【联合国气候变化大会】COP29主席国行动议程 – 全球倡议

文摘   2024-11-11 22:59   北京  


COP29 主席国已根据其行动议程宣布了全球倡议。主席国主导的倡议的目的是推进气候行动,鼓励非缔约方利益相关者参与,并支持 COP29 的愿景,以提高雄心并促进行动。COP29 主席国倡议建立在先前发起的倡议的宝贵遗产之上,以确保协同效应、连贯性和最高影响。主席国与联合国全球工作组合作,在制定倡议时与缔约方和非缔约方利益攸关方接触,并将继续这种包容性参与,以提供全面的行动计划。





气候金融行动基金 (CFAF)






巴库气候融资、投资和贸易倡议 (BICFIT)








成果 Pledge 将致力于绿色能源区和走廊,包括促进投资、刺激经济增长、开发、现代化和扩大基础设施以及促进区域合作的目标。






成果承诺的目标是将全球储能容量提高到 2022 年的水平六倍,到 2030 年达到 1,500 吉瓦。为了加强能源网,支持者还将承诺大幅增加对电网的投资,作为到 2040 年增加或翻新超过 8000 万公里的全球努力的一部分。










COP 休战呼吁


以奥林匹克休战为蓝本的 COP 休战呼吁将强调和平和气候行动的重要性。该研讨会旨在提醒所有国家注意冲突与气候变化之间的相互作用,并强调必须找到集体解决方案来保护最弱势群体。将与合作伙伴共同领导一项单独的 COP29 气候与和平倡议,旨在取得切实成果,例如建立一个卓越中心,以满足最弱势群体与现有资源的需求,并促进进一步行动以实施关于和平与气候关系的各种倡议。












该倡议将在人类发展方面取得各种成果,包括促进对教育、技能、健康和福祉的投资,特别是对儿童和青年的投资,建立 COP 到 COP 的连续性,以及通过教育标准提高环境素养。




巴库 Harmoniya 农民气候倡议








成果宣言将简化工作,在国家气候政策文件中实现与 1.5 一致的废物部门承诺,并量化减少废物和食品系统中的甲烷目标。




韧性和健康城市的多部门行动途径 (MAP)








成果宣言将包括 NDC 旅游业的部门目标,并通过减少排放和提高该行业的复原力来促进可持续实践。进一步的举措旨在提高该行业的透明度,并为旅游业的可持续食品系统提供框架。






成果宣言将呼吁利益相关者在应对气候变化对流域和水相关生态系统的原因和影响时采取综合方法,加强区域和国际合作,将与水相关的缓解和适应措施纳入国家气候政策。该宣言将启动巴库水促进气候行动对话,以加强 COP 之间的连续性和实地连贯性。




巴库全球气候透明度平台 (BTP)







附件 2:COP29 两周议程和主题日


以下是 COP29 主席国在为期两周的议程期间主办的部长级高级别活动的非详尽清单,因为它与主题日和行动议程倡议有关。COP29 主席国将举办更多活动,并在适当的时候宣布细节。


11 月 11 日 COP29 开幕


阿塞拜疆正式担任 COP 轮值主席国,附属机构第 61 次会议开始,由 SBI 和 SBSTA 主席主持。


11 月 12 日至 13 日 世界领导人气候行动峰会


重点:世界各国领导人将齐聚一堂,发表国家声明,展示他们如何推进《巴黎协定》。在本次峰会期间,我们将寻求围绕 COP29 计划的两大支柱建立共识和势头,以提高雄心并采取行动,并向所有利益相关者证明有明确的政治意愿来实现。


关键时刻:我们将举办领导人级别的对话,讨论关键主题,包括通过 NDC、NAP 和长期温室气体低排放发展战略提高缓解和适应的雄心,通过 NCQG 和其他实施和支持手段采取行动,以及解决损失和损害问题,并全面运作基金以应对损失和损害。我们还将与美国和中国共同主办甲烷和非 CO 2 温室气体峰会。


11 月 14 日 金融、投资与贸易




关键时刻:我们将举办一次关于巴库气候金融、投资和贸易倡议 (BICFIT) 的高级别会议,举办启动气候金融行动基金的高级别活动,第二个商业、投资和慈善平台,并就促进投资促进公正转型(包括就业和技能)进行高级别对话。


11 月 15 日 能源 / 和平、救济与恢复


重点:能源是温室气体排放的最大贡献者,也是全球气候行动的重中之重。在第一次全球盘点成果的基础上并逐步实施,COP29 将为利益相关者提供一个聚集和共同进步的空间。气候与和平密切相关,因为气候事件和冲突会导致人类不安全和被迫迁移,主要影响发展中国家和低收入国家的弱势群体。


关键时刻:我们将举办一次关于绿色能源区和走廊、储能和电网以及氢能的高级别会议,并推出相关的 COP29 承诺和宣言。我们将与其他组织一起为 COP29 气候与和平倡议举办一场高级别活动,并与共同牵头小组共同呼吁采取气候行动促进和平的紧迫性。


11 月 16 日 科学、技术与创新 / 数字化






11 月 17 日休息日;无主题节目


附属机构第 61 次会议将结束,阿塞拜疆 COP29 主席国将准备主持作为《巴黎协定》缔约方会议 (CMA 6) 的第 6 届缔约方会议。


11月 18 日 人类发展 / 儿童与青少年 / 健康 / 教育






11 月 19 日 食品、水和农业


重点:全球变暖扰乱了水循环,威胁着全世界人民的粮食安全。在 COP29 上,所有利益相关者都可以齐聚一堂,利用势头,致力于在气候和农业问题上采取连贯的集体行动。




11 月 20 日 城市化 / 交通 / 旅游


重点:应对城市环境中气候变化的挑战需要从地方到区域和全球的所有部门和层面的更多参与。此外,交通在气候议程中的作用将作为相关优先事项进行处理。我们还将在 COP 上举办首个旅游日,以提高对该行业如何受到影响和做出贡献的关注。


关键时刻:我们将举办一次关于城市化的高级别会议,以及关于绿色建筑、交通和基础设施、自然、健康和韧性以及城市气候行动融资的高级别圆桌会议,并将发布 COP29 MAP 宣言,促进韧性和健康城市。我们还将举办一次关于旅游业的高级别会议,并发布关于加强旅游业行动的 COP29 宣言。


11月21日 原住民 / 性别平等 / 自然与生物多样性 / 海洋和沿海地区


重点:土著人民保护了世界上 80% 的生物多样性和 36% 的完整森林景观,而女性主导的气候行动和基于自然的解决方案代表了减缓和适应气候的变革性途径。水对于人类社会、自然和生物多样性的福祉也至关重要。


关键时刻:我们将举办一场关于透明度中性别的高级别活动,一场关于水的高级别会议,以发布 COP29 关于水促进气候行动的宣言。


11 月 22 日:最后谈判





附件 3:气候融资行动基金






结果:COP29 将启动气候融资行动基金 (CFAF),该基金将利用化石燃料生产国和石油、天然气和煤炭公司的自愿捐款,阿塞拜疆是创始捐助国。会员将承诺以固定金额或根据生产量转移年度捐款。


CFAF 将是一个催化性的公私合作基金,动员私营部门并降低投资风险。该基金还将包含特殊设施,提供优惠和基于赠款的支持,以迅速解决有需要的发展中国家自然灾害的后果。


CFAF 将为中小型可再生能源生产商提供承购协议担保,并为绿色工业项目提供首亏资本。该基金还将重点关注粮食和农业部门,作为保护生计和实现净零排放的优先事项。


CFAF 将在第一轮融资后开始运作,该轮融资旨在以 10 亿澳元为该基金注入资本,并且当 10 个出资国承诺成为股东时。


50% 的资金将用于发展中国家的气候项目,这些项目在减缓、适应和研发方面都依赖于支持。这些将促进清洁能源技术的采用,提高能源效率,增强弱势群体的气候适应能力,并促进尖端技术的发展。


50% 的捐款将用于帮助成员国实现下一代国家自主贡献 (NDC),以实现 1.5 摄氏度的目标。


投资产生的收入的 20% 将存入快速响应资金设施 (2R2F),提供高度优惠和基于赠款的支持。该基金将提供即时可用的资金,以应对自然灾害对小岛屿发展中国家、最不发达国家的影响,并根据需要向其他脆弱的发展中社区提供资金。


该基金的总部将设在阿塞拜疆巴库,秘书处将设在阿塞拜疆巴库。其董事会将包括出资方代表,股东将共同做出决策,独立的审计委员会将发布季度数据,包括财务报告和项目评估。COP29 主席成立了一个由国际金融专家参与的工作组,致力于进一步发展管理模式和融资机制。





附件 4:巴库气候融资、投资和贸易倡议 (BICFIT)




BICFIT 将由 COP29 主席国与联合国贸易和发展署 (UNCTAD) 和联合国开发计划署 (UNDP) 共同领导,并与其他合作伙伴、国际组织、多边开发银行和气候基金、私营部门、慈善组织、民间社会和学术界密切合作。BICFIT 将与多边开发银行和气候基金、慈善组织和发展伙伴合作,更好地将气候融资与贸易和投资相结合,并将公共和私人气候融资引导至发展中国家。


