共找到 223 条记录
文摘   2024-10-02 17:59   广东  
无头僧 Headless Monk三弦三弦,郁愤难言。势败奴欺,羞到佛前。忧困忧困,仇生于恩。风遮沙掩,真假谁辩。Sanxian, sanxian, grief and r ...
文摘   2024-10-02 17:54   广东  
黄袍员外 Yellow-Robed Squire锦袍丝绦飘晃晃,长嘴怪相目有光。兴来醉酒卧荒冢,剑甲长,亮欺霜。In silken robes that flutter b ...
文摘   2024-10-02 17:50   广东  
石中人 Man-in-Stone失意莫谈得意事,得意莫忘失意时。一念贪私令智昏,步步嗔痴是为执。When fortune fades, speak not of past ...
文摘   2024-10-02 17:46   广东  
黄风大圣 Yellow Wind Sage千里黄风万里沙,八百方圆无人家。半妖半仙谁评说,是盗是圣何足挂。Endless yellow winds, sands stret ...
文摘   2024-10-02 17:42   广东  
蝜蝂Fuban甲坚牢,角峥嵘,钻食人间祸无穷。佛头竟是不祥物,一面苦萨一面虫。Armored strong, with horns that rise,Burrowing ...
文摘   2024-10-02 17:34   广东  
小骊龙 Black Loong血口铁髭须,瓜锤双双提。电光激造化,风雷振玄机。With iron whiskers and devouring lips,Twin hamm ...
文摘   2024-10-02 17:30   广东  
石敢当 Shigandang苦海无边浪,只渡有缘人。雨后三千土,灯前一点尘。In the sea of bitterness, harsh winds bring the ...
文摘   2024-10-02 17:24   广东  
石先锋 Stone Vanguard山以石为骨,石作土之精。背岩屹嶝嶝,躯壳耸青云。Stone forms the mountain's bones, firm and t ...
文摘   2024-10-02 17:20   广东  
虎先锋 Tiger Vanguard威凛凛,气堂堂,花身电目逞凶狂。腥风血雨起杀意,铜头铁尾镇四方。Majestic and grand, with a fierce di ...
文摘   2024-10-02 17:15   广东  
“虎先锋” “Tiger Vanguard”啸聚夯气力,化石又奇袭。赤胆忠良将,簪缨老剥皮。Gathering strength with a mighty roar,Tr ...
文摘   2024-10-02 17:11   广东  
疯虎 Mad Tiger黄风邪入境,兄弟乱阋墙。父仇不得报,并底落平阳。咆哮透山岗,装样软心肠。行事总半道,志丧命也丧。Yellow wind invades the la ...
文摘   2024-10-02 17:07   广东  
百目真人 Gore-Eye Daoist怪人背生囊,一杆血灵杖。颠颠还跳跳,百目透红光。A strange man with a lump on his back,And ...
文摘   2024-10-02 17:03   广东  
虎伥 Tiger's Acolyte刀客竟何去,回首泪潸然。狂风扫碛北,凄凄复单单。草访村舍空,尘迎恶鬼还。谁知莲心苦,梨儿腹内酸。Where has the swords ...
文摘   2024-10-02 16:59   广东  
石母 Mother of Stones事有机缘刚凑巧,命若蹭蹬总归空。莫以本事论英雄,且看眼前造化功。As fate aligns, chance plays its pa ...
文摘   2024-10-02 16:43   广东  
沙大郎First Prince of the Flowing Sands无毛力更强,秃皮腰板壮。疯魔藏山底,阴沟作大王。Hairless, yet strength pre ...
文摘   2024-10-02 16:39   广东  
沙国王父子 The Royal Family of Flowing Sands聪明老子糊涂儿,一个算计两个呆。阵上父子谈何情,相父逞奸跑得快。A foolish son, ...
文摘   2024-10-02 16:33   广东  
地狼 Earth Wolf月黑风高夜,恩仇相报时。善怪犹可近,恶人不可亲。On moonless nights with winds that cry,The time f ...
文摘   2024-10-02 16:28   广东  
小灵芝精 Lingzhiling林深松乔下,山青水秀间。专护山中友,强采刀枪见。Deep in the woods, beneath the trees,Where mou ...
文摘   2024-10-02 16:25   广东  
狸侍长 Civet Sergeant不力事本业,享乐歇幽凉。小儿淘气时,翻脸作虎狼。Neglecting work, indulging in ease,In quiet ...
文摘   2024-10-02 16:21   广东  
鼬侍郎 Weasel Captain通晓故人情,难耐佛灯青。凄凉黄风地,终是作别离。Wise in the guais' wayward hearts,Yet shuns ...