
文摘   2024-12-05 07:12   美国  


译者按:据《欧洲商业新闻》(bne IntelliNews)123日报道,由于俄罗斯通货膨胀率不断攀升,物价不断上涨,而俄罗斯联邦警卫局雇员的工资却一直停滞不前,为了补贴家用,他们不得不去做副业,如开出租车、送快递等。



Putin’s bodyguards are working food delivery and taxi jobs as wages stagnate



Employees of the Federal Guard Service (FSO) in Russia have turned to side jobs, such as taxi driving and courier work, due to stagnant wages and infrequent bonuses.

由于工资停滞不前,奖金也不能定期发放,俄罗斯联邦警卫局(Federal Guard Service)的雇员们已经开始从事副业,如开出租、送快递等。


That’s according to Baza, a Russian online outlet believed to have links to the country’s security services.



The FSO is tasked with protecting senior state officials, including the President of Russia, and maintaining security at critical sites, such as the Kremlin and the Novo-Ogaryovo estate. Despite the sensitive nature of their roles, FSO employees earn an average monthly salary of RUB80,000-RUB110,000 ($752–1,034), a figure that has remained static for years due to a lack of wage indexation. Rising inflation and higher living costs have strained household budgets, forcing many staff to seek additional income in sectors such as e-commerce, security and delivery services.

联邦警卫局的任务是保护包括俄罗斯总统在内的高级国家级官员,维护克里姆林宫和新奥加廖沃(Novo-Ogaryovo)庄园等重要场所的安全。尽管联邦警卫局员工的角色非常敏感,但他们的平均月薪只有8万至11万卢布(相当于752美元至 1034美元),由于他们的工资并未随着物价指数浮动,这一数字多年来一直保持不变。通货膨胀率不断攀升,生活成本越来越高,使他们的家庭预算捉襟见肘,迫使许多员工在电子商务、安保和快递服务等行业兼职,以寻求额外收入。


Dissatisfaction has been fuelled further by cuts to bonuses, including the anticipated New Year payment, which was expected to amount to half a month’s salary but is now likely to be reduced. This, combined with stagnant wages, has left many feeling undervalued. Nevertheless, many FSO employees remain in their positions to retain pension benefits.



This trend highlights broader issues of wage stagnation in Russia, with many courier salaries now reportedly exceeding some entry-level IT roles.