成果:巴库气候融资、投资和贸易倡议 (BICFIT) 将建立新的合作伙伴关系,旨在通过整合气候融资、投资、贸易和整体可持续发展议程来增强一致性。BICFIT 将提供一个全球平台来支持政策制定、分享知识和专业技能、促进气候投资,并通过对话共同创造解决方案。BICFIT 将支持各方并建设其能力,以确保气候融资、投资和贸易完全纳入国家气候政策和发展计划。


BICFIT 还将探索如何加强投资促进机构的能力,以吸引气候积极投资。它将鼓励建立国家、区域和次区域平台,以加强气候融资、投资和贸易联系。这些平台将支持具体、可融资的气候项目的设计、构建和准备,以使气候行动与更有针对性和地方性的发展目标保持一致。


为了促进合作并帮助找到共同的解决方案,作为两年一度的联合国贸易与发展世界投资论坛和其他全球平台的一部分,将定期举办 BICFIT 对话。首届 BICFIT 对话将于 2025 年第九届世界投资论坛上举行。





附件 5:绿色能源区和走廊


为了帮助减少排放并将全球变暖限制在 1.5 摄氏度以内,第一次全球盘点呼吁缔约方以国家决定的方式做出贡献,到 2030 年将全球可再生能源产能增加两倍,并将全球平均年能源效率翻一番。这是一个雄心勃勃的目标,可以通过协调一致的行动和政策支持来实现。








成果:主席国与 UNECE 和 UNIDO 合作制定了 COP29 绿色能源区和走廊承诺,该承诺将开放供各利益相关者批准。






行动号召:与支持 COP29 绿色能源区和走廊承诺的政府和其他利益相关者一起增强雄心。



附件 6:全球储能和电网




在整个 COP29-IEA 高级别能源对话中,参与者经常提出缺乏储能解决方案和升级电网的需求,这是他们增加可再生能源在发电中份额的能力的制约因素。这对于寻求扩大电气化并确保医院、学校和企业能够持续获得负担得起、可持续和可靠的电力的发展中国家尤为重要。


阿塞拜疆已将储能确定为使我们能够扩大可再生能源发电的关键优先事项,并且我们设定了 250 MW 储能容量的国家目标。然而,没有一个国家可以单独发展全球电池行业,为了动员全球供应链、开发必要的技术和降低成本,我们需要加强合作以发出更强的市场信号。


成果:主席国与联合国欧洲经济委员会和联合国工业发展组织合作制定了 COP29 全球储能和电网承诺,该承诺将设定一个全球目标,即到 2030 年将储能装机容量增加到 1,500 吉瓦,是 2022 年水平的六倍,供缔约方以国家决定的方式做出贡献。此外,为了促进绿色能源电网的发展,该承诺的支持者将承诺通过到 2040 年增加或翻新超过 8000 万公里电网的全球电网部署目标来提高电网容量。




COP29 全球储能和电网承诺将向来自政府、私营部门、民间社会、联合国机构和国际组织的一系列支持者开放,以表彰在支持扩大全球储能容量和电网发展方面将发挥作用的一系列参与者。


行动号召: 与支持 COP29 全球储能和电网承诺的政府、私营部门、民间社会、联合国机构和国际组织一起增强雄心。



附件 7:氢作用




然而,清洁氢的国际贸易处于非常初级的阶段,氢市场的发展存在多重监管、技术和财务障碍。迫切需要协调国际框架、法规和标准,为氢的端到端价值链创建可行的商业模式,COP29 主席国将以 COP28 关于认证计划相互认可的意向宣言为基础


成果:主席国将与 UNECE 和 UNIDO 合作,推出 COP29 氢能宣言,以支持氢能市场的协调和发展。


在 COP29 氢能宣言中,支持利益相关者将承诺加速氢能生产的脱碳,促进能源转型,扩大对清洁氢的需求,例如通过制定目标、激励措施、任务、公共采购计划和公私伙伴关系。在适当的情况下,他们将把氢能纳入国家气候和能源计划。除其他优先事项外,他们还将致力于加快全球标准和认证计划的相互认可。


在 COP29 的高级别圆桌会议期间,利益相关者将考虑国家层面的公告、先前举措的盘点、清洁氢项目的资金等成果。


在 COP26 上启动的氢能突破的基础上,氢能突破:2025 年优先国际行动将在 COP29 上启动,以在 COP30 之前为优先排序和协作行动设定框架和路线图。


行动号召:与支持 COP29 氢能宣言的政府和其他利益相关者一起增强雄心,并通过登记兴趣来支持旗舰活动,从而采取行动。



附件 8:COP 休战呼吁


气候变化、冲突和脆弱性之间的破坏性联系对世界各地的社区构成威胁。到 2050 年,气候变化可能导致多达 12 亿人流离失所,而面临严峻人道主义挑战的脆弱人口适应气候变化的能力最差。


结果:COP29 主席国将以奥林匹克休战为蓝本发起 COP 休战呼吁,希望建立积极的势头,从而促进合作、气候行动,甚至国家之间的和平。


该呼吁将呼吁所有国家和各方从每届 COP 开幕前的第七天到闭幕后的第七天遵守休战协议。这将旨在提醒所有国家冲突与气候变化之间的相互作用,并强调寻找集体解决方案来保护最弱势群体的必要性。


COP 休战呼吁将向来自政府、私营部门、民间社会、联合国机构和国际组织的一系列支持者开放,以表彰在促进和平与和解方面将发挥作用的一系列行为者。


在前几届 COP 工作的基础上,并遵循 COP28 关于气候、救济、复苏与和平的宣言,COP29 将寻求继续关注预防冲突和支持一些最弱势群体的重要性。11 月 15 日,COP29 将举办和平、救济和复苏日,举办高级别活动,以继续关注和平与气候之间的相互作用,并为扩大气候融资和支持最弱势群体提供途径。国际青年日将为受影响最严重的国家提供一个发声的空间,优先考虑妇女和青年的观点。


COP29 主席国还启动了一项单独的 COP29 和平与气候倡议,由阿塞拜疆、埃及、德国、意大利、乌干达和英国政府共同领导,如他们 2024 年 7 月 27 日第一次会议的联合公报所述。该倡议的总体目标是加深对话和理解,并将最弱势群体的需求与现有资源相匹配。该倡议将与联合国机构、多边开发银行和其他相关利益相关者一起,努力建立伙伴关系,分享最佳实践并开发实施机制,例如建立卓越中心中心。


号召性用语: 与支持 COP 休战呼吁的所有利益相关者一起增强雄心。与表示有兴趣参与 COP29 气候与和平倡议的国家、多边开发银行、联合国机构和相关利益相关者一起采取行动。



附件 9:绿色数字行动




COP29 主席国认为,公共和私人利益相关者需要采取积极和果断的措施,以确保数字化有助于气候行动。此外,阿塞拜疆致力于以身作则,通过发展绿色智能村庄抓住机遇,确保气候意识数字化成为我们国家社会经济发展计划的优先事项。


在 COP28 上,国际电信联盟 (ITU) 和来自公共和私营部门的 40 个合作伙伴发起了绿色数字行动倡议。为了进一步开展这项工作,COP29 将在 COP 期间举办首个数字化日,以突出日益数字化带来的日益增长的机遇和挑战。这将包括在 COP 上召开首次关于数字化的高级别会议,以确保公共部门关注并领导这一关键问题。在这项工作中,COP29 主席国一直与 ITU 和 UNFCCC 技术机制密切合作。


结果: 在数字化日,COP29 主席国将发布 COP29 绿色数字行动宣言。该宣言将承诺支持者致力于利用数字工具采取气候行动,将气候适应力纳入数字基础设施,减轻数字化对环境的影响,加强数据驱动的决策,促进数字包容性和公平性,加速可持续创新和研究,并鼓励可持续的消费者实践。


该宣言侧重于提高气候意识型数字化的可及性,致力于确保所有人都能获得数字解决方案,尤其是最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家。宣言支持者将努力加强多边开发银行 (MDB) 在动员气候资金以实现这些成果方面的作用。




号召性用语: 与政府和私营部门加入 COP29 绿色数字行动宣言一起增强雄心。



附件 10:巴库人类发展倡议,促进气候适应力


教育、技能、健康和福祉对于确保人们能够为应对气候危机做出贡献至关重要。个人的能力对于我们在减缓和适应方面的集体努力至关重要,因为我们寻求在全球社区创新和实施气候积极解决方案,同时应对地球变暖。实现我们的气候目标所需的人类发展也是实现可持续发展目标的关键组成部分,特别是可持续发展目标 3、4、8 和 13。有证据表明,从小就对儿童的能力和复原力进行投资既具有成本效益,又对更广泛地加强人类发展至关重要。


