iGuzzini继续在设计和照明领域处于领先地位。ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale已选择五个系列和两个重要的文化项目在ADI设计指数2024中发布,这标志着在著名的第二十九届金圆规竞赛中迈出了关键一步。
iGuzzini continues to lead in the world of design and lighting. Five collections and two significant cultural projects have been selected by ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale for publication in the ADI Design Index 2024, marking a key step towards competing in the prestigious XXIX edition of the Compasso d'Oro.
在照明设计类别中,选择了以下项目:Libera(由Artec工作室设计)、Light Shed Linen(由iGuzzini设计)、Allure(由iGuzzini设计)、BeTwo(由Alfonso Femia/AF*Design设计)和Spacepad(由iGuzzini设计的)。
In the Lighting Design category, the following have been selected: Libera (design by Artec studio), Light Shed Linen (design by iGuzzini), Allure (design by iGuzzini), BeTwo (design by Alfonso Femia/ AF* Design), and Spacepad (design by iGuzzini).
这些系列是结合了先进技术和环保意识的室内和室外照明的例子。主要功能包括内部设计和生产的优化光输出和降低能耗的光学器件,以及集成的连接功能,以进一步提高效率。使用可回收和可再循环材料、以可修复性为重点的设计和循环设计方法反映了iGuzzini对可持续性的坚定承诺,正是这些品质使其入选了ADI 2024年设计指数。
These collections are examples of indoor and outdoor lighting that combine advanced technology and environmental awareness. Key features include in-house designed and produced optics that optimize light output and reduce energy consumption, alongside integrated connectivity functions to further enhance efficiency. The use of recycled and recyclable materials, repairability-focused design, and a circular design approach reflect iGuzzini's strong commitment to sustainability—qualities that led to its selection in the ADI Design Index 2024.
10月30日,在ADI设计博物馆的开幕式上,展出了2024年版的ADI设计指数。本版包括各种类别,如产品、系统、理论批判性研究和应用于设计的业务流程。随后,将于2024年11月26日至30日在罗马的Spazio WeGil举办展览。
The 2024 edition of the ADI Design Index was presented on 30 October at the ADI Design Museum during the opening of the dedicated exhibition. This edition includes a variety of categories, such as products, systems, theoretical-critical research, and business processes applied to design. It will be followed by an exhibition at Spazio WeGil in Rome from 26 to 30 November 2024.
iGuzzini has won two Compasso d'Oro awards in the past, and continues to distinguish itself for its contribution in redefining lighting experiences.
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