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这篇论文探讨了人工智能(AI)意识对酒店员工行为决策的双刃剑效应。论文发表在SSCI Q1的首发文章。
- 背景介绍:
这篇文章的研究背景是人工智能(AI)在酒店行业的广泛应用逐渐取代了许多传统由人类完成的工作。随着AI技术的发展和应用,酒店员工面临着被替代的威胁和机会,这对其行为决策产生了深远影响。 - 研究内容:
理解AI替代威胁和机会如何影响酒店员工的行为决策,特别是通过工作投入和AI抵制两条路径。 - 简要综述:
- 理论框架:
文章将JDR模型中的工作需求和资源交互与COR理论中的资源响应结合起来,提出了一个双路径模型:促进路径涉及恢复水平,阻碍路径包括工作不安全感。 - 研究设计:
该研究采用了结构方程模型,分析了在上海、巴黎和首尔的星级酒店中通过实地研究和情景实验收集的数据。 - 数据收集:
- 样本选择:
研究样本为上海三家星级酒店的658名员工及其直接领导。 - 测量工具:
使用五点Likert量表测量所有关键变量(AI意识、恢复水平、工作不安全感、工作投入、AI抵制和创新性工作要求)。 - 控制变量:
- 假设检验:
结构方程模型结果显示,AI意识对恢复水平和工作不安全感均有显著正向影响。恢复水平与工作投入呈正相关,工作不安全感与AI抵制呈正相关。 - 中介效应:
恢复水平的中介效应显著(β=0.033, p<0.001),支持假设H1;工作不安全感的中介效应显著(β=0.016, p<0.05),支持假设H2。 - 调节效应:
创新性工作要求对AI意识与恢复水平之间的关系具有显著正向调节作用(β=0.193, p<0.01),支持假设H3;对AI意识与工作不安全感之间的关系也具有显著正向调节作用(β=0.231, p<0.01),支持假设H5。
Purpose – With its continuous development and application in the hotel industry, artificial intelligence (AI) is gradually replacing many jobs traditionally performed by humans. This research aims to understand how this threat and opportunity of substitution affects hotel employees’ behavioral decision-making. Design/methodology/approach – This study uses a structural equation model, ordinary least squares and bootstrapping method to analyze the data collected with a field study and a scenario experiment from starhotels in Shanghai, Paris and Seoul.
Findings – The results discovered that employees’ AI awareness has a positive relationship with their work engagement and AI boycott through two paths. The promoting path involves recovery level, while the hindering path includes job insecurity. In addition, the estimates showed that AI awareness has a great indirect effect on work engagement or AI boycott when innovativeness as a job requirement is high.
Practical implications – The findings offer insights to help hotels optimize the relationship between AI and hotel human workers while providing valuable implications for addressing behavioral dilemmas faced by hotel employees in the era of AI. Originality/value – By integrating the behavioral decision-making literature with the conservation of resources theory, the study focuses on the dual mechanisms – challenging and hindering – through which AI awareness influences hotel employees’ coping strategies.
Liu, S., & Cheng, P. (2025). The double-edged sword effect of artificial intelligence awareness among hotel employees. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
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