几届 COP 解决了与气候变化和人类发展的各种要素相关的问题,包括健康、教育、就业、技能、儿童和青年。在 COP29 上,我们将举办第一个全面的人类发展日,并发起巴库人类发展促进气候适应力倡议,该倡议将这些相互关联的问题汇集在一起,并得到相应的融资和多方面的政策方法的支持。




在健康方面,该倡议将建立巴库 COP 主席国气候与健康连续性联盟,过去、现在和未来的 COP 主席国将与 WHO 一起成为创始成员。通过邀请未来的主席国加入,该联盟将促进将健康永久纳入气候行动议程。COP29 将是全面实施和加强健康影响力投资平台气候重点的里程碑,并将支持合作伙伴关系共同分析和解决气候和健康投资需求。


在教育方面,该倡议将通过联合国教科文组织的绿色教育伙伴关系,为绿色学校、课程、教师培训以及教育系统的能力和社区制定全球最低标准,从而加强全球绿色教育合作。为了确保环境素养成为每个孩子教育的基本目标,COP29 主席国将支持制定新的 PISA 环境素养指标。该指标将整合来自所有 PISA 领域相关任务的证据,突出核心科目与环境技能和问题之间的联系。PISA 可以通过学生学习成果的有力证据和学校实践数据来监测教育系统在提供优质环境教育方面的进展。如果该倡议获得必要的支持,将在 2029 年从所有 PISA 参与国收集基线数据,随后每四年收集一次。




COP29 主席国将举办一场高级别活动,对气候变化采取整体方法,将人类发展、就业、技能、教育、青年、儿童和健康视为相互关联的问题。这将使利益相关者能够在各自的领域之间建立协同效应。这一高级别活动将寻求发布《巴库人类发展促进气候适应力原则》。然后,COP29 主席国将通过单独的圆桌会议来补充这些会议,以将每个主题问题作为独立的优先事项来解决。





附件 11:巴库 Harmoniya 农民气候倡议






在历届 COP 中,农业越来越受到重视,在 COP28 上,加强气候适应型粮食和农业生产、供应和分销是阿联酋全球气候适应力框架中优先考虑的关键部门。现在有 90 多个相关的全球或区域倡议、网络和伙伴关系,专注于政策、能力建设或获得资金。鉴于举措众多,需要保持一致、一致和分享经验教训,以产生更大的影响。


结果:C OP29 主席国将与联合国粮食及农业组织 (FAO) 合作,为农民发起 Baku Harmoniya 气候倡议




其次,它将通过将需求与可用资金相匹配,有助于促进对气候韧性农业粮食体系的投资。它还将通过促进多边开发银行 (MDB) 和国家农业公共开发银行 (PDB) 之间的合作和发展协同效应,寻求解决这两个团体之间的差距。


第三,该倡议将寻求增强农民(尤其是妇女和青年)的权能,以帮助建立具有气候适应能力的农业社区。COP29 主席国和粮农组织正在与多边开发银行协商,为农民和农业组织制定无障碍指南,以及他们如何申请资金。COP29 主席国还与 FAST 合作,寻找更多资源和气候融资机会,以增强农民和农村社区发展技能的能力并加快获得新数字技术的能力。该倡议还将积极与农民组织和相关的 UNFCCC 选区合作,以确保社区的声音得到倾听,他们的利益得到代表。


作为 COP29 的东道国,阿塞拜疆目前是粮农组织粮食和农业促进可持续转型 (FAST) 伙伴关系董事会的联合主席,FAST 秘书处将支持 Harmoniya 倡议。





附件 12:减少有机废物中的甲烷


认识到需要根据 1.5 一致的路径深入、快速和持续地减少温室气体排放,全球盘点呼吁缔约方到 2030 年加速并大幅减少全球非二氧化碳排放,特别是甲烷排放。甲烷的变暖能力是二氧化碳的 80 倍以上,快速行动可以减缓未来的气温上升。


阿塞拜疆签署了《全球甲烷承诺》,为实现到 2030 年将甲烷排放量比 2020 年的水平减少至少 30% 的全球目标做出贡献,这与 IPCC 的 1.5 摄氏度路径相一致。


随着各国希望有效实施全球甲烷承诺,提请人们关注日益严重的有机废物甲烷问题至关重要。近年来,全球废弃物以惊人的速度增加,到 2022 年,食物废弃物产生的温室气体排放量占全球温室气体排放量的 10%,几乎是航空业的五倍。这对经济、人类健康和环境造成了重大成本。


解决废物行业的甲烷排放问题,将是全球甲烷行动和全面减少温室气体的重要贡献。实现可持续发展目标也有共同利益,特别是目标 2(零饥饿)和目标 12(可持续消费和生产)。


结果:COP29 主席国将发布关于减少有机废物中甲烷的 COP29 宣言,以补充全球甲烷承诺 (GMP)。该宣言正在与 GMP 秘书处和 UNEP 的气候与清洁空气联盟一起制定。


支持者将宣布他们承诺在未来的 NDC 中设定减少有机废物中甲烷的行业目标。他们还将努力制定和实施地方政策、路线图和行动计划,从公共和私人来源调动财政资源,提高透明度和数据驱动的政策制定,并发展创新伙伴关系以采取协作行动。


号召性用语:随着更多政府签署全球甲烷承诺,以及各国政府批准关于减少有机废物中甲烷的 COP29 宣言,努力实现废物领域的目标承诺,从而增强雄心。



附件 13:韧性和健康城市的多部门行动途径 (MAP)


城市面积不到地球表面的 2%,但占全球二氧化碳排放量的三分之二以上,使其成为应对气候变化的基石。除了是气候变化的主要因素外,城市还极易受到其影响,最脆弱的群体受到的打击最大。这需要增加对城市韧性和适应能力的融资,以保护超过 10 亿人免受极端气候事件的影响。


可持续和气候适应型城市化是阿塞拜疆国家发展的关键优先事项,该国投入大量资金建设绿色城市并应对城市气候挑战。巴库还将在 2026 年举办世界城市论坛和世界环境日,为加强城市解决方案提供全球平台。


结果:11 月 20 日,COP29 将主办城市化日,并在气候和城市化高级别会议上发布 COP29 多部门行动途径 (MAP) 宣言,以促进韧性和城市化。城市化高级别会议之后将举行高级别圆桌会议,届时将汇集来自社会各界的利益相关者,推动绿色建筑、交通和基础设施、自然、城市健康和韧性方面的进步和合作,并为城市气候行动提供资金。


MAP 宣言的支持者将打算在城市地区采用多部门方法进行气候行动和规划。这将建立在以前的 COP 倡议的基础上,引入新的重点领域,包括自然与健康、城市农业、灾害韧性和早期预警以及数字技术和解决方案。支持者还将展示他们促进地方当局和城市参与 NDC 制定过程的意图。


此外,MAP 宣言将鼓励加强可持续城市化重要国际平台之间的联系,包括世界城市论坛、《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方大会和世界环境日。将鼓励所有世界城市论坛主办国政府,从 2026 年的阿塞拜疆开始,任命一名城市气候行动特使来带头开展这项工作,以加强合作并增强平台之间的连贯性和连续性。MAP 宣言还将呼吁联合国机构与政府间组织、多边开发银行、多边投资基金、慈善组织、双边捐助者及其执行机构之间加强伙伴关系和合作,以在城市气候融资方面树立雄心并采取行动。


在 COP29 上,我们还将在联合国人居署的推动下,与 LGMA 合作,在过去、现在和未来的 COP 主席国之间发起巴库城市气候行动连续性联盟,以加强每届 COP 及其相关城市倡议之间的连续性和连贯性。


号召性用语:与政府、城市和地方当局、议员、联合国机构、国际组织、多边开发银行、多边气候基金和慈善机构一起加入 COP29 MAP 韧性和健康城市宣言,在 COP 之间建立联盟,在气候议程中优先考虑气候城市问题,并支持任命城市气候行动特使。



附件 14:加强旅游业气候行动


旅游业是经济增长和发展的主要驱动力,为数亿人提供直接和间接的生计。然而,该行业是全球温室气体排放的重要贡献者,其本身也受到气候变化影响的威胁。旅游业的跨领域性质和变革性作用为加强气候行动提供了关键的必要性和机会。可持续性是阿塞拜疆国家旅游战略的一个重要特点,作为 COP29 主席国,我们致力于将各国和利益相关者聚集在一起,促进旅游业的整体气候解决方案。


COP26 关于旅游业气候行动的格拉斯哥宣言是提高旅游业在气候行动中的形象的一个重要里程碑。COP29 旨在通过在 11 月 20 日举办第一个专门的旅游日来巩固这一成就。通过与联合国旅游局合作,COP29 将成为与总体目标建立强有力对话的转折点和正确时机,以加强全球旅游气候行动作为支持国家气候目标的部门政策的定位。


结果:旅游日将举行高级别会议并发布 COP29 关于加强旅游业行动的宣言


COP29 关于加强旅游业行动的宣言强调了旅游业加速气候行动的迫切需要,并将承诺通过减少排放和提高该行业的复原力来促进可持续旅游实践。特别是,支持该宣言的政府将通过将旅游业纳入国家气候政策文件,努力将旅游业定位为气候解决方案的关键组成部分。


