
文摘   2025-01-18 22:20   美国  

Fin-de-siècle Russia and Chinese Aesthetics: The Other is the Universal

Oxford University Press, 2024

ISBN: 9780198920397




Like their European counterparts, Russian modernism also flourished in a sustained dialogue with China. In Fin-de-siècle Russia and Chinese Aesthetics, Jinyi Chu reconsiders Russia’s place in the genealogy of global modernism and argues that fin-de-siècle Russian ideas about increasing global cultural and socioeconomic interconnectedness emerged from unsettling encounters with China. Drawing on literary texts, paintings, advertisements, official documents, and archival sources, Chu reconstructs an array of surprising stories about Russo-Chinese cultural interactions, from Innokenty Annensky’s encounter with a Tibetan monk in Paris, Aleksei Remizov’s adaptations of Chinese ghost stories, and Lev Tolstoy’s translations of the Daoist canon, to Ilya Mashkov’s fauvist painting of a Chinese fairy. Fin-de-siècle Russia and Chinese Aesthetics moves beyond the idea that Russian literary and artistic representations of China were simply manifestations of Russia’s Eurasian cultural identity. Instead, Chu shows that literature and art actively renegotiated and destabilized the preconceived world order at a time when China shifted from Russia’s rival in Inner Asia to a target in the competition among global imperialist powers.


初金一,耶鲁大学斯拉夫语言文学系助理教授,麦克米兰国际中心欧洲研究理事会和东亚研究理事会研究员,斯坦福大学博士,上海外国语大学硕士、学士,复旦大学中华文明研究中心、俄罗斯科学院俄罗斯文学研究所访问学者。主要研究方向为俄国现代主义、俄国诗歌,翻译研究、社会主义文化、中俄文化关系等;著有Fin-de-siècle Russia and Chinese Aesthetics: The Other is the Universal(牛津大学出版社,2024年);发表有中英文文章二十余篇;译有《陀思妥耶夫斯基传》《<日瓦戈医生>出版记》等。

Jinyi Chu is Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures and a faculty fellow at the European Studies Council and the Council on East Asian Studies at the MacMillan Center at Yale University. He received his PhD from Stanford University and his MA and BA from Shanghai International Studies University. Chu’s research focuses on Russian modernism, poetry, socialist culture, translation studies, and Sino-Russian relations. He is the author of the monograph Fin-de-siècle Russia and Chinese Aesthetics: The Other is the Universal (Oxford UP, 2024) among many articles written in English and Chinese. Chu is also the Chinese translator of Joseph Frank’s Dostoevsky: A Writer in His Time among other scholarly and literary works in English and Russian.




“Erudite and original, this book will make a serious contribution to our understanding of Russian modernism in its self-reflexive dialogue with Chinese culture. In addition to fine-grained philological analysis, the reader would encounter some exciting detective work that uncovers significant yet so far overlooked intellectual affinities.”

—Galin Tihanov, Queen Mary University of London



“With his deep knowledge of Chinese and Russian culture, Jinyi Chu is uniquely qualified to explore the modernist “invention of China” in fin-de-siècle Russia. His book offers fascinating insights into the work of major Russian novelists and poets through his innovative interpretive lens of meta-exoticism.”

—Adrian Wanner, Pennsylvania State University



“Pushing beyond the Orientalist paradigm, Fin-de-siècle Russia and Chinese Aesthetics reframes the Russian modernist engagement with Chinese aesthetics as a search for an expanded sense of universalism that could overcome the false universality of a Eurocentric cultural order. Linguistically dexterous and intellectually daring, with a methodological range that encompasses religious philosophy, aesthetic theory, scrupulous philology, and translation analysis, Jinyi Chu's book makes a major contribution to our understanding of modernism as well as the cultural history of the Sino-Russian relationship.”

—Edward Tyerman, University of California, Berkeley




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Events | Global Session@Future Memory Series 2023

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