ChatGPT 论文写作提示词(100种!)

文摘   2024-12-03 08:07   泰国  

我是@扣子Bolt,关注【AI工具|科研学术 | 博士生活 | 网络创业|自我提升】,利用AI工具提升科研效率和自我成长,这是我在公众号发布的第【104】篇原创内容。

如果您想知道如何使用 ChatGPT 进行辅助研究,赶紧收藏这篇文章!这里有超过 100 个用于学术写作的 ChatGPT 提示词。无论您是想写摘要、文献综述还是引言,这些提示词都会有所帮助。全文是按照研究方法、实验、结果、讨论和结论部分列出相应的提示词。


1. Give examples of the new trends in Healthcare which can be interesting research topics for a research paper.
1. 请给出一些医疗保健领域的新趋势,这些趋势可以作为研究论文的有趣研究课题的例子。

2. Analyze if there are any gaps in the study of [Insert Topic name] and suggest potential research topics.
2. 分析[插入主题名称]研究是否存在空白,并提出潜在的研究课题。

3. Recommend topics to study [Insert topic name] using both, quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.
3. 推荐研究主题[插入主题名称],采用定量和定性研究方法。

4. Analyze whether the scope of the topic [Insert topic name] is broad enough and recommend related topics on which I can write.
4. 分析主题[插入主题名称]的范围是否足够广泛,并推荐我可以撰写的相关主题。

5. Compare the following topics and help me decide which is better, based on which topics have greater scope and relevance: 1) [Insert Topic 1 title] 2) [Insert Topic 2 title] 3) [Insert Topic 3 Name]
5. 比较以下主题,并帮助我决定哪个更好,基于哪些主题具有更广泛的范围和相关性:1) [插入主题 1 标题] 2) [插入主题 2 标题] 3) [插入主题 3 名称]

6. Give 10 titles for the following topic based on the following topic idea and research purpose- [Insert data about the topic idea and research purpose]
6. 根据以下主题想法和研究目的,为以下主题提供 10 个标题 - [插入关于主题想法和研究目的的数据]

7. Provide 10 title suggestions based on the following research purpose and findings: [Insert data about the research statement and findings].
7. 根据以下研究目的和发现,提供 10 个标题建议:[插入关于研究陈述和发现的数据]。

8. Give 5 alternatives for the following title without changing the meaning- [Insert the title].
8. 为以下标题提供 5 个不改变其含义的替代方案-[插入标题]。

9. Provide 5 title suggestions on the topic [Insert topic name] and include the keyword [Insert keyword] in all title suggestions.
9. 就[插入主题名称]这一主题提供 5 个标题建议,并在所有标题建议中包含关键词[插入关键词]。

10. Analyze the following abstract and provide 10 title alternatives for the research paper based on the abstract- [Insert data about the abstract].
10. 分析以下摘要并提供基于摘要的 10 个研究论文标题选项 - [插入摘要相关数据]。


11. Provide a background on the topic [Insert topic name] to write an introduction of an argumentative paper which aims to [Insert data about aims]
11. 为撰写旨在[插入目标数据]的议论文提供[插入主题名称]的背景介绍

12. Give examples of how to make the following opening statement of the introduction more engaging- [Insert the opening statement]
12. 请举例说明如何使以下引言的开场白更具吸引力 - [插入开场白]

13. Describe how the research on [Insert research topic and aims] effectively fills a gap in existing research.
13. 描述关于[插入研究主题和目标]的研究如何有效地填补现有研究的空白。

14. Mention the previous research and important contributions of key researchers that cannot be ignored while writing a research paper that investigates ‘The impact of immigration on mental health’.
14. 在撰写调查“移民对心理健康的影响”的研究论文时,提及不可忽视的关键研究者的先前研究和重要贡献。

15. For writing an introduction, determine what are the limitations of the research done using the following methods and tests- [Insert data about the research methods and tests].
15. 在撰写引言时,确定使用以下方法和测试进行的研究的局限性——[插入关于研究方法和测试的数据]。

16. Refine and make the language more concise for the following limitations of the research study- [Insert information about the limitations of the research].
16. 精炼语言,使研究限制的描述更加简洁——[插入关于研究限制的信息]。

