Meet the foreign firefighter team in Taicang

文摘   2024-11-22 16:10   江苏  


During this year's publicity month for fire protection and firefighting, a group of foreign volunteer firefighters in Taicang, Suzhou have made contributions to the good cause. They have not only shared knowledge and experience to the public, but also visited the city's fire department to experience the daily work of a real firefighter.

Juergen Becker used to be the president of a vocational school in Germany and has been selected as one of the 10 outstanding Germans in Taicang. Now he and his colleagues serve as the members of a volunteer firefighter team. During their recent visit to Taicang's fire department, they gained hands-on experience of firefighting equipment including hydraulically operated rescue tools, toothless saws, chainsaws, breathing apparatus, and bunker gear.

"It's such a great experience! I had heard about the fire and rescue capabilities of Taicang, but I didn't expect the equipment to be so advanced. In the future, we must deepen exchanges and cooperation to maintain fire safety at workplaces," said Becker. Despite the language barrier, these foreign volunteer firefighters soon became familiar with dry powder fire extinguishers and fire hoses under the guidance of experienced firemen.

The Taicang Roundtable (TRT) and Taicang Fire and Rescue Brigade founded TRT Sino-German Volunteer Firefighters Alliance this year. The alliance consists of employees of German-funded companies, including 20 Germans who also serve as local volunteer firefighters or members of company firefighting teams in Germany. They are mainly responsible for firefighting at and around their workplaces.

Source: WeChat ID: gh_5d51cb296177 (太仓高新区发布)

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