年 份:2022
地 区:西尔米奥奈 意大利
Location : Sirmione, Italy
客 户 :Terme di Sirmione Spa
Client:Terme di Sirmione Spa
建筑项目:Iosa Ghini Associati srl
Architectural project: Iosa Ghini Associati srl
照明项目:Iosa Ghini Associati srl
Lighting project:Iosa Ghini Associati srl
摄 影:Courtesy of Terme di Sirmione Store
Photographer:Courtesy of Terme di Sirmione Store
产 品:Laser、Quick BLE
Products:Laser、Quick BLE
空间概念是Massimo Iosa Ghini作品的标志。以流畅设计为特征的线条与有机形式相结合,实现了人体工程学和视觉舒适性以及情感风格。新店的主要特色是一条流畅的蓝光线,环绕着桌子所在的中央“碗”。
This decision to emphasize the narrative strength of brands without overwriting them with his own personal style is typical of this architect. To distinguish the Terme di Sirmione flagship store, Iosa Ghini identified four codifiers. The first is the town of Sirmione, a well-known Italian location with distinctive tourist attractions that the studio has included in the brand’s skyline logo.
新旗舰店的空间构成由人造光设计明确界定。空间周围布置了激光嵌入式灯具,所有灯具的色温均为3000K,聚光灯聚焦在入口附近的显示器上。相同类型的灯具,但配有中等光学元件,用于照亮收银台区域。RGB Underscore 18灯线已安装在架子和中央碗的底部。
The spatial composition of the new flagship store is clearly defined by the artificial light design. Laser recessed luminaires, all with a 3000 K colour temperature and spot optics focused on the displays near the entrance, have been arranged around the perimeter of the space. The same type of luminaire, but fitted with medium optics, is used to light the cash desk areas. RGB Underscore 18 light lines have been fitted at the base of the shelving and central bowl.
架子上的嵌入式灯具和灯线由Quick BLE管理系统控制,该系统可以创建始终存在蓝色的不同场景。白天,灯100%打开,以平衡自然采光,不会给人一种空间封闭的印象,晚上和夜间则调暗至75%。对于特殊活动,可以使用iGuzzini Smart Light 2应用程序或通过Wi-Fi按钮面板手动调用不同的颜色,包括白色、蓝色、粉色、红色和绿色。
The recessed luminaires and light lines on the shelves are controlled by a Quick BLE management system that can create different scenarios in which blue is always present. The lights are switched on 100% during the day to balance the natural lighting and not give the impression that the space is closed, and dimmed to 75% during the evening and nighttime. For special events, different colours, including white, blue, pink, red and green, can be recalled using the iGuzzini Smart Light 2 app or manually through a Wi- Fi pushbutton panel.
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