17. Explain the importance and relevance of the research on [Insert research topic and aims] for writing an introduction on this topic.
17. 解释对[插入研究主题和目标]的研究的重要性及其与撰写本主题引言的相关性。

18. Tell me how I should include the following hypothesis in my research introduction for the topic [Insert topic name]- [Write down the research hypothesis].
18. 请告诉我如何在我的研究引言中包含以下假设:[插入主题名称]-[写下研究假设]。

19. Explain how I can give a brief overview in my research paper introduction of the following information:  [Insert information about what every chapter and section of the paper will describe].
19. 解释如何在研究论文的引言中简要概述以下信息:[插入关于论文每一章和每一节将描述的内容的信息]。

20. Give an example of how to write an introduction for an empirical paper on the topic [Insert the topic name].
20. 请举一个关于[插入主题名称]实证论文引言撰写的例子。

Using ChatGPT for research can also help you to write the perfect literature review. Let’s explore the next section to learn more!
使用 ChatGPT 进行研究还可以帮助您写出完美的文献综述。让我们探索下一部分,了解更多!


21. Provide the most important contributions by researchers on the topic [Insert topic name] that are highly relevant.
21. 提供与主题[插入主题名称]高度相关的、研究人员最重要的贡献。

22. Identify which themes and concepts about the topic [Insert topic name] are common and recurring.
22. 确定关于主题[插入主题名称]哪些主题和概念是常见且反复出现的。

23. Tell me if there are any influential theories or studies that changed the direction of research related to the topic [Insert topic name].
23. 请告诉我是否有任何影响深远的理论或研究改变了与该主题[插入主题名称]相关的研究方向。

24. Explain if there are any debates, controversies, and contradictions related to the topic [insert topic name].
24. 解释与该主题[插入主题名称]相关的任何辩论、争议和矛盾。

25. Describe any trends and patterns about the topic ‘Tourism’ that must be included in the literature review for research that aims to study ‘The impact of pollution on tourism’.
25. 描述关于“旅游”主题的任何趋势和模式,这些必须在旨在研究“污染对旅游的影响”的研究文献综述中包含。

26. Determine if there are any gaps in literature and research related to the topic [Insert topic name] that need to be addressed.
26. 确定是否存在与主题[插入主题名称]相关的文献和研究中的任何空白,需要加以解决。

27. Tell me any important qualitative research that has been undertaken in the field of ‘Psychology’ related to ‘The role of race in educational psychology’ and name commonly cited researchers for this topic.
27. 请告诉我与“教育心理学中种族的作用”相关的任何重要的定性研究,并列举该主题常被引用的研究人员。

28. Which are the quantitative researches already conducted to analyze [Insert research purpose]?
28. 已有哪些定量研究来分析[插入研究目的]?

29. Summarize the following contributions of researchers and include the most important contributions for a literature review on [Insert topic name]- [Insert data about other research conducted].
29. 概括以下研究者的贡献,并包括文献综述中最重要的贡献——[插入主题名称]- [插入其他研究的数据]。

30. Give me a list of magazines, journals, databases, and academic research resources to find research related to [Insert topic name and aims].
30. 请提供一份杂志、期刊、数据库和学术研究资源的清单,以查找与[插入主题名称和目标]相关的科研资料。

31. Explain which theories and models are related and relevant to the following research question- [Insert the research question].
31. 解释哪些理论与模型与以下研究问题相关和适用 - [插入研究问题]。

Browse through the next section and understand more about how to use ChatGPT to write a research paper.
浏览下一节,了解如何使用 ChatGPT 撰写研究论文的更多信息。


32. Give a sample template of how to structure and outline the research methodology section and include the following data- [Insert all data about research methods used, tests conducted, software, tools and materials used, ethical considerations, and steps taken to eliminate biases].
32. 提供一个关于如何构建和概述研究方法章节的样本模板,并包括以下数据- [插入关于所使用的研究方法、进行的测试、软件、工具和材料、伦理考虑以及消除偏差所采取的步骤的所有信息]。