继宣言之后,旅游日将作为一个平台,深入讨论在旅游业中实施统一和基于科学的温室气体排放测量,这仍然是一项重大挑战,也是加速脱碳的障碍。COP29 主席国旨在促进主要旅游利益相关者之间的全球合作和一致性,确保测量方法的有效协同作用。




号召性用语: 通过刺激政策变革和将旅游业纳入气候行动来提高雄心,同时与政府和国家旅游管理部门建立更牢固的伙伴关系,批准 COP29 关于加强旅游业行动的宣言,并让私营部门参与通过合作支持这一倡议。



附件 15:水促进气候行动




最近的 COP 越来越多地讨论水,水被确定为 COP28 阿联酋全球气候适应力框架的优先事项。该框架敦促缔约方努力大幅减少气候引发的水资源短缺,并增强气候对水相关灾害的抵御能力。此外,实现该框架的其他目标还需要对水和相关生态系统采取行动。水与气候的相互联系也是 2023 年联合国水事会议的一个主要优先事项。COP29 主席国寻求继续关注这一重点,增强倡议之间的一致性,并确保未来 COP 在水资源方面的连续性。


结果:在 COP29 期间的高级别活动中,将邀请与会者签署 COP29 关于水促进气候行动的宣言,该宣言是在 UNEP、UNECE 和 WMO 的支持下制定的,并得到了其他 UN-Water 成员的贡献。该宣言呼吁利益相关者在应对气候变化对流域和水相关生态系统的原因和影响时采取综合方法,加强区域和国际合作,将与水相关的减缓和适应措施纳入国家气候政策,包括 NDC 和 NAP。


该宣言将启动巴库水促进气候行动对话,作为关于水及其与气候变化、生物多样性丧失、荒漠化和污染的相互作用的一致和定期对话平台。该对话平台将在每年 COP 期间召开会议,以加强 COP 之间的连续性和连贯性,并跟进进展情况。该平台的领导层将来自冠军国、COP 主席国和联合国实体,并将邀请非政府组织、金融参与者和学术界等积极参与。




该宣言将确立“水促进气候大使”的立场,并鼓励 COP 主席任命一名大使,该大使将与对话平台合作,倡导水和气候综合政策。大使将通过关注水和气候的关系来补充联合国秘书长水问题特使的工作。


号召性用语: 与支持《联合国气候变化框架公约 (COP29) 关于水促进气候行动宣言》的利益相关者一起提高雄心。与参与巴库水促进气候行动对话的各部委和其他利益相关者一起采取行动。



附件 16:巴库全球气候透明度平台 (BTP)


透明度对于跟踪进度、建立信任和确定需要进一步行动和支持的领域至关重要。COP29 主席国还认为,透明报告是重申对《公约》和《巴黎协定》的原则、目标和目标的承诺的重要因素。


为了以身作则,阿塞拜疆目前正在努力在 COP29 之前提交其两年期透明度报告 (BTR),我们鼓励所有缔约方尽早提交 BTR。然而,我们理解,衡量和报告数据可能具有挑战性,并且显然需要进行能力建设,特别是对于许多发展中国家缔约方而言。在缔约方准备在 2024 年之后实施增强透明度框架 (ETF) 时,这一点尤为重要。


结果: COP29 主席国正在提高透明度的形象,并启动了巴库全球气候透明度平台 (BTP)。BTP 的目标是联合致力于支持发展中国家缔约方准备和提交 BTR 的利益相关者,促进所有缔约方之间在 ETF 各个领域的合作和知识交流,并在需要的地方更好地调动能力建设资源。


该平台与《联合国气候变化框架公约》和其他联合国机构和合作伙伴合作,为发展中国家举办关于其即将提交的 BTR 研讨会,我们将在东欧、南高加索、中亚、非洲、亚太地区、拉丁美洲和加勒比地区举办更多区域研讨会。


除了 BTR 之外,该平台还将努力扩大对 ETF 的参与,提供有针对性的支持、能力建设以及就经验教训交流经验。该平台将补充现有的透明度倡议,包括 #Together4Transparency 倡议。


为了提高政治意识,COP29 主席国、UNFCCC 和伙伴机构将于 9 月 25 日在纽约举行的第 79 届联合国大会期间召开全球气候透明度高级别对话。在此之前,哈萨克斯坦总统顾问兼国际环境合作特别代表祖勒菲娅·苏莱梅诺娃女士和意大利气候变化问题特使弗朗切斯科·科尔瓦罗先生是有史以来第一次任命了透明度问题高级别对子。


行动号召: 与支持巴库全球气候透明度平台的所有利益相关者一起提高雄心,参加该平台的 BTR 研讨会,参加全球气候透明度高级别对话,在 COP29 之前尽早提交。与专注于透明度的合作伙伴一起采取行动,支持 BTP 的缔约方能力建设计划。

The COP29 Presidency has announced global initiatives under its Action Agenda. The purpose of presidency-led initiatives is to advance climate action, encourage non-party stakeholder engagement, and support the COP29 vision to enhance ambition and enable action. COP29 Presidency initiatives are building on a valuable legacy of previously launched initiatives to ensure synergies, coherence and the highest impact. The Presidency has collaborated with the United Nations Global Task Force and has engaged with Parties and non-party stakeholders while developing the initiatives and will continue such inclusive engagement for delivering a comprehensive plan of action.



Climate Finance Action Fund (CFAF)

The Fund, capitalised with voluntary contributions from fossil fuel producing countries and companies will catalyse the public and private sectors across mitigation, adaptation, and research and development. The Fund will also have special facilities for highly concessional and grant-based funding to rapidly address the consequences of natural disasters in the developing countries in need.


The Baku Initiative for Climate Finance, Investment and Trade (BICFIT)

The Initiative to focus on the nexus of climate finance, investment and trade, with a platform to promote investment into green diversification, support policy development, and share expertise through dialogue.


Green Energy Zones and Corridors  

The outcome Pledge will commit to green energy zones and corridors, including targets to promote investment, stimulate economic growth, develop, modernise and expand infrastructure, and foster regional cooperation.


Energy Storage and Grids

The outcome Pledge will aim to increase global energy storage capacity six times above 2022 levels, reaching 1,500 gigawatts by 2030. To enhance energy grids, endorsers will also commit to considerably scaling up investments in grids as part of global efforts to add or refurbish more than 80 million kilometres by 2040.


Hydrogen Action     

The outcome Declaration will unlock the potential of a global market for clean hydrogen and its derivatives with guiding principles and priorities, to address regulatory, technological, financing, and standardisation barriers.


COP Truce Appeal

The appeal for a COP Truce, modelled on the Olympic Truce, will highlight the importance of peace and climate action. It will aim to remind all nations of the interplay between conflict and climate change and emphasise the imperative of finding collective solutions to protect the most vulnerable. There will be a separate COP29 Climate and Peace Initiative co-led with partners, that envisages to deliver tangible outcomes such as establishing a centre of excellence hub to match the needs of the most vulnerable with existing resources and foster further action for the operationalisation of various initiatives on the peace and climate nexus.


Green Digital Action           

The outcome Declaration aims to accelerate climate-positive digitalisation and emission reductions in the Information and Communication Technology sector and enhance accessibility of green digital technologies.


The Baku Initiative on Human Development for Climate Resilience

The Initiative will deliver various outcomes on human development, including catalysing investment in education, skills, health, and well-being, in particular for children and youth, establishing COP-to-COP continuity, and enhancing environmental literacy through education standards.


The Baku Harmoniya Climate Initiative for Farmers

The initiative will serve as an aggregator, bringing together initiatives, coalitions, and networks to share experiences, identify synergies and gaps, facilitate finance, and foster collaboration on agriculture, food and water, including by empowering local communities and women in rural areas.      


Methane Reduction from Organic Waste

The outcome Declaration will streamline work towards 1.5-aligned waste sector commitments in national climate policy documents with quantified targets to reduce methane in waste and food systems.


Multisectoral Actions Pathways (MAP) for Resilient and Healthy Cities

The outcome Declaration will seek to enhance multisectoral cooperation to address climate challenges in cities and an initiative to create coherence in all urban climate efforts and catalyse urban climate finance.


Enhanced Climate Action in Tourism

The outcome Declaration will include sectoral targets for tourism in NDCs and promote sustainable practices by reducing emissions and increasing resilience in the sector. A further initiative with outcomes to enhance transparency in the sector and provide frameworks for sustainable food systems in tourism.


Water for Climate Action

The outcome Declaration will call upon stakeholders to take integrated approaches when combating the causes and impacts of climate change on water basins and water-related ecosystems, strengthen regional and international cooperation, integrated water-related mitigation and adaptation measures in national climate policies.  The Declaration will launch the Baku Dialogue on Water for Climate Action to enhance COP-to-COP continuity and coherence in the field.


The Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform (BTP)

The platform will support developing country Parties in the preparation and submission of Biennial Transparency Reports, promote collaboration and knowledge exchange amongst all Parties on the full spectrum of the Enhanced Transparency Framework, and better mobilise capacity-building resources where they are needed.


Annex 2: COP29 Two-Week Agenda and Thematic Days

The following is a non-exhaustive list of high-level events at the ministerial level hosted by the COP29 Presidency- during the two-week agenda as it relates to thematic days and Action Agenda initiatives. The COP29 Presidency will host further events and announce details in due course.

November 11 COP29 Opening

Azerbaijan formally assumes the COP Presidency and the 61st meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies begins, chaired by the SBI and SBSTA chairs.

November 12-13 World Leaders Climate Action Summit

Focus: World leaders will convene and make national statements to demonstrate how they are advancing the Paris Agreement. During this Summit, we will seek to build consensus and momentum around the two pillars of the COP29 Plan to enhance ambition and enable action and demonstrate to all stakeholders that there is clear political will to deliver.

Key moments: We will host leader-level dialogues that will address key topics, including raising ambition for mitigation and adaptation through NDCs, NAPs, and long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies, enabling action with the NCQG and other means of implementation and support, as well as addressing Loss and Damage and fully operationalising the Fund for responding to Loss and Damage. We will also co-host a methane and non-CO 2 Greenhouse Gas summit with the US and China.

November 14 Finance, Investment and Trade

Focus: To meet our climate goals, we need to collectively scale up climate finance whilst 'greening trade' - promoting environmental goods and low-carbon technologies. This can create sustainable jobs and ensure that Global South countries have access to the investment and technologies needed to implement long-term climate goals.

Key moments: We will host a high-level meeting on the Baku Initiative for Climate Finance, Investment and Trade (BICFIT), a high-level event to launch the Climate Finance Action Fund, the second Business, Investment and Philanthropy Platform, and a high-level dialogue on catalysing investment for the just transition, including on jobs and skills.

November 15 Energy / Peace, Relief and Recovery

Focus: Energy is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and is a top priority for global climate action. Building on the outcomes of the first Global Stocktake and moving towards implementation, COP29 will provide a space for stakeholders to gather and make collective progress. Climate and peace are deeply inter-connected, as climate events and conflicts can cause human insecurity and forced migration, affecting mostly the vulnerable groups in developing and lower-income countries.

Key moments: We will host a high-level meeting on Green Energy Zones and Corridors, Energy Storage and Grids, and Hydrogen, and launch the associated COP29 Pledges and Declarations. We will host a high-level event for the COP29 Climate and Peace Initiative, alongside others, with the co-leads group to deliver a joint call on the urgency of climate action for peace.

November 16 Science, Technology and Innovation / Digitalisation

Focus: Digital technologies have a key role to support climate action but can also contribute to energy consumption and e-waste. The first-ever Digitalisation Day will promote joint action for a sustainable digital transformation that reaps the benefits of technologies while mitigating their environmental impacts.  

Key moments: We will host a high-level roundtable on the role of digitalisation for climate action and launch the associated Declaration.

November 17 Rest Day; No Thematic Programming

The 61st meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies will have concluded and the Azerbaijan COP29 Presidency will be preparing to chair the 6th Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA 6).

November 18 Human Development / Children and Youth / Health / Education

Focus: Climate change will require a whole-of-society approach, supported by healthier, better educated, and adequately skilled individuals, in particular youth. The first-ever Human Development Day will take a holistic view of climate change that treats human development, youth, health and education as inter-related issues to be supported, while also addressing each thematic issue as a standalone priority.

Key moments: We will host a series of high-level meetings and events on investing in human development, health and jobs, where we will launch the Baku Initiative on Human Development for Climate Resilience.

November 19 Food, Water and Agriculture

Focus: Global warming disrupts the water cycle and threatens food security for people worldwide. At COP29, all stakeholders can come together to build on momentum and commit to coherent and collective action on climate and agriculture issues.

Key moments: We will host series of high-level meetings and events to launch the Baku Harmoniya Climate Initiative for Farmers, and a high-level meeting on reducing methane from organic waste, at which we will launch the associated Declaration.

November 20 Urbanisation / Transport / Tourism

Focus: Addressing the challenges of climate change in urban environments requires greater engagement across all sectors and levels, from the local to the regional and global. Additionally, the role of transportation in climate agenda will be addressed as a related priority. We will also host the first Tourism Day at a COP to increase attention on how the sector is affected and can contribute.

Key moments: We will host a high-level meeting on urbanisation and high-level roundtables on green construction, transport and infrastructure, nature, health and resilience in cities, and financing urban climate action and will launch the COP29 MAP Declaration for Resilient and Healthy Cities. We will also host a high-level meeting on tourism and launch the COP29 Declaration on Enhanced Action in Tourism.

November 21 Indigenous Peoples / Gender Equality / Nature and Biodiversity / Oceans and Coastal Zones

Focus: Indigenous Peoples preserve 80% of the world's biodiversity and 36% of intact forest landscapes, whilst women-led climate action and nature-based solutions represent transformative pathways for climate mitigation and adaptation. Water is also essential to the well-being of both human societies and nature and biodiversity.

Key moments: We will host a high-level event on gender in transparency, a high-level meeting on water to launch the COP29 Declaration on Water for Climate Action.

November 22 Final Negotiations

No thematic programming to allow Parties to focus on the final stages of the negotiations.

Annex 3: Climate Finance Action Fund

As outlined in the Global Stocktake, finance is a critical enabler of action. To address the scale and urgency of the crisis, we will need to deliver multiples, with substantial increases in contributions for both mitigation and adaptation finance.

As according to the direction provided by the President of Azerbaijan, H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, we believe that countries rich in natural resources should be at the forefront of those addressing climate change.

Outcome: COP29 is launching the Climate Finance Action Fund (CFAF) which will be capitalised with voluntary contributions from fossil fuel producing countries and companies across oil, gas and coal, with Azerbaijan as a founding contributor. Members will commit to transfer annual contributions as a fixed-sum or based on volume of production.

CFAF will be a catalytic public-private partnership fund, mobilising the private sector and de-risking investment. The fund will also contain special facilities with concessional and grant-based support to rapidly address the consequences of natural disasters in the developing countries in need.

CFAF will provide off-take agreement guarantees for small and medium-sized renewable energy producers and first-loss capital for green industrial projects. The fund will also have a focus on the food and agriculture sector as a priority to protect livelihoods and achieve net zero.

CFAF will become operational after the initial fundraising round, which seeks to capitalise the fund with $1 billion, and when 10 contributing countries are committed as shareholders.

Fifty percent of the capital will be directed towards climate projects in developing countries that rely on support, across mitigation, adaptation, and research and development. These will promote the adoption of clean energy technologies, improve energy efficiency, strengthen climate resilience of vulnerable populations, and facilitate the development of cutting-edge technologies.

Fifty percent of contributions will be allocated to help meet members' next generation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to keep the 1.5C target within reach.

Twenty percent of the revenues generated from investments will be deposited in a Rapid Response Funding Facility (2R2F) providing highly concessional and grant-based support. This facility will offer immediately accessible funding to address the consequences of natural disasters in Small Island Developing States, Least Developed Countries, and to other vulnerable developing communities as needed.

The fund will be headquartered with its secretariat in Baku, Azerbaijan. Its board of directors will include representatives from contributors, shareholders will collectively make decisions, and an independent audit committee will publish quarterly data including financial reports and project evaluations. The COP29 Presidency established a Working Group with participation of international financial experts, which works on further developing the management model and funding mechanism.

Call to action: Enable action with fossil fuel producing countries and companies joining the Climate Finance Action Fund.

Annex 4: The Baku Initiative for Climate Finance, Investment and Trade (BICFIT)

International investment and trade are key drivers of global growth and raising living standards around the world. But to meet our climate ambitions, we need to move beyond business-as-usual and promote climate- and development-positive investment and trade. In particular, we need to ensure that the developing world, through participation in the supply and value chains of green products, contributes to and benefits from global decarbonisation while capturing co-benefits and minimising trade-offs with the sustainable development goals.

BICFIT will be co-led by the COP29 Presidency together with UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and UN Development Programme (UNDP), in close collaboration with other partners, international organisations, multilateral development banks and climate funds, the private sector, philanthropic organisations, civil society and academia. BICFIT will work with multilateral development banks and climate funds, philanthropic organisations and development partners to better integrate climate finance with trade and investment and channel public and private climate finance to developing countries.

Outcome: The Baku Initiative for Climate Finance, Investment and Trade (BICFIT) will set a new partnership that seeks to enhance coherence by integrating the climate finance, investment, trade and overall sustainable development agendas. BICFIT will provide a global platform to support policy development, share knowledge and expertise, promote climate investment, and co-create solutions through dialogue. BICFIT will support parties and build their capacity to ensure that climate finance, investment and trade are fully embedded in national climate policies and development plans.

