iGuzzini | 盖·奥兰蒂回顾展 Gae Aulenti (1927-2012)

文摘   其他   2024-11-18 18:08   上海  


  • 年       份:2024

  • Year:2024

  • 地      区:意大利 米兰三年展中心(2024年5月22日-2025年1月12日)

  • Location : Triennale Milano, 22 May 2024 – 12 January 2025 , Italy

  • 客       户 米兰三年展中心

  • Client:Triennale Milano

  • 照明项目Tspoon

  • Lighting projectTspoon

  • 摄       影Luca Rotondo

  • PhotographerLuca Rotondo

  • 产       品:Palco、Cestello

  • Products:Palco、Cestello


iGuzzini is the Triennale’s technical partner for the staging of a retrospective dedicated to Gae Aulenti, a stand-out figure in the panorama of contemporary architecture.

In the early 1990s, the company, together with the architect, devised the industrial production of a luminaire that would become a design classic: the innovative Cestello projector.

1983年,她受托将威尼斯的葛拉希宫改造成临时展览画廊的项目,并与她信任的合作者、照明设计师皮耶罗·卡斯蒂廖尼一起,着手创造当时存在的产品无法实现的照明解决方案。对于葛拉希宫,他们设计了一种全新的室内灯具概念,灵感来自体育场泛光灯。其结果是Cestello,这是一组紧凑的射灯,可以单独调整,不需要轨道。Cestello最初是以近乎手工的方式生产的,用于照亮葛拉希宫所需的特定数量的灯具,但在访问威尼斯期间,iGuzzini立即认识到该产品的突破性创新、有效性和灵活性。从那一刻起,该公司与盖·奥兰蒂和Piero Castiglioni一起开始了一项工程和工业化项目,该项目于1993年将Cestello变成了一种大规模生产的产品,并在随后的几年里取得了巨大的成功。
In 1983, she was entrusted with the project for transforming Palazzo Grassi in Venice into a gallery for temporary exhibitions and, together with the lighting designer, Piero Castiglioni, her trusted collaborator, she set about creating lighting solutions that could not be achieved with products that existed at the time. For Palazzo Grassi, they designed a completely new concept of indoor luminaire inspired by stadium floodlights. The result was Cestello, a compact group of projectors that can be adjusted individually and do not require tracks. Cestello was initially produced in an almost craft fashion for the specific number of fixtures required to light Palazzo Grassi, but during a visit to Venice, iGuzzini immediately recognised the product's groundbreaking innovation, effectiveness and flexibility. From that moment on, the company along with Gae Aulenti and Piero Castiglioni embarked on an engineering and industrialisation project that, in 1993, turned Cestello into a mass-produced product that became extremely successful in the years that followed.

iGuzzini是米兰三年展Gae Aulenti(1927-2012)回顾展的照明合作伙伴。这涉及与Tspoon工作室合作,为展览的舞台照明提供所需的技术解决方案,其中包括一条沉浸式和引人入胜的展览路径,引导参观者参观建筑师最重要的13件作品,这些作品以1:1的比例复制,并辅以模型、图纸和复古家具。
iGuzzini is the lighting partner for the Gae Aulenti (1927-2012) exhibition at Triennale Milano. This has involved working together with the Tspoon studio to supply the technical solutions needed for the show’s staging lighting which includes an immersive and engaging exhibition path that guides the visitor through 13 of the architect’s most important creations, reproduced on a scale of 1:1 and enhanced by models, drawings and vintage furnishings.

The ‘Reaching the Sea’ section is illuminated by iSign luminaires installed on the ceiling behind curtains to create a gentle, diffuse light effect.

随后是1968年布宜诺斯艾利斯Olivetti展厅的复制品,其中嵌入式Reflex灯具(Ø125 mm)被放置在天花板上,而不是找不到的原始灯具。
This is followed by a reproduction of the 1968 Olivetti Showroom in Buenos Aires, where recessed Reflex luminaires (Ø 125 mm) have been positioned on the ceiling instead of the original fixtures that could not be found.

For the area dedicated to Fiat Showroom in Zurich, where semi-recessed luminaires were used that protruded slightly from the ceiling, our solution was to use the parabolas of certain iGuzzini luminaires, fitted with lamps the staging designer decided were closest to the originals.

1973年,盖·奥兰蒂策划了“Christo alla Rotonda della Besana”展览,我们为Underscore 15灯具提供了高轮廓和蛋白石屏幕,用于天花板背光。选择这种解决方案是为了创造一种柔和的漫射光感,色温为3000K,适用于所有展厅。

In daytime, natural light creates a luminous atmosphere inside the hall by altering the movement and relationship between light and shadow. While at night, the lighting is handled very differently due to the architecture.


The visitor path also passes through a reproduction of the central room at the Musée d'Orsay, where classical sculptures are alternated with benches. Here the lighting is provided by Palco projectors that are part of the permanent installation at Triennale.

Cestello射灯用于重建葛拉希宫的一部分。在这种情况下,我们借出了8个12单元的Cestello射灯,这些灯是为这个特定的安装而生产的。这些已经安装了点和介质光学器件。在Spazio Oberdan的专用区域,使用了带LED灯的4方形框架灯具。

The Cestello luminaire is used in the section where part of Palazzo Grassi is reconstructed. In this case we lent eight 12-unit Cestello luminaires that were produced for this specific installation. These have been fitted with spot and medium optics. In the section dedicated to Spazio Oberdan, 4-square unit Frame luminaires with LED lamps have been used.


The exhibition ends with a 1:1 scale reproduction of Perugia airport where, as per the original, two 4-rectangular unit Cestello luminaires are installed in the building’s structure. This required a special version of the luminaire, as the industrially produced one was track-installed.


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