33. Enhance and summarize the following data that explains the research purpose, primary research, and secondary research– [Insert information about the research aims, primary and secondary research].
33. 提炼并总结以下数据,说明研究目的、主要研究和次要研究– [插入关于研究目标、主要和次要研究的信息]。

34. Refine the information given below that explains how steps were taken to eliminate any biases during the research- [Insert data about the measures taken to avoid biases].
34. 精炼以下说明如何消除研究过程中任何偏见的步骤的信息-[插入避免偏见所采取的措施的数据]。

35. Give the advantages of the tests [Name tests] undertaken to analyze [Insert information about the dependent and independent variables analyzed].
35. 列出进行[名称测试]以分析[插入关于分析的依赖变量和自变量信息]的优势。

36. Analyze the following data about the surveys conducted and the sampling methods and suggest how to include it in the research methodology section of an academic paper- [Insert data about the surveys and sampling methods].
36. 分析以下关于所进行的调查和抽样方法的资料,并提出如何在学术论文的研究方法部分中包含这些内容- [插入关于调查和抽样方法的资料]。

37. Refine the language of the following information about qualitative methods like interviews, and focus groups- [Paste data about focus groups and interviews conducted].
37. 精炼以下关于定性方法(如访谈和焦点小组)的信息——[粘贴关于进行的焦点小组和访谈的数据]。

38. Improve the language of the data given below that explains the ethical considerations involved in selecting the research methods- [Insert data about the ethical considerations].
38. 优化以下数据的语言,以解释在选择研究方法时涉及的伦理考量——[插入关于伦理考量的数据]。

39. Explain how the following information about experimental data gathered by manipulating variables can be included in the research methodology- [Insert information about the experimental data].
39. 解释如何将以下通过操纵变量收集到的实验数据信息纳入研究方法中- [插入关于实验数据的信息]。

40. Tell me how to include the following information about the criteria used to select the research materials and the date range for the research methodology- [Paste data about the criteria used and the date range].
40. 请告诉我如何包含以下关于选择研究材料的标准和研究方法日期范围的信息- [粘贴关于选择标准和使用日期范围的数据]。

41. Help me to accurately describe the following new approach used to understand a gap in research on the topic [Insert topic name]- [Paste data about the new approach used].
41. 帮助我准确描述用于理解关于[插入主题名称]-[粘贴关于新方法的数据]这一研究主题的差距的新方法。


42. Enhance the language of the following results, and make it more concise- [Insert information about the results].
42. 提升以下结果的表述,使其更加简洁——[插入关于结果的信息]。

43. Determine whether figures, tables, or graphs can be used to interpret the following results and which method will be the best-  [Insert data about results].
43. 确定是否可以使用图表、表格或图形来解释以下结果,以及哪种方法将是最优的——[插入关于结果的数据]。

44. Analyze the following results and let me know in which order they should be presented in the results section of the academic paper- [insert information about the results].
44. 分析以下结果,并告诉我它们在学术论文结果部分应该以何种顺序呈现 - [插入关于结果的信息]。

45. Tell me if there are any ambiguous statements in the following results that could be interpreted differently and suggest how to rectify them- [Insert information about the results].
45. 请告诉我以下结果中是否有任何可能被不同解释的模糊陈述,并提出如何纠正它们 - [插入关于结果的信息]。

46. Give me simpler words for [“Insert the technical word”] and [“Insert the technical word”] to explain the following results: [Insert data about the results containing technical words]
46. 请用更简单的词汇来解释以下结果中的[“插入技术术语”]和[“插入技术术语”]:[插入包含技术术语的结果数据]

47. Proofread the following results and highlight any grammar and punctuation errors- [Insert data about the results].
47. 核对以下结果,并突出显示任何语法和标点符号错误- [插入关于结果的数据]。

48. Explain how should I objectively mention and present the following results that didn’t meet my expectations- [Paste data about the unexpected results].
48. 如何客观地提及和展示以下未达到预期结果的数据 - [粘贴关于意外结果的数据]。

49. Write the following results in the third person’s point of view– [Insert data about results].
49. 将以下结果用第三人称视角撰写– [插入关于结果的数据]。

