《国际研究季刊》(International Studies Quarterly)是国际研究协会(ISA)的旗舰期刊,旨在发布与国际研究中重要的理论、实证和规范主题相关的领先学者研究。本刊发表的文章以某种有意义的方式参与了跨越国家边界的政治、经济、社会或文化进程,旨在提供解释性难题的答案、展示原创性研究、探索国际理论中的主题,或以其他方式介入学科辩论。尽管本刊文章通常具有政策含义——我们鼓励作者阐明这些含义,但与它们的学术目的相比,这些含义是次要的。
“If Foreign, Then Cleaner”: Individual Corruption Perceptions and Support for Free Trade in Developing Nations
Judicialization and Public Support for Compliance with International Commitments
Whitewashing American Exceptionalism: Racialized Subject-Positioning and US Foreign Policy
Russia's Leadership in Eurasia: Holding Together or Falling Apart?
The Ripple Effects of the Illegitimacy of War
How Bureaucrats Represent Economic Interests: Partisan Control over Trade Adjustment Assistance
National Identity and the Limits of Platform Power in the Global Economy
The Politics of Punishment: Why Dictators Join the International Criminal Court
Individuals, Disaggregation of the State, and Negotiation Tactics: Evidence from the European Union
Organizational Bricolage and Insurgent Group Effectiveness in Cities: The Formation and Initial Urban Campaign of the Movement of the 19th of April in Colombia(1973–1980)
The Dynamic Effects of UN SEA Reporting on the Actions of Peacekeeping Contributing Countries
The Tyranny of Supply: Natural Resources and Rebel Territorial Control in Civil Conflicts
Trading with Frenemies: How Economic Diplomacy Affects Exports Get access Arrow
Border Barriers and Illicit Trade Flows
Reputations and Change in International Relations
Gender Wars? Diplomacy as a Depolarizing Practice in International Politics of Gender and Sexuality
Promoting Law Beyond the State
Developing-Country Representation and Public Attitudes toward International Organizations: The Case of IMF Governance Reform
Network Context and the Effectiveness of International Agreements
International Conflict, Border Security, and State Capacity: Case of British India
题目:“If Foreign, Then Cleaner”: Individual Corruption Perceptions and Support for Free Trade in Developing Nations
作者:Dihan Shi,圣路易斯华盛顿大学政治学系博士生,研究兴趣是使用空间统计、调查实验和计算机视觉来研究比较政治经济学和公众舆论;Guillermo Rosas,圣路易斯华盛顿大学政治学教授,研究兴趣包括比较政治经济学和拉丁美洲立法政治。
Extant literature on public opinion in international political economy documents the role that domestic corruption perceptions play in the formation of mass attitudes toward a range of integration-related foreign policies. Based on this precedent, we conjecture that corruption perceptions also affect opinions toward free trade. We build on a heuristic approach to attitude formation where individual perceptions of corruption among the political elite trigger positive attitudes toward foreign countries, firms, and products, what we refer to as a “foreignness cue.” This cue drives individuals with high perceptions of corruption to be more supportive of free trade. Based on survey data from eighteen Latin American countries, we demonstrate that higher levels of perceived domestic corruption are associated with greater support for free trade. Causal mediation analysis provides additional evidence that positive attitudes toward foreign countries and firms are a conduit through which the corruption perceptions effect operates. We also offer evidence of external validity of the main effect by analyzing additional surveys on a distinct set of less and more developed countries. Our heuristic-based model of support for free trade complements theories based on material self-interest as a basis for attitude formation in the realm of trade policy.