BICFIT will also explore how to strengthen the capacity of investment promotion institutions to attract climate-positive investments. It will encourage the establishment of national, regional and sub-regional platforms to enhance the climate finance, investment and trade nexus. These platforms will support the design, structuring and preparation of concrete, bankable climate projects, to align climate action with development objectives at a more targeted and local level.

To foster collaboration and help find shared solutions, there will be regular BICFIT Dialogues as a part of the biannual UN Trade and Development World Investment Forum and other global platforms. The first BICFIT Dialogue will be held at the 9th World Investment Forum in 2025.

Call to action: Enable action with UN agencies, international organisations, development partners, governments, multilateral development banks and climate funds, the private sector, philanthropic organisations, civil society and academia registering their interest to participate and be implementation partners.

Annex 5: Green Energy Zones and Corridors

To help reduce emissions and limit global warming to 1.5C, the first Global Stocktake called on Parties to contribute in a nationally determined manner to tripling renewable energy capacity and doubling the global average annual rate of energy efficiency globally by 2030. This is an ambitious target that is achievable with concerted action and policy support.

Moving towards implementation, various enabling conditions will be necessary to support Parties to contribute to this target. One of the main challenges is that renewable energy supply is often situated in locations far from demand.

First, green energy zones are needed to act as centralised hubs where sustainable energy generation is maximised. Secondly, green energy corridors are needed to allow for cost-effective transmission over large distances and across borders.

As a leading player in global energy markets with plans to utilise its abundant renewable energy potential and increase renewable energy exports, Azerbaijan already has experience with the challenges and solutions of the energy transition, and we have set green energy zones and corridors as key priorities for our national development and climate strategies.

Outcome: in partnership with UNECE and UNIDO the Presidency developed COP29 Green Energy Zones and Corridors Pledge that will be open for endorsement by various stakeholders.

The Pledge will bring governments together around a series of principles, commitments, and targets. To expand green energy zones, one component will advocate for policies and incentives that attract capital, make sustainable energy projects financially viable, and send the right market signals to stimulate investment.

To enable green energy corridors, another component will recognise the importance of regional collaboration and seek to expand or establish multilateral platforms for collaboration, a common methodology for feasibility studies, and harmonisation of grid codes.

Call to action: Enhance ambition with governments and other stakeholders endorsing the COP29 Green Energy Zones and Corridors Pledge.

Annex 6: Global Energy Storage and Grids

Increasing energy storage will be essential to addressing the variability of renewables and ensure the stability and resilience of energy grids. Furthermore, energy grids need modernisation to accommodate increasing shares of renewable energy that are variable and are sourced from more dispersed areas than traditional fossil fuel power generation. This will also be crucial to implementing and operationalising the outcomes of the Global Stocktake as part of a just energy transition.

Throughout the COP29-IEA High Level Energy Dialogues, participants have frequently raised the lack of energy storage solutions and the need for upgraded grids as a constraint on their ability to increase the share of renewable energy in their power generation. This is particularly important for developing countries that are seeking to expand electrification and ensure that hospitals, schools, and businesses have consistent access to affordable, sustainable and reliable power.

Azerbaijan has identified storage as a key priority to enable us to expand our renewable power generation and we have set a national target for energy storage capacity of 250 MW. However, no single country can develop the global battery industry alone and to mobilise global supply chains, develop the necessary technologies, and lower costs, we need greater collaboration to send stronger market signals.

Outcome: in partnership with UNECE and UNIDO the Presidency developed the COP29 Global Energy Storage and Grids Pledge that will set a global target to increase installed energy storage capacity to 1,500 GW by 2030, six times the 2022 level, for Parties to contribute towards in a nationally determined manner. Furthermore, to facilitate the development of green energy grids, endorsers of the Pledge will commit to enhance grid capacity through a global grid deployment goal of adding or refurbishing over 80 million kilometres of grids by 2040.

Endorsing stakeholders will also commit within their respective competences to guiding principles for critical enablers, such as finance, regulatory frameworks, technology development, supply chains, standardisation, collaboration, inclusivity, and reviewing progress, amongst others.

The COP29 Global Energy Storage and Grids Pledge will be open to a range of endorsers from governments, the private sector, civil society, UN agencies, and international organisations, in recognition of the range of actors that will have a role to play in supporting the expansion of global storage capacity and grid development.

Call to action: Enhance ambition with governments, private sector, civil society, UN agencies, and international organisations endorsing the COP29 Global Energy Storage and Grids Pledge.

Annex 7: Hydrogen Action

The Global Stocktake called on Parties to contribute towards global efforts to accelerate zero- and low- emission technologies, including low-carbon hydrogen. Hydrogen will be particularly important to decarbonise hard-to-abate industrial sectors like steel, aluminium and heavy transportation, and it can also serve as a storage solution, as surplus renewable energy can be used to produce green hydrogen.

However, the international trade of clean hydrogen is at a very nascent stage and there are multiple regulatory, technological, and financial barriers to the development of hydrogen markets. There is an urgent need to harmonise international frameworks, regulations and standards to create viable business models for the end-to-end value chain for hydrogen and the COP 29 Presidency will build on the COP28 Declaration of Intent on mutual recognition of certification schemes

Outcome: in partnership with UNECE and UNIDO, the Presidency will launch a COP29 Hydrogen Declaration to support the harmonisation and development of hydrogen markets.

In the COP29 Hydrogen Declaration, endorsing stakeholders will commit to accelerate decarbonisation of hydrogen production, and facilitate energy transition, scaling up demand for clean hydrogen, such as by establishing targets, incentives, mandates, public procurement initiatives and public-private partnerships. Where appropriate, they will integrate hydrogen into national climate and energy plans. They will also commit to accelerating global standards and mutual recognition of certification schemes, amongst other priorities.

During a high-level roundtable at COP29, stakeholders will consider country level announcements, stocktakes of previous initiatives, funding for clean hydrogen projects, amongst other outcomes.

Building on the Hydrogen Breakthrough launched at COP26, the Hydrogen Breakthrough: Priority International Actions 2025 will be launched at COP29 to set the framework and roadmap for prioritisation and collaborative action ahead of COP30.

Call to action: Enhance ambition with governments and other stakeholders endorsing the COP29 Hydrogen Declaration and enable action through registering interest to support the flagship activities.

Annex 8: COP Truce Appeal

The destructive nexus between climate change, conflict and fragility is a threat to communities around the world. Climate change could displace up to 1.2 billion people by 2050 and fragile populations facing intense humanitarian challenges have the least capacity to adapt to climate change.

Outcome: The COP29 Presidency will launch the COP Truce Appeal, modelled on the Olympic Truce hoping to build positive momentum that can lead to collaboration, climate action, and even peace between nations.

The Appeal will call upon all nations and parties to observe the truce from the seventh day before the opening of each COP to the seventh day following its closing. This will aim to remind all nations of the interplay between conflict and climate change and emphasise the imperative of finding collective solutions to protect the most vulnerable.

The COP Truce Appeal will be open to a range of endorsers from governments, the private sector, civil society, UN agencies, and international organisations, in recognition of the range of actors that will have a role to play in promoting peace and reconciliation.

Building on the work of previous COPs and following the COP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace, COP29 will seek to maintain a focus on the importance of both preventing conflict and supporting some of the most vulnerable populations. On 15 November COP29 will host Peace, Relief and Recovery Day with high-level events to maintain a focus on the interplay between peace and climate and provide avenues for scaling up climate finance and support for the most vulnerable. The Day will provide a space for the voices of the most affected countries, prioritising women and youth perspectives.

The COP29 Presidency also launched a separate COP29 Peace and Climate Initiative co-led by the governments of Azerbaijan, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Uganda, the United Kingdom, as outlined in the Joint Communique of their first meeting on 27 July 2024. The overall objective of the initiative is to deepen dialogue and understanding and match the needs of the most vulnerable with existing resources. Alongside UN agencies, Multilateral Development Banks and other relevant stakeholders, the initiative will work towards establishing partnerships to share best practice and develop implementation mechanisms, such as establishing a centre of excellence hub.

Calls to action: Enhance ambition with all stakeholders supporting the COP Truce Appeal. Enable action with countries, multilateral development banks, UN agencies and relevant stakeholders expressing interest to participating in the COP29 Climate and Peace Initiative.

Annex 9: Green Digital Action

Digital technologies have a huge potential to play a supporting role in climate action by increasing energy efficiency across multiple sectors and providing monitoring and early warnings. Meanwhile, the growing uptake of digital tools also has the potential to increase emissions through energy consumption of data centres, material usage, and e-waste.

The COP29 Presidency believes that proactive and determined steps from both public and private stakeholders is required to ensure that digitalisation contributes to climate action. Furthermore, Azerbaijan is committed to leading by example and is seizing the opportunities through the development of green smart villages and ensuring that climate-conscious digitalisation is a priority in our national plans for socio-economic development.