50. Tell me how the following results can be written in tabular format- [Insert the results].
50. 请告诉我如何将以下结果写成表格格式- [插入结果]。

51. Give a template for how to write the results section in APA style.
51. 提供一个如何撰写 APA 风格结果部分的模板。


52. Interpret the following results and tell me their significance and implications- [Insert data about the results].
52. 解释以下结果,并告诉我它们的含义和影响 - [插入关于结果的数据]。

53. Enhance the language of the following limitations of the study- [Insert data about the limitations].
53. 提高以下研究限制的语言表述 - [插入关于限制的数据]。

54. Compare the following results and findings with the existing research literature on the topic [Insert topic name]- [Paste information about the results].
54. 将以下结果和发现与该主题[插入主题名称]的现有研究文献进行比较[粘贴关于结果的信息]。

55. Explain how the following methodological approaches affected the research outcomes: [Insert the methodological approach and outcomes].
55. 解释以下方法论方法如何影响研究结果:[插入方法论方法和结果]。

56. Refine the language of the following information that explains unexpected and surprising findings of the research- [Insert information about the reasons behind unexpected research results].
56. 精炼以下信息中解释研究意外和令人惊讶发现的语言 - [插入关于意外研究结果原因的信息]。

57. Tell me how the following results are relevant in a broader context, for society and further research on the topic [Insert topic name]- [Insert information about the results].
57. 请告诉我以下结果在更广泛的社会背景和关于该主题[插入主题名称]-[插入关于结果的信息]的进一步研究中如何相关。

58. Provide recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, and suggestions for future results by analyzing the following findings- [Insert information about the research aims and findings].
58. 通过分析以下发现,为政策制定者、实践者提供建议,并对未来结果提出建议——[插入关于研究目标和发现的信息]。

59. Analyze whether the following content for the discussion section has a logical flow and make suggestions to enhance the content flow- [Insert content written for the discussion section].
59. 分析讨论部分的内容是否具有逻辑流程,并提出建议以增强内容流畅性- [插入为讨论部分撰写的文本]。

60. Make the language of the following content for the discussion section more clear, concise and eliminate any unnecessary repetitions- [Insert content written for the discussion section].
60. 请将以下讨论部分的内容语言表述得更清晰、简洁,并消除任何不必要的重复——[插入为讨论部分所写的文字]。

61. Tell me the practical applications of the following results- [Insert information about the findings of the results].
61. 请告诉我以下结果的实用应用 - [插入关于结果发现的信息]。

Now let’s see some of the best research writing prompts to write the conclusion!


62. Summarize the following findings of the research paper to write the conclusion on the topic [Insert topic name]- [Insert information about the findings].
62. 概括以下研究论文的以下发现,以撰写关于[插入主题名称]-[插入关于发现的信息]的结论。

63. Give examples of how should I start my research paper’s conclusion on the topic [Insert topic name].
63. 请举例说明如何开始我的研究论文结论部分,主题为[插入主题名称]。

64. Tell me how should I end my conclusion on a strong note by analyzing the following findings and implications- [Insert information about the findings and implications].
64. 请通过分析以下发现和影响,告诉我如何以强有力的方式结束我的结论 - [插入关于发现和影响的详细信息]。

65. Give a sample template of how to write a conclusion for an empirical paper.
65. 提供一个实证论文结论写作的示例模板。

66. Create a conclusion of [Insert word count] by analyzing the following findings, implications, recommendations for future research, and key takeaways. 
66. 通过分析以下发现、影响、未来研究的建议和关键要点,撰写一篇包含[插入字数]的结论。

67. Tell me how should I write a conclusion of an argumentative paper on the topic [Insert topic name and research purpose]. 
67. 请告诉我如何撰写一篇关于[插入主题名称和研究目的]的议论文结论。

68. Determine whether the guideline [Insert guideline] is well implemented in the following conclusion for the research paper- [Insert the conclusion of the research paper]. 
68. 确定以下研究论文结论[插入结论]中指南[插入指南]是否得到良好实施。

