工作团队:张翔 郭梦捷 陈萱 林婉婷 高麟 金雯 段敏 吴珈瑜 冯文麒 黄瑞铃
Work Team: Zhang Xiang, Guo Mengjie, Chen Xuan, Lin Wanting, Gao Lin, Jin Wen, Duan Min, Wu Jiayu, Feng Wenlin, Huang Ruiling
Venue: 0120 Lecture Hall, Teaching Building, Changgang Campus, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Forum Theme
Up to now, the study of Chinese modern art history has entered a deep and wide level, benefit from the mining and sorting of data, as well as the expansion of vision, some of the discussion enters into a detailed analysis of images, language, and the complex background and context involved in artists and work. Because of this "close reading", some accustomed cognition has been subverted, and some hidden phenomena and historical facts have been revealed. More importantly, on this basis, the concepts and methods of research in this area have gradually emerged, and some scholars have systematically sorted out and summarized their own methodology, which is based on their own specific work and context, rather than general philosophic and ideological concepts. This forum hopes to introduce the latest exploration in this field in order to form discussion and encounter, and also promote the updating of the paradigm of the study of Chinese modern art history.
Opening Ceremony
梁江 中国美术馆原副馆长、广州美术学院中国近现代美术研究所原所长
胡斌 广州美术学院中国近现代美术研究所所长、艺术与人文学院院长
Leader of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Liang Jiang Former Deputy Director of the National Art Museum of China, Former director of the GAFA Research Center for Chinese Modern Art
Hu Bin Director of the GAFA Research Center for Chinese Modern Art and Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Group photo
Path and Field of Vision (9:30-11:30)
Individual Cases and Methods (14:00-15:20)
Host: Guo Weiqi
万新华 江苏省美术馆研究馆员、副馆长
Wan Xinhua Research Librarian and Deputy Director of Jiangsu Art Museum
Encounter Method: Thoughts on the Research of Fu Baoshi
李若晴 广州美术学院教授、《美术学报》编辑部主任(常务副主编)
Li Ruoqing Professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Editorial Director (Executive Deputy editor) of Art Journal
From World Attractions to Local Landscapes: the Modern Development of Luofu Mountain and its Realistic Landscape Painting and Photography (1920-1938)
赖德霖 美国路易维尔大学美术系美术史与建筑史摩根讲席教授
Lai Delin Associate Professor in Art Department of University of Louisville
Image Concept and Context: an Analysis of Liang Sicheng's A Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture
丁澜翔 深圳市关山月美术馆副研究员、广州美术学院中国近现代美术研究所研究员
身体作为方法——张仁芝《炉前》与1950 年代炼钢再现的感觉激活
Ding Lanxiang Associate researcher of Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, and Researcher of the GAFA Research Center for Chinese Modern Art
The Body as a Method: In Front of the Furnace by Zhang Renzhi and the Sensory Activation of the Reappearance of Steelmaking in the 1950s
Media and Concept (15:30-16:50)
李伟铭 广州美术学院中国画学院教授
艾姝 中山大学历史学系副教授
郑梓煜 中山大学新闻传播学院副教授
杨简茹 广州美术学院跨媒体艺术学院教授
何小特 广州美术学院美术馆展览部主任
王艾 广州美术学院中国画学院副研究员
陈旭 广州美术学院图像与历史高等研究院助理研究员
王琳 广州美术学院中国近现代美术研究所助理研究员
Host: Hu Bin
Li Wei Ming Professor of School of Chinese Painting, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Ai Shu Associate Professor of Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University
Zheng Ziyu Associate Professor at School of Journalism and Communication, Sun Yat-sen University
Yang Jianru Professor of School of Transmedia, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
He Xiaote Director of Exhibition Department of Art Museum, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Wang Ai Associate Researcher of School of Chinese Painting, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Chen Xu Assistant researcher of Advanced Research Institute of Images and History, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Wang Lin Assistant researcher of the GAFA Research Center for Chinese Modern Art
And all the attending guests
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核稿:许珍 黄富源