谁知道,这一倒腾就是一年半!和疫情一样漫长!一年半是什么概念?就是548天住在建筑工地上,只有楼下一个小小的卫生间几人共用。期间,多少次因为装修的不同意见争吵,恐怕邻居都听腻了。曾经以为跨国婚姻分居两地最艰难,现在才知道原来朝夕相处才是最艰难!2021年,不想吵了,既然在疫情期间排除万难飞回他身边,一些装修的细节就马虎算了,随他折腾吧。为什么吵?两个水池,有必要吗?洗澡换下的衣物往哪里放?地热,有必要吗?室内有暖气,全年室温18度。冲淋房的门可以不朝那边开吗?…… 反正我的任何一个质疑,对他来说就是对他的否定,伴随而来的都是争吵,他不接受不同意见,非常固执。再加上很多环节他自己也没有做过,就跟着网上的视频边学边做。去年年底我飞回国五个月,原指望该装修得差不多了吧,何况他还指天划地地发誓一定可以在我回来之前装好。结果,他发现一处有问题,重头再来,卫生间又回到我飞回国前的状态。
remove the old electric shower and the plumbing connections
remove the old floor board
电工 reconnect some of the electrics
make a new hole through the main wall for shower waste
make a new hole for ventilation
make a new plumbing for the new shower
electrics for the new ventilation
plumbing begins to take shape
new towel radiator support brackets
put on the new sink brackets and plumbing
put some insulation down and new sink support
put on the new sink with the drawers
new toilet flush system with rain water and back-up main water connection
cut cement boards
put down the new cement boards on top of the floor boards
protect the joints with floor primer
mix up the tile cement
begin to lay down the tiles
start to grout
still grouting
finish the tiling and grouting
get ready for painting the ceiling
sanding the ceiling first to make it smooth
put on PVA for waterproofing
install some electrics, plumbing and internet data cables
electrics and data cables work
fit new cables
cut and fit the new toilet housing
retile the wall
seal the bottom of the toilet
plastering the wall
sanding the wall
remove the damaged tiles
fit the new tiles
grout the new tiles
seal the bottom of the shower
fit the shower enclosure
fit the second sink
no electric mirror on the wall yet
two sinks in one bathroom
new cabinet
install a sensor, new LED ceilng lights and shower ventilation
paint the ceiling white
paint the wall grey
install the illuminated and demisting mirror