69. Review the conclusion for the topic [Insert topic name] and point out any word choice, syntax, sentence construction, and grammatical errors
69. 审查关于[插入主题名称]的结论,指出任何用词、语法、句子结构和语法错误。

70. Explain how I can briefly restate the main research question in the following conclusion for the topic [Insert the topic name]- [Insert the main research question]. 
70. 解释如何简要重述以下结论中的主要研究问题,主题为[插入主题名称]-[插入主要研究问题]。

71. Shorten the following conclusion, include the most important information, and ensure that the conclusion is not more than 300 words- [Insert the conclusion written]. 
71. 精简以下结论,包含最重要的信息,并确保结论不超过 300 字- [插入结论内容]。


72. Give me an abstract of 200 words based on the following information: 
72. 请根据以下信息提供一个 200 字的摘要:

  1. Research purpose statement- [Insert data about the research purpose statement]
    研究目的陈述 - [插入关于研究目的陈述的数据]
  2. Research Methodology- [Insert data about the methodology]
    研究方法 - [插入关于方法的数据]
  3. Research findings- [Insert data about research] 
    研究成果- [插入关于研究的数据]

73. Summarize the following content for the abstract, and ensure that it isn’t more than 250 words- [Paste content you’ve written for the abstract]. 
73. 概括以下内容作为摘要,并确保其不超过 250 字- [粘贴您为摘要编写的文字内容]。

74. Give a sample abstract template to create an abstract in Chicago Style for a research paper. 
74. 提供一个创建芝加哥风格研究论文摘要的样本模板。

75. Analyze whether the APA abstract for the topic [Insert topic name] has clarity and suggest improvements- [Paste content about the abstract]. 
75. 分析[插入主题名称]的 APA 摘要是否清晰,并提出改进建议- [粘贴关于摘要的内容]。

76. Identify whether keywords relevant to the topic [Insert topic name] have been included in the following abstract- [Paste content about the abstract] 
76. 确定以下摘要中是否包含与主题[插入主题名称]相关的关键词- [粘贴关于摘要的内容]

77. Suggest keywords relevant to [Insert topic name] which can be added to an abstract by analyzing the following data- [Insert information about the research purpose and findings]. 
77. 建议根据以下数据分析,为[插入主题名称]提出相关关键词,可添加到摘要中 - [插入研究目的和发现的信息]。

78. Review the following abstract for any punctuation, grammar, and word choice errors- [Paste content about the abstract] 
78. 请检查以下摘要中的标点符号、语法和用词错误- [粘贴关于摘要的内容]

79. Tell me how to include the following research hypothesis for the topic [Insert topic name] in the abstract- [Insert content about the research hypothesis]. 
79. 请告诉我如何在摘要中包含以下关于[插入主题名称]的研究假设-[插入关于研究假设的内容]。

80. Describe how to include the following research methodology in the abstract in a few words in an engaging manner- [Insert content about the methodology]. 
80. 用简短而吸引人的语言描述如何在摘要中包含以下研究方法- [插入关于该方法的内容]。

81. Analyze the following opening sentence of the abstract and provide suggestions of how it can be made more concise and engaging- [Insert the first sentence of the abstract] 
81. 分析摘要中的以下开头句子,并提出如何使其更简洁和吸引人的建议- [插入摘要的第一句话]

Want to write an engaging introduction? To make your introduction impactful, explore the following ChatGPT prompts for research! 
想要写一个引人入胜的引言吗?为了使你的引言具有影响力,探索以下 ChatGPT 提示进行研究!