题目:Judicialization and Public Support for Compliance with International Commitments
作者:Harlan Cohen,福特汉姆法学院法学教授,研究兴趣是国际法、国际贸易、国际法理论、全球治理和美国外交关系法;Ryan Powers,佐治亚大学公共与国际事务学院国际事务系助理教授,研究兴趣是使用调查和实验来了解公众和政策精英如何看待全球经济和外交政策。
What effect does judicializing international commitments have on incentives to comply with international law? We study this question using experiments embedded in a survey of the American public. We find that non-compliance signals from an international court work precisely as theories of non-compliance anticipate, raising perceptions of legal obligation and support for returning to compliance relative to non-compliance signals from foreign state parties (i.e., the “victims” in a given dispute). At the same time, we find that signals from courts are no more (and no less) effective in generating public support for returning to compliance than identical non-compliance signals sent by international organizations or domestic political elites. These results suggest that courts are not uniquely positioned to shape the politics of compliance and that the often-rancorous debates over institutional design may be just as much about conflicts over institutional control as they are about conflicts over institutional forms or labels.
题目:Whitewashing American Exceptionalism: Racialized Subject-Positioning and US Foreign Policy
作者:Richard W Maass,欧道明大学政治与地理学副教授,研究兴趣包括美国学术政策、国际安全、国际法、大战略、种族与学术政策以及学术史。
American exceptionalism is enjoying a revival of scholarly interest amid new approaches to studying foreign policy narratives and unease regarding how US policymakers will manage a less unipolar international system. That revival coincides temporally, though not yet substantively, with growing attention to racialized dynamics and Eurocentrism within international relations. This article examines how core strands of American exceptionalism—the prevailing narrative framing of US foreign policy—reflect a whitewashed understanding of US foreign policy that can best be understood as the product of racialized subject-positioning that saturated its historical development. After conceptualizing American exceptionalism, it develops a theoretical framework to capture how racialized subject-positioning stratifies understandings of a nation’s role in the world. It proceeds to investigate how this process shaped the development of American exceptionalism in line with epistemologies of immanence, ignorance, and innocence, producing exceptionalist narratives that neglect non-white populations as meaningful others in the construction of US national identity and that negate US interactions with those groups as relevant evidence that might undercut its exceptionalism. These whitewashing effects remained embedded even as overtly racist discourse became delegitimized, posing enduring obstacles for US diplomacy today.
题目:Russia’s Leadership in Eurasia: Holding Together or Falling Apart?
作者:Sean Roberts,温彻斯特大学政治和国际关系高级讲师,研究领域是俄罗斯的外交和安全政策、俄罗斯国内政治、威权政权动态、后苏联地区的区域一体化;Ulrike Ziemer,温彻斯特大学社会科学系社会学高级讲师,研究兴趣在于性别、移民和侨民社会学,尤其关注俄罗斯和南高加索地区的跨国主义和世界主义。
The Russo–Ukraine War raises important questions on the dynamics of regional leadership and followership in what may be termed “Russian-led Eurasia.” These questions, in particular, the strength of Russian leadership in the region is complicated by the ambiguity in existing literature and competing images of Russia’s relations with long-standing allies—notably Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan—which are often portrayed in terms of a “community of fate” or partners destined for closer integration but also as a “community of fortune” or ad hoc, situational partners, loosely centered on Russia. This article offers an innovative theoretical and methodological exploration of Russia's relations with regional partner states by utilizing the English School of International Relations and regional integration organizations to assess Russia's regional leadership. As argued in this article, Russian-led Eurasia may be understood as an example of a regional interstate society with Russian hegemony serving as a socially conferred, binding institution. But this hegemony is inherently unstable owing to Russia's inability to balance hegemonic “rights” with “responsibilities.” War in Ukraine did not create this problem, but it has created the conditions for leadership transition in the region.