At COP28, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and 40 partners from the public and private sector launched Green Digital Action initiative. To build on this work, COP29 will host the first Digitalisation Day at a COP to shine a spotlight on the growing opportunities and challenges posed by increasing digitalisation. This will include the first high-level meeting on digitalisation at a COP, to ensure that the public sector focuses and leads on this critical issue. In this effort, the COP29 Presidency has been closely collaborating with the ITU and the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism.

Outcome: On digitalisation day, the COP29 Presidency will launch the COP29 Green Digital Action Declaration. The Declaration will commit endorsers to pursuing leveraging digital tools for climate action, incorporating climate resiliencies into digital infrastructure, mitigating the environmental impact of digitalisation, enhancing data-driven decision making, promoting digital inclusion and equity, accelerating sustainable innovation and research, and encouraging sustainable consumer practices.

The Declaration includes a focus on increasing accessibility to climate-conscious digitalisation, committing to ensuring that digital solutions are accessible to all, particularly to LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS. Declaration endorsers will work to increase the role of multilateral development banks (MDBs) in mobilising climate finance towards these outcomes.

The Declaration will also draw attention to critical mechanisms that deserve further support, including the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism.

Calls to action: Enhance ambition with governments and the private sector joining the COP29 Green Digital Action Declaration.  

Annex 10: Baku Initiative on Human Development for Climate Resilience

Education, skills, health and well-being are essential to ensuring that people can contribute to addressing the climate crisis. The capacities of individuals are vital to our collective efforts across both mitigation and adaptation, as we seek to innovate and implement climate-positive solutions in communities worldwide, while coping with a warming planet. The human development required to meet our climate objectives is also a critical component of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDGs 3, 4, 8 and 13. Evidence indicates that investment in the capacity and resilience of children from the earliest age is both cost-effective and critical for strengthening human development more broadly.

Several COPs have addressed issues related to climate change and various elements of human development, including health, education, jobs, skills, children and youth. At COP29 we will host the first holistic Human Development Day and launch the Baku Initiative on Human Development for Climate Resilience, that brings together these inter-related issues to be supported by commensurate financing and multi-faceted policy approaches.

Outcome: The Initiative will establish a strategic global collaboration on human development and climate change, bringing together international organisations, multilateral development banks and other stakeholders in the fields of education, health, social protection, jobs and skills, children and youth, and gender. This collaboration seeks to establish cooperation, coherence, and continuity between agencies as they address climate and human development. It will serve as a permanent platform for dialogue, catalyse investment in human development by matching needs with funds, and identify gaps and opportunities.

On health, the Initiative will establish the Baku COP Presidencies Continuity Coalition for Climate and Health, where past, current and future COP presidencies, along with the WHO, will be founding members. By inviting future Presidencies to join, the coalition will promote the permanent integration of health into the climate action agenda. COP29 will be a milestone in fully operationalising and enhancing the climate focus of the Health Impact Investment Platform and will support partnerships to collectively analyse and address climate and health investment needs.

On education, the Initiative will enhance global cooperation on greening education by establishing global minimum standards for greening schools, curriculum, teacher training and education systems’ capacities and communities through the UNESCO’s Greening Education Partnership. To ensure that environmental literacy becomes an essential objective of every child’s education the COP29 Presidency will support the development of a new PISA metric on environmental literacy. This metric will integrate evidence from relevant tasks across all PISA domains, highlighting the connection between core subjects and environmental skills and issues. PISA can monitor the progress of education systems in providing quality environmental education through robust evidence on students’ learning outcomes and data on school-level practices. If the initiative gains the necessary support, baseline data will be collected from all PISA participating countries in 2029 and subsequently every four years.

For jobs and skills, the Initiative will seek to strengthen efforts to scale up investment in skilling, reskilling and upskilling the current and future workforce and support a just transition. On children and youth, the Initiative will elevate attention to child-responsive climate policies, action and finance as a cross-cutting priority to create resilient societies and showcase best-practices.

The COP29 Presidency will host a high-level event that takes a holistic approach to climate change, viewing human development, jobs, skills, education, youth, children and health as interconnected issues. This will allow stakeholders to build synergies across their respective fields. This high-level event will seek to issue the Baku Principles on Human Development for Climate Resilience. The COP29 Presidency will then supplement these sessions with individual roundtables to address each thematic issues as a standalone priority.

Calls to action: Enable action with international organisations and multilateral development banks joining the strategic global collaboration on human development and climate change. Enhance ambition with all stakeholders supporting greening education. 

Annex 11: Baku Harmoniya Climate Initiative for Farmers

The impacts of climate change on agriculture are threatening food and water security for people around the globe. Climate action in agriculture has the potential to address multiple challenges across adaptation, mitigation, ensuring food security, combating land degradation and water scarcity, as well as supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.

This is a challenge that Azerbaijan understands well, as a large part of our labour force is employed in agriculture, while water scarcity, desertification, and soil degradation exacerbated by climate change all threaten to reduce the yields of crops and impact economic development.

Over successive COPs there has been an increasing emphasis on agriculture, and at COP28, enhancing climate-resilient food and agriculture production, supply and distribution was a key sector prioritised in the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience. There are now more than 90 relevant global or regional initiatives, networks and partnerships focusing on policy, capacity building, or access to finance. Given the multitude of initiatives, there is a need for coherence, alignment and sharing of lessons learned to deliver greater impact.

Outcome: In partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the COP29 Presidency will launch the Baku Harmoniya Climate Initiative for Farmers.

Firstly, the Initiative will serve as an aggregator to improve coherence in the field, bringing together disparate initiatives to empower farmers, villages and rural communities. It will launch a portal to clarify the landscape of programmes to foster more efficient collaboration and knowledge sharing. It will also seek to identify gaps and opportunities to guide future policy making and resource allocation.

Secondly, it will help catalyse investment in climate-resilient agrifood systems by matching needs with available funds. It will also seek to address the gap between Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and national agricultural Public Development Banks (PDBs) by facilitating collaboration between the two groups and developing synergies.

And thirdly, the initiative will seek to empower farmers, in particular women and youth, to help build climate-resilient agricultural communities. The COP29 Presidency and the FAO are consulting with MDBs on producing accessible guidelines for farmers and agricultural organisations and how they can apply for funds. The COP29 Presidency is also working with FAST to identify further resources and climate funding opportunities to empower farmers and rural communities to develop skills and accelerate access to new digital technologies. The Initiative will also actively engage with farmers’ organisations and relevant UNFCCC Constituencies to ensure that communities are heard, and their interests represented.

As host of COP29, Azerbaijan is currently co-chairing the board of the Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation (FAST) Partnership within the FAO, and the FAST secretariat will support the Harmoniya Initiative.

Calls to action: Enable action with governments, MDBs, national agricultural PDBs, the private sector, philanthropy, international organisations and other stakeholders preparing to engage with the Baku Harmoniya Climate Initiative for Farmers when it is launched.  

Annex 12: Reducing Methane from Organic Waste

In recognition of the need for deep, rapid and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in line with 1.5-aligned pathways, the Global Stocktake called upon Parties to accelerate and substantially reduce non-CO2 emissions globally, including, in particular methane emissions, by 2030. Methane has more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide and rapid action can moderate future temperature rises.

Azerbaijan has signed the Global Methane Pledge to contribute to the global target of reducing methane emissions by at least 30% below 2020 levels by 2030, in line with the IPCC’s 1.5C pathway.

As countries look to effectively implement the Global Methane Pledge, it is critical to draw attention to the growing problem of methane from organic waste. Global waste has increased at an alarming pace over recent years, and in 2022, food waste generated up to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, nearly five times that of the aviation sector. This has major costs for economies, human health, and the environment.

Addressing the methane emissions from the waste sector will be an important contribution to global action on methane and the overall reduction of greenhouse gases. There are also co-benefits for achieving Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 2 (Zero Hunger) and Goal 12 (Sustainable Consumption and Production).

Outcome: The COP29 Presidency will launch the COP29 Declaration on Reducing Methane from Organic Waste to supplement the Global Methane Pledge (GMP). The Declaration is being developed with the GMP Secretariat and UNEP’s Climate and Clean Air Coalition.

Endorsers will declare their commitment to set sectoral targets to reducing methane from organic waste within future NDCs. They will also work towards developing and implementing subnational policies, roadmaps, and action plans, and mobilising financial resources from both public and private sources, improving transparency and data-driven policy making, and developing innovative partnerships for collaborative action.

Calls to action: Enhance ambition with more governments signing the Global Methane Pledge and with governments endorsing the COP29 Declaration on Reducing Methane from Organic Waste to work towards targeted commitments in the waste sector.

Annex 13: Multisectoral Actions Pathways (MAP) for Resilient and Healthy Cities

Cities, covering less than 2% of Earth's surface, contribute to over two-thirds of global CO2 emissions, putting them at the cornerstone of the fight against climate change. Beyond being a major contributor to climate change, cities are also highly vulnerable to its effects, with the most vulnerable hit the hardest. This necessitates increased financing for urban resilience and adaptation to protect over a billion people from extreme climate events.