82. Give a sample template of an APA title page on the topic [Insert topic name]. 
82. 提供一个关于[插入主题名称]的 APA 标题页样本模板。

83. Create a sample title page that includes the title [“Insert title], Author’s name- [“Insert author’s name”], [Insert the department and university’s name], Instructor- [Insert Instructor’s name, [Insert Course name and number] and due date [Insert the month and year the assignment was submitted]. 
] 83. 创建一个包含以下内容的样本标题页:标题[“插入标题”],作者姓名- [“插入作者姓名”],[插入学院和大学名称],指导教师- [插入指导教师姓名],课程名称和编号 [插入课程名称和编号] 以及截止日期 [插入提交作业的月份和年份]。

84. Give a template of an MLA title page that includes the main author [Insert the main author’s name], Co-authors- [Insert the co-author’s names], [write the course name and number], Submission date- [Mention the specific date] and the paper title [Insert the title]. 
84. 提供一份包含主要作者[插入主要作者姓名]、合著者- [插入合著者姓名]、[写上课程名称和编号]、提交日期- [提及具体日期]以及论文标题[插入标题]的 MLA 标题页模板。

85. Suggest how should I format the title page of a paper in the Chicago style with examples. 
85. 如何用芝加哥风格格式化论文的标题页,请举例说明。

86. Give a sample template of a title page on the topic [Insert the topic name], ensuring that the following university guidelines are followed- [Insert information about the university’s guidelines]. 
86. 提供一个关于[插入主题名称]的标题页样本模板,确保遵循以下大学指南- [插入关于大学指南的信息]。

87. Tell me how to include the following author’s note on the topic [Insert topic name] in APA format- [Insert the author note]. 
87. 告诉我如何在 APA 格式下将以下作者注解包含在[插入主题名称]这个主题中- [插入作者注解]。

88. Suggest how should I format my title page in MLA format using Microsoft Word
88. 建议我在 Microsoft Word 中如何格式化我的标题页以符合 MLA 格式。

89. Provide a sample template of a title page in Chicago style with multiple authors who are affiliated with different universities. 
89. 提供一个芝加哥风格的多作者、不同大学所属的标题页样本模板。

90. List any title page generators that can help me create a title page in MLA format. 
90. 列出任何可以帮助我创建 MLA 格式标题页的标题页生成器。

91. Explain all guidelines for creating a title page for a professional paper in APA format. Specify the placement of the page number, running head, title, authors, affiliations, author’s note, and any other relevant information. 
91. 解释创建专业论文 APA 格式的标题页的所有指南。指定页码、页眉、标题、作者、所属机构、作者注释以及其他任何相关信息的位置。


92. Suggest how to format the references in APA style using Microsoft Word. 
92. 建议如何在 Microsoft Word 中格式化 APA 风格的参考文献。

93. Arrange the following references in alphabetical order as per the APA style guidelines and correct any errors-  
93. 按照 APA 风格指南将以下参考文献按字母顺序排列,并纠正任何错误-

  1. Reference 1- [Insert reference entry]
    参考文献 1- [插入参考文献条目]
  2. Reference 2- [insert reference entry] 
    参考 2- [插入参考文献条目]
  3. Reference 3- [insert reference entry]
    参考 3- [插入参考文献条目]

94. Analyze whether the following reference follows the MLA style guidelines- [Insert reference]. 
94. 分析以下参考文献是否符合 MLA 风格指南- [插入参考文献]。

95. Tell me the guidelines for citing online books in APA with no DOI
95. 告诉我如何按照 APA 格式引用没有 DOI 的在线书籍的指南

96. List the best citation generators I can use to cite references for the topic [Insert topic name]. 
96. 列出我可以使用的最佳参考文献生成器,用于引用关于[插入主题名称]的参考资料。

97. Give an example of a sample reference page template in MLA format. 
97. 请给出一个 MLA 格式样本参考文献页模板的例子。

98. Explain how to cite a Ted Talk in APA format with examples. 
98. 解释如何用示例引用 TED 演讲的 APA 格式。

99. Create a citation for a video on Youtube with the title [Insert title], made by [Insert author’s name and initials], posted on [Insert the year, month date ], and URL [insert the video’s URL]. 
99. 为 YouTube 上的视频创建引用,标题为[插入标题],由[插入作者姓名和首字母]制作,发布于[插入年月日],URL[插入视频的 URL]。

100. Suggest methods using which I can find the book [Insert book’s name] DOI for citing the book. 
100. 建议使用的方法,以便我找到书籍[插入书籍名称]的 DOI 以引用该书。

101. Give a template for how to cite a dissertation in APA style. 
101. 提供一个如何按照 APA 风格引用论文模板的示例。






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