题目:The Ripple Effects of the Illegitimacy of War
作者:Joseph O’Mahoney,雷丁大学政治与国际关系系副教授,研究主要探讨战争、武力使用和核武器的规范和规则如何影响国家行为,以及它们如何变化、持续和被操纵。
Recent data show systematic changes in the diplomacy and practice of war. Conquests, peace treaties, declarations of war, and state boundary changes have declined or disappeared. There are still wars, but they are increasingly fait accomplis, and their outcomes are often not recognized as legal. How can we explain this wide-ranging but seemingly contradictory transformation? Existing accounts, such as those based on a territorial integrity norm, do not adequately explain these changes. This paper uses norm dynamics theory to show that all of these changes can be explained as ‘ripple effects’ of war becoming illegitimate as a way to solve international disputes. The kinds of rhetorical justifications states can convincingly give for engaging in violence have changed. States are navigating this changed international social environment through legitimacy management behaviors. The paper specifies three types of ripple effect, Reframing, Displacement, and Consistency-Maintenance, corresponding to changes in what states say, the actions they perform, and how the audience reacts. We show how this theory unifies all of the existing data into a single explanatory framework. We also apply the theory to the decline of peace treaties to show how ripple effects play out in more detail.
题目:How Bureaucrats Represent Economic Interests: Partisan Control over Trade Adjustment Assistance
作者:Minju KIM,雪城大学政治学系助理教授,研究兴趣为国内和国际机构中的官僚个体。
Embedded liberalism prescribes compensating workers hurt by globalization, but government compensation programs are often criticized for their lack of responsiveness. I explain the lack of responsiveness by illuminating bureaucrats who approve the compensation programs in the frontline. I examine how career bureaucrats distribute Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) benefits, the single largest federal program in the United States that compensates workers displaced by international trade. Exploiting the quasi-random assignment of TAA petitions to individual investigators at different stages of their careers, I find that career bureaucrats are less likely to certify TAA petitions and are more likely to delay investigations during Republican presidencies relative to Democratic presidencies. This partisan performance, however, applies uniquely to career bureaucrats who are not tenured and increases in magnitude during periods of high alignment between labor and the Democratic Party. The political sustainability of globalization depends on an institutional design that shapes the career incentives of bureaucrats.
题目:National Identity and the Limits of Platform Power in the Global Economy
作者:Tyler Girard,普渡大学政治学系助理教授,研究主要探讨数字技术和技术变革的政治经济学。
Among the defining features of the contemporary global economy are the digital disruption of economic sectors and the accompanying political and regulatory conflicts. Across the world, multinational technology firms have mobilized consumers as a key ally in these conflicts, a critical element of the platform power they wield. In this article, I examine how non-consumer identities can limit the exercise of platform power by such firms. By synthesizing the concept of platform power with research on political consumerism and national identity, I argue that activating national identity can generate opposition to policies favorable to multinational technology firms and, in turn, curtail their ability to appeal to public support. Empirically, this article uses an online, nationally representative survey fielded in Canada. I explore the determinants of support for global regulatory cooperation and the domestic policy status quo, as well as the causal effect of consumer and national identity framing using vignette experiments across three issue areas: banking, telecommunications, and taxation. The findings reveal that activating consumer identities consistently shifts support but the effect of national identity is more variable. This article thus contributes to scholarship on the digital economic transformation and the exercise of business power in the global economy.
题目:The Politics of Punishment: Why Dictators Join the International Criminal Court
作者:Leslie Johns,加州大学洛杉矶分校政治学与法学副教授,研究兴趣是国际法和国际关系的交叉领域,特别关注世贸组织的国际贸易争端、外国投资者的财产权以及国际法院和条约的设计;Francesca Parente,克里斯托弗·纽波特大学政治学助理教授,研究兴趣是遵守人权法院的裁决;国际组织的制度设计;国际法对国家行为的影响;从观察数据中推断等。
Scholars commonly argue that international law and organizations promote democracy by helping dictators to credibly commit to accountability, individual rights, and transparency. Yet dictators routinely join treaties and international organizations without transitioning to democracy. International law and organizations can generate asymmetric costs for domestic actors because international rules often apply to both governments and non-state actors, yet dictators can limit how these rules are upheld at the domestic and international level. We argue that dictators are most likely to join such treaties and international organizations when they face strong domestic political competition. We illustrate our argument using the International Criminal Court (ICC), which has extensive powers to prosecute individuals for international crimes, including crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes. We show that ICC investigations and prosecutions have become a tool for incumbent dictators to target their domestic opponents. We examine the implications of our theory for multiple outcome variables, including the decision to join the ICC, violence, and the survival of dictators in power. Our evidence suggests that dictators are most likely to join the ICC when they face strong political opponents and are subsequently less likely to commit violence and more likely to survive in office.
