
文摘   房产   2024-08-23 17:21   上海  



©Brett Boardman

作为悉尼地铁的一个重要里程碑,令人瞩目的悉尼地铁城市线新近开通,这是自1932年海港大桥开通以来当地迎来的又一次重大改变。事实上,悉尼地铁是澳大利亚迄今为止规模最大的基础设施项目,John McAslan + Partners设计了城市线上的两座车站,凭借在该领域的杰出经验,公司在国际上备受认可,相关作品包括伦敦国王十字车站和近期与Crossrail合作在伦敦打造的伊丽莎白线邦德街站,以及与 WSP 和 FXC在纽约市合作的大型项目宾夕法尼亚车站。

悉尼中央车站历史悠久,改造由John McAslan + Partners与Woods Bagot合作完成,日均接待旅客量预计将达近50万。同时,由John McAslan + Partners 设计的滑铁卢车站,目前服务于澳大利亚发展最迅速的社区之一。这两座车站作为交通建筑的代表,都致力于以注重清晰和平静的一致愿景,专注提升乘客的日常体验。

©Brett Boardman

由Woods Bagot与John McAslan + Partners共同设计

John McAslan + Partners所打造的悉尼中央车站,整合了现存的一座建于20世纪早期的总站,并彰显了车站的历史建筑。这为车站的新中心——一个拥有顶部天窗的宽敞大厅提供了背景,使其成为新的北大厅。流入空间的自然光线与巨大的拱形屋顶,让这个通风流畅的空间延续了车站大厅的宏伟传统。对于许多人来说,这个引人注目的新公共空间代表着他们对这座城市的第一印象。John McAslan + Partners与负责地铁部分的建筑师Woods Bagot合作完成了这座车站。

©Brett Boardman

由John McAslan + Partners设计

在滑铁卢车站,John McAslan + Partners的悉尼工作室与当地艺术家密切合作,将本土特征融入车站的建筑中。作为滑铁卢地铁区中心的重要地标,车站占据了整个城市街区。方案下一阶段涉及一座拥有上盖开发项目的公共广场,项目目前正在建设中。

©Peter Bennetts

John McAslan + Partners是一家国际知名的建筑设计公司,在交通基础设施、文化、教育、综合用途和景观设计方面拥有广受好评的代表作品。公司对旧建筑的改造更新使其备受推崇,与各个规模的政府、机构和私人客户合作,并注重公共效益。公司因卓越的设计荣获了众多国际奖项。新近完成的著名项目包括位于苏格兰格拉斯哥的巴勒珍藏馆更新(2023 年艺术基金年度博物馆)、伦敦邦德街车站和大英博物馆的考古研究中心。

©Peter Bennetts

The much-anticipated Sydney Metro City line is now open. This is a major milestone for Sydney Metro and it represents the most transformational change to the city since the opening of the Harbour Bridge in 1932. In fact, Sydney Metro is Australia's largest infrastructure project to date and with two stations designed by John McAslan + Partners on the City line, the practice is building internationally on highly recognised experience at King's Cross London and, more recently, with Crossrail at Bond Street Station on London's Elizabeth Line, and on a vast collaborative project with WSP and FXC at Penn Station in New York City.

The practice's transformation at the historic Sydney Central Station together with Woods Bagot is expected to receive nearly half-a-million travellers per day. John McAslan + Partners also designed Waterloo Station that is now serving one of Australia's fastest growing neighbourhoods. Both stations are representative of an approach to transport architecture that seeks to emphasise clarity and calm with a unifying vision focussed on elevating the day-to-day passenger experience. 

©Peter Bennetts

Project credit: Designed by Woods Bagot with John McAslan + Partners

John McAslan + Partners' work at Sydney Central Station integrates the existing early 20th Century terminus and celebrates the historic fabric of the station. This acts as a backdrop to the station's new centrepiece – a dramatic, spacious top-lit hall that acts as the new Northern Concourse. Natural light flows into the space interchange and with its vast vaulted roof, this airy space plays on the tradition of the grand station hall. For many this dramatic new lofty public space will be their first impression of the city.  John McAslan + Partners collaborated with the Metro component architects Woods Bagot on the Station.

Project credit: Designed by John McAslan + Partners

At Waterloo Station, John McAslan + Partners' Sydney studio has worked closely with local artists to integrate the Indigenous identity of the area into the architecture of the station. The station is an important landmark at the centre of the Waterloo Metro Quarter, occupying an entire city block. It addresses a public square with an overstation development currently under construction on site as the next stage of the scheme. 

John McAslan + Partners is an internationally renowned architecture and design practice with a critically acclaimed portfolio across transport infrastructure, culture, education, mixed-use and landscape. The practice is highly regarded for turning old into new, and works with civic, institutional, and private clients at every scale, with a focus on the public good.  lobal awards for design excellence. Notable recently completed projects include the renewal of The Burrell Collection in Glasgow, Scotland – the 2023 Art Fund Museum of the Year; Bond Street Station in London and the British Museum's Archaeological Research Centre.

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