在美国首都华盛顿第一资本体育馆,人们观看美国第47任总统就职典礼的转播。新华社记者 吴晓凌 摄特朗普19日在社交媒体上发文,呼吁各公司不要让TikTok处于停止运营状态。特朗普说,他将于20日发布一项行政令,推迟TikTok“不卖就禁用”的法律生效时间,以便达成一项协议,确保国家安全。该行政令还将确认,在发布行政令前,任何帮助维持TikTok运营的公司将不承担法律责任。 Trump said earlier Sunday on Truth Social that he will issue an executive order on Monday that will allow TikTok to continue operating. 特朗普在帖子中提议,美国可以通过“合资企业”持有TikTok“50%的股份”。 TikTok resumed its service in the US on Sunday, hours after it was suspended. 这是1月19日在美国阿灵顿拍摄的TikTok手机应用程序弹窗通告“欢迎回来!”。新华社记者 李睿 摄TikTok在社交媒体上发布声明,感谢特朗普向TikTok的互联网服务提供商作出必要的澄清和保证,使其不会为协助维护TikTok正常运转而遭受处罚。 "We thank President Trump for providing the necessary clarity and assurance to our service providers that they will face no penalties providing TikTok to over 170 million Americans and allowing over 7 million small businesses to thrive," TikTok said in a statement. TikTok同时表示,将与特朗普一起寻找维持TikTok应用程序在美可用的长期解决方案。 TikTok said it would work with Trump for a long-term solution that would keep TikTok in the US.美国网友对此表示:太好啦,我的快乐回来了! 还有网友说,不要高兴得太早,并 指出特朗普才是最开始推动封禁TikTok的人。 1月20日,外交部例行记者会上有外媒记者提问:TikTok已恢复在美服务,并提及特朗普所作努力。但特朗普称他希望达成一份协议,让美国以合资模式拥有TikTok50%的股份。中方对同特达成协议是否持开放态度,将会达成何种协议? 图源:外交部网站 毛宁:TikTok在美国运营多年,深受美国用户喜爱,为促进美国内就业、拉动消费发挥了积极作用。希望美方能够认真倾听理性声音,为各国市场主体在美国经营提供开放、公平、公正和非歧视的营商环境。 至于企业运营和收购,应当根据市场原则由企业自主决定。如涉及中国企业,应当符合中国的法律法规。 TikTok has operated in the US for years and been very popular with American users. It has played a positive role in boosting US employment and consumption. We hope the US will earnestly listen to the voice of reason and provide an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment for market entities from all countries. When it comes to actions such as the operation and acquisition of businesses, we believe they should be independently decided by companies in accordance with market principles. If it involves Chinese companies, China's laws and regulations should be observed. TikTok在美运营几经波折。去年4月,美国总统拜登签署一项国会两院通过的法案,要求字节跳动在270天内将TikTok出售给非中国企业,否则这款应用程序将在2025年1月19日后在美国被禁用。 In April 2024, US President Joe Biden enacted the law that gives ByteDance only 270 days to sell TikTok, citing unfounded national security concerns. If the company fails to comply, the law will require app store operators such as Apple and Google to remove TikTok from their platforms. 2025年1月17日,美国联邦最高法院裁定,TikTok“不卖就禁用”的法律不违宪。这意味着联邦最高法院允许该法案按原计划于19日生效。拜登政府随后表示,执法责任由即将于20日上任的特朗普政府承担。 Earlier on Jan 17, the US Supreme Court upheld a law forcing TikTok's Chinese owner, ByteDance, to sell the app to an American company or face a nationwide ban starting on Sunday, just one day before Trump's inauguration. 曾在第一个任期内强迫字节跳动出售TikTok的特朗普,时隔四年再次当选后,要求TikTok“不卖就禁用”法律在未来75天内暂不执行。 未来,TikTok在美命运如何?欢迎来评论区说说你的看法。