题目:Individuals, Disaggregation of the State, and Negotiation Tactics: Evidence from the European Union
作者:Nicola Chelotti,拉夫堡大学外交和国际治理讲师,研究兴趣集中在谈判、外交和区域/国际组织,尤其是欧盟。
This article intends to investigate to what extent, how, and when individuals who are below the leader’s level affect the processes and outputs of international politics. It does so by analyzing one group of below-leader actors—diplomatic negotiators in EU foreign policy. It first shows how, despite all the bureaucratic layers they are embedded in, individual negotiators have de facto acquired ultimate policymaking responsibilities, most prominently in the selection of tactics. This empowerment of individual diplomats occurs through a process of double state disaggregation: Policymaking responsibilities have shifted from the political to the bureaucratic level; then, within the latter, from the capital-based administration to the officials involved, often in single capacity, in negotiations. Next, it tests three individual characteristics (experience, style, and identity) against an original dataset of 138 questionnaires completed by EU diplomats and 17 interviews. It shows that negotiators’ personal traits explain the use of some, but not all, tactics. Specifically, they are less likely to matter when negotiators have to commit the state in significant and explicit ways, e.g., when threatening/exercising veto. When this does not happen (e.g., showing flexibility in the delegation’s position or using persuasion), the influence of individual characteristics is instead strong.
题目:Organizational Bricolage and Insurgent Group Effectiveness in Cities: The Formation and Initial Urban Campaign of the Movement of the 19th of April in Colombia(1973–1980)
作者:Simon Pierre Boulanger Martel,斯德哥尔摩大学政治学博士后,研究兴趣包括军事组织的政治社会学、政治暴力的遗产以及商业对欧盟政策制定过程的影响。
How do rebel groups form in cities? What makes urban-based insurgent organizations effective? Urban armed conflicts have become an important subject of research due to the political, economic, and demographic significance of cities. Yet, we know little about the mechanisms of insurgent group formation and effectiveness in urban contexts. Building on the case of the formation and initial urban campaign of M-19 in Colombia (1973–1980), this article argues that rebel leaders originating from multiple organizations and confronted with intramovement competition have strong motives to employ organizational bricolage to form their organization. Organizational bricolage shapes insurgent effectiveness by producing structures that are fit for achieving certain objectives but not others. M-19’s organizational bricolage combined the armed vanguard, intellectual collective, and populist party forms. This structure was effective to foster public support but ineffective to establish a robust social base and maintain urban operations under repression. The research employs the analysis of organizational repertoires and process tracing to retrace M-19’s formation and initial urban campaign. Empirical material includes an original dataset comprising M-19 founders’ biographical data, archival documents, and interviews with ex-combatants. Studying how rebel leaders employ organizational bricolage sheds light on how insurgent organizations form, behave, and transform after war.
题目:The Dynamic Effects of UN SEA Reporting on the Actions of Peacekeeping Contributing Countries
作者:Angie Torres-Beltran,美国密歇根州立大学政治学系院长助理研究员(博士后),研究领域为性别暴力的政治原因和后果、国内和国际行为体在暴力问题上的作用以及性别、公众舆论和公民参与的交叉点,重点关注受冲突影响国家的妇女政治行为和发展;Cameron Mailhot, 美国亚利桑那大学政府与公共政策学院助理教授,研究领域为国际安全、和平与冲突进程、国家建设和民主化,重点关注国际社会在国家政治(冲突后和独裁后)转型中的作用。
What effect does sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) reporting by the United Nations (UN) have on the actions of peacekeeping missions’ troop and police contributing countries (TPCCs)? While past scholarship has studied the effect of naming and shaming for states’ human rights records, we examine the relationship between the UN’s reporting on human rights abuses committed by its Member States’ personnel and their policy and personnel responses. Focusing on SEA reporting within peacekeeping missions, we theorize the ways in which the UN’s reporting of SEA may lead to two distinct responses: TPCCs may issue legal frameworks to demonstrate compliance and address SEA, or they may withdraw from peacekeeping missions by reducing their personnel commitments. Using an original, cross-national dataset of UN reporting on SEA allegations and the patterns of framework issuance and personnel commitments among TPCCs (2010–2020), we find that TPCCs with SEA reports are more likely to issue legal frameworks and to reduce personnel contributions than their nonreported counterparts, and that this relationship is particularly strong following the first instance of reporting. With targeted TPCCs demonstrating both greater policy compliance and personnel withdrawal, our findings highlight the dynamic impact that UN reporting for SEA can have on the actions of TPCCs.
