中英双语美文对英语口语的练习很有帮助,也是积累英语考试中写作,翻译素材的好资料,加油吧! Changing The Past改变过去 The past is the past for a reason.过去的事就随它去。That is where it is supposed to stay.一切都是天意。But some cannot let it go.但总有些人沉湎其中。In their heads, it eats away.任其侵蚀自己。Until all their focus becomes, the person they used to be.直达某天,"我本可做""我本不该做"。The mistakes they made in their life.成了生活的重心。Oh, if only they could see.唉,真希望他们能知道。That you cannot change what happened.你改变不了过去。No matter how hard you try.任凭你怎么努力。No matter how much you think about it.任凭你怎么挂念。No matter how much you cry.任凭你留多少眼泪,都无济于事。What happens in your lifetime.生活里的事。Happens for reasons unknown.皆事出有因。So you have to let the cards unfold.所以一切交给命运。Let your story be shown.你的人生由它讲述。Don't get wrapped up in the negative.别被消极所束缚。Be happy with what you have been given.对已有的心怀感恩。Live for today not tomorrow.活在当下。Get up, get out, and start living.敢想敢做,真正开始生活。Because the past is the past for a reason.过去的事就过去了,都是天意。It's been, and now it is gone.事既成,现已去。So stop trying to think of ways to fix it.不要绞尽脑汁的想弥补过去了。It's done, it's unchangeable; move on.木已成舟,无从改变。抬头,向前。 来源:华研英语