《中国国际政治季刊》(The China Journal of International Politics)创刊于2006年,2012年进入SSCI,迄今仍是中国大陆主办的唯一一份政治学SSCI专业期刊。自创刊以来,CJIP坚持发表原创性学术研究成果,重点推动国际关系理论创新和中国对外关系方面的研究,发表了诸多国内外知名学者的文章。CJIP发表的文章在东亚、欧洲和北美三地学者间保持了较好的平衡,在促进国际关系理论多元化发展方面发挥了独特作用。2022年该刊影响因子为2.0,在96份国际关系类SSCI期刊中名列第39,是亚洲地区排名最高的国际关系类SSCI期刊。
Is There a Chinese School of IR Theory?
A Relational Analysis of Exceptionalism: Connecting Liberalism with Confucian Multilateralism and Emotion
Why there is Now Non-Western International Relations Theory
Forum: Debating the Chinese School(s) of IR Theory
The Use and Misuse of East Asian History in IR Theorizing
题目:Is There a Chinese School of IR Theory?
作者:Peter J Katzenstein,康奈尔大学政府系国际研究教授。
Is there a Chinese School of International Relations (IR) Theory? My answer to this question is ambivalent. Although a Chinese school of IR theory does not exist in the singular, it does exist in the plural. If “birds of a feather flock together,” then the difference in approaches taken by Chinese scholars is as relevant as is the fact that the scholars are all Chinese. The Tsinghua School and moral realism share much with classical realism. Cultural relationalism also offers a distinctive Chinese approach as do Gongsheng/symbiotic and tianxia approaches. That said, Chinese IR scholarship shares with IR scholarship in America, Europe, and the rest of the world its firm anchor in the Newtonian mechanical worldview of the late 19th century. Natural sciences, such as quantum mechanics and scientific cosmology, meanwhile concluded long ago that Newtonianism offers an often practicable yet constricted view of the world. In contrast, the humanities operate with a worldview fully consonant with 20th century physics. It is the social sciences and the analysis of IR which continues to adhere to the mechanical worldview common in the late 19th century—in China and the rest of the world. In both “China” and “the West” IR, scholars are tapping their canes against the pavement, seeking to fathom what will happen next. If historians and semantic modelers are right, like the future, the past is never distant. Always open to reinterpretation, it is like the future—unpredictable.
题目:A Relational Analysis of Exceptionalism: Connecting Liberalism with Confucian Multilateralism and Emotion
The literature on exceptionalism is preoccupied with its distinctive national sources and resultantly differing styles. Exceptionalism has thus become almost synonymous with culture and identity, rather than international relations (IRs). The paper instead argues that exceptionalism reveals a relational identity that both informs and is informed by a multilateral relation prior to the emergence of exceptionalism. It also argues that all relational systems seek expansion and coexistence. Based upon a comparative study of Confucian and liberal multilateral relationalities, a similar cycle of engagement, conversion, disengagement, and learning is applicable to both. Two exceptionalisms in multilateral relationality differ, however. American exceptionalism embraces a transcendent identity with which to contrast with the rest, who share the same identity and are expected to follow the same rules. Chinese exceptionalism contrarily envisions a superior, benevolent identity to ensure harmony and peace among all, who share no collective identity. The paper traces how Confucianism diverges from liberalism with regard to what accounts for multilateralism—inclusiveness versus rule-based governance, and benevolent exceptions versus universal rights—and the resulting orientations during encounters with strangers. The last section before the conclusion corresponds to the growing attention in IRs theorising to the factor of emotion. Such rational–emotional connectivity—between exceptionalism and emotion—can further attest to the promise of the relational agenda in explaining pluriversal IRs.
题目:Why there is Now Non-Western International Relations Theory
Over the past two decades, Chinese international relations scholars have embarked on a journey of innovative thinking in world politics. The endeavour has borne theoretical fruits that both complement existing paradigms and potentially constitute a distinct “Chinese school” of international relations. Contrary to common misconceptions, this emerging school seeks not to challenge Western theoretical hegemony outright, but rather to reflect the organic evolution of Chinese intellectual contributions, independent of direct government influence. Notably, such theories as gongsheng/symbiosis have, in diverging from Western IR frameworks, matured autonomously. The emergence of a “Chinese school” thus heralds a significant stride towards a more inclusive Global IR programme.
题目:Forum: Debating the Chinese School(s) of IR Theory
作者:鲁鹏,华东政法大学政府管理学院教授;任晓,北京外国语大学区域与全球治理高等研究院教授,复旦大学国际问题研究院教授;Toni Erskine,澳大利亚国立大学亚太事务学院教授;Stefano Guzzini,欧洲大学学院政治与社会科学系教授,日内瓦高等学院国际关系与政治学系兼职教授;Barry Buzan,伦敦政治经济学院国际关系系名誉教授;Beate Jahn,萨塞克斯大学国际关系系名誉教授;Justin Rosenberg,萨塞克斯大学国际关系系名誉教授。
The papers in this Forum, along with eight papers consecutively published in previous and current issues of this journal, constitute a special symposium, which engages in a dialogue between the “Chinese School” of International Relations (IR) theory and “Western” IR theories. The contributors are renowned Western theorists representing various Western paradigms and leading Chinese theorists from the three branches of the Chinese School, namely “moral realism,” “relational theory,” and “symbiosis theory.” The dialogue between the Chinese School and Western theories has become feasible due to recent theoretical breakthroughs achieved by the former and the observed efforts to enhance theoretical diversity in the latter. Contributors from both sides are committed to fostering an equal, comprehensive, and constructive dialogue. Western theorists provide an evaluation of the Chinese School as a whole and delve into the specifics of its branches. They compare the Chinese School with Western theories, highlighting similarities and differences, reflecting on shared issues, identifying both contributions and shortcomings of the Chinese School, and proposing solutions for its further development. In response, Chinese School scholars reiterate their theoretical concerns and refine their theoretical stances accordingly. This dialogue demonstrates the potential for Chinese and Western theorists to overcome language and cultural barriers to achieve mutual understanding and valuable collaboration.
题目:The Use and Misuse of East Asian History in IR Theorizing
The past two decades have witnessed a wave of research into the history of East Asian international relations (IR). Scholars seek to broaden the historical frames of reference in IR for both theory testing and theory generation. The article reviews this recent trend, examining its limitations and exploring future agenda. In studying historical East Asian IR, scholars have different expectations regarding whether their research would support, complement, or undermine mainstream Western IR. The spatial and temporal scope of their historical inquiries, as well as theoretical ambitions, therefore, differ significantly. Scholars no longer treat all East Asian history as simply one case, but as multiple cases with divergent patterns, and they recognize that the system consisted not solely of China but of multiple actors. In addition to contrasting East Asia with Western Europe, they explore also the similarities between East Asia and other non-Western regions. To advance the agenda, however, scholars must scrupulously navigate three tensions. They are: the tension between the “East” and “West”; the tension between the two disciplines of history and IR; and the tension between past and present. Future studies, therefore, must broaden their horizons in order to better transcend ethnocentrism and exceptionalism, refine their methodology both to avoid selection bias and conduct more sophisticated comparisons, and to maintain a proper distance from contemporary politics. Most importantly, they should combine high-quality historical research with cutting-edge IR theoretical trends to construct dynamic theories that could be applied to other regions.
编译 | 汪平平
审校 | 张潇文
排版 | 张俊枫
本文源于《中国国际政治季刊》(CJIP)Volume 17, Issue 3 (2024),本文为公益分享,服务于科研教学,不代表本平台观点。如有疏漏,欢迎指正。