题目:The Tyranny of Supply: Natural Resources and Rebel Territorial Control in Civil Conflicts
作者:Jacob Aronson,美国马里兰大学国际发展与冲突管理中心助理研究科学家,研究领域为国家之间以及国家与非国家行为者之间的强制谈判;Kyosuke Kikuta,日本贸易振兴机构发展中经济研究所研究员、教授,研究领域为国际关系和政治方法论,主要应用定量方法和地理信息系统探索发展中国家冲突(例如武装冲突、抗议)的原因和后果;Michael Findley,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校教授,研究领域为政治暴力、国际发展、非法金融、道德和方法论;James Igoe Walsh,美国北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校政治学、数据科学和公共政策教授,研究领域为武装冲突的原因及其对平民的后果。
The logic of territorial control is central to the study of internal conflict. Existing studies consider the consequences of territorial control without answering a critical question: what motivates rebel territorial control in the first place? Territorial control requires careful explanation. While it confers important benefits it is also costly to achieve and exposes rebels to state attack. This paper argues that benefits exceed costs when territorial control provides rebels with a reliable source of organizational supply. High-value lootable natural resources—resources available in abundance that are easy to extract and transport for sale—represent key components of a rebel's supply chain. To test the theory's implications, we introduce new cross- and sub-national time-series data on territorial control in sub-Saharan Africa and couple it with a new dataset of local natural resource values. We use an instrumental variable approach to address core endogeneity concerns. Results both substantiate our theoretical approach and provide evidence running contrary to existing arguments. These findings demonstrate that valuable natural resources, logistical supply constraints, and, more broadly, rebel military strategy, are critically important and need to be incorporated into work on civil war, territorial control, and rebel governance.
题目:Trading with Frenemies: How Economic Diplomacy Affects Exports Get access Arrow
作者:Don Casler,美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校政治系助理教授,研究领域为国际安全;Matthew Connelly,美国哥伦比亚大学国际和全球史教授;Raymond Hicks,美国哥伦比亚大学国际和全球史副研究员。
Trade is inherently risky, involving a commitment problem for both importers and exporters. The former must deal with ex ante uncertainty about whether exporters will deliver the goods or services as promised, while the latter has to identify an importer willing to trade a product. How, then, do firms establish trading relationships, especially in new markets? While both classical and newer trade theories tend to downplay the role of government in trade, we argue that government institutions play a crucial role in resolving this uncertainty. Specifically, export promotion agencies and embassies in foreign countries vet potential trade contacts and head off potential disputes before they get too serious, thus insuring against the basic risks of trade. We expect that this institutional backing will have stronger export-promoting effects on great powers’ trade with economically developing and politically dissimilar countries. Using a large collection of U.S. State Department cables from the 1970s that concern export promotion, we find strong evidence that promotion efforts had the largest effect when economic trade barriers were high and in countries that were politically dissimilar to the U.S. Rather than passively participating in trade, government bureaucrats play a large role in helping firms establish trading relationships.