Sustainable and climate resilient urbanisation is a key priority for Azerbaijan’s national development, and the country has invested heavily in and building green cities and addressing urban climate challenges. Baku will also host the World Urban Forum and World Environment Day in 2026 providing a global platform for enhanced urban solutions.

Outcome: On 20 November COP29 will host Urbanisation Day and launch the COP29 Multisectoral Actions Pathways (MAP) Declaration for Resilient and Healthy Cities at the high-level meeting on Climate and Urbanisation. The high-level meeting on urbanisation will be followed by high-level roundtables, that will bring together stakeholders from across society to drive progress and collaboration on green construction, transport and infrastructure, nature, health and resilience in cities, and financing urban climate action.

Endorsers of the MAP Declaration will intend to work on multisectoral approaches to climate action and planning in urban areas. This will build on previous COP initiatives introducing new areas of focus, including nature and health, urban agriculture, and disaster resilience and early warning and digital technologies and solutions. Endorsers will also showcase their intention to facilitate participation by subnational authorities and cities in the NDC development process.

Furthermore, the MAP Declaration will encourage stronger links between critical international platforms for sustainable urbanisation, including World Urban Forums, UNFCCC COPs and World Environment Days. All World Urban Forum host governments, starting with Azerbaijan in 2026, will be encouraged to appoint a Special Envoy for Urban Climate Action to spearhead this work to strengthen cooperation and enhance coherence and continuity between platforms. The MAP Declaration will also call for stronger partnerships and collaboration between UN agencies and intergovernmental organisations, MDBs, MCFs, philanthropic organisations, bilateral donors and their implementing agencies for strong ambition and actions on urban climate finance.

At COP29 we will also launch the Baku Continuity Coalition for Urban Climate Action between past, current and future COP Presidencies and with the facilitation of UN-Habitat and in collaboration with LGMA to enhance continuity and coherences between each COPs and their relevant urban initiatives.

Calls to action: Enhance ambition with governments, cities and subnational authorities, parliamentarians, UN agencies, international organisations, multilateral development banks, multilateral climate funds and philanthropies joining the COP29 MAP Declaration for Resilient and Healthy Cities, establishing a Coalition between COPs to prioritise climate urban issues in climate agenda, and supporting the appointment of the Special Envoy for Urban Climate Action.

Annex 14: Enhanced Climate Action in Tourism

Tourism is a major driver of economic growth and development, providing direct and indirect livelihoods for hundreds of millions of people. However, the sector is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions and is itself threatened by the effects of climate change. Tourism's cross-cutting nature and a transformative role presents both a critical necessity and opportunity for enhanced climate action. Sustainability is an important feature of Azerbaijan’s national tourism strategy and as the COP29 Presidency we are committed to bringing countries and stakeholders together to promote holistic climate solutions in the tourism sector.

The COP26 Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism was a major milestone in raising the profile of tourism within climate action. COP29 seeks to build on this achievement by hosting the first dedicated Tourism Day on 20 November. In partnership with UN Tourism, the COP29 shall be a turning point and the right moment to build a strong dialogue with the overall objective to enhance the positioning of tourism climate action globally as a sectoral policy supporting national climate goals.

Outcome: Tourism Day will feature a high-level meeting and the launch of the COP29 Declaration on Enhanced Action in Tourism.

The COP29 Declaration on Enhanced Action in Tourism emphasises the urgent need for accelerated climate action in the tourism sector and will commit endorser to promoting sustainable tourism practices by reducing emissions and increasing resilience in the sector. In particular, governments endorsing the Declaration will work towards positioning tourism as a key component of climate solutions by integrating tourism into national climate policy documents.

Further to the Declaration, Tourism Day will serve as a platform for deep-dive discussions on implementation of harmonised and science-based GHG emissions measurement in tourism that remains a significant challenge and represents a barrier for accelerated decarbonisation. The COP29 Presidency aims to foster global cooperation and coherence among key tourism stakeholders, ensuring effective synergy in measurement methodologies.

Tourism stakeholders will also be given a platform for thorough examination of ecosystem resilience, regeneration and financial strategies, thereby fostering a comprehensive and informed discourse on the role of tourism in addressing climate change.

Calls to action: Enhance ambition by stimulating policy change and integrating tourism into climate action, while fostering stronger partnerships with governments and national tourism administrations endorsing the COP29 Declaration on Enhanced Action in Tourism and engaging the private sector to support this initiative through collaborative efforts.

Annex 15: Water for Climate Action

Water is at the heart of climate change. Disruptions in the water cycle are some of the most direct ways that people experience climate change, with billions now facing severe droughts, floods, sea-level rise, shrinking of inland waters and water pollution, which also impacts water-related ecosystems and biodiversity. Azerbaijan is directly impacted by the shrinking of the Caspian Sea – an integral part of our national identity and livelihoods – affecting local coastal zones and their unique ecosystems and biodiversity and increasing threats of water scarcity to our population.

Recent COPs have increasingly discussed water, and water was identified as a priority in the COP28 UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience. This Framework urged parties to work towards significantly reducing climate-induced water scarcity and enhancing climate resilience to water-related hazards. Furthermore, achieving the Framework’s other targets will also require action on water and related ecosystems. Water-climate interlinkages were also a main priority at the 2023 United Nations Water Conference. The COP29 Presidency seeks to continue this focus, enhance coherence amongst initiatives, and ensure continuity on water to future COPs.

Outcome: At a high-level event during COP29, participants will be invited to endorse the COP29 Declaration on Water for Climate Action, which is being developed with support from the UNEP, UNECE, and WMO, with contributions from other UN-Water members. The Declaration calls upon stakeholders to take integrated approaches when combating the causes and impacts of climate change on water basins and water-related ecosystems, strengthen regional and international cooperation, integrate water-related mitigation and adaptation measures in national climate policies, including NDCs and NAPs.

The Declaration will launch the Baku Dialogue on Water for Climate Action to serve as a consistent and regular dialogue platform on water and its interplay with climate change, biodiversity loss, desertification, and pollution. The dialogue platform will convene each year during COP to enhance COP-to-COP continuity and coherence and follow up on progress. The platform’s leadership will be drawn from champion countries, COP Presidencies, and UN entities, and it will invite the active engagement of NGOs, financial actors, and academia, amongst others.

The Baku Dialogue will also encourage establishing and reinforcing partnerships on shared water basin that will bring together ministries and relevant stakeholders to facilitate the development and implementation of regional climate policies and plans. These partnerships will be supported by establishment of knowledge hubs or by leveraging existing platforms for sharing best practices, exchanging local and regional data and organising joint research aimed at assisting governments on integrating their climate policies.

The Declaration will establish the position of the Water for Climate Ambassador and encourage COP Presidencies to appoint an ambassador who will work with the dialogue platform, advocate for integrated water and climate policy. The Ambassador will complement the work of the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy on Water' by focusing on the water and climate nexus.

Calls to action: Enhance ambition with stakeholders endorsing the COP29 Declaration on Water for Climate Action. Enable action with ministries and other stakeholders participating in the Baku Dialogue on Water for Climate Action. 

Annex 16: The Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform (BTP)

Transparency is essential to tracking progress, building trust, and identifying areas where further action and support is needed. The COP29 Presidency also believes that transparent reporting is an important element of reaffirming commitment to the principles, goals, and objectives of the Convention and the Paris Agreement.

To lead by example, Azerbaijan is currently working on submitting its Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) in advance of COP29, and we encourage all Parties to make such early BTR submissions. However, we understand that measuring and reporting data can be challenging, and there is a clear need for capacity building, particularly for many developing country Parties. This is especially important as Parties prepare to implement the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) beyond 2024.

Outcome: The COP29 Presidency is raising the profile of transparency and has launched the Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform (BTP). The BTP’s goal is to unite stakeholders committed to supporting developing country Parties in the preparation and submission of BTRs, promote collaboration and knowledge exchange amongst all Parties on the full spectrum of the ETF, and better mobilise capacity-building resources where they are needed.

In collaboration with the UNFCCC and other UN Agencies and partners, the Platform is holding workshops for developing countries on their upcoming BTR submissions, and we will host further regional workshops across Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, Central Asia, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Beyond BTRs, the Platform will work to broaden participation in the ETF, provide targeted support, capacity building, and exchanging experiences on lessons learned. The Platform will complement existing transparency initiatives, including the #Together4Transparency initiative.

To increase political awareness, the COP29 Presidency, the UNFCCC and partner agencies will convene the High-Level Dialogue on Global Climate Transparency during the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on 25 September. This follows the first ever appointment of a high-level pair for transparency, Ms. Zulfiya Suleimenova, Advisor to the President of Kazakhstan and Special Representative for International Environmental Cooperation, and Mr. Francesco Corvaro, Italy’s Special Envoy for Climate Change.


Call to action: Enhance ambition with all stakeholders supporting the Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform, participating in the Platform’s BTR workshops, joining the High-Level Dialogue on Global Climate Transparency, making early submissions in advance of COP29. Enable action with partners focused on transparency supporting the BTP’s capacity building programmes for Parties.
