建筑项目:HONNEUR SOCIETY - Antoine Bouillot
Architectural project: HONNEUR SOCIETY - Antoine Bouillot
照明项目:HONNEUR SOCIETY - Antoine Bouillot
Lighting project:HONNEUR SOCIETY - Antoine Bouillot
摄 影:Didier Boy de la Tour
Photographer:Didier Boy de la Tour
Marc Antoine Barrois在久负盛名的圣奥诺雷郊区开设了他的第一家巴黎旗舰店。这个具有象征意义的地点是对他的起源的回归,因为20年前,他正是在这里与多米尼克·西罗普和爱马仕的让-保罗·高蒂尔一起开始了他的高级时装生涯。现在,在这里,他首次展示了自己的整个宇宙,包括香水、高级定制服装、珠宝和配饰。Marc-Antoine Barrois opens his first Paris flagship in the prestigious Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. This symbolic location is a return to his origins, as it is here that he began his career in Haute Couture two decades ago alongside Dominique Sirop and Hermès’ Jean-Paul Gaultier. Now it is the place where he unveils, for the first time ever, his entire universe comprising fragrances, haute couture, jewellery and accessories.
艺术家Jean-François Fourtou在巴黎的Véro Dodat画廊创造了一个迷人的巨型蜗牛世界,并受到了奇幻故事的启发,比如爱丽丝梦游仙境或伦敦精品店的玛丽·波平斯,这个新空间是围绕镜子建造的。为了打造一座冰宫,Marc Antoine Barrois继续与建筑师兼艺术家Antoine Bouillot进行富有成果的合作,身边都是杰出的法国工匠和当代艺术家,如Le Diamantaire和Jochen Mühlenbrink。
After the enchanting world of giant snails created by the artist Jean-François Fourtou at the Galerie Véro-Dodat in Paris and the inspiration of fantastical tales, like Alice in Wonderland or Mary Poppins at his London boutique, this new space is constructed around mirrors. To create a sort of ice palace, Marc-Antoine Barrois has continued his fruitful collaboration with the architect and artist Antoine Bouillot and surrounded himself with exceptional French artisans and contemporary artists like Le Diamantaire and Jochen Mühlenbrink.雕塑家兼街头艺术家Le Diamantaire创作了一堵标志性的钻石墙,探索我们的无限和深度感。当你一进入精品店,你的注意力就会不由自主地被这面由85块镜面组成的雄伟墙壁所吸引。The sculptor and street artist, Le Diamantaire, has created a signature diamond-based wall that explores our sense of infinity and depth. As soon as you enter the boutique, your attention is drawn irresistibly to this imposing wall of 85 mirror panels.由于材料的反射和不同表面的角度不断变化,这项工作对人工照明系统的设计尤其具有挑战性。在一些房间里,天花板本身就是一面镜子,这使得很难区分什么是真实的,什么只是反射。在这个主要用于香水的镜面天花板区域,安装了LV轨道和Palco LV射灯,带有窄光和宽光配光,色温为3000K。不同的光学器件有助于创造漫射照明,有些用于突出桌子上的香水瓶,这些香水瓶本身就是由著名的木材制成的雕塑。
This work proved particularly challenging for the design of the artificial lighting system due to the material’s changing reflections and the angles of its different surfaces. In some rooms the ceiling itself is a mirror, which makes it difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is only a reflection. In this mirrored ceiling area, that is mainly dedicated to perfumery, LV tracks and Palco LV spotlights with Medium and Flood optics and a colour temperature of 3000 K, have been installed. The different optics help to create diffuse lighting, and some are used to highlight the perfume bottles positioned on tables that are in themselves sculptures made of prestigious woods.在精品店的其他房间,石制拱顶中插入了假天花板,拱顶中安装了具有不同光学特性的Laser Blade XS灯具。其中包括沿房间边缘布置的洗墙器,用于照亮装饰有绘画和照片的墙壁。在中央,Laser Blade XS高对比度灯具与超宽光配光为房间提供一般照明。小型珠宝展示柜由嵌入式 Blade Laser照明,而Palco Framer则将光束聚焦在Maison标志上。
In the other rooms in the boutique, false ceilings have been inserted in the stone vaults in which Laser Blade XS luminaires with different optics have been installed. These include wall washers arranged along the edges of the rooms to illuminate the walls that are adorned with paintings and photographs. In the centre, Laser Blade XS High Contrast luminaires with Wide Flood optics create the general lighting for the room. The small jewellery showcases are illuminated by recessed Laser luminaires while a single Palco Framer focuses a light beam on the Maison logo.
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