题目:Border Barriers and Illicit Trade Flows
作者:David B Carter,美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学政治学系教授,研究领域为国际关系,涉及冲突和安全主题及安全和国际政治经济的交叉领域;Bailee Donahue,美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校政治学博士、数据分析师;Rob Williams,美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校政治学博士、数据分析师。
The number of fortified borders around the world has risen precipitously. This surge in walls is an important part of the larger globalization “backlash,” as countries react to the unwanted consequences of economic openness and globalization, with a rise in illicit trade and smuggling being a prominent example. Despite the prominence of the idea that walls are built to combat illicit flows, no research systematically explores how walls generally affect illicit trade. This is a notable omission for at least two reasons. First, the most prominent explanations for wall construction put combating illicit trade front and center. Second, recent work that finds walls significantly reduce legal trade argues that this finding derives from border fortifications diverting illegal trade to ports of entry, which leads to more inspection, security, and transaction costs. We develop a new measure of illicit trade flows using over five decades of product-level data and provide a battery of evidence that shows border barriers increase illicit flows at ports of entry.
题目:Reputations and Change in International Relations
作者:Ekrem T Baser,美国雪城大学麦克斯韦学院政治学系博士后研究员,研究领域为国际关系和政治经济学,理论重点为声誉和信号动态、地位问题以及具有执行力的制度。
Reputations for resolve are critical in international relations for deterring adversaries and reassuring partners. However, a state’s resolve is unobservable and can change unbeknownst to its audience. How does the possibility of unobserved change impact reputation dynamics? I provide a theory of long-run reputations with changing resolve via a formal model covering conflict and cooperation domains. In the model, the possibility that current reputations are based on outdated information makes the audience extend the benefit of the doubt to states with poor reputations. This leads to states building or spending their reputations depending on their current reputations. Importantly, when damaged reputations can be rebuilt, states with better reputations face stronger temptations to spend them. Thus, reputations constrain states with poor reputations the most. Further, because demonstrations of resolve improve reputations, which, in turn, reduce incentives for future demonstrations of resolve, there is a cyclical rhythm to conflict and cooperation. A major implication is that a state’s behavior changes with its reputation even if its resolve is unchanged and the stakes are identical. Reputational enforcement works, but the price is occasional breaches of trust. These results also settle a few long-standing controversies in the IR-reputation literature.
题目:Gender Wars? Diplomacy as a Depolarizing Practice in International Politics of Gender and Sexuality
作者:Monika de Silva,瑞典哥德堡大学政治系博士研究生,研究兴趣为与性别和性相关的政策、国际规范、外交政策实施、背景法律,关注中欧和东欧地区。
To what extent is diplomacy a depolarizing tool of international society? This article proposes a novel theoretical and empirical focus on depolarization in international politics of gender and sexuality. It operationalizes the concepts of polarization and depolarization and integrates them with Self/Other theory in international relations. It puts forward an argument that the logic of diplomacy is, although not unequivocally, compatible with the logic of depolarization. The claim and the application of the framework are illustrated with a case study of gender equality and LGBT+ rights diplomacies in Poland. Based on the empirical findings, the article contends that diplomacy is primarily a practice of depolarization.
题目:Promoting Law Beyond the State
作者:Geoffrey Swenson,英国伦敦大学城市学院国际政治系研究员,研究重点是冲突后重建、国家建设、民主与法治、法律多元化、国际关系理论和对外援助等。
In countries receiving foreign aid, non-state justice systems rooted in custom or religion generally handle most legal disputes. This dramatically influences the prospects of international efforts to promote the rule of law, yet scholars have paid little attention to foreign policy toward non-state justice. This paper explores how the nine largest rule-of-law-assistance providers engaged non-state justice between 2008 and 2018, illuminating the theory behind, and the reality of, donor-state policy. It proposes a new classificatory typology of donor approaches to non-state justice detailing five strategies (denial, acknowledgment, acceptance, transformation, and rejection) and four goals (judicial reform, symbolic recognition, state-building, and counterinsurgency). It then explores how the nine largest rule-of-law-assistance donor states addressed non-state justice through a structured comparison of policy documents as well as case studies of the five donors with the most comprehensive approaches. Donors strongly favored risk-averse approaches, even when this made success unlikely. Certain policy goals—such as state-building or counterinsurgency—sometimes prompted riskier choices, but only with a compelling justification and a reasonable prospect of success. Overall, major rule-of-law donors displayed risk-averse, superficial policy, minimal stakeholder engagement, a failure to grapple with the nuances of legal pluralism, and a lack of evidence to support existing policies.
题目:Developing-Country Representation and Public Attitudes toward International Organizations: The Case of IMF Governance Reform
作者:Daniel McDowell,美国雪城大学麦克斯韦公民与公共事务学院麦克斯韦国际事务顾问委员会教授、大西洋理事会地缘经济中心的高级研究员,研究领域为货币和金融的国际政治,重点关注美国和中国;David Steinberg,美国约翰·霍普金斯大学国际政治经济学副教授,研究领域为国际货币和金融政治;S Erdem Aytaç,土耳其伊斯坦布尔科奇大学国际关系系政治学副教授,研究关注情感极化如何影响民主态度;Dimitar Gueorguiev,美国雪城大学麦克斯韦公民与公共事务学院政治学助理教授,研究领域为比较政治经济学、威权制度。
Several prominent international organizations (IOs) maintain decision-making structures that under-represent developing countries. This paper argues that individuals in developing countries are more supportive of engaging with IOs that give a greater voice to fellow developing countries. We posit that the balance of decision-making power influences support for IOs by improving perceptions of both input legitimacy and output legitimacy. Empirically, we focus on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and draw on original survey experiments in four developing countries: Argentina, China, South Africa, and Turkey. Results reveal that increased representation of developing countries increases public support for IMF participation. We also find consistent evidence that this effect works through an input legitimacy mechanism, specifically by improving perceptions of procedural fairness. These findings suggest that public support for IOs is affected by the balance of decision-making power within these organizations.
题目:Network Context and the Effectiveness of International Agreements
作者:Brandon J Kinne,美国加州大学戴维斯分校政治系副教授,研究政治暴力、国际合作和全球安全。
Why do some international agreements yield more cooperation than others? I argue that the network context of agreements conditions their effectiveness. I focus on bilateral defense cooperation agreements (DCAs), which promote defense activities like joint military exercises, peacekeeping, arms trade, and the sharing of classified information. Because DCAs emphasize ongoing cooperative actions, they offer an ideal setting to assess treaty effectiveness. The analysis shows that when agreements are embedded in transitive “friend of friend” relations, characterized by extensive ties to common third parties, they generate higher levels of cooperation. I argue that this network effect is the result of policy convergence. When states share ties with common third parties, their own policies become more closely aligned, and this alignment in turn reduces the costs and increases the benefits of cooperative actions. The theory and findings developed here apply to a wide array of cooperative interactions across multiple issue areas. The effectiveness of international agreements depends on network context.
题目:International Conflict, Border Security, and State Capacity: Case of British India
作者:Jeongmin Park,美国普林斯顿大学国际关系博士研究生,研究国际冲突的分配后果,重点关注基于性别的排斥政策。
The dominant approach to war and state-building attributes state development to wartime growth of extractive capacity. Yet we know little about the administrative foundation through which extractive capacity is increased spatially, beyond the central policy level. Using railways as an example of a state-building asset, I revisit the role of external threat on state-building, with evidence drawing upon detailed historical data from nineteenth-century India during a crucial period of Anglo–Russo rivalry. I find that conflict with Russia led to expansion of railways in the Northwest Frontier bordering Afghanistan, the buffer between British India and Russia, which led to improved performance of local tax administrators. The findings suggest that external conflict promotes state development through provision of logistical networks enabling greater administrative efficiency in geographically distant frontiers.
编译 | 邹梓轩 林怡娉
审校 | 周杼樾
排版 | 李琬莹
本文源于《国际研究季刊》(ISQ)Volume 68, Issue 3 (2024),本文为公益分享,服务于科研教学,不代表本平台观点。如有疏漏,欢迎指正。